Resolution-PC 89-73~ RE$OLUTIQN NQ~PC89-73 ~~ A RESOLUTION OF TH~; ANAHEIM ~I'rY PLANNING COMMISSION AI30PTING ANn RECOMMENDING TG TKE CITY COUNCII. ADOPT70N OF GENERAL PLAN AM~ivDMENT N0. 252 - LAND USE EL~MGNT WF?~REAS, the Cxty Council ~f the City of Anahaim did adopt: the Anaheim Genoral Plan by Resoluh.ion No. 69R-644, showing the general descriptioii arid extent o~ possible futurQ devglopment within the city; and Whereas, pursuant to a property owner roquQ~t for an amencLnent to l:ho Land Usa Elomeiit oP tho Genera'1 Plar~, staff prepared a Goneral Plan Ameudment proposing a rodosignation f.r~m Low Density Resi.dantfal to 2~Sedium Density Residorztial f.or a st~idy ar~a consisting of approximately Q.37 acr.e havinq a f.rontage of approxlmatelx 120 feet on the east side of Rio Vista Street, havxng a maaimum depth af 150 feet and b~ing loc~tod appro~cimately 264 feet sout2i of ~ha c~ntorling of Lincoln Avonue arxd further clescribed as 502 So~at}i R~o Vista Street; and WFiEREAS, khe Anaheim Cit.~ F'lanning Commission d3.d hold n public heariny at, tha Anafiim Civic Centex, Council Chambar, 200 South Anaheim [ioulevarci, on February 27, 1989, at :i:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing pro~visions ~;f ttie Anaheirr, Municipal Code, to hear and c~nsider evidence for. and against said Ge~oral Plan Amendment and to investigate and mako findings and recommendativns in connection therewi.th; and sai.d publ3.a ha$ring wa3 continued to the rneeting of March 13, 1989; anci WFIER~.\S, said Commi~sion, aEt~r due considaration, inspQCtion, investigation and ;:tudy made by ituelf, and after due consideration of al]. evidonce t~ncl reports offerecl at said hearing, DOB~ ~IEREBY FIND: 1. Tha+t «avi.denr.e presented substantia~~s the need for an z~mendmant t~ the Anaheim General Plan and that ~xhibik A be adoptec~ red~sianating subject aroa for Medium ~en~ity RQSIr3ential lnnd use~. ~AL.IF RNZA EI3VIRON:dL~AL~~LITY ACT 7K~A NC._: ThaC the Anaheim City Planninq Commiss.loii has review~d the proposal to amQnd tho Land Use Elem~nt of L•ho Genera~l Plan ta redesignate subject property Erom the current desir~nati~.n of L~w Density Rosidential to Medium Donsity Residential land uses on a rectangularl~--shapsd parcel of laiid consistiny of approxir.-ately 0.37 m.;ro having a fron~age of approximately 120 feet on ';he east side of Rfo Vista Stre~t, having a maxirnum depth u.f 150 fAet and beinq located aQproximatoly 2F0 ~eet south of. tho c3nt~rli.ne of I~incoln 3-vonue und further described as 502 South Rfo Vista StreeL•s and does thar~fore apt~rqve the Negat•ive Declaration on the basis that it t,aa considered t2ae proposed Noga~ive Declaration together with tsny c~,mmQnts res~eived cluring the pubZic review pro~ess anfl f.urttier findinq on Che bazis of the zni.ti~l Study and any comments raceived thaf~ rhQCe is no substential evi~9ence Chat tho pzoject will ~'~ hava a si~~nffican~ effect on the enviro:unent. `~ 0731r -'1-• PC89--73 : ~~~ ~ J7r+Fl ~ r n,~~'r:i~~) ~n i v ,, '~1 , .` f,~+'•? ~ ...~; ~ , { .,~ ~~ .~,.,~.~ u~f?y'~,t~7t rt r,';r~? C: I::~rci+ tY {~~GY~+hy~p ~ ' - - ._^" ,~tn.~~tbG~7'41~C..~ ~ iit `±~ t NOV~, THE~EFURE, Li~ TT RESOLVED, that pursuanL• to the above findings, the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hsreaby adopt and rscomman,d ta the City Couriail oE the City of AnahQ~.m adoption of Gen~ral Plan Amondment r*o. 252 - Land I7sQ Element - Exhibit A, ta redesignate study area from Low Density Resi~ential t~ Medi~um Dens~.ty ResidQ;itial land usas. i THE ~'OREGOING E2ESOT..UTION is signecl aria approvQd by me this 13th day of March, 1989. ; ; •7 ~~ ,~ ~ ;'-:-, ~y~l: ~ %~ . ~~ ~~~•G C.r.'1~ •~/ ~_ CHATRMAN,,/ AHEIM CITRY PLANN3NG C4I~M'ISSION ATTECT: ~ c ~ / ~.~~~ ---- ~ SECRE'T RY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG C0y4~tISSION `' STAT~ OF CALIFOkN7A ) ~' CCUNT.Y CF ORRTdGE ) s s. CZTY OF ANAHFIM ) r,' '"• T, Gdi*_h L. Harris, Secretary of tho Anaheim City Planning ~ Commission, do heroby aerti£y thaL• the foregofng resoliiLion was passec~ and acinpted at a meeting of the Anaheim City P~a~inir.g Commission helci ~n Mareh 13, 2989, by tlie Eollowing vo'te of 'the members thereof: "i AlES: COMMI~SIONEnSS IIOUAS~ $OYDSTIIN~ CARUSTLLO~ FELDHAUS~ M~.'SSF NOES: C(?IYLtiSISSTONER5: NONC r; 'VACANT: TWO SEATu f' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunt~ set roy hand thi~ 13th day '` oE March, Y9t39. ~ __ ~ ~~r ~ : ' SGCRETARY, ANAFIE'tM CITY PI.ANNING CQMM7u5r0:J -2- PC89-73