Resolution-PC 89-286~ RE$QL.i~~.~,i N0. PCBQ_ 2~f ' - ~ ~ .. . 'lil~~t~~ ! ;~, ~~ A NUNC PP.O TUNC RESOLUTIUrI 0~ 'L'HE ANAHETM CITY PLANNTNG CqMt~lICSION AML•'NDING R~SOLUTION N0. HC89-189 GE2ANT~I? IN CONJUNCTION WIT.Fi CON'D:C'rIONAL U;iE PERMTT N0. 3177 WF3C.tEAS, the Anaheim City Planninq Commission yrant@d Conditional Use Pormit No. 3177 on July 27, 1989, to permit an 8,662-square foot add3tion to an exis~ing 23,532-sqiiare foo~ a~mmercial retail center with waiver of minimum numbdr of parking spaces on proper~y 1oca~ted northoasi: correr oE Orangewoad Avenue and Euc:l.id StreetT and WHEREAS, tho findinqs contained in Resulution No. PC99-189 wRre iucorrecE ancl should be amend~d to their ~ntireL•y to read as fol~ows: 1. That the petitioner requests approval of ~a Condit3onal Use Permit under authority of Code Section tc permit an 8,622-4quare foo:: adc~xtAon to an existing 23,532-square foat commercial retail center with waiver of the ~ollowing under authority o~ Code Section 18.06.080: .~ECTl' N 1_QSL~O~A.022t - M_ i.n3.~r~~~~}~g~~f Dark.iiif7^U.~Cg~• 18 • 06.OS0. 0?~. (~4 requiroct; I~~ proposed) 1$~.~L9~~~ ~~~--=-45~~ 4.~Q ?. That the ro~uested .+aiver is h~reby granL-ed on the basis that thE parkir~g study approv~d by lh~ Czty Traffic ~ngineor ind.icates that peak oarkiny needs for the ~r.oposed usa are at dif.ferer,t timcts Chan other uses in ~ho aentor and also on tha b~sis that no additional fas~ food sexvice facilitie3 or restaurants, boyond thQ existing 4,350 square feot, wil]. bs permi~~ed; and furthor tYiat the parking waiver will not cause an incrRase in ~raffic ~:oiige~tion in the immc~dia~e vicinity nor adversely affect any adjoin.ing land uses and qrantinn oP the parking waiver iinder tne conditi~ns imp~sed, iF any, will not be detrimental to the peace, 2iealth, safety ar.d genc~ral welfare nf the citizens oE the Cit~• of Anaheim. WHEREAS, the California Envir.onm~ntal QualitX Act .finding in ltesolution No. PC89_189 was incorrecC and sh~uld be amended in i~s entirety to road as Eollow3: ~ALIFQRNIA E~IVIRONMENT~+~, 4UAt~~~X ACT~ FzNpY~ ThaC the Anaheim City Plannxng Commi3s3on has reviewed the psoposal to permit an 8,662 squ~re foot retail addition to an exxsting 23,532 square fc-ot comr,~ercial retail center rrith waiver oE minimum number of parking space~ on a roctangalarly-(ihAp4f~ parcel of land consisting of ppproximat~ly 2,4 aares l~cated at the northeast corner of Orangewood Avenue and Guc13d Street, and having approximatv frontages of 300 feet on the north side oE Orango~rood Avenue and 350 feet on the east siQa of ~uclid Street; ~nd does hereby approve tr.o N~aativt+ UeclArat~on upon finding ttlat it haa consiflered the Negativo Declaratian Cogether with any commeuts N0633b PC 89-288 ~6LMAil$:0~ C.'~t f.C!"y,~_.r~ i;,.~ f..~~irer ~ .a~,~ ~ .~. .~i~~'~~~`~~(" vti...yl<~',41't4d~, i r~~,^_a~{ .rm~,~lS~ z r...~ P 7e~!!~'r.~Cl~'~~~~~r:Yit~1~IYl~r;~/'~fNP~~~lF,~"'d;~7X~~4~~(~~.~l~iiitP'7~'1'.~+ r,r ~., i_.V, ,~ ! ~ ~! ' . ~ : v i f i~i, .. ~ h r1= '~~ rf~ ~~"~, S' . . . ~ . i3:'~ ~~ ,~„ ;,, ., r.eroived during the pub].ic reviow process anci further f9.nding an the bas3s of the initia:L st~:dy and any commQnts receiv~d tk~~t there is na subs~ant3al evidence that the p.ruject wi11 havo a sfgna,ficant effect on the environmpnt. WIiEREA,S, Condition Nos. J.3, 18 and 20 contained 3n Rasolutfor~ No. t'C89-189 were incorrect r~nd shou].d be ~.mentled to read as follor~s; 13. Tnat no acldi.tional prepared food service facilities (resta~irants) beyonEt t~ho existin~.j 4,35U sq. ft. shall be permitteQ in this rorrunercial ret~il center unless c~ •varaance for parking is approved by ihe City Council, Planning Commission or Znning Administ•ratar or sufficient code parking is provided. 18. Ttiat subject property shall be develo~ed ~ubs~ant3ally in t~ccordance with plan~ and specifications on file ~,-ith ~he City af Anaheim marked E~chibit Nos. 1 and Z, providod, kiowever, that tho prep~red food servico facilities (restnur.an~s) shall not excesd 4,35Q sq. ft. in a~car.dance with Condition No. 13 herc~in. 20. T~at prior ~~ final builcling and zoning inspect~ans, Condition Nos. ]., 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 17 and 18, abnve-mer,Cionec3, shalY be complied witih. THE FOR~~OING RESOLUTYON ig sigr.ed and appro cl by-• e thi~t 20th dag oE Nov~mber. 1989. .. ,:... j "' ") ~ : ~ ~ CH,IRMAN, ANAHEI CITY PLANPJING COMMISSI~N ATTEST: n~u.~J ~ r ~~ , - -- SECRETA Xr ANA't~EIM CITY' PLANIITSIG CObA1ISSI0N STATE OF CALIFORNIA j COUNTY OC ORAI3GE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) • I, Edith L~. Hmrris, Secretary of the Anaheim City P].anning Commission, d~ hereby cert3fy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheirr, City Plann3ng Commissi~n helcl r~ti November 20, '1989, by the followiiig voL•e of the members tihereof: AYES: CCMMISSION~RS: NOES: COIrII~fIS5I0NERS: AIISENT: COI~~fISSIONERS: I~i V17TNES5 WIiER~OF, I have herounta set my hand khis T.Oth d+~y of Novernber, 1989. ~._ ~ ,~_~ ~ SF,GRFTARY, ANAHEIM CITY PL3i-NNING COMMISSION ~ ~ <' ~.,~; ~•~, '~ ;:~ , . ~~ v~.