Resolution-PC 89-328 RF50LUTtON NCZ,,`P~8~-32p A RESpLiJTTON OF THE ANAHEIM CTTY PLA.NNING COMMT;~,lO1~T TAAT PET:[TION ~"OR I2ECLASSIFxCATION NO. 69-•~0-33 1'sE GHANTEll WF~EREAS, a pei:ition tor Reclassi£i.c~tion was 3~nitaated by ~he CiL•y of AYiaheim far certain real pxopPrty s.ituah,ed in the Citx of Anaheim, C~vntx of. Orange, Stats of. California, described as fallows: ~ Property is approximately 1,26 acres generall;~r boun3ed by thp allay north of Broadway to the nc~rth,, F.~chisori Street to the east, Hroadway to the sout.li ana MelrCSe Street to the west, 2xcepting thEa easterly 125 teet. WHER~AS, the City Planning Commission did hold a; piablic, txearing at the Civic Cen'ter in the City nf Anaheim ori DQCOmber 18, 15~851 at 1:30 p.:m,,, notice cf said public hdar.ing havir_g beRn duly given as required by 1~,w and ~i~i a.:cordance with th~ provisions of the AnahAim Municipal Coda. Chapte.r 18.Oi{,. to hear and consa.cler ~vidence for and against said propns~d re~classificaticrn and tu i.:~vestiga~e and make Eindinqs and r.acommex~dation,s in connec~ic~n therewith; and WHEREA5, sai~' rommission, after due inspQCtian, inves~ig~it,ion and sf:udy macte by itself arici in ; hs behalf, and afte.r due considerati.or- 01: ~all evidonce ~.nd. repor. ts off~red at sn i.ci hearing, does find a:~Yd determine !ch~s followinc~ f~.cts: l. That the petitioner propc~ses rec7.aasifica~tion of ~ubjEact: properL•y f~:~m the RM-1200 (Residential, Multiple-Family? Zon~e ta t.he R~~;-24100 (Residentis~al, Muit.iplQ-Family? zone. 2. `rhat the Ar.aheim fyenerr~l Plan designates subject propes•ty £or Me~ium Density RE~sidential land uses; ho~ever staff is recommenc3ing a General P.lan Amendment red~signating subject nroperty to the Low•-Medium Density Ro~idential Designation which wil). be conoidered Y~y the City C'nuncil at their January 2, 1990 meeting. 3. That th~ ~ropos~~d rec]assxfication ot subjec:t property is noc~ssary arid/or desirable Eor rhe orderly and proper aeveloprnAnt oE the c.ammuni ty . 4,. That tho prop~sQd reclas~ificaCion of subjecL property doss properly re].at~ to the z~~,a~ sncl their permi.t~~d use3 locally esta~:Lished an clos~ prox:mihy to subje,;t property and to tha zones and thezr permittQ~ uses generally es:.ablishFC1 tnroughout the community. 5. :Tha~ no one indicated their presence at s~id public hearing :in opposition; and that one lett:,9r was received in appo:.it~ian to subject petition. 12U2r -•i- PC 89-328 ~1~~~ ~~1 ~ , ~ („~. . . . . ' i~.f. ~' 7'..L ~ i,4 g"~'~' ,r^ ~I> ,~r ~ ,~ ~ +f •.; ; ~~:,ur;:e4 •. ~.~.~~~ ..,.,~ .,~:::r.., . ~~. .. . . ~ . . . ,.... ,' _' t$7, ,~Q:,.~. .., ..; ;. -. , , .~....,......_....... ~. . ,;~, ' ~;~'_~ ~ ~ii. ~;:~~,A . ~ ~ . . . . .. ,N,;~ . ~tC.'~, .~j ~ . „~ i~ S} ~i CA1'a~OR2JIA FTIVT.RONMENTAL~ C2UALITY A~T FINDIN': That the AnaYaei.m • City Planning Commission has reviewed thQ prQposal to reclaaci.fy approximai:ely 1.26 acres general].y bounded by t.he n11ay nor~h a£ Broadway to the north, Atchison Street to the east, Eiroadway to the sou.th and Me~rase SLreet t~ the west, axceptinq the easterly :.25 feet, frnm ~he RM-:1.200 (Residential, Diultirle-Family)Zone to the 1tM-2400 (Ro3idential, Mult.iple-Fa.mi.ly) Zona; and i9oes hereby appr.ove the Negative Declaration upon finding that it has considered the Negat3.•~e Declaratzon together with any ~omments rECeiv~:d durinc~ t~~e public x~eview process and furCher finding on the basi.s of. tkie in,itial st•udy and any comments received that there is no ~ubstantial evidence that the projec~ will have u signif:icant effec.t on the environinent. • NUYd, 'TI3EREFORE, LiE IT ~ESOLVED that the Anahei,m Czty Pl.anning Co~~mission does hereby grant subject Petition for Rer.lassifir,ai:ion and, by so doi,ng~ that ~itle 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Muxiicipal Code be amended to cxclude the ab~ve-described property Erom the 12M-1200 7.one and t~ incoxporate said described property into t.he RM-2400 7ar~e upon the following condition which is Yiereby £ound to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject groQerty in order to preserve the saf.oty and qenerai wel~are of the Citizons of the City of AnaYieim: .l. That subject reclassificatian is con*_ingenL- upon the adop~ion of. General Plan l~mendment No. 269-2. gE TT Ei1R7.'HER RESOLVL:D that tiie Anaheim City Planning CommissS.on does hereby find and determine that adopLion of this Resolution is ex~r.essly predicated upon +ipplicant's com~~.iance with each and all ~f the conditaons hereinabove set Forth. Should any such con8itions, or any part thereof, be dec'larod invalid or unenforceab].e by the final judc,~ment of any court of competent juri5dicti.on, t2ieix thzs ResoluL•ion, and any approvals herein contained, sha'l1 be deemesi null and void. THE I'OREGOING R~SOL~UTION was adoptod at thc~ ~lanning Carnmis ,ion , :' _ -_ meeting of December 18, 19~9. +`~ ~ i - ,J ~ `~ /~~r.t: 7>~ _ ` `~._CH T MAN. ANAHEiM ITY PL~NNTNG COMMISSION ATTESTs ~ , f ' ~~~-~~° ~J~_ ~---,~~~~ '-~~ SECRET}+,~tY---~~, ANAHETM (:I'PY PLANNING COMMISSTON STAT~ OF CAT,IFORtdIA ) COUN'PY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ]1NAfiEIM ) . ; ^~ ? -:~' .: I. Fdi.th L. Fiarri~, Secret~ry af the Anaheim City Pla:niiing Commission, do hereby certify that tha foregoing resolution was gassed and -2- PC 89-328 ,J '. ! ~: ~: •.V i ~r~ r?'i£Y r.'~A•!'.:,31r9~4i.Y~WfYNY~tUN~ , ~ ..r~ ' . . . . . ~ ~ ~"- adopCecl at a m~e~ing of the Anaheim City P1a:an3.n~r Commission held ~n December 1.f3, 198g, hy the fo].luwing voL~e of the members thereof: ~YES: COM2dY~STOZIER5: FiELLYER, ~i~RBST, MC BURNEY, MESSE ~, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BOXUSTUN ABS~NT: COMldISSI0NER5: HOLTAS, FLliDHAUS :_;~ ~ (i' =N WITNESS WHEl2rOF, I have he~reun*q S~ ~ mx hand tlxi~ ~, day A ~ 1990. ~-+ ~~. :`, ~~ .` ~ ; -~ t'' SECREi RY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CU'nA1TSSI0N ~S, ~;; r;~ ~: ~ ~ ,;II I. f~~;', ~~~~