751 1 2 3 ORDINANCE NO. 7.s1 AN ORDINANCi: OF THE Clr.ry OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERH.ITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS SOUTH PALM STREET ANNEXATION NO.2. 4 6 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOiS ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS. 8 SECTION 1: That the City Council of the City of An~~eim did 7 on the 30th uay of September, 19Lf'9, receive a written petition askln 8 that certain new and uninhabited territory described 1n said pet1- 9 tion be annexed to the City of An~~elm. 10 That said territory proposed to be annexed to said City of 11 A~aheim is situated in the County of Orange, State of California, 12 a~d 1s contiguous to the City of Anaheim and 1s uninhabited terr1- 13 tory. That said petition contained a desoription of said territory 14 in words and figures as hereinafter in this Ordinance described. 15 That the City Council duly assembled at a regular meeting of 16 said City Council held on the ..1.j.ILdaY of Oc r-,:, ... ~ ,l949, did 17 find tha.t said petition at the time 1 t ~~ras filed and received was 18 signed by the ovmers of not less than one-fourth of the area of the 19 land in such territory and represented not less than one-fourth of 20 ~he assessed value of said territory proposed to be annexed accordin 21 to t:le last preceding equalized assessment roll of the County of a2 Orange, State of Ce.lifornia, in "Wl1ich said terl"'l tory 1s 81 tuated 23 ana. that said territory did not form a part of any municipal cOI'por- 24 at10n and did find that said territory 1s contiguous to the City of 86 Anaheim and is uninhabited territory. 26 That on the ~day of {')cT." ER _J 1949, at a regular 27 meeting of said City Council of the City of Anaheim, Resolution No. 28 I~ was dUly passed and adopted specifically deaerlb1ng the bound- 29 ar1es of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of 30 Anaheim and designating such te~ritory as South Palm Street Annex- 31 ation No. 2 and giving notice of such annexation and fixing the 32 _.!JIlday of ~ _, 1949, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock -1- 9 10 11 12 13 1 P. M. at tl~e City Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of 2 3 Anaheim, as tIle day, hour and place when and where any person OWD- 1ng real propert:{ o;.-.;i thi:ri sueb territory so proposed to be annexed 4 and ha.ving objections to the proposed annexation might appear before the Ci ty Council of the C1 ty of Ane..helm and show cause why such 5 6 te~r1tory 8houl~ not ue so annexed and notifying all persons having 7 8 objections to such proposed annexation to appear at said day, hour . and place to show cause, if any they had, why such territory should not be annexed to the City of Anaheim and directing the City Clerk to publish or cause to be published a copy of said Resolution at least once a. week for t~"/'o successive weeks prior to7l#~ ..!i_.__, 1949, in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation, 14 fornia. That said. Resolution 'Vlas cG..used to be published by said ~)ub11ehed in the City of Anateim, County of Orange, State of Cali- 15 C1~y Clerk in said Ana~Cleim Bulletin as directed. Ie That on tLe hou_r-, clay and a.t tIle place specified in said Reso- 17 lutior. NO.J~, to wit, on the -9.1J,daY of 71~~ ,1949. 8.t 18 the hour of 8:00 o.clock P. 11. in the City Council Chambers in the 19 City Hall in the City of An[~leim, California, the City Council of t 20 City of Anene1m did meet and assemble and uroceed to hear and pass 21 on all protests. That written yroteets were not made by the owner 22 or o~!nerf1 of one-half of t:te value of the territory proposed to be 23 annexed e.ccording to t118 last equalized assessment roll of the Count 24 of Orange, Stu te of' California.. SECTION 2; That the annexation of the territory included wit 25 26 in the boun6..a:r"\1es of t11e South Palm street Annexation No. 2 and more 27 particula.rly described as follolrfS, to wi t: 28 All that certain property described as .Par- eel 1" in Certificate of Title No. 12764, 29 recorded in Volume 52, Page 12764, Torrens T1 tIe J in tl'le Office of t:he Registrar of 30 Ti tIes, Orange County, California., and more particularly described as follows: 31 32 A Dort1on of Lot 27 of Anaheim Extension, in- tl:e Count~t of Oran~~;e, State of California, -2- 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 as shown on a Map of Survey made by William Hamel in 1868 and filed in the Office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, Cali- fornia, and being more ~artlcularly described as follo"N's: 4 Beginning at a point in the Westerly line of said Lot 27, being a point in the center l1ne of Palm street, distant N. ISo 47' W., 494.00 feet from the intersection of the center lines of Palm Street and Ball Road, said point of beginning being the Northwesterly corner of Parcel 1 of Reg! strar I s Certifice.te of Ti tIe No. 7753; thence, N. 150 471 W., along said ~e8terly line of Lot 27, 672.09 feet to a point 257.00 feet Southeasterly of the inter- section of the center lines of Vermont Avenue (fornlerly Broad Street) and Palm Street, said point being in the exterior boundary line of the City of Anaheim, as now established; thence, Easterly along a line parallel with tlJ.e cer:ter line of Vermont Avenue, being along the Southerly lines of Registrar'S Certificate of Title Nos. )299, 9164, 9201 and 9100 re- spectively, a distance of 759.40 feet to a point in the Easterly line of Parcel 1 of Registrar's Cert1ficste of Title No. 7725; thence, Southeasterly along the Easterly line of Parcell of Registrarls Certificate of Tit- le No. 7725 and along the Easterly line of Parcell of Registrar's Certificate of Title No. 7724 to the Northeasterly corner of Parcel 1 of Reglstrarls Certificate of Title No. 7753; thence, Southwesterly to the point ot beginning. 5 e 7 8 Excepting therefrom the portion included with- in the Right of Way of Palm street along the Westerly side of said land. 1s hereby approved and saio. terr1 tory is hereby annexed to and in- corpora-ted in tll€ 01 ty of Analleirn, County of Orange, State of Call- fornie. and is hereby designe.ted as the South Palm Street Annexation No. 2 to the City of Anaheim. SECTION 3: T1:1at from and after the effective date of this Ordine.nee and. tte filing of a certified copy thereof in the office of the Secretary of S~ate of California, the annexation of the terrl tory herein described shall be deemed to be and shall be complete and t~ence forth such annexed territory shall be to all intents and .:~)urposes a part of the 01 ty of Anar.l.eim. SECTION 4: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of th1 Ordinance and cause the sanIe to be published once in the Anaheim -3- 1 2 3 4 (; 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 o. i .... ., ". , l ' . . 18 . t f": 19 20 21 8S 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 ~A Gazette, a ~eiklt newspaper, printed, publishe~ and circulated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranf:;e, State of California, ant:. thirty (;0) days from and after It..... final :Plld...... -. .....-~ 1 t s!l['!'lJ. be in full force and effect. The foregoing Ordina.nce was approved and signed by me this ~y of ~, 1949. .......- ~ 1 . ~-..:~ /;' ,,;' ~i"'~ }ui"F. ~ :-TiE' 'cI~~l~OF ~-iHEIII'-- ATTEST: · OF-ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANG:&: ) sa. CITY OF ANAHEIM } I, CHARLES E. GRIFF"'ITH, 01 ty Clerk of tl1e Clty of Ana~ne1m, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordine.r~ce was 1ntroducec. a.t ~regular meeting of t}::e Ci ty Council of tt.:.e City of Anallelrn, ;":eld on the ~day Of~ ' 1949, and that the sa;ne was passed and adopted at a~ a1'~-cd~meeting held on the ~y Of~___' 1949, b~~Ke following vote of the members thereof: ~ _ /~ AYES: COUNCILY.E:~G>~~~7 ~~. NOES: COUNCIL1JiEN~~ ABSB:NT: COUN CILlvIEN: ~ ~~D I FUf~THER CEH.TIF'Y that thE- Ivla~ror of the 01 ty of AnaLeim approved and signed said Ordlna.nce on the ~~y Of~' 1949. IN WITNESS \f;lHEREUF', I have- he~eunto set my hand. and affixed the seal of said C1 ty of Ana.helm t111s ~y Of~~_l 1949. - Lt. -" I "tt I ~ ~ffiba:&it of :JIuhlicatinn .. -- ..01UJ.X.NAN~;;__ _NO_._u_7_1;.1____u __ ._____u_uuu_.uu... _u__ .... - -... - - -.... - -----. - -.. ---.... -------... ---... --.... --------- --...... ---------------- --........... --------------........ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } ss COUNTY OF ORANGE, . Theodore B. Kuchel, being duly sworn, Subscribed and Sworn to before me by Theodore "'\a, I) thO 1.t ~aY ~.u~~u.~__.194uu B. Kuchel, J.Il mo________ - Z '~m-;----:/"' -::~.; ;;(. f' / ,,~:?t:L<:~__~_t~__:""~,,_____ .--.---------------.::.-.-.h:P.;......b.l1 -~c:..---O\l-n--t-y- C'i;;k - City Clerk Notary . u c- Publisher's My Com. Expires ~