Resolution-PC 89-66~ ~~~~~~~~ . ~.~~ ~ A RESOL~UTION OF THE ANbHEIM CIT'Y PLANN'ING CONL~fISuION THA'P PETITl'ON I~OF VARIACiC.. N0. 39~.2 T!E GR71IiTED jr~il i~t tl ~~ ,~ - ~-, ~;, .r,.. ,~~ WEiEREAS, L•ha Ai~uhoim City Planninq C.ammission did receive a veri£ied P,~Litton for V~riance frnm VICTOR M. VAZ(~UL'Z I~ND TERRX H. R. VA2QUEZ, 2240 W. Linaoln Avonue, Anaheim, CA 92a01, owners of nertain real property situate~ in the City of Anahsim, County u~ Orange, St~atQ of Culifornia, describod as fotlows: LOTS 2I ANA 22 OE' TRACT N0. zy5, IN' THE CI'PY OF ANAf3EIM, COt°`.1TX OF ORANG~, STATF OF CAi~IFORNYA, AS 5HOWI1 ON A MAP UF THE EAST ANAFIEIM SUBDIVIDION, R°~:ORDEn 1N k00K 14 PAGE PA3E 25 MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, iN THE OFFIC~ UF' THE COUNT~ RECORDk;R OF SAID COUNTY. WHGREAS, l:he City Planni.~ag Commise~ion did hold a public hearing at the Civic Cante: in the City oF Anahoim on February 27, 19F19, at 1:30 p.m., no~ice of said public henring tiaving bee,i duly given as required bX law $nd in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Cocle, ChapLt~r 18.03, to hea= and consid~r ev3.dEnce for anc~ against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings nrd recommAnda~i~ns in connection therewiL-hs and WHEREAS, said Commission, aEtar. du~ in~pect.ion~ invoskigation and study made by itself• axid in its behalf, and after due consicleration of a?1 evtdence a~nd reports offered ~t said hoaring, does find and detarmine the follawing fact~: 1. ThaL• the pQtitioner reque~ts waiver of the following to canstrunt a 2--story, 8-unit residential condominium complex: ~T~SiN,~~~~~~4~.L.102 - Maximum fen~~~~igZi~. and ~~31.O.k4~..QTQ (.~ fec;t permittecl alonq west property line (RS-7200 zoning]; 8 ~e~ praposQB) 2. Thr,~ the above-rnent3onod waivbr is hereby g~ranted on the basis that th~re bre spocia~ circumstances 3pplicable to the property gueh as size, shape, topogr.a~shy, location and surroundings whicn ~]o not apply to okher identically zoned prop~srL•y ir. Che same vicinity; and thar.. ~trict applicatfon of L•he Zoning Code deprives lhe property of priviiRgQ3 enjoyed by other proparties in ttie idQntical zon~ and c'tassiEication in the vicinity. 3. Thzst ttiere are exception~-1 or axtraordi~ary circumstances or conditioi~s applicable to tr.e property invo2ved or to tha intended usR of the proper. ty L•hat do ~.o', apply qenerally to tt~e property or clasr~ of uee in the sar~e vicinity bnd zone. 4. That the r~~ ~:stit eQ varianr.e is necess3ry for the px•eservotior~ and enjoyment of 1:.unst»ntial piopert.;~ right possQ~sed by other propQrty in the same vicinity and zone, and cl~nied to the prop9r~y in qttostion. 069~r -1- PCF~9-66 ::;; ;~~:t . ...~~ ~~ ~ i 5. That thg requc~sted variancQ will not be materi~].ly detrimontal t•o the public wolfare or injurious to tho property or improvemer.ts i.n auch vicinit:y and zone in which the propQrty is located. 6. That two {2) people indirat;ed their prosence at said public hearir.g in o~posi~ion; and thaL x~o corre~pondence was received a.n opposition to subject ~~tition. 5~.~.F~..~.~.~'~NVIRONMEN~A~VQgALITY ACT~IrTD„~N~: That the Anaheim City P.tanning Commission has roviewed the prop~sal to r~classify propertp from the RS-''200 (Residexitial, Single-Fami.ly) Zone tu the RM-3Q00 (Residontial~ Multiple-Family) 'l.one and tu construct a 2-n~ory, $-unit condomixiium cornple~: with waiver of m~:'mum ~ence hei?ht on a rectangularly-shaged par~el oi' land consi.sting of appr.oximately 0.5U acr.e, hav~nq a frontagc~ of approximatQly 122 fept on the west side of Coffman Str.eat, being located approximately 90 feet ~outh of the conterl3.ne t,f Cypresa Streek and further doser:ibec~ nc~ 217 and 223 North Coffman Street; and does heraby ~pprove the tlegntive Doclaration u~on finding that it has considered the Negative Declaration ~ogetlic~r with any camments received durinq the pu:~lic review p.rocess and further finding on the basis ot the ini.tial study and any commonts received that, there is no sula~kantial evidence that tne pr.oject wzll have a significant effect on ths enviror.~nent. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVF~i that tbe Anaheim City Planning Commission doos hareby grant subjoct Petitioz~ for Variance, upon the f.ollowir.g condi.tions which are hezeby faund to bo a nQCessz~ry preroquisite to the proposed usa of the subject property in order to preserve ths satQty and general walfare oP the CitiLen~ of the City of Anaheim: l. That prior to issuance of a building p9rmit:, the appropriate tratPic signal a;csessment LeU ~hall. be pzid to the City of Anahe:.m in t~n amount as establishQd by City Council re:aolution. 2. That a tract map to racord tho division of subjRCt proparty shaYl be submi.ttecl l:o and approvad by the Ci.ty of An~heim and L•hen be reco:dad in the Office of the Orange ~;ounty Recorder. 3. That subject property shall bo served by underground utilities. 4. T2iat g~tes ahall iiot be installed across the 3riveorby in a mannex wtiich may ac3versoly af£ecC vehicular traff5.c in L•he adjacent public street. Installatio~i ut any gates ~hal'1 conform to ~he ~:ngineering Division's S~andard Plan ito. 402 an~3 stiall bo subject Go the roview and approval of the City Tr.a£fic Engineer. 5. That dr~fnage of subjoct ~,roperty sh~ll be disposed of in a manner s~ti~factory to the City Fngineer. G. ThaL all lockable pedestrian and vcshicular access g~tes sha11 be equipped w~th a"knox box" d~vice if requirec~ by thQ Fire and/or Falico Deparkments. ;~,, ;;~ :.; ~:~ ~~ -Z- PC89-66 ~F''~7h~ 7. That trash storago areas sha11 be provided ancl maintainod a.n a locatinn accAptab].o to thd Street N~ain~enance ~nd Sanitation Di.viaion and in accordance with approved p1~ns on file with :~aid ~ivision. 1 r' 8. That all air cox~ditioninq L•acilitiQS and other rooE and ground mounted aquipment ahall be properly shieldgd from view, and the sound buFfered from adjacent residerxtial properties. 9. 1'Yiat al:l plumbing located on tlie ex~erior of th~ building shall be prvperly screc+ned frorn view by architec~ura] devices and/or lanas~~pi~~g. 10. That tihis Varianco i~ granted subjQCt to the adoption of tha Zoninq Ordinance in connection w3Ch Reclassificati.on No. SR-69-44, now pending. 1~.. That pra.or to commencement of sL-ructura2 framing, fire hydrants shall be in3tallerl and cha.rgocl, as require~l and approred by ~he City Fire De~arCmen~. 12. Th~t subject proparty ~ha11 bo developed substarAtial.ly in accordance with plans and specifications on f9.la wiL'h tk~e City of Anak~eim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 throu~h 6; provided, however, that ten (10) fiEteen ('_5) gallon treQS sh~ . 1 be plantecl along t'•-e easterly property line as stipulated to by the applicant at the publi.c aearing.. '~?:°,+;±'i Y° r,~ :{: ~~~.~ ~'~~~~~~ 13. That prior to issuanco of a building permit o.r within a poriod of one (1) voar fram tho ~+.2~e of this rosolution, whichever nccurs first, Coiiditiax~ Ne~. 1, 2, 9, 5 and 10, above-menti4ned, s'ha~l bQ complied with. Extens3ons for further Cime to complete said condiGaons may be gran~.ed in accordance wi.th Soction 18.G3.090 of thQ Anaheim Municipal C~de. `~ ~9. That prior Co fina~ building and zoning inspecl:ions, Condition Nas. 3, 5, 6, 7, 4, 9 and '12, above-mention.ocl, shall be comp2iad with. 15. That approval of t] reques~ only to ttie Zaning Cocle and any include any actfon rc~quest regarding requirement. ~ ~is appl.ication const_tutes approval of L-he propo::ed extent that it complies witb the Anaheim i~unicipal other z~plicable City regulations. Approva7. doas not or fi~idings as ta ~:o~~pliarice or approval ot• the an~• other ~sppli.cahle ordin~n~+~, regult~tion or BE IT FURTHEF RCSOLVI~A that che Ar-aheim City Planriing Commission does hereby £inQ and detormine that adoption oi "~is Res~lutien i:~ expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and all ~f L•hQ ~conditions 2iereinabove ~et forth. Shou1Q aiiy suc:h conditions, or any pBrC thereaf, be dec].ared iYivalid or unenforceabla by the finar judgment of any court of competRnt jurisdiction, thon this Rosolution, and any approvals '~ereiii con~ained, sha].1 be deemed riu11 anci .•oid. -3- PC89-66 ~ ;i~ . ....,u :-.k . . .. . .. ~ . . . . •-:` ~'~'ti ' f '~ ~~~~~cvr~'~11~ ~ . . . ~ , f ~ ~Sr ~ y~~., ,r ~ 1 ~,'~''- „ ^~~ ~ ~ l~ ,P~ ~ ' r ~, r A~j~~ i~ `.'l ,~~ THE FOREGOIIIG RESOLU~'ION is s3qnad and approved by m~ this 27th day o~ February, 19a9. _~'`..,, i~~ `~~~L~,.~i _ "e' CHASRWOMAl~, ANr'~H~IM CITY PI,ANN2NG COMMxSSION i'. ~ `; i ATTEST.: ~ . ,;; (o ~~R~.~..~ , ' . C-~..~vt~c-~.,~_ :`T' SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CiTX FL~ANNIyG CQMMISSION i' STATE OI' Cp.LIFORNIA ) '~ CdUNTY OI' O~APTGE ) ss. ~ CITY Ok' ANAHEIM ) ,~ T, Edith I~, Harria, SecxeCary of rhe A~:aheim City Planning ~ Commission, do hereby certi.fy L•h~t the Eoreqoi.,g r~solution was passec~ and ~( aclopted at a meeting af the Anahezm C.ity Planxiing Conunission kield on February ''~ 27, 1989, by the following vote of the membQrs therenf: ;`; AYGS: CONAIISSIONERS: HO'JAS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, FELDHAUS, MESSE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ~ZONE VACANT: COt~41ISSI0NERS: TWO VACANT IN' 6~ITNES5 w'~IF.R~O~, I have hereun~o sQt my hand this 27th day of February, 1989. .. `~~ . ~ ~ /Q.M..c.,,. - i-d~- ~-~ SECRETABY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COIrQdISSION ^ ~;~; .; ; ~~: ; 7' : `f ~ ~ _X ~;,,h. f.~f '.(j ~~'A3 ' / -4- PC89-65 '` :~.., ,~,~; ~, J~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - , .... . ~ . . . . .. - ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~jr ~,~~ . . . . .. _ ~ , . . ~ ~ , . , , . t: ~~ ~iy°j , ~3 ~..4~ILn~lS~ ( ~