Resolution-PC 89-321~ ;. REaOL_ tTT~pN N0. Pr. 89 _321 ~~ .~ RESOLUTZON 0? THS ANI~jEIM (;I',py pr,J~NNZNG CvMMISSION RECOhII~fENUING (:ITY CpliNCIL ADOPTIOTI OF G~i~EFAL PLAN AMENDMEPIT N0. 281 - LAND USE ELEtdEN1' WHEREAS, the City Council o£ rhe City o~ Anaheim c~id adopt the Anaheim G~neral Y1an by Resolutioxi No. descrip~,ion and extent ug ~9R-644, showing the general possiblp fukure developmenC within the City; and WHERFAS, the General Plar~ provides an oFfici~sl development af the aaty anfl is xn~ended t~ 9uide for ~U~LIY'@ ~:ses, hi.ghways and public service~ which prop de~ sequen ed 3daveeopme t land adeguate ~rovisions Eor public improvomonts, and propo$es the gen~sral usago ot lar.d and Npe~:iLies a range of devolopmer.t intensity and densitx; and WHEREAg, pursuant to a request from the propert General Pian study to redesignate ~~e a 1' ownpr Eor 3 portion of the approxima~~l Pproxim~tNlp 1,g2 acres southerlp Crescen~ Avenue and Brookhursl:5St,reet rfrom the existing Generalexndu tr al anf ~'loced ConLrol Charinel designatiuns tQ Mediwn Density ~2asidential; and d WH~REAS, thH P1an:ning Department clQemed iL approPrxate, pu~suant to tYze provisxons oc tho Californ~ia Envi.rcrunental na a~iverse environmental im~,ar.ts and that a N'ogativeaDeclarationhbe approved~ and ~VIiER~AS, Llle And.heitn City Plaizning Canunission did hold a ~~ublic hearing at tlie Civic Center in ths Cit 1:~0 p,m,~ notice of said public h~ari g havirqhbeQn dulper,ember 1A, 19i39, at l~W and in accordai ce with the provisions of Y~'1°eyl as roquired b~~ Chap~er 18.03, tn hear and consider evidenc~ £oreand aga nstu sai.d proposed Goneral Plan Amenclment, and to investigate and make findings zr.~ recommendatians in conr_QCtion therewitY~; ~n~ WHER.EAS, s~id Commissian, after due anspection, investigation, and stud~ made b~• itsolf and in its beha7f, and af~Qr due considerati~~n o~ al1 ovidence and reports ~ffered at said hearing, does Eind and dQtermi~e the fallowing Fact;~: 1• Thak evidence wac submi~ted to substanL-?ate the need t;o dosignate the study area to ,~iedium nen~i~y Residential laxid uses, as sYiown on Fxhibit A. ~ALT.~~NIA FNVIRONMENmAL ~qA~~_y~S~T I'TNDIhT Ci~y Flarining Commission has reviewed the proposal o.am ncia~~he QL nd hUse Element oE the Geiieral plan from the ex,tsting General _Tndushrial and Flaod Contrpl Channel desigr:atiot~s to Mediurn Aensiry Residential .land uses and to 1~1194r• PC; 83-321 ^ , , F+~ . ~ , ~~~ ~,~4~,~ 1~'_ (, {` ~ '~ 4,'~!I',. i, ~1', ~ ;'1;µ~ ~ ~~::1 reclassity subject prop~rty from the RS-A-43,000 (R~sidentiallAgricultural) Z~ne to the RM-1200 (Residential, Mulitple-Family) T.one and tu constrvct a 2 and 4-story, 228-unit affordable apartment comple:~ with wuivers uf minimum site area per dwelling unit, maximum structural heigh~ ax~d mz.nimum distance between buildings on an irregularly-sziaped parcel o:E l.and con~isting of approximately 5. R3 acre located s~t the northeas~ corner uf Cre~cQ~nt Aver~ue and SraokY:ur~k Street (general ~1an amendment an~ reclassii:i_^atic~n pertazneci to only the ]..92 acre southerly portion of subject property)~ and does hQreby approve the Negative Declaration upon £indix~g h,hat it has consider6d ~he Negative Dealaration togcther with any comrrer,ts received during the public review process an3 furt'h~•r findirig on the basis of the Tnitial Studp and any cammeni:s recexvod that there is no substantial evidence that the pr.ojeat wi11 have a siq~ii.ficant efPect on the environment. NOW, :"HEREF'OkE, BE :IT EtESOLVEA that, the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby .recomrnend to the City ~ourxcil of the City of Anaheim ac~option of Gerieral Ylan Amendmen~ Nd. 2H1, Exhibii: A. THE .FQkECOING RESOLUTION was adopted .by thP Anaheim City Planniu5~ Commissiorl on ~JHCem~er 18, 1989. /,'.~ ~... ~ / ~ '~ j ~,J`"'~'~";-, '~ _ ~---~ CHAIRMAN, AFik: M CSTY P1aANNIIdG COMMI5SION ATTEST: CX.1Lll~,.r ~ SECRE ARY, ANAHF.IM C~TY PL1+.~7DiING COMMtS5I0N STATE OF CAL'CFORNIA ) COUNTY OC ORAIvGE ) ss. CITSi OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ec~i~h L. Harris, Secrotary o:: the Anaheim Citp Planning CommisCion, do hereby certify that tYce foregoing resoltition was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission ha:d on December 18, ].989, bp tha f~llowing vote of the »>embers tYiereof: AYES: COt~IIrIISSIONERS: NpE5: CO2~IISSIG.dERS: ABSENT: COtyLtilISSIONGRS: IN W:CTNESS of . . 199Q . J IIOYD,TUN, HELT,YER, HE;fiBST, M~ BURNFY, MESSE NONE BOUAS, FGLDFiAU~ WFIEREOF, I have hez•eunto set my hand this n~ day ~ d~.~-.-~____~_° _ ECRGT_-A~ ANAHFIM CITY PL, NING C(}MMZSSION -2- PC89-321