Resolution-PC 89-78~rm111CLr RESOLUTION Np P 9-78 ~ A RESOLLTTION OF THE ANAHEIM CIT,Y. PL,ANI3ING COMMISSTOPI THAT 2'ETITION FOR VARIANCE Nd. 3904 BE GRANTED ~~ ~~~;: ~~~'i WFiEREAS, the A.uaheim (;ity Planning Commissioaa did receiv~ a verified Petitzon for Variance ~rom ARNT G. QUTST, TRUSTEE OF T~E QUIST INCUR'PORATED RETIREMENT TRCJST, 2957 Catal~,a Avenue, Newport Hea~h,. CA 92660, owner, ard FRANK KURIAKOS, 120U1 Euclicl S~reet, Gardon Grove, Ca 92640, ac;e~it, ~£ c.ertain real property ~ituated in the. Caty~ of Anaheim, Count~y of Qrange, State o~ California c~ascribed as: ' ARC~L A ~ LOT 3 IN BL1~CK II3 THE CENTER TR,ACT, AS SHOWN ON A I/,AP RECORDED IN BOOK 14, P:1GE 7,3 OF MISC~LL~NEO(1S R~CORD~ IN THL 0'FFJCE OF THL; COUNTY Rk:CORDEt2 OF LQS AI:IGELES COUNTY. PARCT~L, B : THAT POR?'ION 0~' LOTS ~. AIJD 2 BLOCK N OF T.HE C3NTlER TTtACT, AS SHOWN UN A MAF RECORiiED IN BOOR 14, PAGE Y3 OF h:ISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Ir~ THE OI'rICF OF THE COUNTY '',ECORDER OF T~US ANGELES COUNTY, CALIF'ORNIA, DESCRIB~D AS FOLLOWS: HEGTNNING AT THF. CENTERLINE INTERS~,CTTONS OF ANAHEIM $LVD. AND BROAD4IAY; TFiENCE NORTYi 74 DEGkE~S 25' 3i" EAST A~,ONG SAID C~NTERLINE OF BROhDWAX, 102.19 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 15 DEGREES 3~' 29" EAST 21.75 FE;ST 'r0 THE B~GINNING UF A. NON-TANGENT CURVE CaNCA~I'E SOUTHEi-~STERL~Y, HAVING A RAllTUS OF 25. UO FEET, A RADIAL LINE 0~' SAID CURVE PASSING THkOUGFT SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 15 DEGEt~~S 34' 29" EA5T, SAID PQINT BEING THE T.RZJE PO.. ~~T OF BEGINNI2dG; THENCE WESTEEtLY AND 50ilTH~RLY ALON,' SAID CLIRVE, THROTJGH A C~N'TRAL AN~LE 0~ 89 DEGREES 55' 38", AN ARC DISTANCB OF 39.2~ FEET TO THE k3EGINh''LNG OF A REVER~~ CURVE CONCAVE WESTERI.~Y AND HAVI2vG A ItAI1IUS OF '749.00 FEET; THENCE SOUT~iEP,LY ALQN(i SAID CUFVE, TFiROUGH A CENTRAL ANGL'E OF Q DF.C~RCES 27' :L1", AN ARC AISTANCE OF 110.50 FEET TO ~ PQIIJT IN THE SOUTH~RLX LINE OF SAID LOT 1; TI~ENC~, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE AND THE E.ASTE£cLY PROL~ONGATION THEREOc, NORTH 7& DEGREES 31' 38" EAST 54.6~ FEET TO THE SOUTH~ASTERLX C~RN~R Or SAID LOT 2; THENCE, ALONC TFiF EASTERLY LINE OF SAID L4T 2, NO'RTH 15 DEGR~ES 30' 07" WEST :L35.00 FEET TO THE NORTH~:ASTEFtLY COFtNER UF SAID LOx 2; TFiENCE, ALONG THE NCIR~HERLY LILIE OF SAID LOT 2, SOUTH 71 DEGREES 25' 31" WEST 21.53 FEFT TO THE TRUC pOtNT OF B£GINI3ING. I7~ . - 0722r -1- PC89--7b }tio ~3~ ~ u. ~ ].J f <'~v~~dd i §S~,.t ~t ~ . ~ ~ ~Yt!+ ~ IRf rpy'f9Je ~ ~ ~~'.~?' 1l ~~'1'-~ ~ ~: . , . . ~ . .. ~ . ~,~ t ~ , ~, . ~-~~.~ ,;'~ .~ ~ {~~,a11 ~ a .:.y ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ '. r S 'J',t;~. t~~i WI~IEREAS, tlie City F~laniiing C~mmisszon dad k~old n~,ublic hearin,q at tho Civic C~ntar in the Ci~y oE Ariahoim on I'ebruary 13, 19Q9, nt 1s30 p.m„ notir.e of sa.id public ho~ring having b~en duly qiven a~ requirod by 1aw and in Zccordan.ce with t2ie provisioris o~ the Anaheim Mun3.cipal Code, ChapCor 18.03, to ha~r, and considor evicience for und ayti,insC snfd propused variance anc~ to inva~tigate ttnd make findi:~gs and Y•ecommQndations in connec~ion therewithj and subjQCt public heaxinq w~s continued to the meeting ~f March 13, 198g; and WHEI2EAS, said Comrnission, t~Et~r due inspect3on, investigation and study r.~~-de by itself and in its bohalf, anci aEter due consiiierr~tion of all evidence and rPporr,s of.~e~red at said hemz•inq, does find and ci~atermine the following facts; 1. That th~ petitioner r~qu~sts waiver of the fnllowing under authority of CodE S~lrtion 1a.Oti.080 r.p construct a 2,707- sq. Ct. enclosed restaurant: ~-E..~I~'~~~.52~.:Q~4.:Q2~.? - M~r~im~m n~~~.r~F s?zxy.n ~~~. 1Q~~:_~~~,_4~Q (4C~ re uired: 2 ~ ~ ~~~~• q _Q proposod) 2. That the above-montiur.ecl waivH: is hereby qranted on the basis that that tha parking wai/er will not cause an increase in traf.Eic conge:stion in the immediat~ vicinity nor advarsely af.fact any adjoin3ng land uses ~n3 granting oi•' the pa.rking waiver under !;he conditions imposed, if any, will nut be dr~trimental Co the poacQ, health, saEeLy and general wel~are of the citizens of the City of Anahoim. 3. That there are excaptional or ~xtraord.inary circum~tancQS or ccnditions applicable to Che proporty 5nvolvQd or to Ctie i~~endod. use nf tha property t.hat do not opply general.ly to the pr~perty or class of use in the sarne vicinity and zono. 4. Thnt the requosted variance is necessary Eor r.he preservation nnd enjoymant oL• a substantial prope:ty ri.ght posseased by o;:her property in the saune vicini.ty and zono, and den3.ad to ths propozky in question. 5. That the rQquo4ted variar.ce wi.il not be materially detrimental to the public we.tCare or injurious to the property or improvemgnts in such vicinity and zone ~n which tho pro~erty is located. 6. Tha~ four porsons indicatec? their presence at said public hearing 3n oppositi.on; and that r~o correspondence was recc~ived in opposit3on tu subject pRtition. ~A41FURN~p E~VIRONMENTAI,~~~~Y A~~,~'~IDINGs That the Anaheim City Planning Commf;~sion has reviewed the propuua? for waiver ot r~~inimum number of parY.ing suaces Co constrc~cti n 2,707 square-foot, enclosed rostaurant on a~in irreqular~y-shaperl p~rcel of land consisting of approximat~ly G.3 acre located at Che soukheast corno~r ot Broadway and Anaheim Bouleva.-d, ::nd furthor de~cribed as 300 South Anahoim Boulevard; and does hereby a~pcove tho Negative Declarstion upon findinq that it ha~ considered tha ttegative Uoclarati~n t~geCher with any commen~s cbceived tiurS.ng the pubiic review pr4cess and furthAx finding on the basfs ot thc~ ir~ikial stuBX and any commenta recaived that thc~re is no subs~antfal evidence that the projoet will have a siqnificant effeck on khe environnent. -2- PC89••7$ '~ i .r aa~a ~ ~ , NOW, THCftgFORF, Br^, TT R~SOLVED that the Anaheim Ci~y Plaaning Commi.~sion does her~by qrnn~ subject Petition Eor Variance, upon the :~ollowing conditinns which are hereby founc? to be a necossnry prerequisite to tihQ Froposed use oE t.ho sub}oct property in order to preaervc the safet,y an~ general welfare oP tha Cit;3z~its of. the Cit:~~ of Anatie_m: 7.• Ttiat t2ia leg~l ~wner of subjecr property skia.tl 3rrevncably of£er ~o '~ dedicate to l•he City o` Anaheim a strip of lancl twenty six ond thrse quarL•ors (26.75) feet in width Fr~m thQ centerline of the stroat alang Bruadway Eor stroet w3d~ning purposes. 2• That ~rior to issuance of a bui].ding permiC, siyna.l as~QSSment fee shall be paid to thQ City of~,~ah~im riutan t~pul t as e~tablistiad by City Counci.l reso2utinn. ~. Tha~ prior to issuanca of a building permit, ~ ~ash ~~yment shall be made to the City ot Anaheim for tk,e cost oi improvements ~lonq Br.o~dway v.nd reconstruc~ion/con t uctionln ofstfull street improvem~nts at the ultimato location. 4- Tha~ the drfveway sh~~ll be conskructed with ten (.l0) foot, radius curb rc~turns as z~equ.ired by Che ~ity Enginoer. 5' Th°t ~.n the event a parcel map i~ not s:orded combinin oxist:in lots the le ~l ~ $ the thr.eR (3) ~ ~ 9' proper,,y owne,r shall furnish the 2onirlg Division with a copy of a recor.de~i covenant and agreement, in a form a rrP CiCy Attorney, agreeing to hold sub'ect pPrOVe~ by 7 property as one (1) par.GO1. 6. That the c~pacity of subject resl•aur~nt sha11 n4t esaeed fiftaen tables, as required by the City Traf.fic Engineer, with outt~oor sea*ing and tabl~s, counter area and cou:~ter service k~eing prohibitsd; provided, howovgr, th.at a~tor the use has bAen in operation Eor six months, and that tratfic atid parking conc~rns h~ve been observed, the daveloper. may provide a parking study, at his own expanse and sub'ec;r to the a pproval oF rhe City TrafEic ~:aigineQr, to juscify a reque9r.~ and a petition to i.nr.rgase the number ot tablos Lram fifteen (15) to nineteen (~g), . 7• That a fQe sha11 be pai3 to thc~ Cf ty of Anaheim for street lighrinc~ ulong Aroadway and Anah~im Houlevard in an amount as established by City Counci.l i•esolution. ~. That a teQ sh• _ be paic° to L•he City oE Anaheim for tree planting along Bruadway and ,,naheim Boulovard in ac~ Fun o u n t a~ es ta b lis hQd by City Counc.il reso.lut3ori. 9• That subjact pr.operty shall b~ served by undergroiind utilitf;,s. lp• rhat drainay~ ot tt~abjoct proporty sha11 be disposed of in a manner seti~sfactory to tho City Engineer. 7.1. That trash storage areas shall be provideci and maintained .in a location acceptaL•~1e `o the Straer, Maintent-nce and Sanitation Divfsion a»d in accorr~ance with appr.ovad plans on flle w.tCh said Divisiun; aiid thaC addition, the "wing walla" of the trash enclosure, shown on Revision No. 1. oE Exhibir. No. 1 sh~ll be omittod. -3- PC89-78 b~~;r».~,~~~:Y~a;~ r~~~;`a: ., ;~,;~ ~,~. 1•~ _ ~ ~ ~4~'t ~ ~ r~ 4~,~ ~~ i1' ~ 12. ~hac a17. ai.r condiCioniilc~ facilities ancl athex~ r~+ui° anA gruund-mour~.~~~ equipment shall be pro~er'ly shieldQd Er~~m viaw. 13. That the proposal sha11 :.omply witli nll sign~nq rc:~qu,i~.rem~snts .t th~ ~G 'Commorcial, Ggneral' 2one, un].ess a vlxianc~ allow~ir~g sign waive~s is appruved bx ttie City CouYicil, k~lannin~ Commis: ~.on or .ZOning Ac9ministratc~r.. 7.4. That the on-site landscaping s1ia11 be m~~intainec~ ir. aomplianco with City shandards. 15. That the armer oi subje~.t property s2in11 submit a letter re~uesting termi:iation of Cond'ztional Use Permit No. 1845 to tnA Zon,~ng Divisiun. 16. That aubject pruperty shall be developod subs~:ar-tiali, in accordanca with plans and spocifications on fi]e with Lhe City of l~nahoim markad Revision No. 1 of Exhibit *1os. 1 through 4. 17. Ti.at nrior to issuance of a building pe~mit, the final landsc~pe plans tihall be submitted tn a~nd approved by the P1ai-ning Commission. 1F3. That prior Co Che issuanco of a building permit, the devsloper shall ~ost a bon~i far a~erioci of L•wo (2) years to guarantee ~onstruch.i4n of a median fn front of subje~t p~operty on Broadway iE the CiCy TraF~ic Engi.neer 3h~~u1d determine that thare arQ violations of the leit turn restriction ofF Sroadway to subjec` pr.operty. 19. Tliat prior tu issvance of a buildinq permit or within a period of one (].) ye~:• from the aate of this resoluti.on, whichever occurs f.irsL•, Condition Nos. 'l, 2, a, 5, 7, a, 11, 15, 17 and 18, above•-ment.toned, shall be complied with. ~xL•enaions for further time to comple~e sc+id onnditions ma,y be granted in accordance with SQCtion 18.U3.090 af. the Anuheim Municipal Cod::. 20. That prior to final bui.7.ding and zoninq 3nspections, Cond.it;on Nos. 4, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 16, above-mantianed, shall be cumplied wiCn. 21. Th~st approval di this ~~ppla.cation consti~utos appYOVa'1 of tho proposed request only to the or:tiont that it corrplies with tha Anaheim Municipal ?.oning CoQe ancl any ott,er applicable City r.egulations. A~proval does not include ony a~.tion ar finciings as to cnr~liance or upprov~l of the roqudst regardinq any o*her applicable ordinance, roqulation or raquframent. ag IT FURTHER RBSOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission cloes hareby find and determine thc~t adaption of thi3 Re3olution ia expressly predicated upon applicant`~ complianca with each and all of the condit~ona h~rein~sbove set ForLh. Should any such conditi.ons, or any part thareuf, bA dQClared invalid or unenforceable by the fina.I judqment of any courC of competent juriadicti~n, then this Resolution, anci an,y approvals herein cox~tained, sh~l.l be doempd null and v~id. _~.. PC$9-78 ~r~ i ~: _ . , _ ...,~ u^s~ ~};~„ufa~.r,ti~ ~,t ~~y r':;'~ ';- ~~~{ ra ~~ ~ ~~ •1 ~' '+' a ~' ^ai~ ;`".. ~Y THL F.'OREGOING RI~SOLUT7:ON is signed and ~pproved by me this 13~h day of Marr.h, lqt3y. , ;,~ i ,.: j ~~ ~r~;~.. ~t ,~_ . CHAIRWOr;AN~ ANA.H~IM CITY PLANNING CUAM~IISSION ~ ^ r/ ATTEST. ~~ _----.-_~ -~/~-- oC .~.,c...~ SECRETARY, ]~NAHEIM CITY PLANNIATG COhLtifISSTON STATE 0'r' C~AI,IFORNJA COLINTY OF ORANGE ) s q, CI7'Y OF AN,AHEIM ) I. Edith L. Harris. Secretary of kho Anaheim CitX Planning Cummission, do hereby certify that the for~going resolution was passec~ and. adnptod at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planninq Commission held on March 13, 1989, by the following vote of khe members thereof: AYE5: CO2~fISSIONERS: IIOUAS, CARUSILLO, FEL~iHAUu NOIES: COMMTSSIONERS: B~YUSTUN, MESSE VACANT: TWO SLATS IN WITNESS WFT.ERE;OF, I have hereunto seL• my hancl r_~is ~ay of 13th day of March, 1989. ty~~~ o{ , ~t~t~to SLCRETAR'Y, :~NAH~IM C1TX PLANNING COMIIdISSION ;~ i:' , {' r- ~7 . _~~ P~89-78 , i; ,~,, . :::;~