Resolution-PC 89-3„M , , , . . ,y ~,~4' '~.~;1 ~ ;;' ~~.+;, :;'' fiES~Q~,UTIQN N~~2 A HESOLliTTOPt c~F THE ANp.F;gIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN , THAT PETITION FpR CONDITI~NAL US~ PERMIT N'0. 310~ $~ ~g,~xED WHEREAS, the Anatieim City Plannin ~ Petition for Conditional ~ ~~~~ssion did r~ceiwe a Antonowii:sch ~se Permit fsom Jumes I;, ,~nY.onowitsch veriiiPd ,:. . 12341 Gi:bRr~ r cer;;ain real ''~re~~~ Garde:~ ~7zd KatYzleen , property siLuated in ~hA Grove, CA 92641, oc,mers, of California, described 3S; Cit~• of Anaheim, C~ur1C~• ~or. of. Orang~, State PARCEI, l THE EAST %". UO FEET Ol TIiE NOI'~TH 270 FEET Ok' 'r~~ NORTFiEAST QUARTER OF THF NOHTHWEST QC.IARTEI2 OF TH~ ,NORTFIEAST QUARTER OF SFCTION 22, IPI TOWNSHIP 4 SUUTFi; RANGL 10 WEST, ~N THr '~AIdC'Fi0 SAN ~TI1A~N ('I~~TpN DE SANTA ~~. AS PER MAP R1~~COkDED IN BOOK 51, PAGE :l0 Ofi i MISCEL,LANEOUS MApg, rN g'HE R~CORDrR OF SAYD CUIPNTY. OFFrCE OF THE COUNTY PARCEL Z LOT H IN ~gACT N0. 1758, AS PEF MAP THERFOF RECORDEL, _TN BOOIC 53. PAGE~ ~9 ANL 20 Uf' MrSCEL,LAP7E,'1~75 MAPS RECORbS C~F SAID COL..'TY.. 4vHEREAS, the C.i t . ' ttle Civic CentQr } Planning Comrn~,ssi~n din p~o~~~ ~ in the C',zLY og 1~naheim .publ3c hearing at no~ice of said ~u~lic heazin dn sanuary ~, ~,ggg at 1: acco~dance with 9 having been duly qiven as rs 30 p'm" the prc,visi.ons ot the Anaheim Munici a1 Code, ~r~ ~,~r ~~ hear and consider evidence for ar,d again.st said ~ ired by 7aw and i:i permit ar.:i to invesCxgate and make f.indin s and p g ~8.03, propo~sed canda.~ional use therewit;h; and 9 re~cornmendations in connection WHERE;AS, said Commission, aft~r ~ study made by itself and due in.spectipn~ xnvastigation an~ ' evidence ii1 .its behalf, anc~ agLex due ~ansideration of ~ ~o.llowirig fact;a: a~a and xep~lts ofterpd at S~ia hea.ring, does £inci and determinQ Eh~ 4 1• That the ~roposed use is proper.l ~ use permit is auth.c~r~,zed Y~ne for ~vhi.~h a conditional ~,, by Anaheim Munici al Coda } permit a 16-bEd aii:ohol r~habilitation ~ Section 1Fi.21.0„O.I residence t,;itiz rra.ivers of the following: ~ ~U ~o , center in an existing single-~amily ~~', ~A~ ~E~TtONS 1a,~, p~ _ ~ ~nd_ 18. 21 0¢5.;4~ x~ :ire impr2v_eman~-Q-~~kin arPa. ~~.-.~?ns required; 'sai,~Pmont' ~B) ~ECTIOIv" 18`2Y plop°~~~) 'i==- .~063 , 0?0 _ Ninimum side ~ara ~ett,ack. , ~?4 fe. .g~r required: F~~ existing and praposQdj f:,`' _ _ . . ~~ ~e,~: U603r ~~- ,r;: _ 1 _ ~~~;, ~ ~'C 89-03 ~ ~~`'~ ~,; ~ 1:~; ~~ 4 r~ , ;j; , ~ . 'l~ll~~~ - __ . .~ . ..x.. . • ~ . . . ~ . , 1 ~!;~.~~~ ' ~ ~~ ~~~1:~ i ~ 2. T)-at ttie ragueatecl wr~ivers aro heroby granted on L•he br~sis thot L•her~ ar~ ~pecial circumst~nc~~ applicablo to thh pr~perty 3uch as s3ze shape, topography, ].oc~tion rand ~urrnuttdinga which c~o not apply , to otli~c idenCinally zoned Qroperty in t2ie same v3cini~ys anc~ that strict app]..icat3on oi th~, 7.oning Cud~ dGprives tho property of pr3viloges un;~oyed by okher propertiQS in l-.tie identical zone and class~fSc;ation fn th~ vicinity. 3. Th~t t:ie pro~osed use will nc~t ndveraely aff.ect thc~ adjoining lancl uaes and the growth and deve:opment ot the area 3,n which it is propoged ti0 hP, ZUC~EttQCI. 4. That the si•r.e and shape of t:~.~ aite propos~d ior thc~ use is adequate to aliow the fu11 devnlopmenr of the proposed use in a m~snn~r not detrimental h.o the particular area nor to the peur,e, health, safety and general welfare oC the Catizens of 'the City of Anahei.m. 5. ThaC the gra~iLing of the Conditional U~e Permit vncler the conditions imposad, iF IITIy, will not bo datrimental to tho p9ace, ha~lth, safety and genernl welfare of the Citizens of the City c,f t-nAheim. 6. That tho Craffic cfie,nerated by the proposed use will not ,impoae an undue berden upon the streots and highways d~signed ana imFroved to carry thQ traf~ic fn the areu. 7. That no one indicated their presonce s~t snid publia ;~earing in opposition; and L•hat no corresoondonca was received in ~pp~ .tiox~ to tho subjocl: pQtition. ~LI~.22~1311.Y11'n!r.~.Q.~`1I`1~NTAL_~~,STY ~~T_ FINUZNG; That th~ Anaheim ~ity P~anning Convrtission }~as reviewed the proposal to permft a 16-bec~ alcoh~l rEhabilitation cs»tor in an axiting single-family residc~nc~ with waivers of required ~mprov~ment oL parkinq a:ea and minimum sid~ yard 8atback on ~ rectangularly--shdped parcel ~f 1Qnd consiatin~ of approsimately Q.37 acre located at the aoutheast c~~rne; of f3a11 Road axid Claremun~ Strc~et, havfnq approximt~te frontages of. 75 fQet on the south side of Hai1 Road a~~d 2~0 feet o:t the east sida of Clarem~~~it Street, and further describc~Q as 222 West Ball Road; and does 2±ereby approvs ~he llegative Declarztion upon fiadiny that it has c4nsidored the Negat:ive Declaration toqether wfth any comments receiv~d dur.ing the public revieN ~rocess and further ffnding an tk-e basis of the initial study and any cortunen~s recQived that there ls no substantial evfiience tha~ the project Kill hs,ve a significant effecr cn the environment. NOW, THBREFO:2E, BE xT RESOLVEd th~t t.t~e Anat~e.im City Planning Commission Qoes hereb~- grant subject Potition for Conditio~na~ Use Permit, upon the folloainq conditionrs which nro horoby found to be a neaessary prerequisito r,u the praposed uss oC tho sub~QCt propertx 3n ardor to preaerve tl:e safoty and genera? ael~arE of the Citizons of the ~ity ~f Anaheim: l. That pr.~or. to issuance u~' a building pormit, the approprfate traPfic signol asae~9ment fee ahall be paid to ~he City ~f Anahelm in an tvnount as satabli~shod by City Councl~l resalution. -2•- PC fi9-03 ,a ~ a . _ ... ::~~F~ ', f4~y1 `,'; ~'~ 2. 'rha~ tho logal own~r of subject pro~erty shall irrevocably offer tu dedlcate ta the City of Anahexm ~ strip of land f3fty throe (53) feat fz- width from the centc~rl3no at the str.eet along Ba~l Roe.d includi:~q a fifteer~ (15) fooC radius cornvr return for streat: w,id•~:ii.ng purposes. 3, ThRt the vohicular access rights to Bttl1 Road ohall be dedica~ed r_~ thv City of Anahe,im. 4. Th2.t sidewalks, i~cluding a hAnclicap ramp at the corner, shall be in3tall~d along Bail Road as raquir~d by the City Enqxneer and in accordctnce with standard plans and speci£icatiuns on file iu ti?,~ OfFico of. the City Engineer. 5. That curbs and ~utters shall ba r.epairQd along Claremont Street a~ requir~3d by th~ C.ity Engi.neer and in accordance with standard plans and spQCifi.cations an file in the Office of the City Engine~r. 6. That the exisCi~ig drf.veway on Ball Foad shall be removed anci replace~ with staiidard curb, c~utter, sidewalk and l~sncis~;aping. i. That as rec~uired by the City Traffic Engir~QOr, the vahicular access gat~ to Claremont Street st-all be op~3n during the day and srall pr.ovide for a mznimum twenty (20) f.oot r~ide clrivaway. 0. That stroet .lfghting fsc'.:lities along Dall Road and Clare~nont Stroet shall be installed as requirr.~,d by the UY.ilities Goner~,l Manager in acc~rdance with speci£ications on 'filn in the 4ffi.ce of Utilities General Manager; or that security in the form of a bond, corL•i~icate nf deposit, lerter af cxedit, or cash, in an amount and f~rm sa~isfactory ~o the City of Anaheicn, shall be posted wit}, the Cfty ta guaranCee tha satiafactory completion :,f the ar,ove-ment.~oned improvsments. Sa~.d sec«rity shall be postod wi.th tha City uE Anaheim prior to issuance o~ a building permft. The above-requi.red improvemonta shall be installed prior t:, commenc4ment of the activity authorized by this rdsol~tion. 9. That a Pire alarm sysl:Am ancl a separute moana of egress from the ser.ond f.l~or sha11 be inst~lled, as req4ired by the City Piro Lepa.rtment. 10. That subject facility shall be limited ta a maximum of aixteeu (16) clienCs. 11. That a fQe shall ba paid to the Cit.y ~f Anahraim for ~roe ~.lanti.ny rlong Ball Road and Claremonk StrRet in an amount as eskablisi-ed by City Council resolution. 12, Tha~ trash :~torage aro~s shall ba provided and maint;.:ned in a 2acation ~cceptable to the Street Maintenanco t~nd Sanitr~tion Division and in accorda»cn with approvecl plans on file with aaid Division. 1J. 'Chat ;~11 air conditioning facilities an~ other roof and ground mounted Q~uipment shall bc~ properly shielded f.rom view and the sound btsffe:ed from ~ aii;jacent reaidential prnperties. 1 '~' PC 89-03 , ~ m^~ w ~+;~ir ',,~!I ,~ :,y;,, ~~ 14. ThaL• ~h~ pr~posal ~hall cempl,y wi~h all signing rdquiremonts of the RS-A~43,OQ0 Zone, unless a var~ance ~liowing ~ign wai.vers is approvec~ b~- t:ho Gitiy Council, Planning C~mmission r~.r Zaning Admin3stra~or. :15. That ~+ny pro~o~ed parkin~~ area lighting ,Eixtures ad7r.cenC ko t~ny residenl~ial proper.ty shall be cloc,rn-1.ighted wi.th a maximum lleighk oE twelva (12) feet. Said lighCinq flxfures shall be direcl•ed away from a~jacent residenttal property lines to pro~ect the residential integrity oP the area. 16. That the on-sito landsc~ping slzt~ll bo maintained .in c~mpllance w31:h City s~andards. 17. Tha~ subject pz~operty sha11 be dovelopod subsrantially in accordance with plans and spec:ficaLioris on file with tYie Ci.ty of Ayarieim marked ~xtiibit Ncs. 1 nnd 2. 1A. Z'hat prior to commencomQnt of the actfvity auth~rized by t-his I resolution, prior Cn issuance of a bt~ild:ng pc~rmit, or within a peri~d o~ ~ne yeaa• from rhe date oE this ~osolstion, whicht~ver occurs Lirat, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 8, and 11, abovQ-mention9d, shall be compli~,d witri. Extension;, for further time to compleke said conditiuns may be gr.anted in ~ccurdance with SecCiun 18.03.C90 of the .,naheim Munacipal Code. 19. That prior to L•he commencQment of the activity auttiori2ed by this ros~lu~in:~, or final building and zoning inspections whichever occurs firsY., Condition Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, p, 9, '12, 13, and 17, ~bovo-mentionad, shall be complie8 with. 20. That approval ~f this applicati4n constitutcs approval of the prnposed request anly t.o the ext~rnL• that it complies w.ith the Anaheim Municipal T.oning Code and t~ny othRr applicablA City requlations. rpp~oval claes not include any action or find3.ngs as tn compli~nce or approval of tho raquest rQgardir.g any other applicdble ~rdinance, regula~ion c+r requirement. BE 1T FURTF~ER RESUI,V~D that the Anuheim City Planninq Commissiqn ~3oes her~,by 1'ind an3 determine that adoption o~ this Resolution is expressly prQai~;ated up~n applicant's compliance with e~ach anu all of. the conditiona hQreinabove set forth. Should any such conditions, or any part t2xoreo£, ~e declared invalid or unenforc~:able by ttie final judqme:nt of any court nE co~npatent juri.sdiction, tyen this Resolution, and any s~pprr~vals herein ,'I con~ained, aha12 be ~Qema~l null anc~ •,r~i8. TFiE FOREGOING RESULUT:[ON is signed ~nd ~pprnved by me th:s 4th dal of Jar~uary, 198y. ~~. - , . CHA2RWOMAI~, ANAHEIM CITY F-GAtJNING COh~:ISSTGN AT~EST: ~ ...__ ~-l~___,~-"-~~~o _ SRCRE:TAR , aIJAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION iF ~:~ ~ Y, :'~~~ ,~~ STAT~ OF CALI~ORNIA ) COUNTX OF ORANG~ ) ys, CITY OF' ANAHETM ) T~ Edith G. t:arris, Socretary oi ti~e Anaheim Cft:l Planning Commissfon, do hereby certiL•y *hat ~?~~ foregoing resolutton was ~~a~sed and adopted at g ~ne4tin~ oi the Anahoim City Ptanning Commission held on Janu~ry 4th, ].989, by th~ ~ullowing v4~Q oL the memher.s i::~~reof.: AYES: COMMISSIONEI2S: IIOt7AS, f~OYDSTUN, C;;yh~;;?LLO, FELDHAUS, IIERBST, MC BU:2NEY, MGSSE N4RS: COD4fISS1U.?E?RS: NONF AHS~N~: COMMISSIONER„e NONE IN WTTN~SS WHEREpg, I h~~ve hereunrc, set m~ hand this 4th day uE ~7anuary, 19ag. c ~~ _ --~-~~-- ~`'~~-~~:. SECR~TARY, AN~HG~M CTTY P~qNttTNG COMMISSTON '; ;i , ~; ~. ;, ~ ,',` ,-,; ~7 ;:~i ~i v i, . n ~ °5- PC Fi9•-03 :;,;;: `- + ~;~;. . ;it y , .~,..,'~'s~'i~ 7 ~447= , ~I~~ ,~iJ~ '.'' ,f ~ ... ~~~~,1~! ' _~ :;~~ :~%'tl