Resolution-PC 89-79~ ~ R~;SOI.UTI N NO~,P,~,Q_72 A RESOLUTIOI~ OF TETE ANAHFIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSI0IN THAT PETT'.CIQN FOfi CONDITIONAL~ LSE PERMIT N0. 3127 BE GRANTEL~ ~,~~~~ ~J~~{~ ,1' ~. ,t~~, ~ t,. '.;; i ~.., : ~~.; ~~ 4Vf:~kEAS, the Anaheim Cit,y Plarininq Commis3ion aid recoive ~ verified Petitiori for Cunditi~n~1 Ust Permit f.'rum STERRA PACTFIG DEVFLOPMCNT ~'UND T~I, 3 Corp,~rai:e P1aza, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660, ownox• ancl EAST ~iILL5 COMMUNITY CHURCFi, ATTN: Tim Gi1lQttd, 4f335 5chool. Stroet, Yorba Linda, CA 92686, ac~ent f~r certai-~ real prope:ty situatc~tl in the City nf Anahoim, CounGy oE Orango, State of California, describ~d ~s: PARCEI~S Y4, 1~ I~ND 16, IN ?'IiE CITY OF ~DTAIiEIM, COUNTY CF GRAATf:~, ~TATE OF CAL~IFORI3IA, AS PE~ MAP FILED IN BOOK 2U2, FA~:~S 41 TU 44, INCLTJS:IVE~ OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE JI'r'~CE OF TFTE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID CGUNTY, CALIFORNIa~. P~HEREAS, the Ci ty Planning C~mmi.ssion di3 holc~ a public hearing ~i: the Civic Center 3.n L•he City of AnahPim on March 13, 19R9 at 1t30 p.m., notic~ of said pub7ic hFsaring having boen duly g~.ven as required '~y Xaw and in accerdance wiL•h the piuvi.sions of tihe Anahoim Mu.n.icipal Code, Cha~tor 18.03, to hear and considAr evidence far and agai.nst. ~aid proposed conditional use permit and to inves~igat~ and make findings and recomn+endaL-ions in con.ntct.ion therew.ith; ~nd WfiEREAS, said Commission, a£~er due inspection, investigation and sti.udy mad~ by itself and 3n its behalf, aad after d~A c~nsideration of t~11 eyidence and r~rports off.erod at said hear.ing, does f2.nit and determine the tollowing factsi 1. That the ~otitioric,r requests ap~roval of a Cenditi~n31 Usa Permit undor ~ut:~oriZy of Coc1e Sactlon 18.42.Ob0.070 to permit a churc2i facility within an existinq oPFice bu.ilding and with waiver oP the Pollowing uncler authori~y of CodQ Sea~ion 1~.U6.080: ~~~TZ~~~.9_4~~2212 - ~L~n.~l~? ~~~.4~^2~r~i~Pi'~~~.• 18.,06~~50.02~6 (!l3C~ requircd; !~QQ e:ri~tirig) and 18 . 41. 0 6~, L SQ,~i 2. Tha~ the r.eq-isate3 waiver. zs hereby granted on tha basi~ that that tlie parY.ing waivor will not cause an increase ?,1 traf~ic r,onyestion in tYie immediate •ricinity nor advFrsely nEfQCt dny adjoini.ng Zand us~s and granting of t2ie parking waiver unuer the coriditions imposod, it any, will not be detrimental ta t;~tr ~eace, heal.th, safeL•y and genor.a'1 welfare ~f the citi2ens of the City of Anaheim. 3. 'lhat t2ie proposed use wi11 no~ advarsely af.fect tl~~ adjoining land uses and thQ growth and c~evalopment of th~ area iri wt~ich it is propased t~ be 3.ocated. 1{0723 r PC 89-79 ;; YJ :l~'i ~ . ,"~~'i.% ~ „ , ' +•'„~;'C!~'+l~J~'.~7~ E~~' ~ ~ ~ ~'9~'+I: 4, Tha~ tho aizu ~nd shape af th~ site proposed for t;~e use is adequate ~o allaw the fuJ.1 ctevelopment of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the gartiaular r~rea n~r to the peace, haalth, safety and general welfore ot t}lA Citizs.ns of the Cii:y of Anahei,m. 5. ~hat the granting of the Condi L-ional U3e Pa:mit under the t' conditians 3mposod, if any, wi.ll not be detrimental to the peace, hea].th, safety anr,i goneral welFar~ of thQ Citizens of fihe City of Anaheim. 6. Tha.t the ~raEfic generated by the p xoposed use will not impose an undue burdPn upon the stree~s and highways designed and improved i~Q cai ry the traf~ic in the area. 7. That no one in~licated thei.r presence at said public hearirxg in opposi~i~~n; and t;hat no r.orr~spondence wag re ceived in opposition to the subject p~tition. 4AL' IFORNIA ENVIRO EN.:AT, OUALiZ'Y__~ T FIt1AI~; That the Anaheim City Pl~nning Conuniss,inn has rc~viewed the proposal ~Q permit a church facility within an existing office build3.ng and with waiver of ma.nimum n,~mber of p~rking spaces on an irregularly-sha~ed parcel of land consiaL•ing og apprc+ximately 3.15 ucres, haviii~ approximato frontages aP 7~, feet at the souther:ly terminu5 of Ctiaparral Court and 591. feet on the north S1dQ of Mon~e Vista 12oad, and furthex described as 140 Sour_h Cha~aarral CourL-; and does herc~by approve the Negativr3 Aecla.ration uF~n finding tha~ it has considered t1iQ NQg1tix~~ Declaration togettxer with any c~mment~s received durit~.g Che public review proeess and fur~her finding on the basis of the initial study and any comments roceived that tliere is no s ubstantial c~vidence that the pr~aject will k~avt~ a sxgnificant QEfect on the enviz•onment. ,,~~ .r,t NQ47, THGREFARE, BE IT RESOLVED th~L- the An~Y~Qim Cit~r Planning CArnmission aoes hereb.y grant subject Petitiori far Conditional Use Permit, upun the foll~wing coriditions ~,~hich ar•e hereby foun~ to be a necessary prere3uisite to the propo ~o~:i use of thQ suY,3QCt property in or~,er L-o preserve the safety and goneral we].Eare ot rhe Citizons of the City nf Anaheim: 1• Tli~t a recipr~cal v~hicular access ~nd park.ing agreement, in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney, shnll be r~c~r.ded with thQ OEficr~ of. the Orange County Ftocordsr. A copy oE the reco~~ded mgreement sr~aai be submitted to kha Zan.itig Division. 2. That trash storage nreas shal~ be provided and maint~inefl in a locdtion acceptable to the Street Maintenanc~l and SanitaL-ion Division and in accordance with approved plans on fi?e wa~li s air~ Division. 3. That plans shall be submitted to thQ Building Aivisian shawing complianco with the minimum standarr~s oP the Caty of Anahezm, inc~.uding the Uniform Building, Plumbing, Electrical, Merhanical and rire Cocios aa adopted by ~~P ~'it~- of ~naheim. '^ho appropriaL•e permits sha11 be obtained fnr any necES;~ary work. -~- PC89-79 - - . '~~~ ~ ~ 5 ; 6. 7, ; r 8. 9. 7.0 . x.i . ~ . ....._. . ...i... . . . .. '~} ~~'~ ~'~ That tho propo~al sha11 comply with all (SC) 'f;ommercial, Offi.ce and Professionalg~~ng requ~rements of the CO Zone, unless a variai~ce a1].owing sign w~ivers SSQ n~c ro~ed l b~ Overlay Counc.il, E~l~nning ('~~ni$si~n ox 3 pp 1 onin g A d minis tr~~or, Y the Cit y xhat un'less ~z vuriance i5 aAp1iQd fox ~nd for subject proper~ shall gxante~~ lightin and g;3Q ~.m, y be piohibited between ths hours gof Emidnight . as spe~ifxed by Zoning Code Section 18.05.pg1.OL~2. That no ro~f_mounted equipm~nt shall be parmi~ted, as sp~cified by 2unln Code SQCtion 18,84.062,032. ~J ThaL- ~;ke on-sit~ laridscapiiic~ shall be maiiitained in complianc:e with Cit standar8s. Y T.lzat subject prop~rty Sha11 be dQValoped substantially iri acnor.dance with plans and sp~Gi:fications on f.i1R with the City o£ Anaheim m~rked Exhibit ~Tos . :L through 3 , That px•ior to cnmmoncQmen~ of the activity aur_~lor.ized b dr prior tp issuanr.e of a building pgrmit or wit,$in a Y this resolut:on, year fr4m the date cf this resolution, whichevar uccurs Ei 3t ~ Concixtion ~Tos, 1 and ~, abovo-mentionpa, S~aZI be compliecl with. furthQr time to com~lete said conditions ma• ~Xtensions for wiL•h Section 18.03.090 of the Akaheim Muriicapal Code graritQa ln a~cArdance Tha+ prior to t'tze comme resolut•:ion, or final bu~.ld in eri~ ~£ th~ activity au~horizac3 f9.r~t, Conditian Nos. Z g and zoning inspec~ions whirriQVe ryoccurs . 6 and &, at~ove--mer~tione~, shall be c~m~lied witk~. That aAproval ~,f th.i•s r~quesl• onl aPi~txcation constitutes a y to the~ oxtent thaL- it compZies with rthel Anah xmP Municipal Znning Cade and an.y oth~r a Propased include an Pk~licable City regulat3ons„ APproval does no~ Y acti~n or findings Rs ~o ~omPZ;ance or request regarcling any other n~p;~icable urdinance, regulati~n roquirement. ~PBr~v~l ~g ~h~ or BE 1T FURTHER ~~r c hereb ~'~~~~D r.haY. the Anahex~n City Pla:inzn y find and ~le*_ermine Lhat adoptian o~ 9' Commzssion do~s predi.cated up~n a ~ ~h~~~ R~solu~ion xg pplicant s compliance wiLh each a»d all of the condirion~ hereinabove set forth, Should any suc.h conditions declt~red invalid or unRZ~foz•ceable b ' or ~~y part theroof, be competent jurisdicti~n, ~heri Y the final judgment o~ atty courL• of cpntained, shall be deemQd nu11 andsvo ~.olution, and any appruvals her~in -3- -.. PC$9-79 `,ti . ;i}FJ ..ni:~.rr.r.. ~~ : -v"'1,',"F° ~ ... .~%h J.a~~ l 7 !'~(,yrrrrl~K^~~`~~~* ~ I t~t~~ } f ~~' ~ . ~ ~ . . .. !~.~ ~ . . ~ ~ . _-.t' i Y~i ~y'% l f ~YJ THE FOREGOTNG RFSOLU',~TON i~ signed and approve3 by me this 13th day of `''~ March, 1989. '~ ,,_;•;`;' ,;',' ; ,') y~ ~~f ~'~-ir / ~l~lf ~'~~~~ CIiAIRWOTtAN~~,~.NAHEIM CTTY PLANNTNG COMMTSSTCIN ATTEST: , r , SECF.tE'T7~KY, ANAHEIM C`~Y PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNJA COIJNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAH~;IM ) I, Edith L. harris, S~cretary ot the ArxatzQim Ci~y Planning Commission, du hereby certify ~k~a~ the foreqoing re~olution was passed and adoptsd ~t a m~eting o{ the ~nahei;r Citg Planning Com-nission hel.d on March. 13, 1989,. by the xollow~.ng vote af thQ members thereof: AYES: COhII~iI5SI0NERS: BOUAS, BU`lDSTUN, CARUSILLO, FELDHATJS, MESSE NOT:S: COMMISSI~JJERS: NONE U'A.CA2TT : TFVO SF.'ATS IN WZTNESS WHEREUF~, I have hr~reunto set my h~nd thi~ 7.3th day of March, 19II9. ~ ~ ~ ' SECREIA / --~~~ ~--- R'3t'. I~iAHEIM CITX' PLAIZNING COMMiSSIqN "`~" PC89~79 ~ . _ . +, J. . . ~ . j, , . . ,,. . , . ~, .. . . ~ ~ ' ~. ~ ~ ~ ` . .vt~,.~~~~...,~~ ,..,~x~:.ar~~_.~rq. t..~1~„i ".:~I :`t . ~.~.:';j5 ~ ,,`' `:i~ ;:~~ 1ti ~1 ,ti; , .:;; ;; ~;i ' .,, + ';; ';,, . r.r .~, ,'g . ,,,~;`~~~ 'L+~ °: `i~~ , ```~;~, ;':;;~9 ..;,,.~} r rK'.. c, , N~Yri~S~