Resolution-PC 89-954;.~ KE LUT N ~'~~P~g9_o5 ~ A RESOi~~TION OF 7'.HE ~ANAFiEIM CITY PL',ANNTNC ~~QMMISSION' THAT PETI:TION FOR GONDITIONA~ USE PERMTT N0. 3133 'f~E GkA.NTI;D :~'~ WHEREAS, r_Zle Anaheim l:zty Fl~nning Commi,ssion did receive a varified Peti~ion fc~r Conditional ils~ Pn~rmzt: f'i•om ALBERT SPk,NCER PUF2TER ANn SUZAN~T~' PORT.~R , 426 W. Taft Avenue, Orange, L'A 92GG7, ~wn~r~, and KRAFIKER A;iTC~ COLLIS.O*i', 1361 N. Xr~omer. ~loulevarc~, x~nalieim, C~~ ~~28QG, agent for cPrtain real pr~perty siCuat~d in the City of: Anaheirn, CounL•y aE Orange, S~.:ate of Ca.lifornia, descr.ibs~l as: TH~T F'ORTIUI3 OE' LOT 5 H1:,QCTC 5 OF iHF• GOLDGN S'.CA~r; xRACT, IN THE CTTY. OI' ANA~iE1M, A~ ~ER MAP RECORDED Ih' BOOI; 4, PbGE~ 66 ANA 67~ QF MISCELLAN~OUS MAk'c, RECURDS UF iAID COUYTY RECORDER S*•iOWN AS PARCEL f ON A MAI' RECORDk;D IN BC~OK 114 FAGEa 39 AND 4Q PARGEL Mi~.PS, REt~ORD5 OI~ SATD 012~1NGE ~COUIJTX, C~. WFiE12EAS, the City Plann.ing Commission aid hold a public h~~ring at ,~ the ~ivic Center in the (:iL-y of Anahpim on March 27, 1989 a~ 1:30 p.m., nc~t.ice or said Fub.lic hearing having bean duly c~ivAn ac requared by ]aw and in accc~rdanae w.ith the provisi~ns of t;he Anaheim Aiunicipal Cuda, Chapter 18.1~3, to hear an3 coz~t~ider ~~vidence for and against 3aid propos9d conditional use Porm.tt and to znves~igate and make findiregs and recommendations in connF3ction ti,erewith; and WFiERGAS, said C~mmi~sion, aFter due inspection, invQStigation, and :~tuay made b1 itself and in its beht+lf, and a£~er du~: cansiderat.ion of all eviderice anci rc~parts offerod at said hearing, doss kind ~-ncl determine the following fac~CS: 1. Ttiat the• pe~ir,ioner r~r1uosL•s app:uval of a Conditior.al Us,e PQrmit under auth~rity of Code Sectiuz~ 18.6'1.050.60Z to permit an sutomotzve body repair shop UiLh waivt~r of the foJ.lowi.2~g under authority r~f Code Secti~n 18.06~080: ~E~'rT r1 _1ti,~~+.0~_2i4222 - Minimum_?i~rt~~r~f parkinc,~pr~ces. ~n.d 18_.fZl•266.05U (44 re~uired; ]~ ex.i.sting) 2. 'Ph~t tl~ie requested waive~: is hereby granteci on the basis th~t the parkiii~t waivr~r will not ca~ise ~,n incre~as~ in traffic congestion in the immediate viciniry nor adversely afE~ct any adjoining land uses and grarxting ~f the park ag w~: ~~rer under the cc~c3itions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to ~.:.he pea~. hc~al~h, satet~ and gQneral welfare oE the citizens oL t.he City of Anaheim. 3. '~hat the pzopo: ed use tiri.17 not adver~ely affeck the aajaining land uses and the grnw~h anii developmant of the ~rea in which it is proposed Co be l~czted. f"~ii;i ~;Y ' 0753r -1- PC8~-95 ~: {-. :& ~ ~,° ~~. ~';'; `; ,F,,,;'. !x~~ ~A ,, t ~` ~ : ~, 9- r5;,:. . . ._ . .. , . .. • . . - , e ~ - i P'el`1~5)fi {/~P~a'~',~1: l7wa ~ . ~ . ~ , . , .-- , i`~ •~ ~ ~~ ' . . ~~-',~~t 4• 2'1z~C tlie size an~i shape ~f ~he site proposed f~~r the u,~e is aclequate td a'llow t.he full developmont of the proposed use in a manner n•~t da~ximontal h.o the particular area nor to the peace, health, saf.oty ancl general wel~are ~g tkie Citizens oE the City o:E Axiaheim. , 5• That tho gran~ing of t;he Condir.ionai Use Permit tinder the candition~ , imposed, if any, will not be detrimenta'1 to thr~ peaca~ 2~ealtih, safety ~na , gc3neral welf~ce of the Citi~ons of the City ~f. I~naheirn. ~ ,:: 6. T3iat the traffic ~• `;; v..ncluQ burden upoM the streei:sQ and h~hwayshdes g ed e nd impWpw~dnto carrs~ ~n traff3c in the ~l~a. ~, ~~e 7• That six ( 6) people .indica~ecl tha:ir pres~nce at said piiblie he~ring zn opp~syti.on; and that~ na correspondence was received in oppasi~ion to the subject petitian. ~ALT~~ IA ;G1~fVTRONMgN~,~, ALITY City Planriing Commis,ion has rEViewed the pro~osal~- to perm th~a ~ u~omotivem body repair shop with waivor ot ,ninimum number: o E parkin~ spaces on a rec tangularlX-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.47 acra loc~ted ori the northwest corner of Ceena Court and Kruemer Boulovard, kla.vinq ~pprox.ir~at~ frcntages of I40 feet on the r.o.rtla side of ~Qen~ ~purt grid ~.4~ ~eet on the wost side of ~Craemer Boulevard axid further described as 1381 North tCrac~mer BoulQVard; arxcl dues hereby approvo ths N'egative Do~laration upon fir~ding ~that it .tias r,onsic3ored xhe Neqat.ive Declaration togethor with ~nY ~omments rQCeived duciny the publi.; revie~r process and furth~r ~inding on thp basis of Lhe initial study and any comments received tkzat thesc~ is no substr~ntinl evidenc~ that the project. wi11 have a significnnt affect on the Qnvironr,~ent. NOW, THEREFORL, DE: IT RESOL~IED t~xat the Anaheim City Flnnning Commission daes hereby grant subject Pe~ition for Condi~.ional Use I~ermit, u~+c~~ ~he f.ollowing coudit•ions whicli are hereb,y faund to be a necessary prerequis.ite to the propos~sc; use ot the subject property in ordez• ~n praserve the 3afety and general welfara ~~ L-ha Ci~izQns of 'che City nf Anahoim: 1° That curbs and gutlers sha].1 be repaired along Kraomez~ Bou~evard as xequired by the City Engineer and in accordarzce with ~tandard plans and specifications ori fi.le in the OS`fice of th~ City Enginec~r~ ~ 2• That e ~raffic siynal assessment fee equaling the diff.erenc~ betiween the industrial and commercial assessment fees shall be naid to the City of Anaheim in an amount. a~ established by City Council rosolution. 3• That the driveway on Kraemer Boulevard shall be rer,ons~ruc4:ed ac;coirunodatr ten (10 ) foot raaius curb re~rxrns , t° cracked uriveways shall be removed and replaced as equir d by rthe nCity Engineer. '~• That trash stor~ge areas shall be provzded and maintained in a location acc9ptable to the Street Maintenanr_~ an~ Sanftation Divi,sion and in accordance with approved ~1t~ns on ~i'1Q with said Division. -2- PCa9-45 '~ ,~..:,,,.....: :~,.;;,, t,, d - _ ... ~ .I,r~ ~ . .. .. . , . ,~f F; ,F~ ~+ ; 5. ThaL a11 air cond~.k.ioning fncilitiss and other roof and ground mounted eqixipmen~ sha11 be prQporly 3hie1decl from view. 6. That plans sk~a11 be submitted ~o the Building Division shnwing c;ompliance with the minimum standards oE thQ City of Anahaim, including the Unitorm Building, Plumbing, Electrical, MQrhan.ical and Fire Caaes as adopted by the City uf Anaheim. The appropri~tQ nermits sha11 be obtained for any necessary work. 7• 'I'hat th~ proposal sha].l com~ly w.ith ~11 signing requirements ot the ML "Indus~rit~1, Limit;c~d" Zone, unless a vaxiance aI].owing sign waivers is apprave3 by ~hQ City Council, Planning C~~nmissian or Zoning Administrator. That the signing on the building sht~~,l be small and for identification k~urposes only so that people are discouragecl ~rom drivi.ng into the driveway oi thi3 build3.ng becausc~ the custnmer en'~ranc~ to the subject business wi11 :emain at 1361 North KraQmer Boulovard {across Ceena Caurt to the south}. 8. That no outdoor 5torage ~f, di,:play~ c~f, or w~rk on vehicles or veahicular parts shttll be ~exmitted; and further, thar a17. work current].y boing performed in tkie public ~trePt ~ha11 ce=.~se an~3 that na wrork whaYSO~ver will be done in ~he public st,e9t; in t;~e future. 9. That the on-site Iandscapiny sl~all be maintained in compliance w.ith City standards, 10. That subjQCt properCy shal]. be devsloped substantially in a«cordnnce with plans and specifications on file o~ith the City of Anaheim marked Fxhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 11. Thak prior to comnen.r.ement o~ ~he activity authorized by r_his rosoluti~n, or priar to issuance of a building permit, or within a perxod of one (1) yoar fx~m Chee d~t;e of this resolu~ion, wh.ichever occurs fi.rst, Coadilion Nos. 2 and G, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. ~,xtensiox~s f~r furtYier tima to complete said candition. may be gran'ted in accoxdance with Section 18.03.09U of tho Anaheim Municipal Code. 12. That prior to thQ comme:icement of. the activi~y authorized by this resolution, or. fittal bui~ding and zoning inspoctions whichever oacur~ firs" Condxtion Nas. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 10 abovo-monti~ned, ahall ~~ cumplied wi~th, 13, That this conditional use perm:it is gr.ant~d :Eor ~ period of fiye (5) years, to espire on Marcri 27, 1994. i4. Thar approval of khis ap~,lica~3.on constitutg~ ~pproval of ~he pxoposed reques~ only to the exterit that it complias wi~h the Anaheim Munici.pal Zaning Code and any other applicable City ragtxlztions, Approval doas npt :include aup ac~ir~n or findinqs as to compli~nce~ or appro~ral ~f the rEquest rugarding any other ap~li.cable o:~inance, regulation or requirement;. ~3 Pt'39-95 ',~; :;: ~, ,',~: ~i ,,:~J:¢ ~ BE IT ~URTHER RESOLVED th~~t ~he Ana:xeim City Planning Commxssioxs ; cloes hereby £ind and deterrnine that adoption of this Resolutioi~ is a~pressly '';' ~;;;• predicat~d upon applicant's camp].iance wii:h each and all ~.f khe conditi.ons ,~: hareintxbove set forth. Sheuld an~ such c~nditions, or any part therao~, be declared invalid or unonEorceable by the final judgment of any coG,rt aE 1 competen~ jurisda.ct.i~n, then this Resoluta.on, and any approvals here:i~~ `'~ c.ontained, shall be deamec~ nu11 and void. ':•`.i TIiE FOR~GOING RESOL,UxIO~i is sigried and approved by me this 27th day of March, 1989. ,~',•`:f'.~ r.;% -'~ / ~',~'`"i~ ~= ' z_.. CFiAIRWOMANy' AN1tHEThf CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION ~ ATT~ST: ~ ' ~~6~~.- ~~° ~~~.^~ ~,~ SECRETARY, ANAfiEIM CITY PLANI+°ING COMMISSION ':; STATE QF CI~LIFORt7IA ) COUNTY OF' OttANGE ) s s. CITY OF AI3AI3EIM ) I, EditYi L. Harris, Secretary n~ tihe AnaheS.m C.ity Planning Commiss3on, do hereby certify that the foragning resalutian ~NP.s passed and adopted a~ a maQting of the :.naheim City Planning Com.mission hisYd o~ M~rch 27, 1989, by the fallowing vote of the members thereof: ?~~ AYES: ~OMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BOYD5TUN, CARUSILLO, FELDFiAUS, IiERBST, ~~ MC BURNEY, MESSE ;,'~ IIOES: CaMMISSI0NEI25: NONE .~fiSENT, COMMI~STO:IERS: N'ONE IN WIT.N.~SS WHERGOP', I have k~e_eunto sQt my hand this 27tYs day of N,nrch, I989. , ~" ~~~~-~ S~CRLTA Y, ANAHEIM CITY FLANNING COMMISSION ~~:;i ~ ~~~:} ~ ~ ~~s't~ :~ :;i ?; ,::.~~ ,,',i ;~:r, ~;~a~ ~% -`~- PC89-95 ;,~ S ~ ( - - - - - - . . .. ~ . . , ~.',: t y ~~