Resolution-PC 89-88.~ ~ ~ ,~;~ ' >~;~~ ~,,~ ~~~ ~~;~; ~:~;. ;~ '~~~~~~,f~N..Q.r_ p~$~.~$ A. ItSSOL'(JTION QF TiiE ANAHEIM CZTY PLANNZNG COhfMI:S5I0N TF3AT PETITxON FOR CONDIT70PlAI, USE PF;RMIT N0. 3128 ~~; DEN:[ED :; WI-TER~AS, t:he Anaheim Ciry p~,~nning C'ornmission did receive a i; vQritied PeL•ition Eor Conuik.ional Use Permit frum ANNE HEZdNING PAULUS, Eas~lake Shore, B.ig Fork, Muntana, 59911, owner, ar-c7 MOBIL OIL CORPORATION, Attn; J.H. Fiuntsberry, 1255 Corporate Center Drivo, Ste. ~i201, Monterey Park, CA 9~.759, Ggexit for certain real proper.ty situated in tl~e C.ity of Ar~aheirn, Cnunty of qrax:qe, Sr.ate of Cal:ifornia, described as: PAR~F.L B, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEYM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE f1F CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP TtECQRDc,D TN BOOIC 33 , PAGE 10 OF PARC~L MAPS, IN THE OFF'ICE OF TfiE COJNTY' RECORAER OF 5AIU COUNrY. AND ~'HAT PORTION OF' THE NORTFiWGST QUARTER OP TEIE SOUTHWCST QUARTER O1' S^cCTION 7, iN TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 9 WEST, IN TFiE RANCHO SAN J(JAN CAJON DE SANTA. ANA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP THEREOr REC;IRDED IN BOOK 51, PAGE 10, MTSCELLANEOUS bIAPS RECORDS OF ORANG~ COUNTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: F3EGINNING AT iFfiE LNTERSECTION OE '.CHE CENTF.R LINES OI' RIO VISTA STR~ET AND ANAHEIM OLT~'E ROAD, NO'W KNGWN AS LINCOLt1 AVENUE, AS SAID STRE~TS ARE SHOWN ON A MAP OI' SURVFY PECORU~D IN P.OOK 2]., PAGE 45, R~CORA OF SUkVEYS, SN THE OF'FICF. OF THE COUNTY RECORDFR OF SAID OF2ANGE COUNTY AND RTINNING THENCE SOUTH 0 D~G 19' 30" WEST, ALOt7G S~ID CENTER LIN~ OF RIO VISTA 5TRFf:T, 212.77 FE~T; TEIENCE NORTH b9 DBG. 57' 45" EAST 192.36 FEET; THRNCF~ NORTH 0 DE,^, 19' 30" EAST, I~ARAL~LRL WI'tH SAID CENTER LIlZE OF R!0 VLSTA STRF.~T, 175.Oh F'Ek;T TO Sl.ID CGNTER LINE OF LINCOLN AVENUE; THENCE NORTFI 78 DEG 55' 30" WEST, AI.ONG SAID CEN'PEK LINE, I95.00 FEET TO THF POINT OF F3EGINNING. WFiEREAS, tha City Planr,.ing Commissinn sid holrl a public hearing at the Civic Canter in the City of Anaheim on Marcn 2T, 1Q89 at 1:30 p.m., ~ notic~ oE said ublic hearin havin been dul P g g y given as required by lak and in Mccordance with the provisi~ns of the Anaheim Municipal Code~, Ctiapter 18.03, to hear and consicTez avidence f~r and mgainst saicl proposed c~nditional use permit and t~ i.nvesL'iqate ~nd make findi~gs and r.ecor.unendations in connection ChQrewith; and 0796r -1- PC89-88 /~~~ l ~ a i~ . . . .,. , ' .~; 11 ~~I~a~~ ~ l l ~i~~ .~ ~?~~ 1., .r~, ,~;~. WHER~AS, sa:id Commission, afCer c~u~ inspection, invos~igat3on azid study made by ihself and in its beha'lf, snd ~fter due aor.sideration of al1 evidence ancl r~por.ts oE.fe~:c~d a~ sa.id h~arxng, doea find and determine the fc;~].lowing f2~cts: 1. That the petition~r requ~:;sts approval pf a conditionttl use '' rermiL under authority oE Cod~ Sections 18.44.050.U70, :, ~~; and 18.a7.023.020 to permit an automobxle serv:ice station, oar taa;sh and convex~ience market with off-sala beo~ and wine and fast food yo~:vices, and wi.th waiver of the following: ,~~:!°i N le. a~ . ox~..t4?a_4__~ - Minim~un encl ~s~_r~~t•~i~ Sale~ ~rg~, (~2_QQ_~c=~ raquired; ~i2~q.ft, proposed) ~. ThaL tho proposed use is }•ioraby darxied ~n thc~ basis that hhe sale of beer in c~njunction with gasolir.-e sales aould be hazard t~ tho driving ptxblic. 3. That hhe proposed use w.ill adversely aftect thQ adjoiaing 7.and u~QS and thc~ growrh and developmen't of l•he area in which i~ i;s proposed to k~e located. 4. That Cha si.ze and shape ~t the 3ite proposc~d far the use is nut adequnte to allow the full dQVelopmenC of tho proposed uoe in ~ manner not detrimentai to the particular a:ea nor to ~.ho paace, hRalth, safety and gen~ral w~lfare af thR Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the granting of tl~e Conclitional Use Permit ~;~ncler the conditious imposec~, if any, rri11 be detrim~nhal to ~he peace, heatth, saf9~y and 5enoral wolf•.-re of ttie Citizai~s of the City of Aiiaheim. 6. That the trafL•ic generated by ~he proposod usQ wil:l impose an undue burden upon L-he strer.ts and hiqhways designed and ~mproved t;o carry the traffi4 in Che arQa. 7. Tha~ onQ (1) person a.ndicated his presc~nce at said public hearing S.n oppositio::; and thar no eorrespondenca was rec~ivad in opposition to the SUb]QC~ 1)(3t1t1011. o~ S~L_ zFSL'•3N~A ENVI 0?7 NT~1f,_ OUALITy ~~~ E'IN~JrNG: That the Anaheim City Planning Commi~sion has reviewad the pr~posal ~o pez~mAt an automobile service stiution, car wash and convonience market with off-st-le beor and wine a~nd Eas~ food services, and w±.th waiver oE minimum enclosed retail sales area on an irregularly-shaped parcel o~ land consistfny of approximately Q.fi7 acre located at thQ southRasL• corn~r of Lincoln Avenue and Rio Vistr~ Street, and further described as 2800 E, Li~icoln Avenue (Mobil s~rvice station); and doPs heroby approve khe Ne~ative Declarar_ian upon findinq Lhat i.k. k~as consid~er.ed tha Negative Aoclaration togeth~r with any comrnonts receivQd during tha public review process and furr.her. findi.r.g on ~ti~ basi:; of the ini.tial ~tudy and any comments rec~ived that there is nc~ substar.tial evidenc;e that ~he project will havQ a signiFican~ effer.t on the F,rivirurunant. -2` PC89-88 ,,~~ , i ,~~,y. NOW, TFiER~I'OT2E, gE :[~~ gGSOLVED that the Anahaim City Planning Commission does hereby dany ~ubjec;~ Petit.ion Eor Conditiona~. Use F~ermit, on the basis oE tho aforemontioned find3.ngs. THE k'OREGOJNG FESOLU~I~.N is sxgned and a~praved by me ttiis 27th day of M~rch, 1989, . ~ ,j ~l i r; ~ ~r. 1' ~~~---~C~ ~ ~ • % ./4/.•~..t.~.~..+(~ . CHAIRWOMAN, ,~1'NAHETM CI'PY Pt.,ANNJNG C'OMMISSTON ATTEST : ~~~ ~ ~~-~~ ~~:.~.~_~ SECRETARY, p,~AHETM CTTX PLANNING CCiMMISSTON STA~'E OF CALTE'ORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s~. CITY QF ANAFIETM ) I, Er~ilh L. Harris, Sec.retary of r_h~ Anaheim City ~lanning Conunission, do herebx certi.fy the~t the foregoing resolution wt~s passed ana adopte~ at a meQting of the Anah.eim City Planning Comrni.,~io~i kield on March 27~ ~989. by t2in following vote of the membyrs therQOf: AY~S: CQMMISSIOJ~IERS: BOUAS, BOYDSTiJN, CAitUSILLO, F~LDHAUS, HERF3ST, Mk;SSG NOr,Ss GOMMISSIONERS: NONE AHS~NT: COMMISSI~N~;RS: MC BURNEY IN WITNESS ~~'HE3~OE', T havo hereunto set my hand this 27t.h day of March, 19gy, ---•--- `~.~ ~ _ , - , -~~1~~., SECRETARY, ANAHF.IM CITY PL]~NNLNG COMMISSION -3- PC89•-88 ~ , i;!"~'~F hy3