Resolution-PC 89-309~'~ I!~~1 ., , i ~,i~}~'`~~ , .~'~Y ', ~~'y,1'i ~ ~ . ~ ~;i'~J '; ~~ r~ES r., 1'I~:7 N0. PCBg_3Qa ' A RESQLUTION OF ~HE ANAHE:LM CITY PLAN'NTNG COI~SISSTqbi ADOPTiNr, AND RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOpTION OF GFNGRAL PLAN AMENDMENT N0. ?74-1 WFi~ztEAS, the City Counc?1 af tho City oE Anaheim did adopt the ;; Anaheim General Plan by Resolutiian tdo, G9R••644, show,i.ng the gon~ral ! doscr:i.p~ion and extent of possible future dQV~lopm~nt within thQ city; and ~~ WliEezEAS, pux•suant l-o a P].anning Commission request for an am~rndment to the Land Uso Element of th~ Genera:l Plan, 3.n conform~nce with Sea~ions 18.03.U50,05 and ). oE the AnahEim Municipal Code, staff prep~rec? a Gonoral Plan Amendmexit to redesignate Erom Che existin? I~Sedium DensiCy ', Residential designatlon to a Low-Medium Densit1 Rasidentia~ designation for ; thc~ Study Area 1 consisting of approximataly I.38 acres generally bounded by ; South St:reet to the north, Anaheim aou].evard to the e~st, Valencia Avenue to the sc~uth and Lemon Strr~et to the west, excepting th~ northerly 330 feet and ~+ ` the aasterly 160 ~eet; and E ~` WFiEREAS, Che Nlanning Department rned it appropriate, pursuant to ~~ the provisians of the California Euvironme, Qualit Act, siyniPicant environmenta'1 impacts and reca-m~~ended th t a Negativet Declaration be approvQd; arlcl WYi~REAS, the Anaheim City Planning Cornmission did hold a publia hearing at the Anaheim Ci~ic Center, Council Chamber, 200 South ~ia~~ei.m Boulevar.Q, on December 4, 1'~89, ak 1:30 p.m.~ notice of 5~id publir, hearing having ;ooen luly given ns r~quired by law anci in accor.dance with the provisions of the An~hoim Municipa]. Code, t~ heax and consi.d~r evidenco for and against ~aicl Ganeral P1an .Amendment tsnd to invQ~~igat~ and maice findinqs az-d recAmm~ndations in connection ~herewi~h; and WHBREAS, said Commission, a£tar due can~ideratioYi, inspection, investigatinn and study made 2~y itself., and after due consiterdtion of all evidence and repox•ts o£Eered at hearin~, DOES HEREBY FIND: 1. T};at due to City ~ouniil and Planning Commission concerns regur3inq multipla-f~nily residential dttvelnpmont in Anaheim, a pha3Ad work plan was davelo~~ed which included, in part, an analysis of ~reas designated as Medium Densitx Residential on the General Plan, as wEll as those areas zoned RM-1200 wes~ of State Co.ll~ge Hnulevard to the westein CiGy l.imits to determinR land uoe incon.^,istoncies. 2. Ttiat s*_aff conducted a detaxl~,d analysa.s of the General Plan aesiqnations, zonxng and land use and idontiEi~ci 308 ~cres ~n which inconsistencie~ exist betwaen exi~ting land uses and ~he General P?an de~igr.atio:i and/or oxistiny zoning. 3. 'Plint evir3ence pres~nted substanCiatos the need Eor an amendment ~o the ~naheim ~dnerAl P1an and that Ex}iibiL• A be adopted rec;as.ignatfng ~ubjeat area for Low-Medium Density Residentiol land uses. ... +"'""~ i ~ .. . i '. ~ ~ ~v}y:, i ~; { t ~~LI~~~A ~ Vt~T ~ T~~fENTAL biTAL~Y A~~~NDZNCS,~, That the Anaheim Ci~y Planni.ng Commission has roviewed the proposal ~o amend the Land Use Element of the General :~lan to change the curren.t designation of MQdium Den;3ity ' Itesic.enti.al designat~on to Low-Mc~diu~~ Densl~y Re;,iden~ial land u~es on ~ appraxamately 1.38 acr~s ganerall~ bour~ded b~ South Street to tih~ north, '''• Anaheim Boulevard to the east, Val~ncia Avenue to thc~ sout;h and Lemon Street to tho west, excepting thQ northerly 330 fc~et and ~che easLerly 160 feetl and ,,?,; does thorefore apprc,ve khe Negntive D~:clar~tion on the basS.s ~hat 3t has ~;.~;; consid~sred the ~roposed Negative Declax~ation L•ogother with ~ny commen~s recei~ved dur:ing the public reviQw ~,rocess and further findirig on the basis of the Initial Study and any camments received thaC there i~ no substant:.~l ; evidence thr~t the project will have a sign.ificant effect on the er~vironmenti~ NOW, ^.~HEREr4FE, HE TT RGSOLVEA, that pursuant to l-he above findinga, ; the Anah~im City P1ann3ng Commission doos hereby adopt and recammend to the City Council of the City of Anc,heim adoption of. General Plan Amendment No. ~ 2~4-•~ - Land C1se ~lement -~xhibit A, redesignating sixbjec~ 3rea for Low-Medium Density Residential land uses. ~' Z'HF FOFtEGOIrTG R~SOLIJTION is signed - nd ap~roved by ma this 4th day 'N-~~ of D~cember. 1989. '> / ti~ l / .; _~.~ / • f~ / L.. _ _L~A StDSAN + ~' ' -- - ~ ~NAH~ZM CITX PLANNING COMMISSION • ATT~STs ~`P_•~~c'~- _...-..~,~r-,...•~ !:~-t_L.e!,.~~,~'`~ .~~ ' , f'",~ ,^, > , , , ANAHEIM C~L'CY pLANN'ING COMMISSZONL ~y'~-J~•i~_ STATE dF CALTF0~2HIA ) COUNTY Or ORANGF; 1 55, CITX OF ANAHETM ) I, ~dith L. Harris, Secretary of the AnaheS.m Citp Planning Commission, do her9by eertify that the fore~oing resoluCian was passed an8 adopted at a meet.ing of the Anaheim City Flannin~ Commission held on December '~, 1989, by thQ followinq vote of the members thereof: AYES: COD4rSISSION~RS: BOUAS, FELAHAUS, HELLYER, HER}3ST MC BiI~tNEY, MESS~; NOES: COI~fISSIONERS: NpNF A.3SFNT: CUMMISSYflNERS: BOYDSTUN IN WITNESS WHERE;OF, I havo hereunL•o sot my k,and this 4th dt~y of December, 1989. . :; ~~ t _: . ;~'.~>,~,____~~~_~,,~ ~' r~~%~"~• /D-r~/,>J2.~~. ~%' ~~1~3 CRET~R~`/ ANAHEIM ~~~'y pLANNTNG CObIl~fIS5I0N : ; .i / -' ~ ~i t~ -~- [~C89-309 _...;: ;:.: , ;~,. ,: . ...: ~