Resolution-PC 89-74~ ~F ~xoN z~o....~~~ ~ ~,lt{ ~ 4' y'~F;1'U"Y1~ ~ . ~ ,~.1' 1 '~~-la!~vr~7~i ~ . r •'~:~ ~ ~ 4'k ,f~~ ~ \r ~''~ ~ ~ A RESnLU'.CION OF TI~~ I~TAHETM CI7'Y PLAN1dING CONMISSIOPT THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. d~1-89-4X HE GRANT~D 'WFiEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did rece.ive a verified petition £or .Reclassification iram WzLLTAM YOCFic~M AND LORENE YOCH~M, 281.0 Randy Avez-ue, Anahoim, CA 92806, ownars, and MOF(LE2Z CORPORATION, 874 N. Batavia St~reet, Orange, CA 92660, agont for cerCain rea]. property situated in tihe City of An.ahai,m, Count,y o£ Oranye, St~te of California, deacriY,~d as ~ollows: THE NORTH 120 FEET OF THE WEST 180 FEET OF THE NOR~'HWEST QUI~,RT.GR OF THF 50UTHW~ST QUARTER OF TF1E SUUTEiVZEuT QUAR1'FE2 OF SEC'1'IUN 7, T27 TOWNSH::P 4 SOUTH, RANGE p W~ST, iJ,N BERNARDINA EtASE AND MFRIDII~N'. WFiEREAS, che City Plar~ning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Givic C~ ~-.ec in the City of Anaheim on February 27, 1989 at 1:~0 p.m., noh.ice of said public hearing havinc~ beAn duly niven as req~~ired by law ttnd in accordance wi~,h th4 pruvisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,03, ~o hear and cansidQr evidarice for And against said proposed recl~xssiLication anii to investigato and makP fin~ings and recommendations in conneccion therewitki; and said p~:blic hearing was cont.inuQd to the meQting af Marc;h 7.~, 1939; and WHEREAS, said Conunissi.on, a~'ter due inspecEion, ihvestigation and study made by ?tse:lf and in i.ts behalfo and after due consideration of all evidence an8 reports offered at said liearing, dues Eind and determine the follow.ing fac~s: 1. TY-at l:he petitianer pr~poses reclassiEication o£ subject pro~~~ert~ trom ttio RS-A-93,OOU (Residential/Ac~ricultux•al} Zone ~o the FtM-1200 (ResideYitia:, Multiplc~-F~mi'ly) 7one. 2. That although the An2~he~.irn General P1an designah.es subject proporty for low-density resiile:itSal land use, Goneral Plan T,mendment Nq. 252 ia p~nding to cbange t4~~ land use d~signatioi~ to medium ciensity res=.dential. , 3. Thz-t the proposeCi reclassiE.icat~on of 3ubjecti propezt~+ is nQCessary and/~~r dosirab7.e for the order7.y and praper development oE the community. 4. T2iat tlie propo~ed r~c~assification o~ subjscti v.ro~9rty Qoes proparly relnte to ths zonos and their permitted uses locf~lly e~tablished in cl~se proximity to subject propertx and to the z~nes and th~ir permitted uses generally esta~lishe~~ througY.out the community. 5. TY,at the proposed reclassification of subj~ct proporty requires tlie doc9icat.ion and improvem~nt of. abu~t:inq streets in accordance wit2i th~ Circulation Elemont of the GQneral Plan, due tu the s~nticipated inczease ~I in traffic which wiJ.l be generated by the intonsification oi• land usc~. 07.17r -1- PC89-74 i ~ , ~ ... ~ `' • , , . , ~..: ~.~.F4, ~~t>>~ . , q 6. That no ono inciicated their prUSence at sa,id public hearing in appogition~ and that no correspondQnce was received in appor~ition ta subjecL• pet3tion. 'ALIF R~N~A_ ~NVIRONMENTAL (1uALIxY ACT. F:(ND~CN~: That t.he Anaheim Ci:~y Planning Conunission has reviawea the proposal ~o ~mend the Land Use ~lemeut: of the GQneral Plan to redc~signata subject propert~ fram Low Density Residential tn Mediwn Density R~sident.ia2, to reaclassify subject property from thc~ RS-A-43,000 (Residential/ Agricultuxal) Zane to th,e RM-120A (R~sidential, Multiple-Family) anc3 l•,o cunstruc~ a 2-~~ory, 8-unit apartment buildiny with waivers of. maximum structural height and minimum structuLal setback on a rect:angularly-shat~ed parcel of l:~nd consisting of appraximately C.37 acre having a trontage of approxima~ely 120 ~eet on the east side oE Rio Vista Street, having a m~scimum depth oE 15U feet, being loca~ea approxi.mately 26U ~eeL- south of the centerline of Linroln Avenue and further described as 502 Soutti Rio Vista StreQt~ and does hareby ~pprove the NegaY.ive Declaratian upon finding that iY, h2~s cons.idered the Negal•.ive Declaration tage~ther with any cummenrs ~~~~:ei~ed dur.ing the public revisw proce~s and furtlzer finding on the basis ot the i.nitial stud,y and any comments received ttiat there is no substantial t~vidsnce that the project will have a aignificant effect on the envirc~iiment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RFSOL'VED that the Y-naheim City Planning Commission does herc~by grar~t subject Petition for Reclassificatian and, by so doing, that T•itle 1$-Zoning of the Anahvim Municipal Code be amended to excludQ the above--r]escrib~d pro}~er~:y fr.om tbe RS-A-43,000 (Resfdt~nL-it~l/ Agricultilra:) 2one and to incorporatc~ said clescribed property iiito the RM-1200 (12esidential, Multipl~-Fami.ly) Z~ne upon th9 followinq .^.ond3.L•ions whicl~ arQ hereby f~una to be a a~eceasary prerequi.site to the praposod use nf subjoct property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare, oi the Citiz~ns ot t•h~ City o£ Anaheim: 1. Thal street. lightxng faci.litia~ al.ong Rio Vista 5tre~t shall Le installed as requirod by the UtilitiQS Gc:neral Manager in accordance with specifications an filp in ttie Office of th~ Utilities General Me~nager; or that security in the form of a bozid, corti£icaLe of deposit, leL-ter. of credit, or cash, in ~n amaunt and ~orm 3at3.si'actory to th~ City of Anaheim, shall be posted with t'ho City to guar.ax~tee the sa.tisfactory corepletion of the above--menti.oned improvements. Sai.d security shal]. be gosted with tha CiL•y of Anaheim prior to the introducrion o£ an ordxnance rezaning subj~ct proper.ty. The above•-required improt-ements shall be installed priur to occupancy. 2. Th~.t the leqal oaner of subjec~ pro;~erty s2ia11 dedicate to the City of Anaheim a strip oE land five (5) fe~ei: in width located alonq the north property line ot subject property f:or pub]..ic utility purposes. 3. That a fee shal]. bo paid to the City of. Anah~im for tree planting alonq Rio V.ista Street in an a.~nnur.t as ~stabli.shec? by City Counci.t resolution. -'l - PCti9-74 ' 1 ~)'l, ;S ~ ;r~ ~~:k;~ ;;; . 4. ~, ~ ~~ That prior to inL•r.odu~~tion of ar~ ordin~ance rozoning yub ject property, the legt~l ~~rok~erty ow:ner eshall preparo and record an unsubordinated aovon~nt limitinc~ occupancy~ of each apur~ment unit to no more than twu (2) persons (othE~r tY~a~n ctii:ldren und~r~ the age af twa (2) yoars) per bedroom. Said limita~ic~Y, shal.l be include~ in each le~se/rental agreement. A copy~ of Ch~ covenan~ sliall he submi~ted to anci approvc~d by the City Attornoy pr~iox ta rec~rd~tzo~i. 1~ copy ot the record~d covenant shall he Eurnishad to the 2oning Divisi~~n. 5. ThaL- a covenanL- sh~all be recorcled agreeing to provide the renter o£ each dwe:lling unit with wriL•ten information obtained f~-om the School DisCrict(s) pertain.in~ tn possible overcrowded conditions and bu~ing status Qf the school(sl sorviny the dwelling uni~. 6. That prior ~o the inti:~~ciuct~.on of an ordinance re2onar_g subject proper~y or within a period of one (1) yaar o:E the date o~ tihis res~lution, whichever occurs first,. Cor.dition Nos. 1 through 5, above-montioned, ;shall be completad. Tha pr~visions or righte c~r~nted by this rc~solution shall become nu:ll a.n8 v~id by actio.~ af the l~lanninq Commission un.l.ess st~id conditicins ~ire comp:;.l.ed vrith within oi~e ye~~r frnm the d~te of this reraolut.ion, or su,;}i furthE~r time as the Planning i^.ommission may grant. 7. That: ~pproval oF this appl.icat3.on constitutes ~-;pproval of ~h~ rroposed zec~u~sst only t~a the extant: t.hat it complic~s with the Anaheim Municipal ~~onina Code ar.cl any other ,~pplicable City regulations. A,pproval due3 no~ fnclu;le any ace:ion or fin3ings as to ~omp,lxanc:e or approva3 af th~ re~c~uest regaxding any other applicable ord~.nance, regulatio~a or require~ment. B~ TT FURTHGR RESOLVLD thaC the Anaheim Cit;y Planning• Cornmiss.ion does he:reby ~ind ano. dekermine t~iat adoption of this Resolution is oxpressly predic~ted upoxi a~plicant';3 conpli~rice with Fach and ,s11 UE tP.a conditzons Yeereinabove set farth~ 5havld ar.~.y such conditions, ~r any part t•hereof, be declared invalid ar. uti~nfor.ceable by the fina7 judqmt3nt of any court oE ~c~npeC4n~ jurisdi~.tion, then ~.his Resoluti.unr and any approvaJ.s herein cantained, shall be deemed nu.il an~i void. -3- , ~j~~~ PC89-79 ~;~; ;+ ~~~~'~ ~;7 y~~Y .~... . ~.. ....'~~-r'~~1 ~~S ~n~~Y ~HE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is si.gned and app•roved by me thi,s 13~h dny ~ of MarcYi, 1989. , ~ ' ~~ ,r._~,•' ~ ~ A` 1 ^~ ~~ ;r I ~f~'~ ~~ ~- J..~ `- -- ~: CHAIEtWOMAN, )CNAI~IEIbf CITY PLF.N27aNG COMMISSION )^; / -: . ,~ ATTES`1'; ` !~« _ ' .-1~~-.~..L..~ _._.~ ~!i '; i f:t ~ 1~. SECRETA X, ANA.kIEIM f:TY PLANNING CO~~SMISSION STA~'E OF CALTFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY' OF T,NAHFIDi ) I, EdiL-h L. Eiarr; t3, Secretary of the Anaheim City PJ.anning Commission, do hexeby cert~.f.y thnt the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a mgating a.f tYie Anahoim City I~lanning Carnmissien hel~ on March 13, 19$9, by the :Eollowing vo~e of t2ie mambers theracf: AYES: COMMTSSTaNERB: BOCTAS, nOYDSTUN, CARUS:[I.LO, I'ELAFiAUS, MESSG NOES: COMMTSSiONERS: NODTE VACANT: TWO SEATS 7N NIITNESS WHER~OF, I ha~~~: her~unto set mp hand this 13th day oi March, 1989. ~r.A ---°~~/?~~~j ' SECRET RY, ANAHEIM CIT'Y PLAtdNING COMMISSION ,,e ~ ,~ ;~ r, -4- PC89-74 ~ ~~ V ~~~:~ , .. ~ . ~ . '-.'~ , ;s'i `.:4 ' S/