Resolution-PC 89-28~i'~'A~~\u f~'~,~~ '-4 ~~k~ '.-'.1 ~_OL~TIQN x9, PC.~$~_2,,,$ A RESOLUTION OF' TFiE ANI~HF.;IM C:ITY rGANN'ItJG COMMISSION THAT f~ETITIOrI FOR REI;LASSIFTCAT20N N0. 8a-8~-29 Bh GItANTED WHERLAS, the Anaheim City Plannang Commigs3on did receive a veriEiod pot3.tion for Iteclassifi.ca~ion fro~n SHIH-YE;N CHIAM, JUI-WA CHIANG, AND btENG--Bh-LIN, P.O. F3ox 3928, Tustin, CA 926a:i, owners, and F~ALDOCK & FLAIE2 ARCFiITECT5, 17780 ~itch, Suite 280, Irvino, (:A 92714, a~ont, o£ cercain real pronRrty situated in ~2ie Cit•y of An~heim, County of Orange, 5tate af Calzf~rr~ia, dQS~ribed as follows: PARC.EL 2 AS SI[OWN QN A MPA FILED IN BOOK 11Z, PAGE 2 ~F PARCEL MAF'S IN TI~E OFFICE OF THE COUNTY FtGCORD~R ~T' ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WIiEREAS, ~he C:Ity Planning Comnission did hold a public: hearinr~ at the Civic CQnter in tha City of Anaheim on January 16, 19F39 at 1:30 p.m., notic~ ~f ~ai.cl p~~blic hearing haviny been duly givan as required by law aUd in accordancu wit}~ the provisions af tre Anaheim Municipal Codo. Chapter 18.03, to hear und consider avidence for ana aqainst said pxo~osod :oc:lass.tSication and to investigate and nake findings and recommendstions in connection therewitn; and said public tiearing was continuad t~ the meeh.ing of January 30, 1989; and WEIEREAS, ~aid i:ommi ssion, after dixe ins7~ection, investigation and stucly rnadQ b} .i~se1L ancl in its be;~alf, anc3 atter due eonsideration of all evidence and re~?>:~s off~red aL• ~aid hearing, does find and determine the Col?.owinq facts: :t. T.hat the petitioner proposts reclassification o~ subject proFerty from tlia RS-A-•43,OU0 (ResidQntial/Agr.icul.tural) zone t~ the ~tM-1200 (ResicienCial, ~:ultiple-Family) or a.l~ss i~tonse zonQ. 2. That tho Anahaim Gen;~r~l '~lan desiqnato~ subjec~ pr~perty for Genera.l Commercial ~lorig Euc2id S'Preot and Meclium Density RQSidential for ~he balance of the propQrty. 3. ThaL• the propos~d reclassiEication oE subjoct p:~operty is necpssary 7nd/or. cl~sirable for the orderly and propor devolopme~t af the community. ~. That khQ proposoci reclaasificaCion of subjecc property does propor].y relate to the zonos ~snd their parmltteci uses locetlly establishe~l fn c1nAe proximity to sub;jcct ~,roperty and to the zcnos and th~:r permitted uses generally ~stablished throughout thQ community. 5. ThuC t:he proposoci reclassifiaation of subjact propQrty requicets the dedication and improvement of abuttinq ~treats in accordance with the Circul~t-ian Element oE Che Genaral ~lan, due Co thQ anticipated incroa~so .En trafFic which ~+il: bo ~enerr~tod by tha inrensification of ,lanA uaa. 0644r -1- Pr89-20 ;;A, . . . ' ~ . . ~ . . . , .,~~1` 1.,1~~ ~ ~ ... ~~'~: ~~'~ ~ ';; ,,;. 6. Th~t no ono ina.~C~r.ea their presence ~.t r~aid public hearing in opposiL-ions an~l that r:; correapondence vlas receive~l in oppoa3Cion to subj~ct pe~it~.on. ~L~FORNIA ENVZRQt~',~NT~j;LQU\L~aT'~t~CT FI DII3~: Thar the Anahyim City P'l~rining Cummission Y,zs revie+rod the proposal to roclas~.ify subject property from the R5-A-4;,000 (k2esaQentaal/AgriculL•ural) zone to i:he 12M-1200 (Itesidential, Multiple-Family) or a Ie,ss .intense zane to construct a 56-unit apartmc~nt complex on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consis~ing of ap~?rox3.matoly 2.J acres l:aving a i:ronL•age of approxi.mately 286 ERet: on the Qast 5i~e of Euclid Str~set, havir_g a maximum depth of approximately 3fi3 feet, and 1~eing l.oc~ted agproximately 290 feE~t north of the cQntorline nf La Palma Avonue :,nd furtl3er describ~d as 1126 North cuclid Street; and does hareby approva the NegativQ Dec;laration upo,i finding tha;. it has considored the 2tegative Dec].aration together with Any comman~s received cluring tne publxc review process anc'i furthQr findiMg on Che basis of the initial study and any commei-t~ received that there is no substant;ial avidQnce thar r_ho project will have a sigi~ificanl• affecr. on tha environment. NOW, THEREFORE, B~ IT RE:SOLVFA that the AnahQim City Plannir.g Commission does hereby ~7rant subject Patition £or Recla~si.ficz~tion and, by so ctoing, that Title 18-Zoning oE tTio A;iaheim Municip,~l Code bc amended to exclu~le the abave-described property £rorn ths+ F2S-A-43,U00 ZotiQ and ~o incorpurate said d~scribed groparty into the RM-120~ Zone upon the follqwing coriciltion~ which are tiereby four~d to be a~-ec~:ssary prerequ+.site to the praposed use ~f subject properCy in orde.r to praserve tho safet~~ and general welfare o.f the Citizens of the City of An~3heim: 1. That street lighting f~cilitiey ~long F,uclad St:rQet shall be installed as requirQd by the Utiliti~s General ManaqQr in accordance with specitications on Lile in Che Office qf ~Jtilities General Manager; or that secur;Ly in the form of a bond, certiLicatQ of deposit, lotter ot credit, or cash, i.n an amount and Eo-m satisfactory to the City og Anahcaim, shalJ. be postod with Lhe City tc~ quarantoe t}ie satisfactory completicn of the above--mentioned improveme;~ts. Said security ;th~tl'1 be posted with the City of Anaheim prior to tha intr.r~auction of an nrdinance rezoning subject propocty. The above-requlred improvpments sha11 be installe~ prior r_o or,cupancy. 2. TZtat the lagal ownar oE subj~ct proper~y sh~ 1 icrevocUb'ly otfQr to dddicate to thv City of Anaheir~ a strip of land f.ifty tt~rc~e f 53) feet in width from the centerline ot tha street along Euclid Street for stroet widaning purposes. 3. ThaL• tlie lRgal owner of subjecl: property shall irrevoc~bly otF~r to dedic.lto to the City u= Anar,~im an additioilal strip of. land along Euclid SLreet, maasurad northerly from the ultim~to riqht-uE-way line at the coxner of. the intersoction of Euclid StreQt and La Palma Avonue, and varying in width from twelve (12) foet for the first thrQe-hundred (300) feet nnd l:hen transitioning fr~m tw~lve (12) f:Qet to 0 feot for tho next three-hunc9rgd (3Q0) foet. 4. Tha~_ a five (5) foot wide public utility aasement along th~ eastern ano -:undrsd fifty (150) feet oY tt~e nocth ~roperty lis~e shall be de8icatod to the Cfty of Ana-'~eim. proof of said r~corded de4fcation shall be suhmitted tco th~s Zoning Aivision. ~ ,; , ;: -2 PC89-2$ ~ ~ ~*""~ ~~,r.i "1 ;l 'r., 5• 7'hat•. a fae shall bo pa3.c~ ~o thn r,itp oE Anaheim for traa planting nlorig Fuc7.ic1 Street in an amaunt as E~~ablished by City Couricil resolution. 6. Thah, prior to introduc~ion uf ~n nzdinaiicc~ razoninc~ subjoc~ praperty, the loqal proparty owner ~hall pr~pare and racord an u.nsubordinated cavenant limitiinq occupancy uf et~ch apartmpnL unit to no more than t:wa (2) pers~ns (other than children under the age oL• two (2) yaars) per bedroom. Said limitalion shall be included in Qarh ].ease/r~ntal agreement. A copy nf tho coven~~nt sha13 be subrr~ittad to and approved by the City Attorney prioi• to rQCOrdat.ion. A copy oL• the r.QCOr.ded covenant shall be £urnish9d to L•ha Zoniug Division. 7, rhat a covenant shall be re ~orded agrc~eing to pro~~•iae i:he renter of eac:h dwelling unit with Tax•ittAn information oLtained from the School Distx•ict(s) pertain.ing k.A possib].e overcrowd~d conditions anci busing s~atus of the scho~l(s) sarving L•he dwellinq uni.t. 8• T}~at nc~~ owner oL yubject pronarty shall submil ~ lettr~r requesting termination of Vari~nce No. 153 ancl 1118 lo the Zuning Division. 9. That prior to the .introduction of an nrdinance rez~ning sixbject propert,y, ConCiition Nos. 1 through t2, above_m~ntianc:c9, sha11 bo completod. The provisionfi or ri~hts granted by this resolution sh~ll hecome null and void by action of the Pl~nning Commission unloss sai~ conditions are complfed wiGh withi2i or.~ (1) year from the date of tk:is rc5olution, o,~ such furthar time as the Planning Commission may grant. 10. Thaf: appr~val of tti~.s applic~tion cr~nstitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extot~t that it complies with R;he Anahaim M~inicipal Zoning Code an~ any uther applic,able City regulatioas. Approval cloes not incliicle any action ~r f.ind.inys as to compliance or a~proval oL• the re~uest regarding any oth~r anplic~ble ordinanr.e, regulation or requirement. BE IT FUftTHER RESOLVED ttiaC tt~e Anaheim City Planning Commission does h~reby find and determine that adoption oE this Resoluti~n is expressly predicated uQon applicant's ~:OmplidtlCt3 wit~i each and a'll of tho cor.clltions hereinabovQ sot tc~rt•2~. Shoul~~ any such cor.ditions, or any part thergof, be declared invalid or unonf.orceable by the fi.nal judgmant of. any cnurt of compstent jurisdiccion, then ~his Resolution, and any appruvals 2ierQin containod, sha11 be dr~emr~d null and void. TH~ FOREGOING RFSOT.,UTION ia signod and approved by me this 3Qth day of Januarl, :L989. ~ '!:• r `/ ,~ i~i' ~ ~1...- ,: ..~t_-_/j=_ :_c.::'~_..---- C;iAIRWOMAPI, ~ AF;EZM CITY PLANNING CJMMISST.ON ATTF,ST: _...' -~~~~ -'-1------~~-- --------- SECRETARY, 1~NAF{£IM ~ITY. PLANNING COI~fI;iSTON -3- PC89-Z8 ^'!""':r~~~a ,sr~~:. :~ /y +.,.,p ...~•pI1_, ~{" ' . . .. . . . ~ . ~ ... ~ ' ' . , . , r - ';. VG~~ ~~y,~I I '"w^~,- ~ 1 ~ k~.~'+r h. J4.V/.T.L'9d/'k~k77iQUUAf"1. ` ~ ~ ~ 49 w .r ~' ' ,~ ~ y ,~ Yj ' ~ '~ ~ r '' ~ ~, . . , ~ ~~;i ti ;; i; ~1 STATE 0~ CAC,IFpHNIA ) CUUNTX OF ORANGE ) Sg~ CITY OF A'NAHEIM ) 1, Edith I,. Fzarris, Secrett~ry of thg Anaheim City Plt~nnit~g Commission, do hereby csrtify ~hat thQ foreguing rosolution was passeQ and adopted aC a moet,ing of the Anaheim Cit! Plann.ing Comm3s~ion held on January 3U, 1989, by h.he Lollowing voto of the members thereof: ~Y~S: COMMIa5Y0NERS: BOUAS, fiOYDSTUN, CAI2USILLO, FELDHAUS, H'~RBST, MC BURNEY, MESSE NUES: COMMISSTOI3E8S: NONE AIISk;NT: COMMISSTONCRS: NO~vE IN' WITNESS WiiEREOE, I ha~o herQUnto set mx hand ~his 30th c'ay o~ J~anuury, 1989, __---.-~~~c'..~_ ,~ / - . uECRFTARX, ANAHEItQ CITy 1~LANNING COMMIS~ION -4 - r°~ :.s PC~9-28 .:~ 'f~? ;1;~. ' •,t~, `.~