Resolution-PC 90-117~r~ .
RF_SQL(,,_JTIQN 'NU,~F?C ~.4_.1~ Z
WHFRCAS, the Anaheim City Planni.ilg Commission did recaive a
ver.ified Yetition for CondiLiana]. iJs~ Permi.t f.or certain rec~l property
situated in ttie City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Galiforit.ia,
cl~scribed as:
P1HE:REAS, tYie City Planning Ccmmis5ion did hold a public heax•ing
at th~ Civ3c CentQr i.n the City of Anaheim ~n Ma~ 21, 1990;• at '1:3Q p.m.,
notiee of said L~ub13.c. hearing tiaving boen ~u).y given ss requirPd by law an~ .in
accordance with the provisions o~: t:he anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03,
to hear and consider evidenc:e for anu a5ai.nst said proposed conditional use and ta investiyate and make findinqs and re~ommendations in cannectiun
therewith; and
WHEREAS, said Commission, aftQr due inspec~tion, invc~srigation
and s~udy made by itself an~ in its behalf, and ai-ter due conyideration of all
evadence and raports offered at hoaring, does find and cleLerminP the
following facts:
1. ThaY. thQ pro~~osed use is prupcrly one for which a conditional
uso per-nit is authorized by Anaheim Muni.cipal Cadt uectiuris ].8.21.450.325 and
18.34.020 to permit a 15-unit "affordable" ~enior cztizsn's apartment; complex
with waiver o: t2~e following:
~A) 4~.~TIQN~J~$.~?1~4~.,~z~ -• Mini.mum site._~rga~?r ~a 11inc~~ni.Y.
1.Q,~4,~CL1,~( 10 L1~20Q ~.g~Et, rec~uirQd; 1,08Q~q, ft. praposed)
an~~.8 , 94 .Q31. 020
(H) SE~TIONS 1$.21,~0.32~ - ~trucLu~al,_ti~ic~ht,.,
~n 18 94.033~Q.
2. mY18t, pursuant to the Sen:.or Ci~3zer~'s Ap~rY.mer.t~ ~rdinance, the
developcx pr~vided ovidc~nce us to thQ location of the sita relative to
pr~ximity and accessibility to r~ec~ssary servic~s, iricludzng grocc~rY storRS,
tr.ansit shops, -ned.ica2 facili~ies and banks.
3. T:iat the requested waiver (h) is r,ereby grant~d pursuanL• to
California Government Code ~ection 55915.
~. That ttie second wa?v~r (9) pertaini:ig ta maximur,~ structural
heighL was cie7eted foll.owing public notificatiun and is tnAr~fore denied.
1437r. -•1- PC90-].17
5. ~'hat the prap~sed use will not advers«ly a£Ec~ct tho adj~ining
lanc~ uses ai.a tile growth and development of tlze arNa in which it a.s proposod
to b~ located.
6. That the size and shape o£ t'he site proposed fnr tha use is
adequate ~u ~llow Lhe Eu11 devalogmQnt of the propasecl ush in a manner not
dotrimental to the parti.cular area nar to tlie peace, health, s~fety anP.
general weltarc ~f the Cit:izens of th~ City of Anaheim.
7. '.Ihat Lhe proposed u:~, as granted, wilt not aave~sea~, affect
tho adjoining larid uses and the growt2i and development af the area in which it
is proposad Co k~e locateci.
8. That tho size and sha~~e o1E the site praposed Ear L-he use, as
granted, is ad°quate to allow the full dovelopmer~t af the pr~posed use in a
manner not detrim~ntal ta tk-e particular aroa nor to tlze peace, Izealth, saiety
and qen~ra] wel:Eare of -:kie Cih,izens of tho City of Anaheim.
9. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the
conditioxxs im~iosed, i.L any, will nok be detrimental to the peace, health,
~afety and aQnFral walfare of th~ CS.tizens of the City ~f Anaheim.
10. That the tr7ffic genez•atea by the: pro~osed usr~ will ixc~t impose
ar. undue burdon upun the stxeets and kiighways designed and improveu Co carry
tho traific in the area.
11. That no one indicated their presence aL said public hearinq iri
oprosition; and th~t no correspUndence was •ceceived in opposition ta the
subject petition.
~.~LIFQRNiA EtdVIR~NMEI~T L, Q~AI.T".i'Y_ A~T FINnIN~,S~ That tr.e Anahei.m
City Planning Commission has r~viewed the pro~osal to canstruct a 15-unit
"aPfordable" Seiiior Citizen's ~ipartment comple:~ with wai~rers of minimum site
z+rea per dwelling unil: and ma~ei.mum structural height (deleted) ~n a
.ectanguJ.arly-sizared pzrc~.1 0: land cons:~stir,g c~t approxi.maCely 0.37 acre
having a frontage or apgroximately 1~U :Eeet on the oast side of Itio Visi:a
Strost, having a m~ximum iiepth of approximately 150 f.eet, being located.
approximately 'L50 fec:t soixth of the cenY.erline of Lincol.n Avenue and further
des~ribed as 502 Soutn Vista Straet; and does i.~ec•eby approve the Negative
Declaration up~n findang thrat it has consi~.ered. thQ Negative Declaration
togEthe~: with any comments received 8uring the public revi~w process and
f:urtlzer finding on the ba:,.is of the Initial Stuciy and any romments received
that there is no substantial Qvidence that the project wi11 have a
significant Pffect on th~ environment.
NUW, THERErOR~., 13~ TT RF.SOLVFD that the Anaheim City Planning
Cumrniss~an doss heroby gran~ subjeck Peti~ion fox Conditional Use Permit, in
part, upon the following coridit.ions which are hereby found to be a necessary
PreroquisiCe to tY:e p°oposed use of thQ subj~ct property in order to preserve
the saEet,y and genPc~a.l welfare of rhe Citizens of tb.e City of Anaheim:
-'L - ~C90-117
1. * That prior t~ issuancE~ oE a bixi].~iinr~ pe.rm:it, the appro~riate ~raffic
signal assessmgnt fee sha11 be paid to tY~e City uf An~.heim :in an arnc,unt
as estabJ.ished by City Council r~soluta.on,
2. * That gal•c~s shal7. noY, be installed ~cross the driveway in a manner which
may adversely aftect vahicular trafEic in the adjacent public sti•eet.
Insta].lation of any gates sh~7.1 conform to Engineering Standard Plan N~.
~1Q2 and shall be subject l.o ~he revi~~w and approval of L•he City Tra~Efic
Engineer pr.i~r to issunnce oi a btii].d.iiig permit.
3. * Tha~ unlens a variance is approvec.l by the Gity Council, Flr~nning
Commissfc~n or Zoning Adrninistrator, the plans submittod for builtiing
perm.its sha.ll show conEormance ~rith Qrdiaance No. 5119 (ofEectiive May
31, 1990) perr.aining to minimum twenty (20) foot wi~9o £ully lands~apec~
setb~cks being provided adjacent to residantially-xoned
4. * Zhat plans sha11 be submittsd ta the City Traf£S.c ~ngineer for his
rEView and approval ,howing conformanca with Engineering ^~andard Plan
Nos. 43ti and 601 per.tainin~ to parking sl:andards. Subject properry
sha11 Ctiereupan be developc:d arid maintainQ~ in conformance with said
5. Th~t the driveway ozi Riu Vista Street sha:~1 bo cans~ru.r,tc~d with L•on (10)
foot radiu~ ~urb returns ns r.equir~d by the City ~r,gineex in coniormance Fnqineering Standard No. 137.
6. That guest parking shal'1 be clearly markad "gues~ parkiug ~n7.y" and
sY:all be readily accessible tu motorists frorn ttie contiguou~ public
7. ThaL- tt-~ water backflow equipm~nt and any other larc~e water system
equipment sha11 be install~d to the satisfaction of tho Water
Eng:i.neoring Division iz~ eithez• (a) unde:gru+xnd vaults or (b) behind the
str•~et setback area an.d in a mazinpr fully screeiied fxon all public
:;tr~~L•s and a].leys.
8. *~ That a fee for street t;ree purpos~s shall bc paid to the City c~f Anaheim
based on the length of. street frontage along Rio 'Vista Straet in an
arriount as establi.shed by :.ity Council resoluL•ion.
9. * Tha~ street ligr,ting far.ilities alunq Rio Vi:;tr. Street shall be
installc~d as required by the ?Jtilities Genera.l Manager i.n acc~rdance
with specifications on fi'_e in the Off.icc~ of t2-.e UL•i~ities Genex•a1
Manager; or that security in the form of a bond, certificate of deposit,
].etter of credit, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to tYiR
City oF. Anaheim, shall be gosted with the Ci.ty to guarent~e tha
:..:'~~ rlt:l
-3- PC90-117
~ ., ;, , ,~'81''~
sutisxactory complttion of tho ~bovo••mc~ntionod improvc~monts. Said
socurit~ shti7.1 ba postod wiCh tho C3.ty of prior to is~uanco o£ ~
Lullding pQrmit. ThR abovo-rec~uirod impr vomenCs sh~a11 ba instnlloil
prior t.o ~ccupancy.
10. * That ~ubjort pro~~flrt:y sha? 1 be sarv~it ',y underground
11.. * TF,at th~ leqa.l ownc~i• of stibjact propc~rty ~:t~~jl dudicrato L•~ tht~ Ci~y of ;
Auaheim f~ five (5) fc~et wide ea~ement ~1ong the nt~rth proporty l.Sna uf
subjeat property ~or puUlic utility purposes. ;
17.. That no part of ~ubjocC buil:iing comglc~x shn]1 bQ located clasQr than a
twQlvo (12) foc,t radius to any ovcnc~~ad higi: voltagES pn~~~er lines.
13. * That firE~ sprinklers sh~+il be .it~st~~lled a:i rQquircad by the City Fire
14. * Thak trash stor. aye ar~;•ss ~ha11 ~e providQd ancl maintainQd in a loc~ tion
accoptable ta t}io St:reet Maintenancta and Sanitation Division and in
accord~n:.e wirh app.'oved plans on Iile with ~aid Division. :;uch
inEozmation st.all Ue spec.ifically shown on the pl.ans submitted for
bui.iding ;~e=irtits.
15. +~ That pricr to issvance of a build.inq p~rmit, appropr•iate park and
rec°eation in-:,ic~u fues shall bQ paid lo tha City of. Anaheim ir. ~n
amount as e~tahlished b~ City Co~ncil resnlut:en.
15. :'hat pri.~~r to issu~.zce of a l~uilding permit, the leqal owner(s) of
3ubjerct property shall executQ an~l recor~i nn unsubordinated covenanr, in
a form apprave~ by the City Attorney's Office wherein such owner(s)
aqree not to cante.t thn forma',:ion of ar. aasessment district!s) which
may hereaf':er be fozmed, for the purpos~ of tho undergrovndinq
o£ utilitios whiGh, disL•rict(~') coald include such leq~l property
owner's properCf.
17. ~ Th~t all loc:kablQ pede~L•rian ancl;or venicular acresu qatos shaZl be
eyuipped witti "knos box" devices a:~ required and approved by the Fire
18. * That all air cociclition..nq facilitiies and oLher [•oof a:id grnund mounCecl
equiprnent shall b~, nroperly shieicled from view, and ther sound buf.fored
irom adjaccn.t residential prop~rt:ies. Such :nCormation shall be
specific:ally shown on tne plans r3ubmit.ted for building
19. ThaC: all plunbinq or uther s3mil.ur p9~As ~nd fixtures iocato3 on the
exterior oE building shall be fully screensd by arcl:itectural
iic~vices and/or appr~pri.e.~e m~rerialst and, further, that suc}i
informatio» sha.ll rR specificallr ~howu on ttie plans su}scr~i.tte8 for
bu:l~inq permits.
.,,~., PC90--117
2U. * 1'lia~ prior tv issuanro ot n building parmit, sati~f~actory ovidenco shal.l
Y~e submitt~ii t~~ L•hc~ Uivision showing Chat tti~ prupas~d project
is i.n coxiformunce wi~h Council Policy Number 59?. "Sound Att.onuation in
RQSid~ntial Pz•o}acts" and wi~ti Noisa Insulat:ion SCanc~nrds specif3.od ax~
tho ~aliforn.ia AdminisY.r~tiv~ C~od~, T.itle ; 5.
21. +~ Thz3t s si.x (6) tc~nt liic~h mnsonzy hlock wall shal:i bo constructecl ~nd
m7lntained alon,q Lho nurkh, Qast and soulh prnporty linesj provxcletl,
kiokever, t}iaG ~hQ Cihy '.rraEtic Eng.izicaer shal.l h~vo thQ author~L•y to
xcsc~uce the heigtit of. L}io wnll. ta ~>rotoc:C adeciuate linQS-of-sighC whQre
pedestrian/vahicular ci,rculation inrers~ct. Said block wall shall bQ
pi ~nted and maintai.ried with vines to olimix~ar,.~ yraff.iti
27.. That Any propvsc~d p• area light,;inq fiactures .xdjac~nt to any
r.esidantial proporty atiail be ~?o~,rn-lfc~hted kith a maximum 1,eight of
twelve (12) f.Qet. ~aici liqhtir:y Eixtiiro, shall be directed away from
adjarent prop~rty ':i.nes ~o protoct the roside~itia]. i~itogrity
of L•he aroa and slaall be iniiicated on tho ~).aiis submitted f~~r bu.ildiTig
23. * That thr, on-site lands~:aping and icrig~sC.ion system shall be rePu:bished
~rtd maiii~ained in cr,mpliancc u.ith Cir,y standards.
Z~. * That pr.ior to issuarice of a permit, rhQ legal properC! owner
shall enter into an unsubordinat,ect re~:orded aqreomf:nt wit}i the City of
I~nar.aim pursuant ~o C~ liforni.~ GovQr:nme:.t Cc~de ,ectton o5915 to provide twelve rercent (i2~,) ot tlic~ Code-~~rnif~~~~ number of resident3al
uniL•s shnl.l be rented as very low income housing as defined ln
Gavernment l:ode SFCtioii 6~i9 i.5 and appropri.ata rental controls as
approvQd by ~he City of rn~nE~im ior a pcriod of not less than thirty
(30) years from the daL•~ uL issuance ot• occupancy permits.
Additionally, tha Ieqal owner
ll i
nclude in t;he agreement
that twenty five
` a provision
percQnt (25
b) c£ the fotal n~;mbar of p~Q~9~~ senior
apartm~nt: units shti.ll bu r~nted a:t lowor income housing (as
clescribed in 2oning Code Sec~ion 1t3.94,04p '~Itequfred AfEord~ble Units")
with appr~pri.ate cental controls ~s approved by the City a°_ Anaheim for
a period of noL less than thirty (30) years fr~m tho date or. issu~nce of
occupancy pc~cmits.
25. +~ That 7oC morc~ tlian two (2y persons, at least one (1) of whom must be a
3~riior citir.en, aqed six~y two ( 67. ) or ~lder. ,:~~i1 i~esidQ in, ox be
pQrmitt4d tu re,idc in ary ba~he.lor unit or one (1) bedroom unit; ~n~~i
that not rt~ore ttian thre~ (3} per3ons, at laast one (1) oE whom must be a
senior citizen, shal.l rexide in, or be pormitter~ to residP in any L•we
(2) bedror,m unit; ~~nd that all occ.ul~ants and residonts of any dwQllinq
unit who aro not senior citizens or.hc~r than the spouse or cohab:taat of,
or a person wh~ c•esidos with and provfd~s primary physicpl or economic
sttipport r.o, r.t~e resident sanior citiz~n, shall be at ieast 45 years of
agQ excc~E~C that t•emporary res.idency b.y a persnn less ths:~ 45 yo~rs of
"'' I'C90-117
r '~'~
Gge ~or a cumulativ~ pori.oa ol six~y (60) days in nny cllend~~ y~ar
sha.ll be p~rmi.t~od; arid thot an t~nsubordinAtod rov~3nant shall ba
recordod by the legal owner oE the pr~porty .in a f:orm approvQd by the
(;ity At•tornc~y so ].imiting such occupan~y. A copy of s~id covenant sha11
then ba submitCod to the 7.oiiing Divisiou.
2G. That subject property sh~ll be dclveloro~l i.n accordance
with plans and speci.tic.ations subr~iit.ted t~ t.he City af• A.nahPim by the
petitioner ~~nc1 whic2i ~l.ans are on file with thF Planriing 'i~Qpartment
marked Exhibit t~os. 1 anci 2.
27. That prior to issu~nce of a bu.ilding p~rmit or within a perioa of ~ne
(].) y~3ar fxom t;hG daL-o at tl~is resolixtion, wnichever occurs first,
Coriflition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, p, g, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 2A and
Z5, abovc~-mentioned, sha11 be complied with. ExCensions for tur~her
time to comple'to sa .td conciitioais may be gr~n t~ci in ac~orclanne with
Sectian 18.03.090 of Lhe Anahcim htunicipal Code.
20. That prior to final Uui].cii:ig and zoning inspecti.ons, Condi.tion lJos. 5,
6, 7, 9, lU, 12, 13, 21 anci 'l6, ahove-mantion.ed, shall be complir~d with.
2y. * rliat appr~val of this a~plicai:i.ori c~r-stitut~~s approval oE the prugosed
rec;uest only to the extent t)iat it com~lie;~ with the Anaheim Municipal
Zon: ng Code and any ~ther a~~~licable City, Stake and FeclQral
regu].~L•irr~s. Approval doos not includF a:~y actian ~r tindings as to
compliance or approval of the r.equest regardi.nq any oCher applicable
orclinance, regulation car requirameut. Conil.itions marked with an
astQrisk (~) ar~ roquired by estabiisheci 1aws,, cod~s, cegulations anb
agreements ar.d aro -iot subj~ct to neqotiation.
~f IT FiJRTHER RESOLV~D ~21ar *.he Anaheim C.ity Commission
dr~as hQr~,by find and dotermine that adoption of l•bis Resolutio:i is expresslp
prgdicated upoii applic:ant's corrnl:iance wiL•h each and all of ~he con~itions
hereiiiabovc~ set f.ort}i. aiiy such c~~nciition, or any pai•t Cher.aof, be
declared invalid or unonforceabl~ by the final ~udgment oE anl court ~f
com}~otent jurisdiction, Chen tizi~ Resoluti~n, and any a~~provals hexein
cont~~inod, shall. be deemed iiull and void.
of r4ay 21, ].990.
--------- ~ '- ('~( ' t~
ado~tad at thF Ylanning Cornmi.,;sidn rneeti.nq
~~~N~~r ( „~/'
------~~•----~--~-=~~=~~f -~-:_-- ------
~~'' Pf;40-1].7
I. Edith L, IIarris, Sacratary of the Anahsfm City Plannizig Commission,
do herc~by cerS:ify that the foregoing reso:iution was passed anq adopted at a
maet:ittg of the Ariaheim Ci~y P1~nning Cnmmission held ~:i Mtty 21, 19g0, by the
~ toll~wing v~te n£ Che mambers L•herc~af;
r IN wTTNCSS WfiERFO!~', I ha+~e harounto s~t rny hand L•Yxis ~~~Z~i~~_ ~e
oP __~~~;_,, _____. 1990. y
F ~~ ~
-,~~..~_..._~if-E.~~ ,^ . ~~,
-7- PC9G-'117
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