Resolution-PC 89-32i ! ~~{ ~,~ ~}i Mr~'l~., 1S~"~ ~ty 11,'liarthl ~~i~%,tt 3 a~~4,/~7{Y4il~~t'.~i'tl a.~,17~~~t~~~'~!/}~~4~(,~"~~4{~,~~; t ~~Y f~tf~i'~4~~"r,:i~ ~te~ ryi,•:l 1 ~j,Yh rri i.'i~~ t~~ ~ ~ ~ . . , ~ 3~~ ~":;4 -:S 1 ~ d ,"ly r } 4~~r,r~ ~ ~Yf~ tii x~1ti~ r~. , ~, ,, ~ rr, ~~, r,,~t~ r~+'n~~'t :,~,J~-~r ~ . ~ ~ , h~~ ,~ ~ r,_~f ~~ ;:; ~1 ~G~, ,,;:. ~~?,~ R~4r~~.t4~t~.~.~PC89_32 A RESOLUTION OF T~:E ANAHEIM CITY FLANNi27G COhIIrfISSION THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCF N0. 3900 xtE DENTED WHEItEAS, the Anaheim Ci~y Planning Conunission did receiva n verified Pet•ition for Variance From AL1,SH MOMENY, 2082 Busi.noss Center Dr„ u].85, Irvine, CA 92715, owner, and MICFIAEL K, FRAIZER, 182Q0 Yorba Linda, ~1501, Yorba Lincta, CA 926C~6, ~gent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, Cotinty of Or~nge, State of California, described ~s follows: THE WEST ONE-FIAL,F, MEASURF.D ALONG THE SOUTH L~NE OF LOT 21, OF TRA.CT 743, IN TFih CITY OF ANAHETM, COUNTX ; OF ORANGE, STATF; (3F CALIF'ORNIA, .\S SHQWN OIJ A MAk FFCORDED Itt HOOK 22 PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANI:OUS MAPS, RECORDS 0~ ORANGE CUUNTX, CALIFOt2tJIA. WFiEREAS, tha City Plmnning Commission ciid liold a pubZic hearing at the Civic Centor in tha Ciky af Anahaim on January 30, 198g, at 1:30 p.m., noticQ of saicl public hearing hav3;ig beer, duly givQn t~s required by law ancl in accordanc~ with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal CodA, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consi3Qr evidence fer az~d agains~ s~id proposed variancQ and to invesl:igate and make findings and recommr~ndations zn conneatic~n therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after duo inspection, investigation and study made by itselt and in its behalf, and aftar duo cor~sida:ation of all evi8ence ~nd reports offered aL sai.c~ hearing, doas £ind ~nd det~rmine the following facts: l. Ttiat the petitionar proposes waivers of the following ~o canstrucL a 3-stary, 12-unit ~partmeut complext (A) ~F~PION 1QL~4_.4~..z41_a - Maxim~Ln.~~r~~~~s~l h~_~~• .L1 ~t,~r wi hin 1~~_ f~~~ o~E a sinqle-family residential zone permit;ed; ~.~,S~Q~.~,, at 5 an _1~~..fg~r proposed} ( B) ~ T T S?~ l~f.:..~!i ~9~ 2:.Q~Q - Ma.~c '~ri~.~~S~.`L~'sj.~~ ~ (,~.~:b pexmitted; ~7~ pr~posed) ~. That Che above-mQnrionod waivers ar~a herttby donied on the basis thnt there are no special circumstances appl5.cable ~o Lha property suah as sixo, shape, t~opc,graphy, loca~ion or surroundings, which do not anply to oth~r identfcally zoned properties in the vicinityt and that strict applicution nf the zonin~ c~de depriv~ss the properCy of privilQyes enjoyc~a ~v othQr propez•t:ies ia idnntica.l zoriinq classification in the vicinity. 3. That there aro no exceptional or exL•raordznary circumstances or conditions ,~pplicable tn the propErty involved ar to th~~ antei~ciec~ use ot the prc~pQrty that do noc aPp1Y 9an~rally to the proparty or class of uso in tha same vicinity nnd zon~. 4• xhat the roquested variance is not nocessary for the preservation and onjoyment of a 3ubstantial propt~rtv rfqht nossessed by other property 3n the same vicinity ar.d zone, nnd cYenied to the proporty in question. ;:;sr ,,; ',, A647r -1~ PC99-32 ~"_."' ~'""~~ ,.,,, ~ 5. That tbe requestec~ variance will be mat~rially d~trimential to ~he public weltare or injuriuus to the proporty or improvem~nts in suah vicinity and zone in which Lhe propert;y is located. 6. That nu one inc~ical:od thoir. presenr.e a~c said public hearing in opposi*_ion; and thati na carrespondence was received in oppcsition to subjeet peti.t~ion, .~AL,IFO~TA ~F~V~RONMFNTAL Ot1ALITX ~,CT ~INDI~: That the Anaheim City Planni.ng Commission 2ias reviewed the propos~tl to reclzssify subjoct property £rom t~e RS-A-~3,000 (ResidentialiAgricultur•al) Zone to the RM-12Q0 (R~sidentia]., Mul~iple-FamilyJ Zo~ie and to construct a 3-stary, 12-unit apartment c~mplex with waivers aF inaximum structurul liei~:it and maximum site covarage on an irregularly-shaped parcel af ].and consi.sting of approximately 0.35 acrQ having a Er~~ntage of appioximateYy fi5 feet on the north side oP Savanna Street, having a maximu-n c~Qpth o£ a~proximat~ly 240 foc~t, being locaked approximately 115 foet: west of che ceritor].ine of Marian Way and furthor de~cribe~l as 3625 Savanna 5treet; and does hereby appruve the NQgative Declaration ugon finding that it has considered the Nc~gative Declaration together with any c.emmonts received durinc~ thP publi~ review process and further finding on tha basis of ~he initial study ~nd any comments received ~hat there is na substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on th~s environmont. ~~,~~i i I~~I ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BF IT R~SOLVEA tliat the Anaheim Ci~y Planning i: Commission does hereby deny sabject Petition for Variance on the basis of the `'t aforemenLioned findfny~. ~ ~ 'THE FORE~Oi.NG 12ESOL[lTION as siqned and appro~c~d by me this 30tIi day of Jar~uary, 198y, ;,% ~ ' ~'~1 ---~,.. ~fL~j ~ /`l(;%~!-rPti'..~ ~ ~.~_.w.r CHAIRWOMAN, AI~AFIEI1d CI'lY PL,ANNING COMMISS20N ~~ ATTEST: . _- __.d.G /~./ ._...____.. ------ SECRF.T.A Y, ANA~iEIM C~TY PLANNIIr'G CUMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNZA ) f~ COUNTY OF OF,ANG£ ) ~S, I± CITY OF '.NI~H~IM ) ,~~ I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anahc~im Ci~y planning ; Commisssan, do hr~reb~ certiL•y thaL the forogoing resolution was ~assed. ar~d ~' adopted t~t a megtir.g ~f the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on January ;; 30, 1989, by the following voke of thQ membc~rs thereof: ~' ;, r ~~. AYES: COAII~fISSION~,RS: 90UA5, BOYDS'fUN, CARUSILLO, EELDEiAUS, HERBST, ~~ MESSE, MC :;U?.t~EY i' NUES: COMMISSIONERS: MONE ~', .A$~ENT: COhQy(ISSIONERS: l10NE }~ IN DiITN~:SS WHBR~;QF, I hnve he~reunto set my hanti Lhis 30L•h day o~ ~ Janu~sry, 1939. ,~ ---__---~~`~~=-''`~ ~ ~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM PLAP:NING COMMISSION - :'~ ~i~ ;'• '~ ,' ~y,'~7 tr~.. ~ . . . . . . . .. , , " . .. . . . . . . . . _ . . ~ . ~ ~7 .. . . . . . . . :.~ ,i~i~i. ~~ .:.~:~;r. . ~ .