Resolution-PC 89-329~ f ,f (~ w U ~ RE.~QI,U'TION NO PC89-•~ 9 ~ A 12ESOLUTIQN OT' THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANt7ING CCIMMIS5ION ADOPTING AND RECOMMSNDING TO TI3E CITY ~OUNCI'L ADOPTION OF GENERAL PL~AN AMENnMENT N0. 280 `;,~'~~t S,f.S~; ~ I'~f ,'!.1 W.HEREAS, rhe City Council oE the City of 3~naheim did adopt the Anaheim General Plan by Resolution N'o. 69R-6~4, showing th~ gerieral descripi:ion and exten~ oE ~~ossible future development witnin the city; an.d WHEREAS, pursuant to a Planning Commission request fur an e.men8ment to the I,and 'Use Element of I:he Gensral Plan, in conformance with Sec~i~ns 18.03.050,05 and c~f the Anaheim Municipal Code, staff px~pared a General Fia.z l~mendment to redesignate from the existing Mediurn Dansity RQSidential designation to L~aw pensity Residential designation for the study area consist•ing oF appraximatelg 12 acres generally bounded by Iri~ Street tu the east, the Santa Ana Freew~ay to the west, Winston Road to the sou~h and extending north approximaL-ely 218 Eeet from i:h~ centerline of Wiraston Etoad. Also includxng those 19 properti.es located on the so~.ith side oF Winston Road betr-~;e~ Iris Street to the east and tk~e Santa Ana Free~ra~ ta fhP west, and further including those 6 properl;iPS located on the west side af Palm Street beg~inaing approximately '135 feet south o£ the centerline af Winston Road and extendi.ng north approacimately 390 feet; and WHEREAC, the Plannang Deparrment deemed ii: apprapri3te, pursu~nt to the provis~ons of the Ca2iFornia Environmental Qualit,y Act, that ~.here ~~re no sig:~ificant environmental impacts and recommended th~t ~ Negative Decla~^ati~n be approved; ana WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Pl~nni.ng ^,nmmission di.d hold a~~ublic hearing at khe Anaheim Cxaic Cexi~er, Cou.nc.il Chamber, 200 South Ar~aheim :Qoulevarci, on December 18, 1989, at 1:30 p.m. , notice o£ sai-~ public hearing l:~aving been duly givPn as required by IaiN ancl in accc ~ance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, to heax and consider evidex~ce for and against said General P:ian P,mencunent and to irivestigate and make findings a::d rec~mmen~ations in ~onnE~Gtion therew:ith; and W`HBREAS, said Comrn:ssion, aftor due consideration, inspeation, investzgaGion ~nd study made by itself, and aFter due consideration of a11 evidence and reporta off.erEd. at hearing, DOES NER~BY FIND: l. That tlue ta City Coixncil and .Planning Commission concorna reqarding multiple-family residential developmenL in Anaheim, a phased w~rk plan was develope~3 ±vhich included, in part, an analpsis of sreas designated as Medium ~ensity Residential on the General P1an, as weJ.l as those areas zoned TtM-1200 west o£ State C411ege Boulevard to the western City limits to delermine land us~ inconsistencies. 2. That staff conducted a deta=lPd analysis o£ the Genorsl Plan desiqnations, zoning and land use and identi~ied 308 acre3 on which inconsistencies exist betw~en existing land uses and Lhe ~Generai P1an designation and/or existing zar.ing. 3. That evidence pre~ented sub~L~ntiates th~ neod for an amer.dment to the Anaheim General Plan and that Exhibit A be ~,dopted redesign~ting subject area for Low Density Resider~tial land uses. #1206r -7.- PC &9-329 :~; + ,_ ~ , ,~~;+~ `~y, .. . - - . , _ _ , _, , ~ ° ~ 1R,;~,',i~ y'~f~'.'{i': ~ ` i~P;~ ~~~ K~r. ~ Et.~'` .~j ~ . ~5~r!~~~ , . '~l 4~"':~ :: ,"i; CALIFORNT~ F~n.~~O~ENTA'L____, p~_~I,ITX A ~ 1'lanning Commissio:i has reviewed th~ -~" FIN~'- That the An.aheim the Genera], Plan Praposal to amend the Land Use El~mentiof ~n cYzanye the current designation of Residen~t~ial to Luw Density Residential land us~s ~n genera].1 ME~x~ nensity y bounded by Tris Skreet ~~ rh~ ~asr, the Santap A a1mFreewa ~2 acres wcst~ WirisL-on Road to the south anci e x t e n d i n g nor t h a Fr o m ~ r i e c~ n ter line of Wi~iston Road. Y~ O t~ e ~' A1so i.ncluding ~~ose 1g located on the south sicie of Winston Road betwee pp~~"'mately ~13 gee~ ~~' the 5anta Ana FrePU,• ri z~.i~ properties `~j ay to L•he west Street to the east ancl kj loca~ecl on th~ tv~;~ ~ and further ir,cluding those 6 of the g approximatel centprline of Wiris~orx g ad~andeextendinin pro~~rtii~s and aoes t h e r e f o r e a Y 1•~5 feQt sou~h n g n ~ r t h app r oximately 390 feet; , considerecl ~he Pp x'ove the Negative Declarat•ion on Y~Qposed Negative Aeclaration the basis that it has received during t,Ixe public review roce tog~ther with an '. t~Q Initi.al Stu~3 P ss and further t'i.ndin Y Co~ents ~~ y and any comments r~ceived t?~at there is no ~substantial ; Y evidence t;hat thE prbjeC~ will have a si ~_ ~ gnif.icant e..=ec~ ~n ~he environrnent. p NOW, TH~R~Fpg~, gg TT R~SOLVED ' the Anaheim (:ity Plannin ~ that ~ursuant tu the above findings, City Counr.il of the Cit ~ Commissioi~ doas hereby adopt and recommend to the ° Land Y of Anak~eim adopLion o~ Use Element -~sh.i~iit A, red~3signa~~,~ v^ener.al Plarz AmendmEnt No, Rgsidential land uses. 5 subject area Por Low Donsity THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ~ras meetirlg of Decr:mbor 18, lggg, adopte~l at the Planriin ~ / / ~ Commission , ~~ ~ ~ _ _. . :'.s `./,~ ~ '~-~--~_ =4C_;- --~i~'Z~y~•'_ cxArRr~rarr ---------__ ANTHBIM CITY PLANNTPIG COMM:Lg,r,10N I 's A'PT~ST: ,> ~ ------__..~~- ` yl .~ SECRETAkY ~ . AZtAFIEIAT f ITy LANNrNG ^C ~q ISSIQN STATE OF CALIFORA*TA ) ~~ COUNTY CF 0ltA2'v~GE ) s 4' - s. ~ CITX OF AN'I~FiETb! ) , " ~_ ~_? I. Edith L. Harris, Comma,s~ion, cl~ hereby cer~if Secretary of ~h~ Anaheim y that ~ir Pl +?;;, ~~;',,~ ;„'` y anning a~~pte~ at a mee~.~n Lhe Eoxeqo,ing resolutzo.n was xg~ ~9a9~ b~~ ~J °f the Anahetm Ciry Plannin Pa3sed and Che f l i 9'~o r`~} i;'~~ mm o l~wing vote of ssion he].d on December the members ther.ea£: ' ~ ";"j AYES: COMI~IISSTONER:;; 1`•'OES: HOYDSTUN. HEf,LYF,R, HFR$ST~ MC BURN~Y C'~MMISSIONERS: ~ t:';~;' p~~ . MESSE A13SENT: COMMISSIONERS ; : HOUAS, FELAHAUS : ~ ~ ' TN WTTNESS WHgRF~r~ I have hereu oF ti . : ~. . Y ~ ' n ~. , 1989. ,c Y o set my hazid this ~~- da ; .,' _~_ ~' I ~h w -/VtJ /1.~ ~ f~~ ~ ~ SECRETARX. ANAH~ ~'~ITY PLANNxNG C~ISSION 4 `~~ -2- .. , PC 89-.329 ~ " r °: 1 : ~ca~:~a f ~ >rL.,, 3~t.~` ~f~~tWY ' >S., ./ ~; L t ' ~ , ~, ; 75k. ' . _ ~ u .".; :.: