Resolution-PC 90-104~E;.~.S~~.I.,Q.~? .NOL P~Q-10~. I~ RE50LUTION OF"~HE ANAI;~IM CTTY PGANNING COMMISSION ADOPTING ANI) RECOMMENDI2IG TO TFiE CITY ~~OUNCIL', ADOPTION UF G~N~;R11L PLAN hMF.NDMENT N0. 299-1 AND -2 Li~P1D USE ELEMENT WHLREAS, Che Ci~y Couricil of tht~ City of Anaheim di:l adop*. t1~e Anah~sim GanQral P~an by Resolution No. E9-544, s}zowinq tha general description and extent of possible future doveloprnerit W.ithin tho city; and WHEREA3, ~ e ~lann.inq Corrunission directad staff ta initiate a General Plan Amendmont rodesigrlating Study Area 1 from the existing Med.ium Density Residential ~eszg.•tion to Low-Medium Density Residential; an~ redasignating Stu~ly Ar~ea 2 from the eaistiny Medium Density Residential dasiqr.ation to Low Densi~y Residen~ial; and Study Areas 1 and 2 are described as fol:ows: Area 1- Approximately 24 acres consisting of those propQrties fronting on the w~~t sicie of MagnoZia Aveuue b~ginninq approzimately 325 fsot nor~h of the ce~nterlino of Lincoln Avenue and extendinq north appfo~xmately 1,65U feet. Arra 2- Appruximately 1.S acres consisting of those prop~rties loeat~d on the south side of Xalo Avenue beginninq at the easterly terminus of said street and extondinq we~t approximately 665 geet to the Southern Callfornfa Edison Easemant. WHF.REAS, the City Planning Commiss3on did hold a public hearing ~t thc~ Civic Conter in tho City of Anaheim on April 9, 1990 at 1:30 p.m., noti: e of said public hdr~ring havinq been duly given as requirea by law and in accordance wit;h tta~ provisLons of. the Anaheirn M.unicipal Code, Ch~pter 1II.03, to hear and consid~r evidenr.e for and ~gainst said proposed General P1an 1-mQnclment ~nd to investigate and make findings and recammendations in cannection ther~with; that said public hearinq was cont3nued to the May 7, 1990, Plannang Commission meet:ing; and WHEREI-S, saf.d Commission, after aue consideration, fnspc-atiou, invostigation and atudy made by itself, and afkor due considerati~n c,f all ovidence and c~~orr. offered at said liearing, AOES HEItEBY FIND; 1• That evidf~nce presonted substantiates the need Por nn emendmeat to the Anaheim Genera.l Pl~n and khat Bxhibi.l• A be adopted redesfgnc~ting subject Aroa 1 for Loa-Meclium Density [tosidential rathAr than Mec]ium Density Residential and su~ject• ~.rea 2 for Lox Dc•nsity ResidRntial rather than MeQium Uensity Rosidential. 2. That the proposed Yunr~ndmo:~t is cos~sistonk with the existing land u~e 'd~nsitios. CALI~-Q~t~I~~ ~~tYj.~4.L'~NTAG QUAL~.~S~,.,~~~~~~~r; That khe Anaheim Ctty Plannin~ Commission hus rAViewed the proposa.l to amead the Land Use F'lemeut oE tt,e Genoral Plar- to chonge thA c~lc~rent land ase deai.~uation of Medium Dgnaikv ttasidantial desiqnati~~n to Low-MeAium Density keaidctnCial for Stucly Arer~ 1 ~ 1418r _1~ PCyU-104 whxch consists af apprnxima~ely 24 acres fronting on thn wast siue of M~gnolia Avenuo beginning approxim~t~ly 325 foet norrh of the cer.ter~ine of Linc~ln AvQnue and exhending north approximately Y,650 footf an~ ta chango the designation of ~foftium Dansity Resid~ntial dosignaLion to Low Denaity Resldential tor Study Area 2 which consists of. appro~imutely 1.5 acres located on rhe south side of Yalo Avenue beginning at tho Qaarerly terminus of said street and ~xtendinq west approxi~at~ly 665 feet to the SouChern California Edison Easemenk; and d~es, thereforo, approvA the Negative Declar.at.t~n o~ the basis that it has considered the proposed NeqaLive Dealaration tnq~thar with any commonts receivod durinq the publac review procdss and fiirthor finding on the basis of the Initial Study ~nd any comments rec~ived thak there is »o suhstanria]. evidence that ~h~ project wi11 have a significant eEEoct an t~e Anvironment and does, therofore, approve the ~eqative Ueclaration NOW, THEREFORE, aE IT RESOLVED, tha~ pursuant to the abnv4 tindings, th~ Analzeim City Planning Coni~nission does hereby adopt and recoi~~ntend to the ~ity rouncil of tho City of AnahAim adoption ~f Gener~l P1an Amendmeat t~o. 299-1 anil -'l Land Use Element, ~xhibit A, to rodesi~r,ato Study Aren 1 from the Medium Density Residential designatio~ to the Low-Medium Density Resident3.al ~3e~ignati~n and Study Area 2 from the Medium Donsa.ty F.esidantial designa~ion to the I,ow Aensity Residen~ial de~ignatiou. 'PHE FUItEGOING RESULGTIOH was a~opt~d at the Planninq Commission meetinq of May 7. 1990. . __ _ ._..._ .. .. ~.,,~--''_'" . _ ~ ~ ~^,,:~_-- ,~7: s ~___.__ ~' %~ _.. _ CHAIF.MAN, ANAHEIM CIT PC.ANNING COt~41ISSICN ATTEST: r, . , ~~._ G`+~,<~~-6c-~ _____.~_~ ~(, ~~ ~ ~ _ SEi.RETARY, lWAHC.IM CITY PLFNNING C02•4~fTSSTON STATE OF CALIFnRNIA ) CUUNTY OF ORANGE ) as. CITY C~F whJAFIEIM ) .'., Edith L. Harris, aecreCary of the Anaheim City Planning Ccmm.iHS:on, du hareby a~~rtify that the foxagoing :esolution r+a~s passed and adoptud at a rnoeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commfssion held ~n May 7, 1990, by the folloKing vote of the member.s thereof: AYES: COI~STSST.ONERS: BOYJSTtJN, B~UAS, H~LLYER, HERBS'P, FELDHA.U~ MC BURNEY. ME::S'r: :lOES: COA?dtSSI4NERSs ti0~1E ABSENT: COIr4rfIrSIONERSt UCKE . ~ *u WIxt1ESS WEiEREOF, I 1~avQ hereunr,u sot my hand thia fd !~ ~l~y of '~'..,.. . 1g90. _~ _ , , (_./, -:i ~~J ! .., _------ - , / ~ -- SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CYTY PLANPtIfiG COA4rtISSION -2- PC90-104