722 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. Count~. of Orange ) . _ a_1.ch!.:t~ l~ii_.. .r1.E..t~.ll.e...... ............... . .......... ................................. of said county, being first duly sworn, says-that he is a malt" citizen of the United States, and of the State of Call- forn ia, over the age of eighte en years: that he has no in- tl!rl'st in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is the ...~.!~~..'~_:~ ~_~.~.? ~~:..~....~:....!~.~.~~:l.~..... . _.. __._........ _.....mm.................. of tha . _ !~. ~ ~~:~:;~~ _~.~.t::._ ..~.~J..J~Q.::.:.~.r.~._u... ....m.... ......__. .__....._......................... a___9~e.;.lY..n__.. newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said . .~. ~~~!.~_h.~_~!.~~. _..?~.~.~~.~.1.~Jt. ..__........ .................... .......................... is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid subscribers. and is published for the dissemination of both local and g-eneral news and intelligence of a general char- acter: that it is not devoted to the Interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it haj:l been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim. County of Or-ange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the O.1."j 1 :IQ~f..~C .f.~. J >)...... ..7 22 no ... ..._. .......................................... of which the annexed is a printed copy. was publlshed in sa id newspaper at least___......... .._~~.~.~.~......~.!~..E.~~~......................._ commencing on the.....i;j.~~:~;~.... day of .Q.C.'1~')..1?.~~J~.............._.. 1.9 :_:f:. and ending on the................day ot ................_..._...__. iJn t,1ce 19 ..n., and that sa I d .....____...:... ......n.................................................. was published on the following days: C c t f) '~._h~ r. t.:) , 1. ~ ".Vi' ....................... -- . -....... -....... - ....... ......... ................... ... -...- ...................... ......... ........... ........................... .. 0" ....... ..~.....~C~. ~ _._~~:-t~~~ :~f.r.:~~~.........:. ..~,,~~~.....~...~:~~....... ..<.,. ....-< ' Subs.cribed and sworn to before me thls......~...~L......day of ''\ . ....... ._... ..............: :~.............. _...~.........~~~...~.:.r.......~.1.8 ...~....... ........ ...-........ ._:..... ..' -... ......-: ~.r.-4:-..~}.t;:ry--Piibi"ic:.._..... . LECAL NOTICE :) 1010 when he walked nine New ORDIN A.J(CJE NO. ... . YOr'k Giants. AN ORDINANCE OR THE CITY Reiser batted for Cuev. OF ANAHEIM AMENDING OR- oJ. DINANCE NO. 609, ENTITLED, Gionfriddo ran for Pur1l1o. ",AN ORDINANCE REPEALING . Gionfriddo stoie --ond. ORDINANCE NO. 511 AND PRO- .; .- VIDIN~ FOR'THE CREATING With three balls on Reiser ,he wa~ IN. THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF gIven . t t1 nal SIX (-6) ZONES CONSISTING OF .' an In en 0 pass. VARIOUS DISTRICTS AND. Miksis ran for Reiser. PRESCRIBING FOR THE SEV - l,avagetto batted for Stankey. ERAL ZONES, THE CLASSES . Lavagetto do~bled oft the right OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES fIeld w8.11, scorlnO'" Gl'onfrl.ddo and AND IMPROVEMENTS; THE e USE 0J;i' SUCH BUILDINGS, Mik.sis and' giving the Dodgers tHe STRUCTURES AND IMPROVE- game 3 to 2. :M;ENTS AND PREMISES: THE. Two runs, one hit, ho errors, one H,EIGHTS AND LOCATIONS OF I BUILDINGS AND THE AREA '. left, OF .LOT COVERED. THERE- BY; D.EFINING C'E R T A I N TERMS USED HEREIN AND TOTALS PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY R H . F'OR THE VIOLATION OF THE . . E PROVISIONS HEREOF ," B Y ADDING SUBDIVISIONS 29.. 30. 31. AND 32 TO ZONE M-2. THE. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:' SECTION 1. That Section 20 of 'sald Ordinance No. 60Q 'be amended by IWlding Sub- divisions 29. .30, 31 a,nd.'T2. to Zone M-2 as follows, to-wit: ,'" ',' 29. All that portion of Lot 34, Ana- heim Extension, lying west of Thalia Str~et and south of a line 100 feet South of the south property line ot Lhicoln Avenue. 30. AU of Lots A. B. E. F. G. H. 1.-, and :M., Boege's Addition to Anaheim. also that portio.n of Lot N. of said Addition lying eastwardly ot Man':' chester Avenue. 31. All I)f Lots 11!',J& 13, 14 and 15 ot. Block 2 of Eyga.~d's Subdtvis- ion. ~... .-&3. All of Block A. Resubdivision of Theodore Reiser's Subdivision, · bounded by East Santa Ana Street, Kroeger. Street, East Water Stree.t a.rid Bouth Ollve Street. :, . SECTIONc.._~..~ . .The -City Clerk shaJli.c.rUfy to the passage of this Ordinance an.d shall c.aase the same to be ~rlnted and published once In the Anaheim Bul- l&tln, 8. newspaper of general circu- latton. printed and publiShed and I circulated in said City of Anaheim~ Call~o~'nia, and thir~ days from and . . . '!'~...._~. ..-.-...,..--. "'. ..=. --.,..- .4.......... ..-....,.-- .............~_.....I~... --='_..~"'l'__. . ., _. ~,. ~ ," , .I .. f . l f~ " l \N ,.: ~AJ! '\ ..... ~~i\0~ 1 . 2 3 4: IS e 7 8 9 10 m CITY aOlmOIL 01' !III OI'Y or d.lDI. oo.a OBDAI. AS ORDI.OOJ: .O.~ IJf OUI.A_a. 01' ftII 01'l'Y 01' ";I;' 1. dDDI.G OJIDIIA1fOJ: .0. 801, .HI!LD, · D ORDI.... RlPlALIBG CIlD'IK.dCJ: .0. 1511 AID PROl'IDIIG roR TD .' A'IJlG I. TIll aIn or AIA.DIiI or SIX (8) 10_8 O~81 l 110 OJ' VARIOUS DI''l'RICTS AI!) PUlOaIBI.CJ :roa TIll .~ ZOB:lS, !!II: OLAISlt or IU.ILDIBIS, B!llUO!IJBIS .lID IMPR .... ..'8i to UBI 0' SUOH IUILDIII8, 8ftUCJfUIIS AID DIPR. DHS AID PRE.ISlS; !HZ 0:1_1'8 AID LOOAtIO.S or B.... . LDlliG8 AD nD:..ARIA. 0.- LOt a~ TIllUBY; DJrt.I.G ". 'R~I. BID USID ~:r;. AID. PRllaaIBI.Q !II 'KIAL!! roa~ THE VIOLATIO. or !HI PROVISIon BlRlO,..,' BY .lDDI.G ammIYIII98 89, at, 31 AD SI to ZOB .... '11 ro~LO.8: 12 13 110'10. 1. 14 Dat Seotion so of 8a1cl.OJ-dl..... .0. 809 be ....n4e4 by lIS . adding Subdlv181oll8 39, 30, 31 aDd. 31 to Zo.. 11-8 .. tCll1oW8, le tt-wi t: 17 89. All. that po:rtloD ot L." 34', AaU.el. bot_e1on, 18 171ng we.t of !halla 8"~..t aDd ~aou'h of a line 100 teet 19 South of the 8out.h propert:r 11_ ot Llnooln &Te.ue.. 20 30. AU of Low A. B. E. ,. G. H. I., and K., Beep'e 21 Ad.d11;loll to ADahel'., a180 tAat RortloD of Lot B. of aald 22 A441otloll 17'1I1g ...twaren, of "OUSHZ' A..B_. 23 11. Allot Lot. 11 t 12 t 13, 1. aDd 15 of Iloek a of 24 .1B.b~oa4'. S.bd1Y181on. 215 38. All of Bloat A. ....blBv1.ion ot n.od.o~. Reiser'. 28 Subd:1T1e10a, 'bounded by- I:a." 8_a .Ana Street, Iroegel' 2'1 Str...., 1..1; Water 8"r'eet &Ill ~tll 011..-8 8t~.et. 28 29 8KOfIO. 8. 30 J)e 01ty Olel'k .hall oel'tlfy to the pas.... of thi. 01'diDanoe 31 aDd. 88all aause the .aa. to' be prlDt.~ &Del published ono. in the '32 AIlah.i. Bulletin, a "w8paper of genetal Clroula'lon, pzalntec:1 aDd 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 115 18 17 18 19 20 -~_~I~""." .......r.~I. -.J".-:ii'..~...........-:r;.._"'!'t"t"'tfP/"*" '! .,.--,,~..: ....... _"' __",. .i.......'t'.. ..~..: .""-.'~:'iNo..'~. ... ...,.. ......... l' pllbl'l1he4 aDd oiroulated ill 8a14 01", of ADahel-, Oali fornia , 2 ad "thirty 4&'8 fro. and af-ter 1 ts flnal paII.age 1 t shall take 3 eff.at aDd be in full foroe. 4 !he foreplDg O~d1nano. was approftd and Biped bJ _ thl1 e ,l~t, d&, of B8n~.mha~ , 19.'. '// _.-.,~ 8 S'AB Qr OALlro"IA I 001II'ft' or OIlda 8a at ft OJ' ddlI. I, ,OJWU&8 1:. GRIrnm, 011;,. G1el'k of the 01tr of .ADaMia, do hereby oer"l~J that 1ib.e tor_piDl Ordlliaaoe wa. 1n'tloduoed at an adjo~ned resu1ar Meting of 1I1e 01't1 00"011, of the 011;,- of Au.hei., u14 OD 'tibe loth. 4&1' of ' Sent em hey.. 19.',... "hat the ..... .... p&8..4 aDd. a4op'e4 at an R.4.1ourned replar .."lag of the 011;70ouao11 _14 on the 30th lay of BentembeJ- , 19t7 J bJ' t_ tOll.nag 'YOte of the ._bers a.re.': 21 ADS: OOnCIL-: 'Pearson, Val'l "a~ner, Boney aDd Rey1np-. 22 .0.8: CJOU.OJLIID: None. 23 24 215 28. 27 28 29 30 :51 '32 sa.!: aonoILD.: Pace. .I.D4 I further oertltJ tllat the ~yor of t!le 01 t,. of A...1. .lp.4 aDd. approyed 8a14 ord.1DaDOe . 'the 30th cla7 of Sentem:.:et', 19'7. I. WI!II88 WIIKIor. I haye her.~ .., -7 haD4 aDd affixed ,tile .8,&1 of .&14 01 t,. of .-p.llal. th~ 30th 4&7 of September, 194.,. ~~~ 8 /