Resolution-PC 90-100~ It~5QL~I~IQN_~'LCj~_ ~~.24~.3~OQ A 12~SQt.UTION Qi' T~iL" ANA1lEIM CI.TY ~LANNING COD~IIrtI55I0N TflAi' PLTI'PiON EOR uAitIANC[: N0. 904~ FiE GRANTE~Q WHEREAS, the An~.+haim City P:lanniny Commission clicl recoiv~ a verified Yetitiori for Variance for r.or~ain roal rroperty situatoci in the Cit:y of Anaheim, County of Qrane~e, St;ate oP Ca].ifornia described as: PARCEL 'l: THE ~;AST HALF 0~ :CHE NUI2THEA5T QUARTER OF THE ~74RTHWEST QUARTER UF THE NQRTHEACT QUARTER OF' S~CTI~N ].8, TUWNSHT~ 4 SOUTH, RANGS 10 WEST TN :CFIE RA21CH0 SAtJ JUAN CAJOiI UG SA^ITA ANA, AS PCR MAF' R:.~r_ORDGD IN lOAK 51, PAGE 10 OF MISCELI.ANEOUS MA~S IN 1'ETF ~FF'ICE UF TEiE CUUtvTY RECOEtDEIt OI' SAID COUNTY 2'::{CBF'T 'fHE liGRTti 6(i. QO k'~'t.'T TFiGREOF. PAR~~L i: THE G9EST HALF' UI' THB NOR'IFSEAST QUARTETt OF TIIE NORTFiWCST. ,~UARTiiR 0:' THG NORTFiEAST QUARTF.R OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 4 50U~Ei, f2ANGE lU WEST, IN THE P,A2JCH0 SAN JUAN CA.TOr~ DE SANTA ANA, AS PCCt MI~P RECORDED IN IIOOK 51, PAGE 10 OF' MISCELLAI~EOU5 MAPS IN THE OFEICE OE TEiE COUNTY RI:COi2DER OF SATD COUNTY. EXCEPT THE tlORTH 66.OQ FfiE2' TfiFRE~JF, AND EXCBPT FROM TK~ REMAINDER OF SAxD 1,AtID, THE NORT~i 150.00 F~ET OF TEiE W~;ST ZU0.00 FEET, MEASURED ALONG TF{C LIORTH A:iD WF.S~ LINES THEREOF. PARCF.L 3: :FIE NORTH 21ti FEET, MEAS-iRED ALONG TFIE D1~ST LIlIE UF TFiE WEST 20Q FE~B:f, 2~:CASU~tEU ALG;+C TRE NOFtTFi 1,INf.' UF THE W£ST 4NE-FiALF f)F Ti:E NORxH~AST ON~:-QCJARTER OE' THE NORTFiWEST Otv6-QUARTk;R UF !'FiE tIUR'fFIEAST ONE-QIIARTFR ON' SECTLON 18, TOWNSf~IP 9 SOUTH, RAlIGE lU WCST, IN TIIE RA21CFiQ SA,N JUAN CA.10N DE SAli'PA A21A, Aa SAZI) SF.CTIOtl IS SHOWi7 qPl A MI,P R~CORDED IN Ei40K 51, PAGE 10 OF MISCELLAi~EOUS MAI~S IN 'T.FiF. OFFICL•: OF' TFiE COUtJTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPT rFiF: :70P.TFi 6G. JO FEET TF{F.ftEO~ . Fi11BREAS, Che City Plannxny ComTissi~n did hold a~ublfc hearing at the Civic Ccsnter in the ~ity of Anahnim on April 23, 199~, at 1:30 p.m., notice of saiJ public hc~rinq havinq bcen duly qivQr, as requise~] by laa and in acc~rd~nce wi.th the provisions ot the Anaheim Muni.cipal Code, ChapLQr 18.0:~, to hear ancl considcr evidencc for anci a~~ainst. said proposed variance and to inveatigatQ and m~ik~ '."indin~s :,nd recnmmenclaC;onS in conneetion l-horawi±h; and 24GOr .l. rC9Q-t0~ ~r~ "F~ ;~,h ,~rna. Wfi~REAS, yaj~] C~~n~nission, ~f~er and stiudy mt~do by it~alf anci .in its bc~ ~uQ i11spnction ~vldance ancl ropoxts orEoro~l ~r ha1f. ~tld att,~r due consfderation io£~a11 following faats: said ho~ri:ig, does find and dot~rmino ~ho 1• Th~t the po~ir:ion~r propo.,~s waivers ~ estAblish a homa im~r.ovQrr,Q;~~; c~nt:er w.i ~ ^ ~h an outdoor °~ th~ follow.fng t~ ~~ ~A) SF xION_-, ~~~•den center: ; E.. ~~ '~@.t..4~,_Q~ cL9._?._2 . r; - ~.~..Q.~Q~Q.LQ~32 ~inim~n_ns,mt~~_Vf_.P.~.3'ki~~,zL~s~s~~. a:i~~~~~4ss?~i~.4.~U (ti_?.4 r.oquired; ~~; proposed) { B) r E~'~' I.~QN_ '1_{~~14~Q 2~Q 2(~ ,' - L~ 11 t~.~ ~isZn ~i. 4~.~.~ r_ n i ~l Li ~~.a~.~s~ ~ us~s raquir9d to be conducte~~~~ P opose~d} _$uil~n~; y',~~~24r gttr n~~Jl.t~~ ~ • That ~he ~zhuve_menh,ioned thE basis t~,at the %aiv~r congestion in tho ~ ~~rkfnq waivQZ wi].1 zO~ c~ii~eA) ig h~rebY qra.nted cn uso~ and '~ea~~le viciniGy nor aaversel ~n .xncre~,e in grantiny of Lhe y atfect an ki'aff.ic park,iny waiv~r tit~~jCT r.}i~ ~andi tions jmpO3eaning land will not be ~Qtr.iment~l to rho a fhe citizens of ~he CiC ~ p~ace, h~alth, safet • if any. y oi hna.ieim, Y tjna ~I~nPral welf.are of 2• That thQ anov~_rnentioned w~i,~~r the basi.s thut th~re arQ ;pec~.al cirr.wnstances a ~~~ 'i~ hereb ~s ~i~Q, shaP~, topogl'a h [~P~i.cable to tho ~I granted Qn othQr ident+call P y~ lccation a:~d surroundinqs whzch prO~erty °UCh x zoned pr.onerty in th~ do not fl application Zonin sarne vicinit ~P1Y to oi:her ro Pr~f Chc, g.,ode dr~nrives t!~o Y% and that strict p P- ti.es iy the ic]entical ze:ne anci cla z~ fi ation pn the g P y of rivile es enjoyecl uy 3~ ~icinity. ox' conditions a ~t~at there ac•e p pplicab~~ '~~Qp~1Ona). or ext•raordinary circumstancos the pr.operty that tO t}1e Propertx invalvFCi the sarne vicinil ~~ not apply c~~ner.a].1 ~ °r t° LhQ fntended usQ of Y anri zone. Y ~o tha properl•y ~r c:lass of use in 4• That thQ re pre;~erva;,ion and en jn~,m~nt oP a subsh.anl•at.~ 1j >r p nC y ri ti~ propc~cGy .in ktie same vicinit necessary Fdr the Y and 7.qllf±, ~~i,d c:r.n p~l r o the pr ~orty in ~ Y ~tlier 5. ~'h~t guestion. dotrimenl•al f.A th~ t h~ •'etluested varianco in suc}i vicir:i~• Public we]far~ or injurious l-o th~will not he m2l-eri~ I ly ~' ~n~ zonc i~i w}iich ~}~~, proPort, Pr"P~'~'-.y i3 loc<~Lod, Y er improvemonts P arin 6~ That Lour (q) ~co~le i.nuic;.~~,i ublic he g 1n n ~Positioli. Che.ir prQSenr.Q at t~aid -24 , PC90-l0Q ~ ~~'+'~~~ .:. nn:..,. ~~-9~3~~-~-.~-N1~~3-4NL~N.•~~4~t~~.I~x ~tCT FINDTNGt ThaY, the Anah~im City Planning Commission has r~viownci tha pro}?osal l:o establlsh a home improvumdnt. cent.er wiCh an outdoor qardon can~er with waivers uf minimum number of parkin~7 :~pac~s and limita~ion~ ~;o p~rmittQd ~~.aes an~ structuras on a ractangularly_shaped pxrc~l of l~nd cunsis`:ing ~f approximately 9.1 acres having a frontaga of approximataly 660 f~aet~ on tho sautki s3do ~E Lii:coln Avonu4, havxng a maximum da~,th ot apnruximr-tel~ h00 feet, being locatQd approxim~toly 655 foet eash_ of• the conterlir,~ uc GilbQrt Street and Eurther describod as 2300 ~4est Lincoln Avonu~; and doe~ hc~rek,y ap~rovo Che Negative~ Doclar~tion upon findiiig that it has considered the Neqati.va Declaratian togeChar. with any comment:s rac;c~.ivect during Ciie puk~lir. roview process and Eurther fanding on the bas.is of tlie ir'. t.ia? ~tudy t~nd any comments receivod thah. there is no sub~tantial evicience that thc~ QrojeaC wi11 have a significant effoct on th~- Qnviranmant. NOW, THrRFiORr, EiE IT RESOLVFD thaC the Anahgim City Platinir.g Commissiun cloQS hereby qrant subj~ct Petition for Variurir.~, opon the followiny conditions which aro hereby found to b~a a necessary prer~quisit~~ to the pro~o:~Qd us~ of the subjECt prop4rty in urd~r to pr~serve the ~afety a~id c~enPral we:ltare of the Citi~ens oF the City oL' Anaheim: 1. 'I:hat an unsubordinated ra~iprocal access and parkin7 ayreement, in s~ t•orm sar.isfactory to the ~it.y Attornc~~r, shr~1 ! t>~ recc~r~od with. Lhe Off.ice oL• tho Orange ~nuncy R~corder. A copy of thr; r~corded agreement ~ha3l khen be submit.ted to LhQ 7,oning Uivisi~n. 2• * That on-;t3te fire hydrants shal.l b~ instal.l~~:~ at,d chargAcl as re~uired ar.c: approve~l by tYee Cit.y Fire Department. l~n ~11-weattier roa~i sha11 be provid~d to the hydrr.~n~. at aZl ti.mes, as requiretl by khQ Fire Departmant. 3. * That fir~ sprinklers sha11 be inskalled an required by the Fire DQpartrr.Qnt. 4. +~ Tl~at trash sL•or~ge area~ sha11 be pro~ided and mainL•ainod .in a 1cCat?~n acceptable L•o thr StreeC Maintenance and Sar-itatfon Division and in accordancc~ wi~h ap~~rovod plans on File with said Division. Such inL•ormation shall. be 3~ec.ifically ,hawn on Che plans submitted for buildirxg permit:s. 5. TI:aC the wat~:r baclcf.l.ow ec~{uiT~ment and an~~ oti2or large water ~y~tem oquipment shall be insta.ilnd in under~~round vaults, to t.h~; satis£aation oE thQ Watec• F.n~inevring Div.ision. 6. * Tlzat a fee i:or street lighting purpo,es shall bQ pnid to the City of Anaheim basQCl on the length of stroet frontage along Lincoln T.vanue and in an an~~w:r_ as ~stablished by City Council resolu~ion. -3- PC90-lQ0 iS ;" ~° ~ ~ ,. ^ 7. * TYiat a fec~ for strac~t trc~e purpo~os shall bQ paid to the City of Anahoim base~ an thH :length of streek. EronL•age along Gincoln A~-onuo and fn an ~mount as c~sCablished by City Council resolution. II. * That subj~ct psoperty shall be sHrved by undorground ut3lities. 9. * That prior t:o i;~suance ot a bu:ilQinc~ pQrm.it, th~- ~ppr~priate tit~ftic signal ass9ssmenk fc;e s11a11 bo nafd ",o th~- City ~£ AnahQim in an amount as esi:abl3sliecl by City Council resolution. 10. * That plans sha].Z bo st,ibmitted ta the CiCy TrafEic Engineer tor his rovi~w and upprov~l showix~g r.onfo.rmance with Engineering Standard Plan Noa. 436, 602 and 605 perCaining Lo parkiny standards. Subject property shall thereitpon be developed and mainY.ained 3n conformancg with sai.d plan~. 11. Thal all driveways sha11 be rQCOns~ructed to accornmodake fiEt~en (15) faot radi.us ciirb rettirris ir, cc,nformance »ith Engineering Standarcl NQ. 137. 12. That, if ~l~aL•e of Calif~rnia rra~•rants for the insl-.allation of a trafi•ic ~ignal are met, a t.raffic sigt:a7 shall b~r inst311ed at tho intersoct,ioti of Lincoln Avenue and the second driveway east o£ Gilbert Street. The tr~f.Eic sic~nal plan, sliowing conf:ormance with Enginoering 5kanr~axds, shall b~ submitted to tho Traftic Engineering ~nd Subdivision Sections for their review and approval. 13. That thor.~s sha11 be no outdoor stocagQ or display of maL•erials uther than thoso materials to be containocl within ~h~ outdoor sales araa shown un F,xhibit rro. 1. lA. That ttio logal r~wner(s) of subject properhy shall exocuto and recorci an unsubordinated covonant iii a form approvRd by klie CiLy Aktorney's Off.ice wherein such owner(n) agroe nol: to contQSt the forrration oE an assessmont districl•(s) which -nay heraafter be formad for the purposes oP financing the undarqruundinq of utilzties wliich disCrict{s) could include such legal nroporty owner's property. , 15. * That all air condit;ioning facilil•ies ancl other roof and qround mo~xnted equ.ip-nenY, shall bs pro~c~r.ly shielded from view aiid the sound buftered from adjacenL resiciential prcperties. Such information shall be s~eci.fi.^.a11y sh~wn on khe n:lc~ns :,ubmitted for buildinc~ pormits. ~. 14. That nll plumbing or. other similar pipos and fixt~areS lu^.dtnd on the oxterior of the bui).ding shall be fully ;~creenQ~' by arc:hi~~ct;tral devices and/or appropriate buildinq m~~tQrials; 3nd, further, tksat such inEormation shall bQ ~pecif:ically sh~wn on the plans submitted for building p~r.mits. :~ t; `: -~- PCJO-10(~ i`r;;"i: ; ` ~ ~ k < L, [~ 1 . ~~ . ~~hS" ~ {.}/ r;L ~ ••' i. ~. ~ ~ . . . ~ ~ . n~'r'p,~~ ~k;a~=1 1~. * That a six (6) foot high masonry black wall sha11 be m~int~i.ned along the ~ou~YA and aast propert;y lino(s) escc~pCing tiho front setb~ck wharo the wa11 height shal'1 iio~ exed~d three (3) f~et; provided, Y~owever, khat the City Traffic ~nginoer nhal~ have ~;he authcri~y to reduce the height of said wall to ~.r~tect v3sual linQS-nf-~ight whc~re pAdestrian/vehicular rzrculatxon intersoct. Said block ;+ra:ll shall be plank~d and maintained wzth clinging vines to oliminate graffiti oppor~unities. Further the oxisting C~nCxete black wa11 along ~he south property liile shall be reinforcad anr~ blo~ks addod su tliat ~he w~11 as LonsistRntly tho sama YxQx~Ylt Adjacent Eo 2ie residc:n~i~]. loLs. Plaris submitted for builcling permits shall s~~QC.i!'ical:ly s}zo~v whexe a:id liow saia wall height ls being increasod. 18. That any praZ~osod parking area lightinq fixturos adjaaent ~:o any residQntial prop6rty sha11 be down-lighted wiCh a maximum height of twelve (1u) feer,. S~id lic~hting fixrurr•r~ sha11 be diracted away from a~ijacQn~ residential propQrty lines ~o pro~.~sct tho residantial integriL•y of hhe area and shall be sPeciEically ~hown on t~he plans 3ubmitted for builiiing permits. 7_9. That the pr.o.posal shall comply with all sic~ninc~ reguixements af the CL "Cor.~morcial, Limited" Zone, unles~ a variaiice allowitig sign waivPrs is appraved by sche City Council, Planning Comtnis~ion or Zoning Administratox. ?.0. ThaL prior to issuance of a builditag p~rmit, the developer ~hall propare a drainago rQport for reviaw and approval by the City Gnginc~er; and~ based on l•he re~ults o.`: said drainag~ report, the Ci'ty EiiglrieQr may require off-site drainagQ improvemen'~s or a cash 5ayr,~ont f.or the fair sharo contribution to a drainage as~essmQnt district. 21. That minimwn fifteen (15) gallon trees ~].antod on maximwn fifteen (15) foot c~nters, wiLh appropriate irrigation CaciliL-iRS, shall be installerl and maintained along thQ soutti and east groperty line(s), 22. * That thc~ on-sitc; lanascaping a.nd irrigation system ~hall be refurbi.shed ar.~ maintrsined in compliance with City skandards. 23. * That the parking area ar,lja~eilt to Lincoln Avenue shall be screened fxom view in conformancQ wiL•}i Code Soction 1a.49.064,010 "AutomobilQ Parkfng Areas". 24. Thr~t tho owr,er of subject propnrty shall sixbmit a letter requssting terminatioi: of C~nditic~nal Use Permit No. 307 (pormitt9.ng ~n sutomobile sQrvice st~ti~~n) to thc Zoning Divisioi~. ~I~. -5` PC90-100 ?Ial ••rt;: . .. , . . . ----- , :~, i°F` +~i',f,?r~ ~u•~r1 . -, '+ 25. ~'h~t subjocti property sh~71 be de~v~lopad substantxally in ~ccordance ~ai~h plans and specif.irations submittad to tha City of' Anah~im by the p~ti~ioner and wttlch plans ar~ un f.ilo with the Planning Aopartment marked E:xhibit Nos. 1 through 5. 26. That prior to commencomont oE th~ actavfL•y authorizecY by this resalution, or ~rior to issua~.ico of a builainq permit, ar withira a periad of unc~ year (1) Fram the date of this resolution, wh3chover ocaurg firsL•, Condition Nos. :i, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, :1.~, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 and 24, above-mentionod, sha11 be complied with. Extensions for further time to aompleta said conditions may bR grantec~ in accordance with Socti.on 18.03.q9p of Che Anaheim Mun.ica.~a.l Code. 27. That prior t;o the commencemont af tkie activity autlior.ized by thi~ rosolution or grior to Ein~? building axd zoniny inspections, wha.chever occur~ f.irsi:, Condit.ion Nos. 2, 3, 5, 8, 1]., 12, 15, 17, 19 through 23, anc~ 25, abovc~-mentiuned, s}iall be cor~plied with. 28. * Thar ap~roval of rhis application cor.stitutes approval of the proposed requQSt otily to the exL•eiit that iL- complies with thc~ Anaheim Municipal Zoni.ng Cuda and flny other applicable C'xL•y, SL~te and Federal requlations. wpproval does r~ot inclu~~e any action or findii~qs as to complfancQ o: approva3 ui' the r~qiiest regarding any other applicabte ordinance, requlation or requirement. Conditions m~rked with an ast;erisk (*) are requirod bX establ:ished laws, codes, regulations and a~7xeemQntis and are not su.bject to negot.iatzan. BE IT FURTHER ~ESOLVk:D thAt the Anaheirti City Planning Co~nmission does her~by find r~nd dotQrmine tha~ acloption of this Rpsolution is expressly preciicah.e~ upon applicant's compl.iance with each and a].1 of the conditiions }ierEinabove set f~rth. Should any such conditions, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceabl.s by the f.inal judqmc~nt of any court of competent jurisd:ction, then ~his Resolution, and any appro:~als herein contain~d, shall be cleemed null anr,~ void. THE; FOREGOING R~SQLUTIC)N was adopted at tho Plannine~ Commission meeting of Apx-il 23, 1990. i~~~ , ,; L_~,~.. ~'~L-~l ~~ ~ /,~ ~ ~~ ~-j' ' •, '.':..__ ~ I ~~` j ((. (~ .~~'~ '~,~j. ~( ~ ~ l ._ _ . _.~._ ~ t;I•JAIRWO~lAN PL:O TGMPORE ~- ANAF{GIM C?TY PLANNING COMMISSI02~ ATTEST: , ~ ~rl~ _.. ~,~. / ~_ LLL-l.~l~ ____.__~_ SECItETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLAt7NING COt/~'~fISSION ~ -E-• PC90-].OA ~i',,~ ~~ ~~ P; ":~ STATE OF CALIFORNTA ~'~ ~ ' ;N~ ;r ':!' ;i ~}a CUUN'TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITX OF I~.NAREIM ) T, Edith L. Hazri~, SecrAr.a;cy qf tho Anahe~im Cyty Plann3ng Commission, clo hereby certify that the ~oregoing r.esolution was pa9sc~R ar.d adapto<'i a~ a meeting oE the Anaheim City Planning Commiss.ion hold on ~pril 23, 1990, by the to:llnwiiig vote of thc~ memb~rs thereof: AY.ES: COMMISSIpPTE~2S: BOYDSTUN, RQUAS, r~LDHALJ5, MC IIURNGY, M~S5E NGs5s COMMISSTONERS: NOT1F. AB~ENT; COMMT55IONERS: HE'LLYCR, HERfiST ~ IN W~TNFSS WH~:REOF, I have hereunto set my hand this r/-~ day of , 199Q. -~ _ . Gx.x~c.~ /1. ~ _s~~.~-r~e/ ------~ SECRET]~R7~, ANAHEIM CxT7~ PLANN'!NG COMMISSION -7- PC90-100 J , '.1.~