Resolution-PC 89-35~ ~?.~eSS?L~~..~_~i..4_ ..~~89-3a ~ ~ ,z~~,i ~~ tr~ 1'(dA ~Y . , ~„~' _,-., A RESOLUTxON OF TH~ ATTA~IEIM CITX PL,ANNING COMMISSInN THA'T PETITION E'OR CQNDITIQNAL USE PERMIT NU. 3118 BE GRANTED, IN PART WEiEREAS, the Anahaim City Plann3ng Commission d~d recsive a verified Peti.tion For Conditional Use Permit from B. B. R~AL ESTA'PE INVESTMENT CORP., 'l05 r3niversity AvHnuo, Suite A, Sacr~ment~, CA 95825, owner, and B AND B. PROPEItTY :[NVESTMEtJTS, INC., 705 Uni~~~rsity Avenue, Suito B, SacramenGo, CA. 95825, agent for certain real properry situaLed in thg City of Anaheim, ::ounty of Ora~igd, Staro of Califarnia, described as: PARCELS 1, 2, 3 AND ~~ IN THE CITY OF ANAHF.Ii4, AS SEiOWN qN A PARCEI', MAI~ FIL~D IN Y.'JOK ~.20, PAGF.:i 2? ANA 23, OF PARCEL MAPS, IN TF;d OFFICE OF TFIE C~L*iTX F~CORDER OF SAID ~OUNTY. WHEREAS, tho City P'lanning Commission diZ hold a public hearing at the Civie Center in the City uf .An~hoim or. .Tanuary 30, 198p, at 1:30 p.m., notico oE said public heari~,g haviny baen du:ly given as r.eguired by l~w and in accordance with the provision~ af the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter '18.03, to hKar and coasidor evir~anco for and against saicl propose~l conditional uso permit and Lo inva~tigate and make findingn ~nd recommendations in cox~nor.tion tYierewith; and WHEREAS, said Commissian, after c7ue inspecCion, investigat.foi. and study made by .itself and in its bohalE, and after clue considerata.on of all evidence and reports offerud a~ said hearing, does fin~i an~ dotermine the ~ollawing facta: ~ 1. That Che proposed usy is properly one Cor which a conditional uso permit is authorized by An~aheim Municipal Coc~e Section 18.9A.U50.135 t~ divide floor space in an exish'~g retail center, and with ' waiver ~f the Yollouiny: ? ~F~TTQN~18.9E>.Q'0_,.SL212 - Minir~~m n~rr~r_4f~arki~._~pac@~.. '~ ~ ,~( ~,Q~,~O 2 2 ' ~. ~QfL~Q~2.2 21 ~~ ~._~~i~4.~S?_~4_.2..~ 1 ` ~..~..zQfc~~2? 3~. J (-Y~ 1.] ~ _3. ~ ^~,/~ ~ A ^ 1~Y 1~+ a-r L!_YX~~ v/JG 2. That the requestc~ct wTiver is hereby donied on r.he basis ehxt it was deletsd from the p).anr; followir~g publir. notice and prior 1:o the pubiic hearing. 3. That thQ proposed use wi11 not aaversely affect the ', adjoining land uses and the gror+th anci development ot the areR in which it fs _ PTOp036d t0 be located. " 0650r -1- PCii9-35 i: s' , ,; ~ ;,;. 1' ;; ~~~, ,r ,, `~`'a .- ~ n ~i~J~~ ~* a: i; ,.: 5 Fr 4"#:~ i~ ~i ~~ ,~'srt'"~ ~l. That the size and shapo ~I• thQ siro p:opnsc?d for th~ use is ~doquate ta a].low the £iil]. d~aval~pmAnt UE the proposod use in a manner not detri.men~al tu lhe particular aroa nor ta the pe~a~;g, health, 511'3tiy and gonQral welfara oE the Cita.zens af the Citv ot Anc~heim. 5. That tho propased use, as grantQC~, wi11 not adversely aff.e~t the adioinir_g land usos ~n3 t}x~ growth and deveiopmant ot the area in which it i.s pxoposecl to be loca~ed. 6. That the size and shapa oL the sit~ pruposed for the uso, as grantad, is adequate to allow the full i9e:veJ.opment of the pr~pose~ use in a mannex• not datrimental to the par~icular area nor to the paace, health, safety and gerzor.al welfare of tbe Citizons of the CiCy of Anahoim. 7. That th~ granting of the C~nditional Use Permit under ttae conditions impos~d, ~f any, will noC bP detrimenta]. to tho ~.eace, health, safety and gen~ral welf.arQ of tho Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 8. T~iat the tr.affic gQneratod by the proposed use wi11 not impose an undue burden upon the strQats an.i 2-ighw~~ys der~~]ned .~~•~r7 improved to carry the t.r.affic in the arAa. 9. That wss no onQ inc~icato3 their presence at said publYC hearing in oppasitiont and th~t. no corresPondence was receivad in aQp~sition to the subject peLitfon. CF~~. ~ R(~NIA ENVIRONt~ENTAL Q1~AL' ITX_ A~T_~ I~1D.~N~: That the Anaheim City Planninq Commission ha:~ rnvxewed thQ propesnl to permxt tbe division of floor spaee within an cxistinc~ retail center and with waiver of minimum number of parking sp~aes on an irregularly-shaped Qarcel o£ land consi~~ing of approximately 5.02 acres located at the northwest corner of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Imperial Highway, and further described as 5555-5665 East Sant~- Ana Canyon Road; and does hereby approve tlie Nega-tive Declaration upon £3nding that it has considered the Negative Declaration toget}ier wi~h any cornment~ received during the public review process and further f~inding on the baois of the ini.tial 3tudy and any commQnts recoived that ther~ is no sz~bstantial evidence Chat the project will iiave a sig:iificant sffect on the Qnvironment. NOVI, THEREFOR~, ~F: IT RESOLV~~J that t:ie Anaheim City Planning Cammission does hereby grant subject Petition for Condilional Ltso Permit, upon the following coriditions which are hereby found to be a necd~sary prerequisi~e to the proposed use of the subject property in order tc pre~erve the safety and general aelfare of ehe Ci~izens o.f tho City of Ar.ahoim: i. That no restaurar~ts or ot.her fast-Food service facilit:ies shall be permit~o~ in the subject dividc~d floor arQas. ;~i~;~'~ 2. That trash at~rage areas shall be provirled and maintained in a location aac~ptsblo to the Stroot MaintannncF~ r-nci Saniration Division aati iu ac~ordanre with approved plax-a on filo with said Divfsion. -Z- PC89-35 ~I 1 ' . . . . , : :.:;~^. ~ 3. ~ .r ,~Nr t~';`~i'~.~~ t ,~1 v ;.~wL~ f fl f~l~ . ' ~~~~~'~~ t~s,~ T1~aL plans sha.ll ba aubm3tteci to the Builaing Div.ision showing ~ompliance wi.th tho minlmum ~*r~ndards of the Ci~y of Anaheim, inr:luding the Uni£orm Building, Plumbinc~, F:lectric~l, Mechanical and Fira Cod~s~ t~s adopL•eci by the City of Anaheim, The appr~~riate p~rmits shall be abtained L•ar nny necessary work. ~. Th~t tho proposal shall comply with all s.igning requirornents of tha CL(SC} "Commercial, Limited - Scenic Corrf.dor Ovexlay" Zone, unless a variance allowing sign w~ivers is ~pproved by the City Cauncil, Plsnn9ng C~mm.ission ar Zoning Administrator. 5. That, as specifiQd iii Anaheim Municipal Cude Section N'o. 18.8~.06?..032, no r.oof--mount~~d aquipment, what.~~y_~r, shall be perrnittPd. 6. T1iaL• tY1Q on-site landsca~inc~ sha11 b~ maintaiaed in compl.iance wi.th Citg• standards. 7. That ~ubjoct pro,perty shall be dQVelopQd ~ubs~antiall.y in accorda~•ice with plans anc~ spe~cifications on. file with Lhe City oE Anaheim marked Exhz2~it Nos. 1 through 4. 8. Tl~cat prior ro issuance of a buildiuc~ permi~, or wiChi.n a pe:~a.ad of on~~ (1} year from t1iQ date of this resolution, whichever o~~curs firist, Condition No. 3, abovo-mentioned, she~ll bo complied wath. Extensions For further time to complete said conditions may be granted .in accordance wiCh Section of rhe Anaheim Mux~icipal Cod~s. 9. That prior to final Y~uilding and zoni.ng inspecti~ns, C.or~diti~~n N~s. 2 and 'l, above-mentionec3, shall be compli.ed with. 10. That appr~val of this applica~ion consti~utes approval of the propvsed .roquest only tc~ the exCent thah it camplies witti the i-naheim Muuacipal Zoni.nq Code and any other applicable City rpyulations. AQ~rova~. does noC include any acL•ion or Pindings ns to complianc~ or approval of tihe request regarding any oLher applicable ordinance, xegclation oc• r~quiremenk. BE IT FUFTHER RESOY,VEn that. the Anahaim City Planning Commiss3.on doea h~reby Eind and detormine that adoption of this Ret~olution is expreaslp predicatAB uFon applicant'g compliance with o~ch ~nd all, of tY-e conditions h~reinabove set fEoith. Should anp ~uch condition, or any p~rr thereof, be declared invalit! or unonforc9able by the final judgmeiit of any court of comp9tent jurisdiction, then thi~ Re~olution, and any approval3 herein cont•ained, shall bu dee.red null and voi.d. 30, 1989. TFiL FORE:GOTlIG RESOLUTION is siqne~ a~nd approved by m~ thi~ January _.~_~~ '~r•~' -~rL_.~' ll- '! ~-'L~_ _- CHAIRWOMI-.*T, A.~AHBSM CZTY PI.AP+NING COMMISSION ~i ATTESTs( - -_--- ' ~---,~~F - ~ ~ SECR~. ARY, 1~NAHEIM CTTY PLANNING CUbQdISSION ~3- PC89-35 •`.i if , ,~y,y ,..... ~ .. ~,C ~r~5'ir^blF9 .^ , . .. . . +~,~F~. t ' ~'d ;~~ , r,`.:: ; +~~ ~=;~ ~:'~,~ STATE OI' CAI,IFORNIA ) '~;a COUNTY OF ORANGR ) ss ~~~~; ~ CITY OF A2~tAHEIM ) • ,, .'' .t<; I, Edi~h L. Hti.rri~, Sec~etary of th~ Anahaim City Planning Commis~ion, do hereby certify th~t th f '_~~ adopto3 at a meQting of e aregozng resolu~ion was passed and tihe Analieim City Planning Commission hold on Januazy 30, 1989, by~ tha following vote of the members thereoE: AY~~: COMh1ISST0IIER&: BOT7AS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSILLU, FELDHAUS, HERBST, 2QC SURNEY, MESSF TTOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT; CO2~lISSIONEEt~: NONE IN WZTNFSS oE :tanuary, 1989. WHEREOP', I hav~ horeunto set my 2iand this 30th day I-~ ` 4 ~ . ~~~ ~ ,~ , ~Er_~eT y, ~p,~;EIM CITY PLANNING COt~SISSION ~; ~~ -4 - PG89-35 ;; y ~i ~, 'i~?~ ~~ ~, ~; ! ~~ ;y i ~; ~~ .._. 70 9'tl~l