Resolution-PC 89-51~ ~ , ~ ;~ R~S9. ~..U~Q~? N_~_._ P~..~ $~- ~~ A R~SOLUTTON OI' TFiE ANAHCIM CJTX PL~ANNING CODfMISSION MODTC'YING CONDTTIONAL USE PEL<MIT N0. 2905 WHEREAS, the Anahc~im Cir.y Flanninc~ C~mmission did rr~coive a verifted Petit;3on Fo: modification to Conditior~al Usa Parmit frum UNIVER~ITY CINEMA~. A CA'LIFORNTA LTMI'PED FARTP1FItSFiIP, ACtn: Brucc S~nborn, Sui~e 13, Corporate ~ Plaza, N~wport, Ileflc;h, CA 92ti60, owr.Rr, ageiit for cortain rea7. pr~perty si.tuaL•ed ir~ the Cit;y or Aii.:-heim, County ~f Orange, Sl•~te uE Calzfornia, ciescribocl as: PARCEL l, AS SIIOFSN ON A PAKCL•'L MAP FILED IN BppK 8~1, PAGES 5, 6, 7, AP~U £3 OF PARCF.L MAPS TN T.HE OFFICE OF TH~: COUNTY RECOFtDER OP' OP.I~NGG CQUNTy, CAL:CFORNIA ' WHT:REAS, the Anaheirn City Plaiininq Commission approved Conditional ! Use Parmit No. 2905 on AugusY. 17, 1987, Rc~solutipn No. PC 87-160, to permi~ a r ! 40-fo~t high, 2,350 seaL• multi-screen indoor L'heac:fir romplex with wa.iver of ! minimum nur,~ber uf parkin~ s}~pces3 and WHERLA;:, the rnaheiitt City Pl~nning Commi;.csion approved a revision to Conditiuna2 TJsQ i'~ ~•~nit Nr,. z9(,~'; on J~tuu,,,y 16, 19b9, to perir~it a 55-f~ot high 2, 500 s~at mulf:i-scrEen indoor Che.ater complex; 321C~L WHEREAS, the City Plann.ing Commission d.id hold a public rn,qring ~~ the C:ivic. Cer~ter ~n the CiL-y o~ ,~naheim on February 13, 1989 at 1:30 p.m., not.ice ~f said ~ublic hc,ai•.ing ha•rin~~ be~n dull g.iven as requ.ired by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anatieim Mun.ici}~a.l Coda, Chapter ~a.03, to hear ::iricl consiclar evidQnce L•or and againsL: said proposed modifir_atian to condiC.ional usQ permi~ and to investigat~ and make f:indings ~nc~ recommendaL-ions in connectiuii khQrewikh; ~ttici WFIEP.EiAS, saicl !'om;r,i;;sion, a1•ter duc inspection, investfgation and study made by it::elf and in its behalf•, and atter que consider~tion of all ovider-~e and repur;;s offer~d at ;aid hQ~~rinq, ci~ns tind an.d determine the followiny facts: ,,,~ ~.``t ;,; ~, , ;~~~ Y,• Y. That the petiC.ioner requosts amendment to previously-approv~d Conditi4nal IJse Per~it No. 2905 to .include the f~llowing waiver: ,~r~ION_ ~.~.l~ 4 L4.~z: ~ e ~ - k r.~~.4~d~9n f_m~t~ ~14~s~ ~=~L~.P~~~2~ • r$~Q~mQL1nkgSa~~~!x mrn~ prohibited; ,r.c~~f ZcZ~t~d mechani~al ectuipm~st proposad} 2. That tlic requestQd waiver is hc,r.oby granted on Lhe basis Cha~ there a;•Q ; peci~~l circt~mstar~ce~ a~plicab2e to ~ho property such as size, :,hape, topngraphy, location and surroundings wh.tch do r.ot apply to ohhar identica]1~ zoned property in the s~mQ vicinity; ar,d that strict application aE the Zoninq Code deprSves the pr~pe~rty of privilegc~s enjoyE:d by okher properties in the irlc~ntical xone and clas~ific~t;ion in tho vicinity, 3. That no one indicat4d their prPSencr~ at anid pubtir hearinq in op~a~it3.onj and that no correspondence was recQived In opposition to the subjecr petit~.ou. , 0686r -1- PC89-51 ., ~ wv~~.~ , ~„ . ~ .,,, 7~ .,.,,. ,.., . ..:, ,., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~„ ~ , ~~~. __ .., . Docla~lon ~s ~dequu~ ~o serve ~s unv~ro~en~l ~oc~on~lon In connection BO~, TRSRE~RS. BE IT RESOLVED ~ho~ ~ho Anbhelm Cl~ Planning and a~ond condikions of approval conk~fnod In Rosolu~iou 1~o. PC 8~-160 lei lo~s t (1) Delete Condition 11o, (2) ~oad Condition Ho, 12 to road~ "Tha~ ~11 air condi~ionln~ facilities shall b~ properly shloldad fro~ vlo~ frets all and, ~ur~hormoro, shall bo pain~od to march tho color oi tho (3) ~tond Condition l~o. 1~ ~o te~ 'TIi~ s~ec~ pcopor~y shall developed substantially In accordance ~l~ p~o~ts ~nd does hor~by ~lnd and de~ermtno ~ho~ ~dop~ion of this ~e~olut. lon 1~ expressly prodico~ed upon applicon~'s compliance wlklt each n~d ~11 et +:ho conditions hozein~bove sot ~or~h. Should on~ such condt~lonn, et' any part thereof+ bo declared ~nvolid or unonforceoblo by ~lto [lnol Judgmonk o~ an~ c'~ur~ cmnpo~oa~ ~urlsdlc~lon, ~hon khls Resolution, and ~ay approvals con~olnod, shall be deemed null and void, THE FOREO01NO RESO~UTIO~ Is siqnod and ~,p~ovod ~ mo ~h~s 13~h of February, 1989. STATE OF CALIFOP, NIA } COOHTY OF O~AHGE ) CITY OF ~AIIEIM I, Edith L, IIGrri8, Socro~ary of the Aflahoim CI~ Plannlnq Co~lo81on, Go horob~ cordley that ~ho ~orogolaq resolution waa pasaod adopLod a~ a moo~lnq o[ the Anaholm Cl~y Planain9 Co~lssion hold on February 13, 1989, by ~ho [ollowln9 vo~o ol tho mombor8 CO~ISSIOHERSt ~0UAS, CARUSI~O, FELDiIAUS, NOKSt CO~ISSIOIIERS ~ A~S~NTt CO~ISSIOIiERS ~ BOYDSTUH I~ NITNSSS ~HERZOF, I have hereunto set my h~ad thl' 13~h day February, 1989. ~. '. . , ~- /