752 / \l . ..~ y \-,.~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ORDIHABCB BO. 752 AI' OBDllABCI OJ THE Cln or A!WIIIM AMDDIllG SJJCTIO!lS 55 AID 56 OJ' OBDIlWTt3 BO. 701 .TI!LBD -.u OBDIDNCI or TID1 CITY OJ' J.II'A1n!IM PROVIDIBG JlOR '1'HE LIClINSING 0]' CERTADT BUSIDSSlIS, TRADE, PRonsSIOlfS Alm OOCUPATIOBS. FIXING THE RATE OJ' LIC_51 !DUJ'OB.. PROVIDING JOR TIll COLLEC!IOB THEDO)', Am> FIXIBG PD.A.LTDlS J'OB. !HJl VIOLATION TDUOJ''' C~APDIIG TRERm'O A. N'EW SUBSECTIOB TO :B1I 1UMB:lRID '1'HIR!'Y_SBVD D.-"(, !HE CI'l'Y comrCIL OJ' THE CITY or Al{AR'1IIM DOES OBDAIlf AS FOLLOWS: SBOTIOI 1: fha' Sections S5 and 56 of Ordinance Ho. 701 8Dt'i'led "All IlWiClD OJ' THE CITY OJ' .AlWmIM PROVIDIlIG FOR THE LICBNSIIlG 0., C:lRTAIB :BUSINlI3SES. ESt PROFESSIOBS AND OOCUPA'.rIONS. FIXING THE RATE OF LICDSB i'ltIREJ'OR. PROVID- BG FOR THE COLLlICTION THlREOF. AND FIXING PINALTIE lOR TKI VIOLATIOlI T~J'. be. the same are hereby aaeDded to read as follows: SectioD 5.5: Ev.,... person conducting. managing or carrying on the bus1nes f collecting articles to be laundered or dry cleaned at a plant or laundry operat y steam or other motor power, outside the City Limits of the City of Anaheim. eha1 13 a:y an annual license of "'ent7-flve ($25.00) Dollars for each vehicle U8ed in such 14 15 Section 56: Every person conducting, managing or carryiDg OD the businea 16 f collecting or furniehiDg linens 8uppl7 shall pay an A~"""'.' license of 'l'wen1;7-ti... 17 Dollars for each yehicle used in such business. 18 SEC!IOll 2: That a ne" subsection to be numbered 37-(4) be added to 19 the Cit7 ot ADaheim, to read a8 tollows: 20 Section 37 (d) lIveq person conducting, maaaglDg or carr71ng on the 21 ot peddling ~ goods, waree or merchandise at wholesale to 8D~ establish 22 lace of business within 'he City Limits of the City of Anaheim, for resale to 23 ustomers, shall P81' an annual license of I'went7-five ($25.00) Dollars for each 24 &hiele used in such bustA8SI. 25 BEO!IOB j: !he City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certify to the 26 as_age of this Ordinance aDd cause the same to be published ODce in the Anaheim 27 azette. a newspaper of general circulation. publiShed and circulated in the C1t7 28 f Anaheim, California, and thirty d8.78 from and after its final passage it shall 30 " ..:. ." .~ . .~.~/:.~ '.. ..- . :...._.>~.-. .~._.- ~,..~.~.... ~./...-~ '-... M~or of the City of ADabel. 29 ake effect aDd be in full force. 31 ;" . ...~h8 foregoing OrdiDallce was approved, signed and attee'ted thi. /ca f ,( d~- ..~/ . 1949. day 32 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) eQUITY OJ' OlU.IGJ: ) 88. 2 CI!Y 0., AlQ"-IM ) 3 It CBARLIS E. GRI17I!B. City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby 4 certify that the foregoing Ordinance va8 introduced at an::'.j.8Ul'D.e4 r..ar meet- 5 1ng of the C1t7 Council of the City of ADahelm, held OD. the 25th 4ay ot Bo'V'ember, 6 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. t and that the same was passed and adopted at a 7 regular meeting held on the 13th d~ of December. 1949, b7 the following Tote of 8 the members thereof: 9 10 AYES: COUBCI LMD: Pea.rson!l :Boney. HS)"ing and Pace. NOE: COtnlCILND: Bone. 11 12 ABSJIIT: COUllCILMD: Van Wagoner. AND I FURTHER OIRTI~Y that the ~or ot the Cit7 ot ~lm approved aDd 13 signed said Ordinance on the 13th d~ of December. 1949. 14 IN WITlESS WBliIREOJ'. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of 15 sald City of Anaheim this 13th d~ of December, 1949. 16 17 (SilL) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 e~/%~ ~ 01 t7 ot the 0 ot ADahe1ll ~ffiba&it llf 'uh (i 'ld. .\Jl.,-;~;;-'C'~~;:'~, \. J "-I ~-;~~, ORDINANCE - NO.' 752' .., . , AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF: ANAHEIM AMENDING S'ECTIONS! I !>>5. AND 56 OF O'RDINANCE NO. 701 ! ENTITLED uAN ORDINANCE OF: THE CITY Of:' ANAHEIM PRO- VIDING FOR THE .-LICENS'INQ OF C~RTAIN BUSINESSES; TRADES, ~ROFES~I-ON$ 'AND OCCUPA- TIONS, FIXING TH'E RATE. OF LICENSE. THER.EFO.R, PROVIDO:, ING FOf!:t T'H'E COLLECTIO;\l' TIiEREOF, AN'D F.lXIN'O PENAL- ' TIES F.OR T.H E, VIOLATION , HEREQ~f-" ~~D AQ'OINQ TH'ERE- TO A N.W SUBSECTION TO BE NUMBER'~D .THIRTY-$EVEN D. THE CITY, COUNCIL O}4' THE CITY , OF ANAHEIM DOES OHDAIN ..\H FOLI..O\VS: ~ ~ - - -Q RD.Il:LANCE_ __N_Q.._. _ _'l_52_ ___ n_ _ _ _ _ ________. _ _ _ _ n_ n_ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _. Thursday, -. -..----- -. - --- .------ - - - ----- ------.---------- --. -- --, 194______ S~CTION 1: Tha t Sections 5G a.nd 56 ot Ordinance No. 701 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COurt .----------- ANAHEIM PROVIDING FOR THl<~ LICENSING OF CERT AIN nusI - IF NESt:lES, TRADES, PROFES810NH I . AND OCCUPATIONS, FIXING TRI'; RATE OF LICENSE THEREli'O-lt. PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION TH.EREOF, AND FIXING PENAL- TIES FOR T H 'E VIOLATICi'..'\I THEREOF" be, and the same are hereby- amended to read as fo'Hows: .s~ction 55: Every perso.n condu~ting', managing or carrYing on the busines~ of cOllec'ting al'Ucles to be laundered i or dry cleaned a t a plant or laundry 'operated by steam or other motor power, outside the City Limits of thc~ City of Anaheim, shall pay an annual license of TwentY-five ($25.00) Dol1al'l:3 for each vehicle used in such business. , Section 56: Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the businesl:3 of COllecting or furnishing llnens sup- pl~,. shall pa~' an annual l!cense of r.rwentl'-flve <$25.00) Dollars fur each vehicle used In such business, .SECTIUN 2: That a new subsectioll ~ be numbel'ed 37-(d) be added to f>rdlnance No, 701 of the Clt:r of ~nahelm, to read as follows: J Sectlon 37 (d) Every person con- i ductlng, managing or carrying on th f-' busi?-ess of peddling any gOOdH, Wal'E~~ or merchandise at wholesale to am" established place of business withi~ the CIty Limits of the City of .\na- heim, for resale to customers, aha] I pay an annual license of Twent~'-fivE' '($26.-00) Dollars for each vehidp. used : in such business. I SECTION 3: The City Clerk of th(' i City or Ana~eim shall certify to 1 hf~ t passage of this Ordlnan-::e and eaUl-n' the Bame to be published once in the .am..beim Gazette, a newspapel' of '1J.~1 circulation, PUbliShed and dl'- cu'li.'ted in thp elt~' of .\naheim. C.a.-Utornia, and -thirty da)'s fl'om and after its final passage it shall tak(' I effect and be in full fOl"Ce, The fOl'egoing Ordinance wa:-; H p_ I pl"o\"ed, signed and attested thi:-l 13th da~" of December, 1949. CHA~. ..:\. PJ:o~~\ i{:iUX ~fa)"or of the Cit)" of Anaheim. ATTEST: \ <;'HA R.LE~ E. GRIF14"lTH Cit~ Clerk of the eft)" of ~\nahei.1l1. (SEAL) S!"A?:,E 01'" C.\LlFuRXIA) C~V.NTY OF URANGE )81'1, ClJ:Y OF AN AHEIM ) I!. CHARLES E. GltIFli'lTH, City Clerk of the eft}, of ~\nahehn, 4h h'ereb)' certlf)- that the r()r'~going Ordina.nce 1IVas introduced at an ad- 1oU.rned .'egular mee.Ung of the City Cou~cll of the eft;r Qf .Anaheim. h~lrl on. the 25th day of Novpmbel', at th~' hOur of 10:00 o'clock A. M., and that the .same was p"ci8sed and adoPtf~cI at a regula." mp.cUng held on th(~ 13th da)-- of Decf"!mbpr. HH9, b)' thn f.)IIf)W- "in$' 'vote of. 'the members thercof: '4\YE~: COeN'CII....MI4}~: Peal'son, ~a(!e..t He)"In-g and Bone)', N;OES: CO(;,~CILMEN: Xonf'. .ABSl'~NT: COt.:,N'CILMEN: \" a, II Wqo'np.r. ANn I Fr.;H.TH~n Cl!~It'J'IFY tha I the Mayor of the City of .\lIalwim ap,pl'O\'ed an~, fligned said ()nJln:-uwH ~n the I,3t.h (fay of Deeemher, 1!f4!I, IN \\'I.TN~1SS \\"H~R~~()"', ] ha \',_ hereunto SPot m~' hand and affixf!d thE'! seal of said CIty of .\ Ilatll'llll this 13th day or Vecembe,', 1 !14!1. CHARLUH E. GHj.l<~FITIi Cit.y t:lerk of thl' City of .\ natlf'iU1. (BE..\LJ ............. -... --- -...... .......... -- --------..... ------. --. -----........... --------------.- ---- ------.... ---.. -.--- ...... - ............ -- --... . ............... --- -- --_.. ------.. --- -------... -.. -----...---------- ---------- --....... ------ '""Yt! . Jilla;'qtJa....._.. .. --.... ...--.... ---... -....... ---.. ------.. -------......... ------...- -----------------...---.. .---------------- --.... .. ............. --... .. . .. .......... -.. --... --.. -----...... -- ------ --.... ----------------.... -.. ----------------- --IW-eM&R~____... STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, } SS. Theodore B. Kuchel, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is and' at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, and that he is not a party to nor interested in the above entitled matter; that he is the printer and publisher of the ANAHEIM GAZETTE, a newspaper of general circulation, printed published and circulated weekly, on Thursdays, in said County of Orange, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newStpaper at all the times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscrip- tien list of paying subscribers, and which news- paper has been established, printed and published in the said County of Orange for a period exceeding one year next before the publication of the first insertion of this notice; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said newspaper on the following dates, to-wit: Thursday, -----n-----.----n_____~e_Q_!L__lR____________, 194_~___ Thursday, ---. - ---- -----..----- -. -..-------- - -. ------------- - - - -, 194____.. Th ursday, __._______.__n_._________________...._________________, 194____.. Thursday, . - -.----------- .-------.------. --. -. .~--------.- -. - ---, 194______ Thursday, ---.-------- --- .-.-.-.-.- .---.-. -... ..--------.. -. - ---, 194______ Thursday, ------~----~-..._---_. - - - --------. .-.---------- .--. -.., 194___... Thursday, -~-------_. - -.- .------- - - .---.- - - ... - .--------.-. .-~--, 194______ Thursday, .__n_______...__________.____________________________, 194._____ Thursday, - - -- - ---- - - -. -.. -.-----.. .-- ----. -.. -.--- -----. - --- - - -, 194______ ./ - - - - - -- - -~- -- - -- - - ___________e_ ____:=-__...________ ..d_____J;.__~___.t~,~.~__:___:___f____.. Printer and Publisher. Subscribed and Sworn to before me by Theodore B. Knchel, this -~gJill day of__~_~Q.~mQ_~~, 194u~ Publisher's Fee ,----____4._6.8..________ - ~ ,.",-', - ;~, . .. -.... -- ------- - -.... ----~~-------- ----.----------.-----------------------.-.--------------- Notary Public - County Clerk - City Clerk Notary Fee . . 'n______________~_______-___ My Com. Expires __________________________________ TOTAL . . . ,_~________ ~j~~__~~_______ ~ ~ .