Resolution-PC 90-108RESQG~L.~~z4~~.4s ~'G.94.~Q$ A R~S~LUTION OF THF I~NAHEIM CI'I'Y ~'LANNING COt~fISSION THAT P~TITION FOR CONUITIONAx, USE P~RMI~ N0. 3272 HE GFtANTEP WHEREA5, the Anahbim City P],anning Commission. di3 receive a verifiied Petitiun for Gonditional Use PErrnit for oertain real p~oParty situated in tlie Ci~y oE Anahri.m, Couzity of Orange, State of Ca.liPornia, described. as; THAT PORT,ION UI' TFiE NORTH HALF U~ TFiE NORTHWEST ~jUART~R OF' SECTZON Y8, TOWN5HIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, IN TFiE FtAN'CHO LpS COYOTEu, I~T THE CITSt OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OE' ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNxA, AS PGP. MI~P RFCORD~D IN HOOR 51, i'AC~ ].0 OY' '~!T$CRLLANFOUS MAPS, Lt~f TfIE OFFTCE pE~ THE COUNTY RFCORDcR 0° SA'tD COLRITY~ DESCRIFiED AS FOLLOWS: SEGINNT.NG A'P ~HE NOFTIiFIESx CORNEH OF LU~ 23, TRACT N0. 6691, RECORbFD YN F3U0l~ 250, PAGES 20 ANL) 21 qF MTSCELLANEOUa bSAPS, ~RECGRDS OF SAID ORANGE COLR7TY; IIFING AC.SO T.HE SOUT.HE~.ST CURNER ~F PARC~L 1 AS DESCRIBED IN A DE~,D TO THE CITY OF 1~ATAHS,M., RECORDEU JI~NUA1tY 30. 196? ZN BOQK 8ti60. PAGE ~28, QFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG T~iE HOU~IDARY Or SAIA LAND OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TFiE FOLLUFiING COURSES: 2V~RTH Ol° O1' I1" FVES~' 184.97 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OP A CU'EtVC CONCAVE SOUxHERSTERLY, HAVTNG A RADTUS QF 25.00 I'EET cJORTH£KLF APID NORTHEA~TERLY 39.26 ~EET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGI'sL qF 89° 59' 11" TQ A C.INE THAT IS PAP.ALLEL WITF; AND SOUTHEF.LY 66.00 FEET FROM TFiE NORTH I,INE dF SAID IiORTHWk~ST QUARTER~ THFNC~ ALONG SAID PARALLEL LIl7R NORTH t38° 5$' 00" GAST 333.2~ FE~T TO A.N INTERS~CTIQN WITFI HE lJQRTT?ERLY PROLONGATION OF THE EASTERI~Y BUi,rn•1)ARY OF SAID TRAf:T N0. 6691; THEI7CE SOUTH OQ° L1' 18" EAST 21q.0~ FEET AL~JNG SAIll NOFtTFiF.RI.Y PROLONGA,TION TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACi 1~0. 6691; THEtSC~ SOU~H 86' 58' 00" WES'P 358.19 FEE1 ALONG xH~ NpRTF:ERLY BO(INDARY OF SAID TRACT N0. 66J1, TO THE POITII OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT TFiAT PORTION DES~RI86D AS I'OLLOW ; t aEUINNING AT 1~ POINT 0'.d xHE~ NbR'r!{ LINE OF SAID NORTH4iEST QTIARTER ~OUTH 8~3° 54' 00" SdEST 1267.32 FEET FROM THE NOkTHEnu' CO:.~rFR 0~ SAID NORTHWEST QUARTERj THENCL SOUTFi 00° 11' 15" r'h';~' (56.00 FEET TO A PGItt7P ON A LZNE xIiAT IS PARALLEL ~Z~~.' T~!~n DISTANT SOiJTHERLY 66.00 FEET FRODS SAID NORTIi LINE, }tE'lNCi T,KL~ TRi1F, P02NT' QF IIEGINNINGi xFiENCE CON:CZNUING SU(tTH OG° 11' 15" F,AST 109.00 F~ET; THENCE N~)R'"ti 89° 02' (JO" WE$T 44.00 1422r •-Z- PC90-lU8 :,o ,{ ~'EET, TT3ENCE NdRTH UO° POI1tJT IN SAID PARnLL~L EAa'T. lA, 00 FEET ALONG POI:~T OF' BEGI~ININC,, lI' 00" WEST 93 . QO FEET TO A LINE; THENCE NORTH 0$° 5$' 00" SAIn PARALLEL LII3E T TFIE TRU~ TkA'f POR'rION OF THE NOFTFT HALF OF THE N~RTHWEST QUA.R'II~R OF SEC'!'ION 18~ TOPRISHIP 4 SOUTHr 12ANGE 1.0 WE~T, IN THE RAATCFiO LOS C~Y.OTk~S, IN TFIE CITX OF ANAEi~:ItG, COUtTTY QF ORANGE, STATF; OF CALIFORNIA, AS P~R MAP RECOR~!]:D IN BDOK 51, PAG~ 10 OI' MISCELL,ANEOZ7S MAPS, IN THE OFEICE UF 'THE COUNTY RECORDER OF 5AID rOUNTY~ DESCRIBED AS I'OLi~OWS2 BEGINNIN(~ AT A POINT. ON THE NORTH LI2~E CF' SATD NORTHWFST QUARTER SOUTH 8f3° 58' 00" WEST ].267.32 I'EET FROM THE AFOR'~HEAST CQRNER 0!~ SAID NORTHWES'~ QUARTEB f xHENC~ SOUTH OU° 11' 15" EAST 6b.00 FFET TO A POINT ON A LINE TIiAT IS PARAiLEL WITH ANI~ ll75TAPtT St~UTFiERLX 6G.00 FEET FROM SAID NORTH LINE, BEI.IG THE TRU~ PO~N'P UF IIEGINNING; THENCE CONxINUTNG SnUTH 00° 11' 15" Er~ST 1Q9.00 FEET; TH~NCE PFORTH QO° 11' 15" WEST 16.00 FEET; THENCE ~OUTH 89° 02' 00" EAST 34.Q0 F~ET; THENCE NURTFi 00 ° 11' 00" WEST 93.00 FEET TO A POIN'.f IN SAID PARALLEL ~,INE; TIi~NCF NOk1Ii $8° 58' QO" F.AST 10.00 FI:E: AS.ONG SAIG YARALLEi. LIN~ TO TFiE TRiJE POINT OF ~EGINNIN,. WFiEREAS, the City Planninq Commissinn did hold a pu~ilic hearinq at tlie Civic Center zn the City ~f A.naheim on May 7, 1990 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public, heari.ng having been ~uly given as required by .law and in ac~or~iauce with the provisions aE t2ie AnaY,eim Nunici~ial f;ode, Chapter If3.03, Co hear anc3 consider e~videnco for aud against said proposed eonditional use pQrmit and L•o i~vestigate and make f.iedings aud recommendations in connect.ion therewith; an~ WHFi~tEAS, said Commission, aft•r3r duo inspection, investigation and study mado by i4:sdlf and i.n its bahalf, and af~~r due consideration of all evidenco ~nd reports o£fe•rod 3t said henxzng, does find nnd determine the fo'llowing facts: 1. That the pcoposed use is properly ono for w2-.ich a conflitional use ~ormi~ is authorized by Anat:eim Municipal Code fiection 18.~t4.050.210 to convQrt an existirg jewelry store t~ a pawn shop. 2. Tha~ tha proposed u3e will not adversely t~ffect the adjoining land uses and the c~zowtk~ and devQlopm~nt of the ar~a in whi.ch it is ~aroposed to be locntoc~. -2- d PC90•-108 . . . .~ . . ~ , . . . . .. . ~ . ~ . . .,i~i 3• That tho size and shape of the site propo~ed for the use zs adequate to allo~w the ~lill development of the proposed use in a rnanrier not cic~trimental to th~ particular area nor ro Che peace, health, safety alld 9eneral welfare oE the Ci~~.zens of the Cit~r of Anaheim. 4. Tha~ the granting of' the Condit~ionaZ Jse Permit under the canditic.~ns imposed, if a~,y, wiil not bQ detrimental to tl~ze peacs, health, ;~;. safety and general welfara of the Citzzens of tha City of Anaheim. 5. T}:~-;h tho traf'fic generated by the proposed use wili not im~ose unduo burden upon the streets and highways clesigxied and improved to carry ~ traEfic in the arQa, 6. That 2 peoplo indicntecl their presence at said publia hearing ~n apposition. I:ALIFpRNr~_ ~~~RQNMEI~i,}1~.-_~AI._I1`Y Ac'T Airect.or or his authorizeci representativ~ has deL•er.minod tha4: the proposed projoct falls within Che definition of Categc+rical Exemptxon~, ~7,~yg 1~ ag defined in thE StaY.e EIR Guidelines and is, therefore, categoricallx e~~mpt fz•om tne rgquirement to prepare an ~TR, ~~W. THEREI'ORE, flE IT RESOLVED khat the l~nahe3m City Planning Cununisaion does hereby qrar,t subject petition for C~nditional iJae ~ermit, upon tho fozlowing conditzons which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use qf tho subject praperty in order to pre~erve the :safoty and general welfare of the Citizens of the C'_t of ~ Y Anaheim~ 1• * That tras~h atorage areas ~ha11 bQ prnvided and maintained in a location acceptable to the Street Maantenance and aa~itation Div3sion anr~ in accordance w.ith approved plans on f.il~e with said Divisiou. Such ' information shall be specifica:lly shown ou the pxans submitted for + building permits. Z• * Th<<t all air cond.itioning facilitias and other root and ground mounted I eqt~inment s~Zall be prap~rly shielded .Erom vlea aud the sound bufEored iram adjacent rosi~~entizl propFrtiss. ~ 3• ~ That a six (6) £oot hfgh masoary binck ~rall shall be m~inCained along l:he interior proporty iines; provided, howevsr, thar tha City Traffic Engineer sha11 Leave tY~e authority to reduce tho height of tho wall ta protect visual lines -of_aighz whQre pedestrisnlvRhicular circula~tion interseck. Said block xal~ shall be planted and maintaiaed rrith clinging viuos to el~mi.nato graffiti appor~unit.ies. -3- PC90-1q8 ,~~. 4. That the proposa'_ shall c~~m~ly with a11 signinq requitemanks of tk~a CL~ "Commerci.al, I~imi~ed" Zone, unless a variance allowing r~ign waivers is 3ppr~ved b,y the City Council, Planning Commissiozl or Zoninc~ Admiz~istra~ar. 5. * That tho on-~ite landscaping and irrigatinn system sha11 be maink.ai.ned zn cumplianc~ with City standnrds. 6. That stibject proporty shall be developed aubstantially in accor~lanca with plsns and sgecif:cati~na submitted to t,~e CiL-y of Anaheim by L•he patit~oner and which plaus are on file ~~ritli the Planning Depar~msnt marked Exhibit Pios. ~. and i. 'l. That prior to commencement of th8 activity autk~arized by ~his resolution nr within a period of nne (1) year frQyn the da~e cf this resulution, whichever occurs first, Candition Nos. 1 through 6, above-mentioned, shall be com~lied with.. Extensions for £urther time to complete said conditions may be grantec3 in accordance wi~h Section 18.03.09Q of kha Axiahezm Municipal Code. 8. M That approval a[ th.is applicatian constitute9 approval of tht~ proposed request ouly to the exY.ent t'hat it compl.ies witYi the~ Anahaim Municipal 2oning Code and any a~her app~icablo City, State and redera.l requlatzons, Approval does xict include anx ~ction or finding~ as to compliance or approval o£ the reguest regardan~ z~ny otlier applicable ordinance, regua.atiun or rec~uirament. Conditions marked with an asl;erisk (+~) ~r~ roq'aired hy established laws~ codes, regulations 9nc~ agrPements and ~re not subj~ct to negotiatian. TiE IT 1FURTHER RESOL'J~;D t:~a~ th~ Anaheim Ci.ty Planning C~mmissi~a cloes hereby find and dot,3rmine t.hat ~dop~tion of ~his I.esolution i.s expresoly predicate3 upon dpplicant's comp'liance w.ii:h each and all ~f the conditions h~reinabove set EorL•h. ahould anp such conditions, or any part thereof, be declared invalad ~r unenforcea.ble by ~he Final judgment o£ any court of competent jurisdiction, thea~ this Resolution, and any ap~rovals herein contained, ~hall be deemed null ax~d void. TH~ FOREGOING RESOLiJTION was adoptod a the Planning Commission meetiny of May 7. 1940. , ~ ' ~~. . ./ .\ ~ ._. , ~ ~. _~.._--•,.r~ ;~ ~~ ~~ _ CHAIRMA ANAHEIM CITY PLAN1~r~IG COhR~iISSIUN 3-TTEST: _ ~ ~~ ~ .L.._...~.~_~''~•'`~-~"'.,~.i:~~::1'~ '.u_ _ J RCRETARY PRO 1~rMP0$8 1y '` ~ /-' 31NAHEIM C~TY ?Lli~N~'G~fG COMMISSION ~~ ~ , , _q.. P~90-108 F~M•.~~ STATE OE' CALIFORNIA COUN'~Y OF ORr~NGE ) as. CIT'Y OF A3iAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jenson, Socretar.y Pro Temp~re of the Anaheim City Planning Cor~mission, do hereby certiFy that the fnroqqing resolution was passed and adopte3 at a meeting of• thd Anaheim Ciky Planninq Commission held on M~y 7, 1y90, by the following vo~e of Lhe memb~rs th8r~of: AYES: ~OhS:~Iu5I0NERS: BOYP'=Ti1N', BOUAS, FELDFIaUS, FIELLYRR, iiEltBSr, MC aUR2IEY, MESS~ NOES: COMMTSSIONERS: NONE A.BSENT: COMMISSIUNERS: ivON~ IN WITNGSS ViHEREOF, I have hereunto set m,y hand Lbi~ ~~~,~~~ day °,~s~~._.2L~..-•' ~~ 1990. ~ " ~r• - .. -. ,~ ~' "~Jq' ,~i~„~ .~ :'7 rJ ~ G ' ~~ f J .~ /~ ~~' ~ ~SE~CREThRY ?RO T~MF~ 5 ~ ~ i ANAeik;IM CI:'Y' F~LAI~2~TING COMMIS~ION