Resolution-PC 89-326~~~tt ,a ~ i±, ~ i,;'' i..' .. . ~, + ~ . ~ . ~~ RES L'TION NO•~p~89-32fi A RCSQLtTjpN Og THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANt1INt; COI~1rIISSTON '.CHAT PETI~ION FOR VARTANCE 1v0. 40C9 BE GRA;NTED WHEREAS, thp Anaheim Ci~y FlanniLig. Cnmmissiox~ dici receive a verifiod Feti.tion fur Varzance tor cextain real pruperty situated in the .^.ity of Anar~eim, County ot Orange, Sta.te of Californi.a described as: LQT 1~F TRACT 8464 AS P1:R MAp RECORDED I~1 FipOK 408, E`AGES 23-26, INCLUSIVB, OF MISCELLANEOUS MAP5 TN THF. OFFICE OF THk: COUNTY RE(;ORDER OF SAID COUNTX. SVHEREAS, thc City Plannin~7 Commission did hold a puLlic hoaring aL- the Civic Csnker in Y.he Ci.t~• of. Anaheim on Dacember 18, 1989, at 1:30 p.m„ notiGe of said public hearing hav.ing b~en duly given as required by law and in accordance with L•he provisions o£ tt~e Anaheim Munici~al Code, Cliapt~r Ya.03, to hear ~.nd considar evidenca for and against said nruposed varianc~ ~nd to investiga;.~ and maks findings and r~commendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Comrnission, after. due a.z~spection, inve:stigation and stu~y madc~ by itselt• and in its behalf, and after due considaration o,: all evidence and rep~r~,; offei•ed at said hearing, do~s find and determine the followiny facts: 1. That th~ petitioner propose~ w~ivers oE the fnllowing to retain a ground-mounred satellite di.3h ~virh waivar of. prohibiteu roof ar.ci ground mountod eouipm~nt: 5cC'~~ON ~.$.84 42 Q3Q •- Proh' ~,b~.ter~ roof a,~ln ,~r~nd rnountec~g i m n4. (~ roo.f Qr Qr~c uncl-m~uni;ed aatgllite dishQG permi~tQd; Qne 0-foo t1i m~ater dish gropr~sc~d) z. 'That the above••mentioned waivc~r i:, hereby gran~ed on ~1~e basis thac +;here are special circum3tancQS 3pplicable to the proPerty sur.h as size, shape,. topograpiiy, locat~ion and siirroundings whicti do aiCt app?y to othe.r identically zoned p~•operL;y in the same vicinity; and thttk strict a~p7.ication o£ thc~ Zoning Co~e deprives the property of privileges enjoyed L•y other proppr~ies '~n the identical zono and classifica~ion in the vicinity; and fur~her on t:he krasa.s tkiat the petitioner agz~eed to plant ~sdditional s; rubbery ro provide scroening to the adjacent proper~y, 3. That there are exc~ptional oi extraordinary circvmatances or conaitinxis applicablo to tho prapertiy im~cl~Qd or to the in.tended use of tho property tha~ do not apply gener illy to the property or class of use in the same v:icini ty and zone. : rr„t,~.. ~.ik: ,1'f~Y~ ' . •~'1:'~. ' . it , .~~~~:..p 4. Trat the preservation and e,•joyment of re~uQSted vazian.ce ~l SUb9t3l:tial is nec.essary fnr the prop~rty in the same vicinity property and zuiie, and deni~d to ri~ht ~OSS@S3BCI the by other proper~y in queYtion. d ~ . !~+i,{r M ~ ~ _ ~. . ~ . . .. ~L r: , `, • ~~ . Yy y''' ~ e' ~'A~ '. I~ 1, 5. That dotrimenta.l to the publfc in the roquested variaz~ce~ w3.11 weif.axe ox ~njurld no~ bd ma~c~rja~.l such vic3ni~y and znne ur~ t:o thn • r a° in which I;he pr~pert x rty or fmprovements s jqCa y 6• ~'hat no one indir.t~tod thaiz• pre~sanCR aL• 3n oppnsitionj lnri that no co:rQSpun~enco wav subject i said publi,c h~aring pat cion. receivHCl in opposition to ~~~TFOF~N_.z.$_~~~4.I~~~_._ A ,z .~1`LC~s The P~,anning AirACtar or hi.o authcrized repres~ntativ~ ha~ ~~r~ed that the projec~ falls w.ithir- the definiM'. p=c+posed dofinod ~n ~on oF Catc~gorical Ex~m tions, the Sta~o Environmenhal irnp~c~ Repoct Guidelinea asana l~isy theruForQ, cn~egor.ically exempt from the requ.ir.ement to prepare an ~IR. NOW, TIiE12EFORB. 9E ZT R~SOT.VEL t1iaC the .Anaheirt, C3ty P7.anning Commi,sion doRS hQZehy gra~L Subjdct Petition for. Variance, upon tho fullowing condition~ which are hereby found to be ~ nocessary prerequisite to the pruposed use of thg subject property in order L•o preserve the sa~ety ~,,~a genersl welfare nf the CitizPns o:E the City of Anaheimr 1. 'fhnt plans sha.ll be ;submitted to th~ ~u~.ld.ing Division showing compliance with the minimurn standards of th~ City of Anahe{m, 3n-~luding t:he Uniform Buildinq, Electricz~l, Mechanical anQ E'.ire Codds as adopted ~y '-he City of Anaheim. The rippropriate permi.~s ah~ill bo o~tained for anv necessary work. 2. Tha~t subject properL•y shal). ba devoloped substa~itially in accnr~ance wikli plans ar.d specificatxons submiL•ted ~o ~h~ City of An~~heim h petitioaer and which plan;c are on file with the Plannin~~ Depa tmen~ marked EshibiC Nos. 1 tt,rough ~; provided, sn~~.bbery shall be planted to L~zovxde S~ Q°e in r~ ~hat. add.itional propertyj and that t:~~ adciitional landscaping shallgb~t gc cmplf hed eby January 30, 1990, 3. 1!~at Condi.r.iott Nos. 1 and 2, abo~ie-mentioned, shall be completed within ~ P~r=~,~ of sixty (60) ctays from thu d~te o~E this rssolution. 4• T:~at aF.oroval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed requesl• UnYy to th~ exCe~nt that it complies wit:~ t1~Q Anahoim Munl.c.t al Zoninq Codt and any ur.her. applfcable City requlatiohs. Approval does nor, incltide any action or :,{ndings as to coa~plinnce or approval of the request reqar~?inq a-:y other ~pPltcab2e orQinance, regultstion or raqui rem~zlt;. BF zT F[1RrflER RESOLVED tha~ ttie Anaheim City P.lannin~ doas heraby find And doter~,ine thok :,aoption of khis Renolution is expreasly prR~9ic.ated u on a , 3 Cornmission P pp1icank s:.ompl.iance with e~ch and all of the c:ond;tiona herelnatiove aot ~.,rtfs. Should. ai~y auch condi~iona, ur any park theroof~ b~ dgclared .{nvolid or unenforceable by the finnl u~9 competr - j~irisdicti~n, khan this Itesolutiozi, ai;a ~ nn~ a f eny co-art of containeli, ;sha~.l bo deemod null ancl void. y PP~~PVals heref.. ~~. , ;;~': -2- PC 89-326 +: , , .; , , u-~... .. . .. . ~ . ~ ~ ~ . ,. . ~ - ~ . . , . ~ . . . - . . ' . . . ~ ' , . . . . . 'i..J I ti . ~'Z~ THE FOREGOING RESOi~UTTON was ~dop ec1 at thc~ Plann3ng f;ommxasion meoting of L~ecember 18. 1989. "~ _~ -, J --- '-; `~ ~ .~~_~_. _ ~, ~i,~,~'~ ~. ~" C'FtAI~~. ANAFIEIM ITY F'LANNItTG CUMMISS20N ATTEST: . /7 _ .~;~~~c~C^-~--l~`~ / _ . SE;CRETARY, ANAI?EIM CI2Y FLANI7~NG COh4r1ISS.lON STATE OF CA.LIFORN~A ) CUUNTY OF URANGE ) ss. ~ITY OF ANF~IiEIM ) Z, ~dith L. Harras, Secretary ot• the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do her~by certify that the foregoing resolution. was passed ancl adapted at a mceting of ttie Anaheim ~xty Planning Commission hc-ld on Deeomber. 18, 1989, by the following vote oE the membeXS ChQreof: AYF.S: coru~rSSION~E:S: HOYDSTUN, FiELLYER, ~iERAST, MC BURNI:Y., ME5SE NOES: COPMtISSIONERS: NON~ ABS~:iT: COh4tISSIONERS: BOUAS, FELDHAUS n IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set mp hand this ~,-c~v~-day o: l_ I.in~.tcD~, 1990. . `~ • ~ ~iLt.r.~ 5ECRETAl~2Y, ANA~i~IM i,IT!L 1Pf.APTIIING CQbi-riISSION ~ -'- , -3- PC Fl5-326 +,~ ;;a . b, ,t~ .. ~~,