Resolution-PC 89-39~~~ iP~iS;+"=,Y~.:,`- .~~ ~ 8~.~9~~~'x~r rro.._ P('._$.2._3~ ~ ~ A Rk~S~~LUTIQN OE~ TEiE ANAHEIM CITY PL~;.NNiNG r~~~tSSION THAT Ff;TI:I'YON FOR RFCGASSXFICATIUt~ N0. E3&-89-04 IIC GRANTED ~~fi~REAS, the Anah~im City Pl~nning Commission did receive a verifiod porition for RaClassific~tiora from ALnIMAD JILA.NEHT AND PARVAN~;H JILANtiHJ, 2037 Port BrisCol, 2Jewport BQacY~, CA g2660, owners, of certain roal propc~rty s.ituntod in tt~~ Clty ot• Anaheim, County of Orange, State of C~~li~ornia, describc~d as follnws: 3EG:INNI.NG 1~T 'PHE SOUTHWESTFRLY CORNER OF LOT 82 pF TRACT N0. 1356, AS P~R MAP REC0~2Uf:D IN FiOdK ~E, PAGES 25 TO 27 INCLUSIV"r', OF MJSCELGANE0IJS MAP IN THE ~FFtC~ OF THE COUNTX RECORDER OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY: xHF.NCE SO[ITFi 74 UFGRF.ES 15 MINUTES 25 SECONDS WEST, ALON~ THE NORTFIEEtLY LI.NE OE' WIL}lELMiNA S'PREET AS SHOWN ON MAP UF SAID TF.ACT N0. 135G; 270.79 FEET Z'p TfiE iVESTERLY LINE OF LOT r; THENCB NORTHERLY ALONG SAID WgST LINE 85 FEET TO TFtE NORTiiWL•'5T CORNBR pF xHE L~ANA CONVEYED TO JOS~Pfi TUN.A AND WIFE RF.CORDED NOVEMB~R 24, 194~, ZN SOOK 1'I64, PAGE 65 OF OrFICIA:, RECORDS, Sl!Th aRANG~ COUNTY: THENCE NOT2TH 73 AEGREES 55 MTNUTE~ 20 5ECONDS EAST 270.81 EF.E;T TO THE WF.STERLY LINE OF LOT 81 OP' SAID TRI~CT N0. 1355; THEN SOUTH 15 D6GRE~S 22 MINliT~S 30 SECOtIDS El~ST ALONG THE WEST~RLY LINE OF LOT,^, 81 AhU 82, 86.58 fGET TU THE POINT OF H~GINNINI;. ^ .; WHEREAS, r.he City Planning Commission did holcl u pub~ic heaxang at the Civir Center fn tho City o£ Anaheim on November 7, '1988, at 1:30 p.m., notice nE said public h~aring having been duly qiven as required bx law and f:t accorci~nr,e with the pro visio»r, of the Anahaim Municipal Code. Chapter ~g,p3, to hear and cons.i~ier evidence for. and aqainst saici proposed recl~ssif>.ca~ion ai~d to inve3tigato und mako findinys an~~ rer_ommond~tions in connoction thorQwitti; and said public henrinq waR continue9 tc Ll~e meettngs of November 2I, 1988, DQCember 19, 1988, January :G, I989, January :iU, 19f3o, dnd Febzuary t3, i~a~; and WNEREAS, said Com:nission, aft~r duo in~ipection, invsst.ir~flr.i.an ancl stuQy made by 31;solf and in i~s behalf, dnd aft~r due con,.ideration of_ a).1 evidence and reports ofEereC at said hearfng, do~s £Ind and der.ermine tho followinq .facta: 1. That: the po~itionQr propases rer.?ass:fi::atiar, o!. su~itc-; property Lrom the FtS-7200 (Resid~nr.ial, Sinqlc-Family) 'Lona to t!ie RM-~004 (Rc~~tider.~ial, MultiplQ-Family) 'lonP. Uti72r -1- PC89•-39 ;; ~.; ~: N'•1;':''~ _; . :~ i ' a~,~ ~ a, ~ ,i ~. f~\ ~ '~~tt~l '.~ l. That tl~~ Anahe.tm Cenor~l Plan ddsiqnates subject praperty f~r Low-Medi~un nensity Residen~.lal lr~nd usos. 3. That the proposed reclaasiE.ica~ion of ~ubject: proper~y ,iR necessary a~i~1/or desirable for ~~he orderly and propc~r development af th~ comrnunJ. L•y . ~. 'that tho pro~osod reclassificatfon ~r uubject property c3oes pruperly rolate to thc~ zones c~nd thEl.ir pQrmittsd uses locr~ily established 3n c1osQ proximity to ~unj~ct pr~perty and to the zor.os and their pQrmitted uses generally establis}ied thr.oughaut the community. 5. Tha~ the ~roposed rec~assitication of subjeci; property roquiros the dedication anQ improvement; of ubutting skr.eeLs in accorr.lance with the Cicculation El~ment oF t,he Genoral Plan, dua to the anticipa~ed increa~e in trtiffic wtiich will be gsiiarated by the intensification of land use. 6, Tht~t sxs (6) peo~il~ indicate;i t1-.~ir piesence at said publfc hQaring in oppositi~n; and that a petition conta3nin A f.if ty-eight {y8) signatures was recaiveci in c~ g PProx~mat~ly pposition to subject petition. ALIFQRNIA~NVI~NMF,NTI~I OUAi~ITY ~T FIND N : City Planning Cammission his reviewec7 the proposal~ o r ct1 ss fy subjec;t propertv from the RS-720~ 'Residential, Sing1Q-Fnmily) zone L•o the RM-]000 (ReszctenCial, Multiplc~-Fami!.y} xc+no to constr~ict a 2-story, 3-unit condominium complex with wt~.ivers of maximum structural height, minimum recrgational/leisure area per c]wellixiy unit, minimum building site ar3a per dwelling uniC, structural sQtbeck from abtittinq p~ablic street and structural setback abtitCing onQ-family res S.iiential development on a re;:tar,gularly-sb.aped parcel of la~ii consistinq of a.p,~roximately 0.22 acre 7.ocat•~d at the norrheast c:ornor of East StrQet and Withelmina Street, and having frontage of approximately 113 feet on tF~e north side of Wilhalmina Street and f.urther descr.ibed as 7].6 North East Stroot; and doas hereby approve tha Negati:ive Declaration upon finding t!-.rjt it has consi]eroci th~ Negative Aeclax•ation together with any comments recei.vyd during khe p~ibl3.r: revxew pcucess i~nd further finding on the bar;is of th,a initial studx and any commpnrg received thac theco is no aubLtantia7, ev~de~ice that tha pro.~sat wi21 have a significant ~ffect on tha environment. NOW, TliEREFORE, BE IT ..SO:.VED that the Anahe.tm City Planning Commission does her~by grant stti~j~r,t Pe~ition for Feclassificatibn and, by so doing, that Titlc~ 18-Zoning ot the ,\naheim Municipal Cod~ k~e :~mended to Rxcluc~a the abov~_describQd praperty from the RS-7200 Zone and to incorgorato said described pruperty into the Rtd-30d~ (Resfctential, Multfple-F~mily) Zone upon th~! fo2lowing conditions wrh;ch ~r~ hereby founc3 to br~ a necess$ry prerequisite to thQ proposed use ot subject property in order to Preserve ~he safety and genecal w~lfnro of ttie Citizens oE th~ City oE Anaheim: 1. 1'haC thQ legal owner ol snbject proE~erty shall irrevocc~bly ~ffor to dedicate to ti,c~ City ~f A:~ah~im ~ str.ip of l~nd forty fi.ve (4~) Feet i~ Micith frum the coriterliae of thr~ 3trc~Qr a:~ong East Street including a :ift~en (15) foot radiuc corner return for stroet widenfag guxpoSe~. ~Z E'C89-39 r~'"*'• ~ ^ ti r„',~ i ;~A ~ ~ ~; .:c ," 2. That tho vehlculfir ac~~ns~ ri~ht3 to Enst Stx~eet Sha11 bo ded3caGed to ~he City of ~nr~ho:im. 3. Thaz a waL•or iluw tast of the wAter systnm to determine aQequ~Le water prr~s~i.ixe sha17 ba canductAd, to the~ satisfaction of the City Water 8nginoering G•ivlsion. 4. That: a fAO sY:all be paid to tha City oC Anaheim for 3treet lighting along EasC. SL•reet i.n nri amount as establi~he:1 by CiCy Council raso]t~t:ion. 5. ThaL H! ~e shal'1 bo raid to the Cf ty oE ~-naheim for tree plant.ing along East dz:c~ W.ilhelmina Stroets in ~n am~unM as esCablished by City Gounail r.R~ol~:.tion. 6. ~tiar s~re~7t lighting facilitie3 along Wilhelmina StreeC shall be inst~] l.od as requireJ by thE Utilitiias Genoral Manager iii accordancc~ with spe~ificatiuns on ~ilo in the Office nf Util3.ties General Manager; or that security in rhe form of a bond, certificaLe of deposi.t, 1R~taT of cradi.l-„ ~r cash, in an amaunt and £or~r~ satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, shall be ~ostc~l with tho r.ity to guarantea the satisfacCory completion oF khe above-mentioned improvoments. Said security sh~ll be posr.ed with the Citg of Anaheam prior to ttie introduction ~E an ordinc~nce r.ezoning subj~ct proporty. The above-reqvired improvements sha].i bo installed pri.or to occupancy. 7. 'Phat ~rinr to the introc]ur.tion ot an ordinan:.•e rezoriinq subject property, Condition Nos. 1 through 6, a}aovt~-mo~it:ionod, shall be comnldted. The provisions or ri~hts grantecl by this rc~solut•ion shal]. become nall and vofd by action of ~tie Planning C~mmission unlesa said canditions are complied with within one (1) ycsar from the date of this iesolution, or sur,h furthc~r timo as ~he Planniny Commis3ion may grant. 8. ~hat approval of thxs applic.ation constitutes approval o.f t13e ~ru~osed roquest only tn the ~xtent tY.aL• it camplies with L•ha Anahefm Municipal Zoning Code and any ather applic~ble City rogulations. Apprnval aoes not inc'lufle any acLion or fin~ings as to compl.iancc~ or approval of the request rPgarding any othar applicable ordinanco, regulaCion or rQquir.omQnt. B~ IT FURTHEI2 RES:~LVLD thaC r_he Anahaim C~ty Planning ~ommission doets hereby Iincl and detc~rmine that adoption of tt.is R~solutian ia Qxpressly predicntod upon applicant':~ camplianc:e with each and all of tk:e conditions hereinabove set forth, Should any such conditlons, ur any part thereo£, be declaced invalid or une~far~eable by the 'final judgment of an~ court t~R competent jurisdicticn, r.hati rhis Re~olution, and any approval= herein c~nt&ined, shall be c?eeme8 null and void. -~ ~ -3•- PC89-39 : ~ ~~ Y; T '~ ,... ~ .,,.. _ ~ ~,,,,.;. ~ THE FOREGOING RES~LUTION is z.fgnod ~nd :~pp.rnved by me this 13th day ~~ ~ebruary, ~.ggy~ ~~/ i~~ .~;! ~ -- .-~.~''~~`_-~,,..% C.HAIRWOMAN'•, ANAH~IM CITy pL~1NNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~7 '~ ( /J ~l'~• ~~ / . ~,_,~-" ',~..,~~~ .. ~~_~ SECRE2'ARY, ANAHEIM CTTY I'LANNING COhIIrfISSI~N CTATE OF C1-LIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF pRA:VGE } s~. CI'rY OF 3~TAFiEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planni.r.g Commi~sion, ~o hereby certify khat th~ foregoing re~olution was passod and adopted nt a meeting oE the An~h~im City Planning G~mmission tield on Fehruary 13, lggg, by thQ following vote of th~ members thereof: AYES: COt~41aSSI0NERS: BOUAS, CAR()S:[I~L~?, FELDHAUa, HFRRST, MC BCiRNEY, MESSE NOES: COMN.ISSYONERS: NOPTE ABSENT: COI~4ytISSTONERS: HOYDSTUN IN WTTNES3 WIiBRFOF, I have hereunto sot my hand thas l;ikh day of February, 1989. ~ ,~. , j~ .~~ / ~_ ~~.~.~,L.~~ ~ - SI;CRGTARX, ANAFi • T s -~'~Q/ ~~ ~IM CI~'Y PLANNtt~iG COMMISSION -~- PCt43-39 ~ ~~~~Y~ ~~ -~D. ~ :.~,{~}i~ :~:.~ . . . ~~:,.A,~~ ~ ri7~ . ' ~~'~'~J'~ : ~;' I `; ~`. ', ;:~;~~ ~:'~ 2^:k~ ;