Resolution-PC 89-76~n~ F~,.F,~QLU'~t_O~J N F~8 ~¢, , : ..~,~a~; ;;i ~ A 1RF.SOL'UT:fON OF THE ANAI~EIM CITY PLANNING COhII~tIS,~sION TFAT PETITIAN EOR RECLASSIE'ICATION N0. 88-89-31 DF, GRANTED ~iHEREAS~ tho Anaheim City Planning Commiysion did receive a veriEied ~,etition for RQCIA531'F.].CSt.lOTl from Raymond L. Ph.illips, 929x N. Batavia Street, Orange~ CA 92665, owner, anc] Magdy Hanna. 44(l0 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 680, Newport Beach, CA 926G0, agent for aertain real proporty situated in the Cit.y of Anah~im, County of Orz~nge, State of: Cnlif.ornia, dQSCribeci as follows: LUT 22 OF TRAC'.f 793, "WOODWARU TRACT" IN TFTE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AS PEP, 2~iAF~ RECORDED IN R04R 22, PAGE 10, OF MISCELLANEOClS MAPS, IT.d TFiE OFFICE CF THE CI~UNTY R~CORDER OF SAIn COCTNTY, iVFiGRGA5, the City nlanning Commission did k~old a public hearing at the Civic Center ir- the City ~f Anaheim on Jdnuary 16, 1989, a~ 1:3U p.m., notace of said public hea•ring ha~~ing heen dtily given as required by law and in accordsnce wikh the prov.isions of Che Anaheim Municipt~l Coda. Chapter 18.Q3, to hear. and consider evidQnca for and against sai.d propoaed xeclassiEication and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connectior therewithj and said public hearlug was conti.nuod to the meet3nqs of February 1'3, 198Q, and Narch 13, 1989; an@ WFi~,REAS, said Commission, afte: due inspect3.on, investigation axid stuily made by itself and in its boYialf, ancl afh.er clue consic3eration of a].1 evidence and reports off~red at said hearing, do~s find and determino the follo~vizi~ Pacts: 1. Tha~ the petitioner proposes reclassiflcation, ~~f subject property from RS-A-A3,000 {Resadential/Agricultural) Zone ~ta RM-1200 (ke3idantial, Multiple-Family). 2. That tho ?`.^aheim General ?J,nn desiynates sunject proper4:y for medium ~ens~.ty residentia). land uses. 3. That the proposed reclassificaL•ion ~f subject property is necessary and/or desirablP for thQ ordQrly and proper develo~ment of the aummunity. 4. That L•h~ praposod rsclassification pf subjQCt propertp fioes proporly relate to the zones and theix permittc~c~ uses loeally eatabllshed in clo~e proxxmity to s~~.bject property a~id to the zones and ttaeir permitCed uses generally ostablished throughout the c~mmuiiity. 5. Tha.t the proposed rec:La„~ificaticn o~ subjecr pr~perty requires the improvemen~ of abuttinq arieots iii accordanco with the circulation of the Genera~ Plan du~ to the anticipa~ecl increase i.n traffic whzch aill be qener~-t~~d by the inrensificati~n of land use. 0718r -1- PC89-76 <`,'~, ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~~:f~ ~/9.~!~~1 .1wr~ 6. That one pQr3on indicat~d their pre~ence at said public hez-ring in apposii:ion; and that no correspondenco was receiveci i.n appositiaii to subject ~roperty. ~~3~.~~~~~~_~.~TVI~20NME~~L pUAGIT~,p,~,~,F~ND,~p~= That the Anah~im City Planning Commission has raviewed the proposal to reclasaify subject property from the RS-A-43,QOU (Residential/agricul~ural) Z~r~e ~~ the RM-1200 (Residential, Multiple-Family) Zone to r.onstruct a 3-Story, l0~uniit xpartmant complex wzl-h aaivers of maxirnum strucCural height and m~+ximum site coverage on a irr~,yu].arly-shaped parcel of land consisLing of appr~x.ima~ely 0.57 acxe, having a franr_~q~ of a},proximately 133 fQet on tht nortl~ side o~ Savanna Streer, tiavinc~ a maximum depth ~f approximately 214 ~Qet, bein~ located approximately 1,050 feet west of thQ centerline uf. Knott Street and further described as 362Q and 3633 Wost Savanna SCroet; and does herQby approve t;he Negative Leclaration upon flnding ttiat it has considered the Negat:ive Declaration togekhec with any commc~nts received dur.ing ~he public review process ~nd further finding on the basis of ~he initial study and any corrunents rer.e.ivcad that there .is no substant°,,1 evidence that tho project will have a significanr effect on the ezivironmenl. NOW, TH~REFORE, BE IT RESULV~D thaY. ti~e An~heim City Planning Commission does hereby~ urant suY~jecr Petiti~n for Rar,lassification and, by so doing.. l•hat 7'itle 18-~or.ing ot the Anaheim Mun.icipal C:ode be amer.dod tu exclude t:~e above-described properCy from the RS-A-43,OQ0 (Residential/ Aqric;ult~~ral) 7,one to the RM-1200 (Resider~4:i~1, Multiple~Famil,y) ZonP and to incorporate said describsd propsrty inta the Zone upon the ~o:llowing conditions which dre hersby found to be a nQCessary prc~requi~i~e ta the prop~sod use of subjec~t p:o~erty an arclQr to preserva the safety and genaral welfare of th~ Citizens oL• the Cit}• of An~hQim: l. That all engin~ering requi.rements ~f tne Citiy of Ant~heim along Savanna StrQet, including preparation ~f im~,rove~ent plans ttnd insta].lation of all irr,provtiments such as curb~ and gutL•ors, sidewalks, water facilitiPS, s'treet gradii~g and pavemeii~, sewer and dra.inage Eacilitaes, or othe: uppurte,i~nt work shall be complied wi~h as xequiced by the City Eugineer and i~i accoxdance with spe~ifications on Eile in the pffice oP the City Engi.neer; or that securihy in the form of a bond, cerLificate of deposiC, letter of creciiL•, or crosh, in an Fvnount und ~orm sntisfactory to the Cit1 oP Anaheim, shal.l be posted with the Caty to guarantee the satisfactary completion of said improvemen~s. 5s~id securitX shall be posL•ed witr rhe C~ty prior to introduction oE an ac•dtrtRnr_e zezoning subject property, to guarsntee ~hQ insta'lla~zon of *_ne above-r•oquired improvements prior to oc;cupaacy. 2. That a fce sha11 bQ paid to the City of Anaheim for. tree plaiiting along Savnnnt~ StreQt in an amount as established by City Councii resolution. ~2- P~ 89-76 __ , _ ... . , ,;;~ ti'~~'"~4 ~ 3. That s~reat lighting fncili~les along Sa~anna Stroet shall bo installed as required by the Utilities General Mar~ager in accordanco with. specificationa on fa.le iri the Offiee of Utilities Gene.rsl Maiit~gers or that secur.ity in th~ Porm oE a bond, certiEicnte oi doposit, :lettor oL credi~, or. cash, in an amount ~nd form satisfactory tn the City o£ A.naheim, shall be pos'~ecl with the City to guarantee th~ sat.isfactory comp~etion of Lhe above-mentioned impruvamezits. Said sECUri~y shal~ he posted. with the City of Anahoim prior to introducti~n of an c~rdinance rozoning subject property. The abo•-e-raquired impravements ;shall ba instal:led prior to occupzncy. 4. 'ihat prior to inlroduction of an orclix~ance rezoni.ng subjRCt g.ruperty, the 1egb1 prope.rry owner shali prepa:•a and record an unsubardinated covenaizt limiting or,cupancy of each apartmenL unxt to no more than two (2) persons (other than children undar the aqe of tw~o (2) ya~-rs) per bedroa-n. Said limitation sha11 be iiicluded in each lease/rer~tal agreQment. A copy of the covenant shall t~e submitted tn and ~pproved by the City Ahtorney prior to rccord.3tion. A copy ot the recurded covenant s2za11 bo Eurnished to the Zoning L~3.vision. 5. That a covonant shall be reaorded agreeing to provide t;he rox~tez of each dwelling unit with writtt~n infurmation obtaiiied from the School. DistriCt(s) portaining to pos~ible overcrowded conditions and busing status of tlie achool(s) sorving the dwe].ling unzL•. 6. That tha ownc~r of subject property sh~ll submit a lettQr requesting terrnination of Var3.ancQ No. 11f45 to the Zona.ng Division. 7. That pri~r to the ~ntroducticr. of an ardinanee rezoning subject properl-y, Cendition Nos. 1 thr~ugli 6, above-mentioned, sha~ll be c.~mplAted. The provisiuns or rights granLed by thi~ resoiution shall become nu11 ~~nc~ v~id by action of• the Planninq Cor~vnlssion unlo~s said condition:s ar~ complied ~vith within one (1) year from I;he date c-f this resolution, or such further time as th~ Planriing Commission may gr~ant. 8. That approva~ of this applicat;i.un constitutes approval of L•he pxoposed reauest only to the ~„tent that it compl.ies with the Anaheim Mu~licipal Zoning Code anci any uther applicable City regulationa. Approve.l doe~ nat include any actiun ox findings as to aomplianco or approval of thQ request regarding any other appli~cable ordfnance, regulation or requiremenC. HE IT FURTHEdt RESOLVFA that the Anaheim City Planning Comriission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predict~ted upon Applicant's compli.anc~e with 8ach and ~,11 of the condit:ons hereinAbove sek forth. Should any such conditions, or any part thereof, be declared invaliit or unenforceable by the tinal judyment of any court of compet~n~ jurisdiction, then this Resolu~ion, and ax~y approval3 :here3n contained, shall be deemsd nu11 and void. -3- PC 89-76 ~ '; ,;, .i ; %; .,, . ,;~:;:',~a3 f 1 1'. ',~ ., , , . .. . ~ ' I'.~ . , ' i ;-~~ ~.1 . . , ~,". r ~,1 r. ~m l i , ~ '~ p .`,h=+~i t f~~~+itiy~~A~~~~~~.. '~~~iP~ ~1~~~~ l t~~ TEIE FOI.EGOING RESALUT:[ON io ~ir~ned ~nd appr~ved by me this 13th dmy o£ March, 1989. .~ ,'~%' .~ i,.`~1~:...~_'...-.~/ ,:'~l~le.'~~_~ ~ CI•IAIFtWOh1 y, AN~.HETM CITY PLAN~IIP7G CUMMTSS70N ATTEST : ~ ~ ~ W~ ~~~a ~.~ .+ SECRETA.RY, ANAHEIM CITY. PT~ANNING COMMISSIQN STATE OP CALIr~R~7IA :~7, ~ii~ ~% COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS. C:TY' OF ANAHEIM ) I, ~dith L. ~Iarris, Sacre~ary oi the Anaheirn City Plann~ng Commissian, do hereby aertify that th~ foregoing .resolution ~aa p~acsed and adopted at a meeting of the Anuhoim City Planning Commission held on March 13, ~.989, by lhe followzng vote of the m~. iberz~ tlier.eof: AYE~: (:OMM'LSSIONEfZS: E~OUAS, CARUSILLO, I'FLllHAiJS NOES: COMMIS5~ONERS: BOYUSTi)N, MFS5S VACANT: TWO SEATS Ii~ WT.TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand rhis 13tki riay of March, 7.989. -~-1~~ - SECRET.ARY, ANAHEI2Q CITY PLAN'NING COMMISSIOZt . . . . . .. _, ,_1 , i'. .. ;~;~;~;~ ~,`' h~~ j41~ ilh -~- rc: a9-~~ ;;~~~ 1 ~an, , ~ tii . . . . . , . . . . . .~ ~~a~)~ ~~°~w` , . . , .. .. , . . . _ . . . . . ~ . . ~ . ~ ~ . . ~ . . . , . . ~ . . . _ , . . . .. . .. ~ .. . _ .. . .. t.. _, ,..1. ....~n.{,.. ~L.kS