Resolution-PC 90-101~ R~_$OLUTIQN_NO• PG9p•-1Q1 R i ~:'.~ ;~9 ~'~~9 r'a A RESOLUTTON OF THE ANFHETM CTTY PLANNING COMMTSSION ~1DOFTING AND FE;COMMI;PiDING T(1 TFIF. CTTX COUNCiL ADOP'PION UF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT N0. 30?. FEItTAINING TO THF T~A.ND USE EL~MENT WHFREAS, th~ Ci4}~ Coiincil of t2ie C:it,y oE Anaheim c~id adopt tho Anatiexm General P1an by R~salution No. 69-644, showing the general desc~iption and ex~ent of possibl.~ future de~elopmonfi wirhin ~'he city; and WFI~REAS, the Planninq ConimissiUn directed staff to initiate a General P'lan AmQiidment redesignating the 5tudy Area from the Medium Density Residential designal~ion to tho Low-•Medium Densi.ty Re~idential d~sigrlation for the S~ucly Area consisting of approximatsly 16.~ ac~FS generalJ.y A~~nded b~~ TAa~er Street to the nor~h, Olive S~reot to the e~st, South ~tree~ to the soutki and tlie a11ey east of. Anaheim IIou2ev~~rc1 to L-he west. Also iz~clu~~iiny tha area genera~ly b~~uncled by Santa Ana S.:reet to the north, Ol:ive Street to the oast, Water StreeC to the saut:2 ~nd Claudina Street to the west. Excepting the northerly 360 feet and tre east~r~y 140 £eet north of WaCer Street; ~~ered~ WHEREAS, the City P1annS.ng Com,mission did hold a pub~ic hearing at the Civic Cente: in t1iQ Ci-:y ~f Anaheim on I.Pril ~3, 1990 a~ 1:30 ~~.m., noL-ice oL• said ~;Ublic hearing having beor, clu.ly given as r.equired by law and in accordanc:e wit:h the provisions of t;he Ana}ieim Municipal Code. Chapte~ 18.03, to hQar and consider ev.idPnca for and against said proposed General Plan Amendment and to investigata a~id make fi:idings an~i recornmendations in connaction therewitn; and WHEREAS, saicl Cc~mmi~sion, ~~.ftQr due consfderation, inspaction, inves~igation and study mad~a by itself, anct aLtor due c~nsic3eration c+` aJ.l evidence and ropurt oft•ered at said hearinq, 17pE5 HE;RE9Y FI1~D: t. That evic?ence presented ~ubstantiates the need ior sn amendment to the Anaheim General Plari and tt-at r.:chi.}iit ]1 be adopted red~signating sub;ecL• area tor Low-MQ~ium Uensity Residenti4l land uses, rather than Medium Densitiy Resident.ial. 2. That the pcoposeci amendment is cor.isistent with the oxistin~ land use densi~ies. ~ALIFQR~JIA ~NVI~NMENT'tIL.~UALI'rX l~~'T' F'IN11Ifi~: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission }ias revier~,ed tho propo~a't to amend the Land Use Element of L1ie General Plan to char.ge rhe currerit land use d~s.ig2iation of Medipm Density Resiciential to Low-ldedium Dens.i.ty Residenti.a~ £or appror.imatQly ].6..} acres c~enerally boundeci by Wa4Qr Str~ot to the norrh, Olive Streat Co ~he east, South Sl:reeL• L•o the sou~h and ~lie a1Zey Qast of Anaheim Boalevard to the west. Alsc~ including t1~Q arEZ generally b~unclQd by Santa Ana Street to ths north, 01ive Street r_~ the e-~st, Water Street to the south and Claudiua Street co the west. Exc.eptiny the northerly 360 feeL- and tkie Rrssterly 140 feet north of Watez Streot anc] does t'~erefora approve the l7egative Ueclaration on the 1401r _~_. PC90-x01 ~ ~ ~. ., ' 1 Yi Y/~ ~ ~YI 1 ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~yC,l~b}, _ ..~'r~l bat~is ~hat; it has considered the proposed N~ga~iue noclaration toge~ther with any comm~nt~ roceiver~ cluri:~g ttto public rQView procoss and fur. ther finding ox~ ~he hHSi~ of the Initial Study and ~ny comments receiv~d that there is np substanhial c~vidQnce that the projecL- will have a signific.ant effect on the environmenk NOW, THEREFORE, LiE IT R~SOI,VGD, thaf pursuar.Y. t~ ~ho above findings, the Anaheim Cit,y Planning Commissi.on daas 2rQrehy ac~opt and recommeud ta the City Council of the City of Anahea.m adoption pf. Gc~neral Plan AmendmenC N'n. 302 Lar.d Use F lement, Exhibit A, ~o redesignate ~k~e Study Area from bfodium DQnsity Kesidential to Low-MQd.itlm DPnsity Residential larid uses. TIIE E'OR~GOING RESOLUTION was adoptod ~~ tho Plariuing Cammissian rreeting of Apt•il 23, 199C, ,.~ ,lr,~; ,('~~C~.; /~{~' ~ :~-::?:~.a /~ ~r`' --- `~'--~~-_'!._'.._~~ r"f/. ~.6•~l.~q~.~LL./.~,l4;i CHAIRWOMAN PRO TEMPURE 11NI~HETM CITY PLANNING COMHlISSION ATTEST: . ~~`-~[C~ ~ SECRETA Y, ANAHEIM CITY PLANN7:NG COMMISSTON STATF 0~ CT.LTP'ORNIA ) COUNTX OF ORANGE ) ,,5, CT~Y OF AN11HgIM ) I. ~dith L. Fdarris, Secretary ot thc~ Anaheim City Planning Commission, ao herebj~ certify tliat thQ foregoing resolution was p3ssed and adopted at a mee~ting of the Anah~im City P].anning Commissiun Yae1d on bfarch 26, 1990, by t;he fo).lowing vote o£ ~hc~ members thez~sof: A1'FS: COt~1rlISSTONERS: BUYBSTUN, BOU~S, F~LDHAUS, MC BURNFY, ME~SE NOF~: COMIY!:LSSIONERS: N~NE AF3SFNT: CuiaMISSIONERS; H~LL,Y~R, HERaST, ,m IN WTT2QESS WFiEREOF, I have her~unto ~et my hand trii~ ~.~,/ of ~„ `~. 1g90. J.c"~ day --~~ ~_ x.ra,~ SECR~TARY, ANAHETM CITY PLANNING COMMTSSION '2 PC90-101