Resolution-PC 89-29~~~ x~~r~.r,ION x4.=._~~L-..~2 A RL~SOLUTION OI' TFIE ANA.HE?M C7TY PLANNING CO,tifMI~SION ^.ECO2vIIyfENDING APPROVAL OF GENERAL PL~N AMF.NDMENT. N0, 251 - T,ANfi USF ~'LEMENT WHEREAS, the Cifiy C~uncil of the City of Anaheim did adopL• the A~iaheim General F1an by Resolution Nc~. 69R-694, showing tih~ ganeral description and extant of possible future development of land w~ithin Lh~ City; and WHEKEAS, purrtuant to rece~t ~~oncerns ~xpressed at public hearings bY ~~e FroPerty owner~ in the area regarding density, tho Plann3.ng C~mmission ~ inztiated a General f~lan l~mendmen~ to examine the zmpacts of redesignating the ~tudy area from Medium bensity Residgn~ial to Low-Medium Density Residential on approximately ~•79 qr.oss acres boiinded on L•hQ west by Vine Streert, on the nor~h by t}ic a:iley souLh oP Broadway, on the east by tY~e alley we~t of Rose St;reet, and on the south by the al:le~~ nart;h ot S1nta Ana StreQt; and WFiEREAS, the Planning Department, pursuunt to the Cali~arnia ti Envir~nm~ntai Qualit~- Act, propared a Neqativa Ueclaration in connecti~n with ~ Gener~l P~.an Amenclment No. 251; and WHEHEAS, t:~~ Plazining Commissi~n did hold a public h~aring a*_ the Civic Cente.r in ~he City of Anaheim on January 30, 1989, at :1:30 p.m., uotice oF said public hearing having besn duly yivRn as required by law and in accorciance wxth the provisions of the Anaheam Municipal Code, Ck~aptor lg~p3~ to hear and con~id;~r evidence for and againct said proposed Ameridment to t~he Anaheim General Plan, lLancl Use Element and to investigatQ aad make tindings and recorrunQndations in con:~ection there~vith; and WHER~AS, said Commi~sion, after due inspecL•ion, irivestigation and stiudy maclo by itselE ~nd in its behalf, and after du~ consic~eration ~F all evidence and reports offered af: said hcaring, DOES H~KEBX FINU; 1. That ev.i~9ence was presentecl which substantiated the need For an amendmez~t to the Analiei.m General Plan at this time. Z• xhIIr ~xhibit A redesignat:ing the area from Medium Density Residen*ianl tc Low_Medium llensity Residenti3l is appropriate and should be ap~~roved. =3. Tkiat the study ar~a is locaL•ed within the Community Development Hloc Grant Central City NAighbhorhood Target ArFa and the Housing Dfvision .indi.-~~Q~i tliat a lower density designntion would hava no effecr on LhP Commiiniry Development B1ocY. Grant Progzam that is cur.rently i~nd~r•;~ay within the study are~a. 4. That a lowc~r c1~n,s.il:y would reducQ demands f~r publi.r. s~rvices. ~ ~. That twelv~ (12} ~ersons indicated their pr.asonce in favor of subjec~ r.equ~st. , N0366b - 1 - PCa~-29 ~ . ~ ::f . . , ~ ~ , . . . ~ `,:\ P- 1~- ar 4 ;jti~~~ ;.~5:; ~ ,'24 , ~~ ~ ' 7i r5 Y f .. . , ~ . ~ i: ni'~.r' i i H ~~ !~;~i i v~+ r'4 ~~i ~~'a 1~1,{Pj, .. . . . . . ~ ~ , . .. . {.~..} ..~ . . . t~~E~~~l ' .~ALI.F_QRN~A_ EN~zRQ27MENTAL Q(JALI'~ ~•~,T rIND_ TNGe 'That thca Arzaheim City F~lanning Commission has raviewed the ~,roposal to amend the Land Use E].emenC of ttie Gnneral P1an to rodesiqnP.te the study aroa tr~m the current Mediurn Density Residential designation to L'ow-Medium Dansity Residential lanc~ uses and the study area is rectangularly-shaped and consists of approximakely ~ ~.79 gross acres bouraded on the west by Vine Stroet, on the narth by the a11a south of. Broadway, ~n tho east by the alley west ~f Ros~ Street, and on the south by the al.ley nor~h of Santa Ana SLreei:; and dues hereby a~provc~ the Nsgative Daclarat.ion upon findang that iC has considered the Nega~ive DeclaraL-ion t~gethQr w.i~n any coirunen~s recezvecl during tho public review pracess an8 Eurrher finding on the basis of the Initial Study und any cammonts receivr~d thaC there is no substantial evidence L-hat the project will have a signi£icant eftocC pn the environment, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R~SOLVEA that pursuant to the foregoing L•inciin~s, ~he Anahei.m City P~,annang Corrunission does liereby recommend tha~ the City (:ouncil ap~,~rove General P1an Amendment No. 251, E:~hi.bit A, redo~ic~nating the area L•o L~w-Medi~.un Dens.ity Residenti.al. THE FOREGaTNG RESOL,UTION is signed and appraved by me this 30th ~lay oF January, 1989. `~;i;~~`Lt~~ •~~i~'i!.1',.2.~~ CHAIRWO~ A'PT~ST: ANAETETM CITY Pl'.,ANNING COMMISSION -- -:~.~_`' -~~x ~..~~ SFCRETARY, AN,}~,);Etbt CITY PLANNING COh4•fISSrpN STAT~ OI' CALTL~'ORNIr~) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Ss, CITX OF ANAHF.T.M ) I, riditti L. Harris, Secratary of the Ana2~eim City Plar~ning Commiscion, do hereby certify that the Euregoin~ r~sol+ition was passed and t'lGIOpC3CI at a mee~.ing of the Anaheim Ci~y Planning Commission held on January 30, ~.989, by the following vote of th2 member~ thereoE: AY~~: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, II~YDSTUN, CARUSILT~p, FELDHAUS, HERDST, MC BL*RNEY, MESSE NOES: CONA4ISSTUNERS: NONE A13SENT: COMMISSIONERS: NQNE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hr~reurito set my hand this 30th day of January, 1)8g, ~z.~____~° . SECRFTARY, AidAHEIM CITY pLANNTNG CQhIIMtI~SION -2 • PCSg-2g !~~ ~'r i~ ':~ ~ . \,I i~ ~ y ~ ~ ' ~ - . . , . ~ ' . .. ~: J,~-;".: