Resolution-PC 89-501 F : r~k fle~~!4f7~~.~~ ' ~r,~~ ~~, ~ ~ J '.` [ ~.~.-~~~.~T~~l..~Q e~~~J~ A R~SOLUTION O1~ THE AN1-HEIM CITY PLANNlNG COMMISSIQN THAT PETITION F'UR CONAITYO.IAL US~ PEIttdIx NQ. 3112 BE bENIEA WHERF.AS, ~he I~nAheim City Planning Commi~sion did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use kermit from SANTA FS LA.ND IMPROVEMFNT COIQPANY, 3230 E. Imperial Highway, Suita 100, Ar.oa, CA 92621, owner, ayent for certain real property situatod in t.he City o~ Anahaim, Coun,ty of Orange, Stato of Califo.rnia, descri.b~d as: B~xNG A SUBAIVxSION OF PARCEL 9 I~ND THOSE POR~rrorts OF HANCUCK STREET, LA PALMA AVENUE At~D MANASSERO STREET OF PARCEL MA? N0. 83-•227 ZN THE CTTY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE 0[' CALIF~RNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAF FILED IN BOOK la4 YAGES 3'10 6 OF' PARCCL MAPS, IN THr: OFFICE OF TEIE C~UIJTX RECORI~F.R UF SAID COUNTY, LYING WITHIN TENTATIVE PARCLL MAP 87-150. WHBRRAS, !:he City Planning Commission did hotd a publia hearfng i at the C.ivic Center in the City of Anaheim rn February x3, 1489 at 1:30 p.m., notice of uaid publi~ hearing havinq bean du.ly qiven as requfred by 1»wr and in accordanco With the provisions of rho Anaheim tdunicipal Code, Chaptier 10.03, to heTr and cunsi~er eviclence for and against said proposed condttional use permit and to investiyate and make Eindings ar~d recommendationa in cunnection L•herowith; t~nd WHEREAS, said Commission, aftex due inspection, invest.ic~ation anr~ study made by itself anft in its behalf, and aftor duo consideration of al2 evidence ancl reports ofEered at said hearinq, does tind and determine ths f.ollowing fa~L'S: 1. That thQ pc~titioner requosts approval of a Conditional Use Permit under authority of Code Sections,, and ' to permit ~ mixed use cor.ter consisting of "industrially-re].at~~l" rotail shops, a Eood court, ai~d a r,h.fld dny care facility, ond witti ~saivor oE rhe fallowir~g under authorir,y of Code Sor,tion 18.06.080: +, $~C~IONS 29.Qb~~Q~..4.~3 - ~~'l~LS?.41~1~~~.~.f.~F.~9~~~~,5.• ~,~~,Q~~~~ (~~ reqa.ircrd: 7,Q$ proposed) ,, ~@.~5~~.2~St~~~ a s~-~~!~S-?L.~9.~~_~~Q ~ ~ ?. Thut tne i•equf~gC~d wafver is horeby dc~nied on the basis thaL• the parkiny waiver wi.ll C8Li9Q ~n inc.rease in trafES.c conge~C3on ,in tho immediete vicinity nor AdvQrsely afEecr eny Adj~fn3ng ls~nd us~s and grantiri o£ the parki.ng w~~.vc~r un~er the cond3tion~ imposed, x~ ~n detrimexit~l to the peace, health, s~feey and ~;~Rner~l welfare of ~he c3tizons of tho C.ih Y~ will be y of Annhoim. 3• Tha~ Che prop~3~~ u~Q zs horebv denied on the b~sis tha~ it is not appropriate for the area. land uso3 and th~ yrowt;l~ ~~ nci devc~lo~,m~nt of~ theaareaQ ia wt,L~H~ s tih~_ ad;oininq to be locaFeci, _ _ _ 5. That the ,izU and shapo oP the ~ite proposec~ Por ti~e use is not adeqaate ta allow Gha full dev~loFm~nt o.f the proposecl use in a mHnne dotrimental to the p~r~.iculax aren nnr to Ctie peace, health, sa~~ ~ not . ; gQneral welfare of the Citiz~ns of tha City o~ Anaheim, tY and ~ b• That the granting of the C~nditional Use Pt~rmit under the condition~ imppse~, ~. f any, wi.ll be detr.imontal to the e~~~ and general welfare~ of• the Citizens ~f the (:ity of Anaheim, ' health, safety ?• xhal• the tratfic gonerated by th~ proppsed use *ai11 impase t~n unduR burden upon thQ n~reets and tiiqhways designed arid improvod to carry the traffic in the aren. 8, x1^at nc anQ indic.atc~d thoir pre~Qnco st saiQ public hearing in oppo~itionj and that no corrQ~po~~Qt1CQ W83 r~CQived in oppositiori Lu the subject petitioi~. ~~~'..4~3~IA ENV,~t~Q~~~Ai~ Q I.I'~Y_.pST .~~~~: That thc~ Anaheim City Planning Commissaon ha;~ . reviewed tlie pro~osal to pgrmit a mixed use cenCer consist•ing o~ "fndustrially-relatod" retail shop$, a fooa court, and a ch:Id day care faCflity wiCh way~er of, rninimum n rectangularly-shapeA ~arcel of land consisting d~ ar of ~arkiiig spaces on a locate~] at the nor~heast c~rnec• of La Palr~a Avenue ar.dpHancock Street29havin8 apprQx~rnute frontages ot 809 feet on the north side of La Palma Avenue and 530 feet on the oast sidQ of Hancock Sr_rcct; at~d ilnes hereby anprave the Negat.ive DeclarAtion up~ei finding that zt has cunsidereA the z7oqative Declaration togather with any commor.ts recefved during the pub'li~ review process and further finding on ~he basis of tho initia? commonr.g xQ~$ived that ~horo is no substantial evidence that the ~proj Ct wi11 have a s.ignificant oFfQCt on ~he onvironment. NOW, THER~FORE, E3E IT P.LSOLVF,r~ th~t the An~n~im Ci~y Planning Cammiss.ion doQS hereby deny subject F~Ptition t'or the ba3is of tt~e aforemc-ntionc~d findings. Condit.tona2 Use Permi;•„ on _2_ ,• , , ; FC89-50 ~ , r i~ ~, ~,~~~ ~'xi'y"ui~J°ifQl:1?~1~~~tn .+ i_'~jS fwt'.~,:A'~!11~e1 ~r~,riikA~7 f,J'~A~~i .i.'•w:~`"t~~'4:YWij{'~ ri~"x~~¢~~a ,~~~,w v ll.~ ; f ~iH ~W F~~ , . . . _ .. . . SO!~_ _,_ _..~ -''•~. ~ ~~~1'~ "'~:~~~. . "~;' ~' `;:Q 1~ ,'.lli~S~t ~~MC~'~~~"rtYr~,l~ry~f~~t~4'-~ ~ ~ , . . : . ~'~~ ,:•j ~j'7'"`~/!1 ,~y,~~y . . _ .~r~ •J . . . ~~ ~ ~.~ ~, ~i 1Pm1J~1 . ~'' i ~' ~9 ~,.~i i.~, BE IT FURTHER RESOVRD that the Anaheim City Planning Commiasion ``~ tloos 7~t~reby deny subjact PQtiCion. for ~ond3t3unal Use Nermlt, an ~tza basis of the aformenhionecl Fin~.ings. :~i THk: FAREGOIt7G RESG.LUTION is si.gndd and approved by mo thi3 13th ~" day of E'ebruary, ~.g8~. ^ "~~~;:.«~,~~.._. .~~ ~~ :;t~,.-.r.,y~...- CHAIRWUl~tAN, A~NAHEIM CITY PLANNING CA2~SISSIpN i' ATTEST: ~~ . / ~ ~.~..~f' /~ ~-- . ~ _ _. ~ . _ -~-~.Gl~t,~...~., - SECRGTARX, ANAHSIM CITY PLAI~lNI23G CUh4dISSI~`N STA'PE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUtd'rY OF' ORANGE ) Ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Lditli i., IIarris, Secre~ary of. the Anaheim Citt Planning (:nmmis~ion, do hdreby certify thaC the forpyoing re~olution was passed and r~dopted at. a me~~ing of tho Anahoim City Planuing Cwnmiss.ion held on Fdbruary 1~. 1?Q9, bv tY.e following vote oE the members thQreof: AXES: COMMISSIONERS: SOUAS, CARtISILLO, FELUHAUS, II~:P.PST, MC BURNEY, MESSE NVES: C0.'~iTS5I0Nr,RS: :lONE A3SF_NT: COMMIS5IONERS: HOYDSTU~1 It7 WITrIESS WHER~OF, I have hQreunta sc~C my hand this 13th day c-f February, 1~D9. (~ _ -t" ~ „~ . / ~~ ~-_ / -,~~ ~ -~-~.--~.J _ /~ ,. ,C=L~~'U~h___ SECRETAEtY, ANAHETM CITY PLI~NNING CO*41ZcSI0N -3- ~'C89-50 ~:~ 1 _ , , ~,,•~~a~%