Resolution-PC 89-279~~~, ~. ^ R-~.~'S.2N .~~G a9-279 ~~~ ~ ~ > ~~~ '~' t~``r~~i 4 ~f~t~ ,, .; `~F~ ~~~~' ~1~ ,>~. ;:, A RESOLUTTON OF TFiE F~NAHETM C1TY PLANNING COMMISSIUN ,~f ADOPTING AND RECOMMEND7NG TO THE CZTY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF ''~`' GEt~ERAL PLAN l~.'~IENDMENT NU. 265 ~' I,AND USE ELEhiEN~ ` `:; ;,I WHEREAS, the City Council o£ the Citx ~f Anaheim did adopt the ,,}: Analzeim Genaral Plan by Resolution No. @9R-644, showing r.he ger.eral description and exter~t of k~o~sible futurP clec•elopment wi*.hin the city; and ;`,~; WHEREAS, pursuant to a property owner request for an , menclment to the ~' '~i Land Use E1e-nent of the G~neral Flan, sL-atf prepared a Genera7. Plan Amenz1ment ~ for the study ~rea consisting ~E approx:mately 4.5 acres and indivYdually '~ described as ~ollaws; ~} PARCEI~: Having a fronL-aye of. approximately 128 feet on the east s3de ~f Lemon Street, hav'ng ~ ma:rimurn depth oE approximately 275 feet and be3ng located approximately 200 feet north of the centQrline of Ornngothorpe Av~aue an.d further described as 1730 North Lemon 5treet. PAR~E~B; Cansisting oE twa lots and located at the northeast corner of Lomon Stroet and Oranc~ethorpe Avenue, having approximzt~e frontages of 148 feet on the east side of I~emon Street and 279 fee~ on ~he north side of Orangethor.t~a Avonue, kiavinq a maximum depth of ~ apgroximate].y 275 feat anc] f:tirther described as 75-77 East ~ Urangethorpe Avenue. PA~C~I, C: Having a front;ac~e oF approximately 193 feet on the north side of Orangethorpe AvQnue, havi~g a maxSmuri depth of approximately 275 feet located approximately 324 feeL east of lhe centierline of Lemon Str.eet and further described as 99 East Arangethorpe Av~ilue~. PAP,CEI, F: Iiaving a frontage of. approxfmately 295 feeL• on the nprth sidQ of OrarigetYiarpe Avonue, Yiavinq a maximum depth of approximately 279 f.est and beinq locatied appro~:imately 1,02~ feet east oi the centc~rline of Lemon S~CroeL• and further dc~scribed as 145-151 East OrangethorpH Avenue. WHER~AS, the Planning Depar~ment deemed it appropriate, puisuant to the provisions of the CaliFornia Environmental Quality Act, that there are no significant ~nvironmental irnp~scts and r~~ommencied that a Nagative Declaration be approved; anii 11~17 r -].- PC84-2?4 _ ..... ! ~ '~ ';~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ t r 7 ~nr~i t 1 1 \ r: ~;t WHEEt~AS, the Anaheirn City Planning Cortunission did. hold a public hearinr~ s~t the Anaheim Civic Center, Coancil Cht~mber, ~00 Soutih Anaheim Bouxevar.cl, on November 20, 1989, at X:30 p.m., notice oF said public hearing having been duly c~iven as requi.red by 1aw anc~ in alccordanao with the provisions of the Anatioim Municipal Code, to hear and cansid~r ev3dencQ £or and against said General Plan Amenclmeni: and to investigate and makc~ Eindings ancl reconunendations in coiinection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, a£ter ctue consideration, inspection, investigation and study made by itself:, and aEter due consideration of all evidence and reports ofEered at said her~ring, DO~~ Ii~REBY FIND: 1. That evir7ence was pr~sented substantiating the n~ed for an amUndment to thP Anaheim Genera]. P1an redo3ignating £rom the dxisting GenQral Industria.l 'land use to a General CommArcial de~ignation for Parcels ~„ B, C and F . request. 2, ThaL• no one indicGted their presence in oppositiozi to subjact CAL7:FQR IA ENVIRUNMBNT~Y~ OUALTTX ACT FLNUINGS;. Tk~at the Anaheim City Planna.ng Conunission has reviewad the ~roposal to amend L•he Lar.d Uso Flement af the General Pl~nn from the current d:~4ignata~n ~.f General Zndustri.al to a desiqr~ati~~r. of Gen~3ra1 Commercial land uses on rectangularly-shap~d parcE~ls o!; land cousist:ing of approximah.ely 4.5 ~cr~r~ and individually described A.,s PAR EL ~: having a L•rontage oL• approximately 128 feet on the east side af Lemon Str~et, having a maximwn depth of. approximately 275 feet and being located approximaLely 200 Eeet north oE tne centescline of Urangethorpe Avenue and further deseribed as 173J North Le,non :•treet; PARCEL B: Gonsisting of two lots and located at the northeast corn.er of Lemon StreQt and Oranget:horpe Avonue, hav.in,q approximate Erontaqe~ of 148 feeG on L•rie east sid~ of Lemon Street and 279 feet on the ttorth side of Orangethorpe Avenr.~e, having a maximum depth of. approximately 275 feet and further describefl as 75-77 East OrangQthorpe Avenue; PAR EL : Having a Fr,antage of approximately 193 feet on the north sic~e of OrangetYior.po Avc~nue, haviug tt maximtun depth of approximaCely 27~ fa~t '_ocated approximately 32~ teet east oi the centerline of L~mon Street and tu:ther d9scribed as 99 Fnst Orangethorpe Avenue; PARCE_eI F• Having a£roritaga oi ag~~roximately 295 feet on the norl:h side oP Orangethc~rp:e Avenud, having ~ maxiuiwm depth of approximaL•ely 274 feet and beir.~ located appcor.imately 1,024 F~ei: ~rast ~f ths centorline of Lemon Street and further described qs I45-151 Esst Orangethorg~ Ave:~ue; and approve the Nacxative Decl3ration or. tlie basis tiia*. it kias considered rhe propo~ed Neg~tive ~eclarati~~i Cogother ~with any comments ~c~.^.eived during th~ public roview process and further Finding on t}ie basis of the Initial Study and any comments recaived thst there is no substantiu]. evidence th~t ths p.ro~ect will ha~~ a significant eEfect on tha Qnvironment. NOF'l, TH~REFORE, BE IT RESnLVED, that pursuant to the r~bove ~:inding.;, the Anahaim City Planninq i,ommission cloes hereby adopt and reccmmend to the CitX Ccuncil of f;nQ City af Anaheim a~3o~~tion of• General Plan ~mondmer,t No. 265 - Lanc] fJse k~lemRnt - ExhihiY. A to redeaigna~e from the existing General Industr3~1 dosigna~ion to a designatian o[ G~neral Commerci~l. for Parr.e~ls A, I3, C and F. ~r~ -2- PC89-279 ;~~ ,: ,, '~~6~mr4r.w.as~t~t~e~~.~xt~unASa,w:w~.::~a~...,. , . ,. . , ;_. , ,~a D,. ~4~1t~! w ~ ~j~1~}ef7~'K'G~AH:6`n~7f~!4x:~~~4S11~C!~.,f;;it:~`~Y~'Sii~h-"?1'"~}Wv,i}.,..i!~:7.~,a.,~~~;~'~~~ii~~*~,Vy,"~y ~~~.~%lAril~ly'~~i(Mi`d'1}'~YwR12~~(Ilikrt~tfr~.c')1i1~:hi'w'~'~!'V31{'!iYdli+~iY'~~f'47~~'At~+iT~~l~~~',~~~%~ • 6 t, , ~ ' . , . , s , a 3~~ .? .~ a < <<. ~~ ~S~9ti'~a'~' , "~ ~ ; , ~ rhy~ ,~j~yy~ 1 ~~'~t . ~'~I ' i;'~XSS~ . . . . ~ r ~:~~,v . L{) ' . .. ~ ,: f!-{ ~ ~ T~3E FpREGOING RESOLUT•ION is signed and ap~roved by md this 2Qth '`!~' day a~ hTovember. 1989. ~J ,`~ ,ry ~ ~~ ~.. t T ~ ~.'C AIRh1~N. A1dAHE CITY PL ING COMMISSTON '~ AxTEST: r' r , - '-- .~ SECRFTA Y, ANAHETM CITY P~ANNING COMMISSION STATE 0~ CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s~. CTTY' OF ANAHEIM ) I, ~dith L. Harris, SecrQtary of tho Anaheim City Planninq Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing rPSOlution wa5 passed and adopted at a meeting of th~ Anaheim City Plannir~a Commission held on November 20, 1989, b,y the following vote of the members thQreo,f: ~''~ AYES: COMbfTSSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, FELDTiAU'S, HELJ~YER, FYF.RBST, ~ MC BURNEY, MESS£ 'C NOES: COMMIuSIO~TFRS: NOVE ABS~'NT: COMMISSIUPiERS: BOUAS TN WITNESS WHEREOk', I have hereunto set my hand this 20th day of November, 1989. '~, - 1 J 'I ~~ -d ~b f SECR~TARY, AN~-FiEIM CTTY QLANNIr1G COMMI.~,STQI~' :l ,~~~ ~~~ ~; :' ~ ~z;:;;;:I •3- PC89-279