Resolution-PC 90-118°~'.~'.:t R E $.QT.IL~ X 4~LN~__p~2SZ._11~ ~r ~, RESO'LUTTON pF TI;G APtAI,EIM ~ITY ~LANNING COMMTSSIQN THAT YE'rTTYUN FOIt COND'2TIONAL CTSE PRRMIT N0. 3278 I~F. GRANxED WHER:~AS, the Aiit~heim City P.lanning Conunis~ion did receive a ver.i£S.ed F'~tition f.or C~nclitional Us~ Permit ~or cQrtttin ree~l propQrty situatod. in the City oE Anaht3im, County of Orangc, Sl:ate of Califorr~ia, de~cribed as: LOT 7 OE~' THE J05EPIi F'ISCUS SU~3DIVISION, A~ SFI0V7N ON A MAP RECORDED 7N HOOK 8, PAG~ 73 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECO~2DS OP ~RANGE COTJNTY, CALIFUftNIA, EXCEPZZNG TLiEItEEROM TFIAT PORTIOI~' LY'ING SOUTHWES~ERLY' Oc THE NOI2TIiEASTERLY [.INE OF' THE RIGHT OI' WAY L~YNE OF THE SOUTFIERN PACiFIC RAILROAD. ALS~ E;XCEP~ING THERFFfiOM THAT PORTION INrLUDED WIxEITN A STRIP OF Ll~Nll 65.00 FEET WxD~, THE SOUTHWESTERLY LZNE OF WHICIi IS ~pINCTDENT F1ITH TEiE NORTHEASTERL~7C LING OF TFiE '100.00-FOOT STATE HIGHWAY RIGI3T OI' WAY (FORMERLX SOUTHERN PACI~IC RATL1?OAn COMPANY'S RTGI?T 0~ WAY) DES(:RIH~D AS PARCEL ~ IPJ FINAL ORDER IN CONDEtdNATION RENDERED IN CASE N0. 33172 OF THE SIJN~RIOR COURT OF TNE COUNTX OF ORAHG~, STATE OF CAL'!E'ORIJIA, AS CONVEYED 1'0 TfiE .riTATG OF CALIFORNIA BY DE~A RECORDF.D AYRIL 25, 195U IN BOOK 2003. PAGE 484 OF OFF'ICIAL RECORDS OF 5ATb ORANGE COUNTY, ALSO BXCEPTING THERCFRUhf THAT PORTlON INCLUD~D WITfiIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRTIIEP LAND: E~EGIN:fINI; AT A POIIdT IN THE E:,STERLY LINC OF SAID LOT 7, DISTANT 1HERfsON SOUTf{ 00° 09' 45" EAST 257.00 F'EET PROM THE NORTFIFAST CORN~R QF SAID LGT 7; THENCE NQZTH (39° 54' 30" WEST 175.t1 FEET ?'0 A27 INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE UF TIiE 10Q.00••FO;~T RIGEiT-OF-WAY OF T~?E SdUTH~R17 PACIFIC FtAILROAD, A~ SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY iS SIia'dN ON SATD MAP; THEt7CG SOUTHEASTGRY,Y ALOtrG SAID NORTH~;ASTERLY LINE, 269.>.'7 ~E~T T~ APi INTERSFCTIAN WITti THE EASTGRI.Y LYNE OE' fiAIb LOT; T.HENCE N~RTH~RLY ALONG SAID EA~TERLY LINB, 203.73 FEET TO THE 1'UINT OF BEGINNING. WHEREAS, hhe City P1ann.ing Cummission did }~olci a publi!: hearinq at t}ie Civic CentE~r in the CitX of Anaheim on May 21, 1990 at 1:30 p.m., notice ~f ~aia public~ hearing having 'veon cluly c~i.ven as required by law and in accorciance wit}~ the prov.isions of the Anaheim Municipal CodP, Chapt~r lg.+,?3, to hQar and consider E~vidcnc~, for and ag~zr,sk said proposed condi~ioii,~'~ ugQ pNrmiC and to in~~c~stignte and make fiading, and r~comm~ndations in con;,!:ction therewith; and 1438r -1- PC90-11$ i •,~~„1 ~:. WHEREA5, said Commi~sion, nf:~or duc~ study mado by i.tself nn:l i.n its bt~h~-1f, an~l evid.ence and repnrt;s offc:red ~Y. naid hr-,az•ing, Eollowing facts: inspaction, .invost:i.g~taon and aitor. clue c,onsicier.at:ion of a11 daes £ind znd dc~termine t)-a 1. That thr~ proposed use is properly one for which a coi~ditional us~ pc~rmih i~ autho:ized by AnaYieim rtunicipal Co~~i~ Sac~ion 1~1.21.Q5U.210 to expand an existing mobi].c~ h~me/trail~er park t~ a total nf one hundred eighty ninQ (189) recreationnl vehi.cle spaces. 2. Thht thQ proposecl uso wil'1 nat adversa7.x affpct the acijoining land usc~s anCt the growLh and developrnent of the are~s in whfch it is proposed Co be locatecl. 3. That the siza an~1 shapF af che s.ite proposod for the use :.s ad~qua~e to allow tha Pu.11 8evelopm~n~ uf thQ proposPtl use i~i a marlner not detrirnental t~ the particu].ar.• area rior to the pEaco, health, safety and general welfarE3 of t:he ~.itizaris ~f the City of Anaheim. ~i. Ttiat tYie graixting oF ~he Conclitional Use F~ermil: under ~he conditions impusecl, if ang, wi.'..1 not bo detrimental to the pear.e, health, safe~y and general welfare o: the Citizan~ of thQ Ci.ty uf An~heim, 5. That the traffic 3eneraL•Fld by the proposed use will not imp~sa an undu~ burden upon t:~e streets and highways desie~ned and irnproved to carry khe tiraffi.c in the area. 5. That zio orie indicated ttieir presence at said public hearing in opposition; ancl that no corr.~espoixc~enco ~vas received in op~os.itzori to the subjecl petiti~n. ~ALI'?OF"',A _EN'(l.:p^:ti1E_ N'~'AL__pU]~GTTY,^~,^~ FII~DI~1 : That the Anaheim City Plannir.g Co~~unission has reviewQd tlie pro~osal to expand an existing mobile home/trailet• park to a t~tal of 18~~ recrea~ional vehicle spacQS on an izregularly-chapc~d parcel of land consisL•irig of approximately 6.65 acres, having frontage~ of approkimately 980 fe~~t on the soukh sido of Midway Drive and a 300 fee~ on the wr~st si.de of Zeyn atrest, ].ocated approximately ~00 feet• west o£ the center:ti.nP ot Anaho.i-n Ro~:levard ancl further described as 200 West Midway DiivQ (Midway Trailor Park, c~xcluding 2 exlsting single-tami.ly resfdencQS at Z439 and 1450 Soutti Lemon Streat); and doe~ hEroby app.rove tha ~Tegative Docln:ation upon Einciing thak it has r.onsidered ChR 2Teqativs Declar.atxon togAther witti any ;:omments re::eived durinc~ ~he public reviow ~rocess and further finciing on the basis of the znitial ~Cudy and any ~omments receivPd that there is no ~ubstantial evidence that the proj~ct will 2iav~ a signiYi~~nt effect on the e:~vironment. NOW, THERFFORE, IIE IT RESOLVED tP~at Lhe Ananeim Ci.ty Planning Commissian cioi:s hereby granL- suhject Petitiorc for Conditional Use Permit, up~,n r,kie fol:.owing condition~ which arQ herc~by Lound ~o b~ a necessar.y prerequisite to L•ho proposed use of the subj~cL- proper.ty in order to preservQ the safoty and qsneral welfarQ of the CitizNns of the City ot AnahQi.m: _Z_ PCS0~118 ~~ r : ; ,.;~, r rs :.. . ~ ,;, , ~:~•,~1 1•. ~~ That the legal ownc~r u.E s~zbjecl• proparty sha11 irrEVOCably ~ffar to daclica~e to ~h~ ~ity oi Ana2xeim a stri.p ot 1~ind twonty oiq2~~ (2g) fet~t izz width from thQ centorlinc~ of the street aiong Midway Drive for st•reE~~ widening purpusc:s. 2. * Th:iL- pr.iar to issuance nf a building per.m.it, a faithful performarice bont; in an amount approvQd by the CiCy Engineor shall be pqsted writh the City , of:' Anaheim to QLl$!,"aY1t:Ql? 4:he re~noval of existing stroet improvoments ~• along Midway Drive and recar.;,trur~ion/co:istraction. of. fu~.l ~trc~et ~ improvemer.~s aL- the ultimate location prior to fin~l buildinq and zoning inspections. 3• * lhat drivewaXs shall bo rePairod alonq Midway Drive as required t~y t'he City Engine~r and in zccordance witlz ,,tan~ard plans and specific~~ ions on file in t1iQ OfL•:ice of tlie City . ~:nginQer. 4• * That r~rior to i;;suance of a b~xilding pormit, th~r appropriate f~es due for przmary arid secondary w~ter mains shall be paid to the Water Engineerinq Division in accordance with Riiles 15A and 20 nf ~ha Wster Utility Ratos, Rixles ~n~i Regulr~t.ions. ~~ 5• That the lega]. proper.ty ownsr stiall dedicate to the CiL-y ot• Arl~heim easement~ for water service pur}~oses in locations acceptable to the Wa~er Engineer. i.nq Divi,,ion. b• * That prior to issuanco of a buildxng permit, trie app.roprial-e traff.ic signal assessme:it• fee sh~il be paid to thP City of Anaheim in an amounl as established by Ci.ty ~~uncil resolur.ion. 1• * That trash ~tcrago ,irea5 shall be provided and maintainQd in locations acceptab7.e to the Street Maintenance and ~anitation Divi.s.ion an~ in accordaiice with approved plans on fi.1a witt~ ~aid Division. Such informatiota :;ha11 br~ specifically shown on the plarxs :;ubmitted for bui.lding permiL•s. 8. * Ttiat existing trash storage are~s stiall he rofurbi.sherl to the satis;[action oL• the Str~et Maintenance and Sanitation Uivasian to comply with spprc~ved plans on file with said Divisian. ~. * That a fee for street tree purposes sha11 be paid to the City of Ariuheim bas~d on ~I~c~ langth of strPet froritage along Kidwsy Urive in an amount as e~tablished by City Cauncil reso.lution. 10. +~ That within a pariod of one (1) yea: from the d~te of this resolution, parcal mnp ~o combine the exis~i:~g lo ; ~-,11 be subrritt~d to the Subdivision Sectiori and approved by the City ~ii; ~, ~~~r 3na then record~d in thQ 0£fic~ of the O.ranye County Recorder. 11. * That tho new construc~ion authorized by th.is resolution sha].1 be served by underqround ur.ilities. ~3' PC90~118 ~'~~ ~ it;~l:.~ 12• 'Phat prior issuance ot a k~uildi~~g p~rmii:, the leg~1 owner(s) oE su.bjer.t propori;v sna11 execute and rQCUrci an unsubordinatad covenant in a fc~rm appr.oved by th~ CirY AL•tot~uey~~ O~fi.,e whr~rein such ownQr(S) agree noL• to cant:~s~ tiha formation ~f an a~sossmenC districtts) which m~y ~Qr~aEter bc~ formad for t.h~: pli•rposE~ o£ ~inaricing ttie uncleryrounding ~f utilities, whiah distr•ict(s) c:ould includ~ such 1ega1 propertp owner's property, x3. '['hat the prc;posal shall c~~mply witYl all signiixg roquiremenCs of thQ RS-A-43,000 "Rrs.ideiitia:t/Ac~ri.cultur~l" 7.one, unless a variance ailowiiig sign waivers is approved by tll~ CiL-y Council, ~lanztxng Commission or Zoning Aclmir~.istr~~or, and except: as otherwir,e resl•rict~d by Condition Nu. 14, belaw. ~4 • Tliat any freestand5.n~7 si.r~n ozi subjecL- proporty sha11 be a moriument_~ype not exceeding four (4) ~~~r xn hei~ht and sha.ll be subject i:u the review and appxoval of Lhe City Tr~ffic Fnginec~r L•o verify adeguat~ lines-ot-sigt~C. 15. ~ That th~ ora-site lanciscap.inc~ and irxigation svstem shall be rcfurbished +~nd mazntained in compliance wi~tx ~l~Y sr3ndards, 16. ~ That tY:is Conditional iJse Fermit is gran~ed subject to hhe adoption of a zening ~rd.zx~ance in connectiori with ReclaSSification No. 88-89-g0, now pend.i.r.~, 17• 'Chat subje:i. ~roperty shaJ.l bQ wit h plaris d developed substan~iall ~ . an specificati.ons sub petitioner and which 7 mi.tted i:o L•he City of Anaheimc b dance y the p ,dn; are on file with the Pl.ann~ marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4, n9 D~partment 18. Ttial rior t:o r_a:nmenc~ p ment oF r t i the activzt ~r a eso ut ~orized by this on, or. prior ta issu?nc:e of a buildin u period oL• g one ( 7. ) Year grom *he occur~ first, Conditi on N dat:e of this resolution,r wl-~' chev~r , os. 1, above-menCioned, shall ba c~mp'lied 2, 4, ~~ 6~ ~' with l complet:e said cunciicions may be , ExY.ensions fpr urther t mo to 18.0 3. 0 9 0 u f t h~ An;~heim 24unicipa:l granted in acr.orda n c~ w i t h Section Code. 1~• That prior t:o t;ie commencement resoluti.on or final bualdin a d ~t the ~ctiviL-y au~.h~riz~d by this g n f;rst, Condition Zlos. 3 a 11 ~on.ing i-ispections, whic:~ever occurs i , , , sha11 be complied w.ir.r~. . .3, 14, 7.5 and ].7, above-mentionad, ?0• * That appruval of this applir,ation cons~itutes request only ~o ~he F:xtent tt~aC it appreval oE th~ propo~ed comp lies with Zoning Code und any uther ap . the Anaheim Mu:iicipal plirabl~ C it SY ree~iilations. Approval does uot ir~ . y, .ate and Federal clude ~ny ac~ion or f.indinqs as to -4- PC9Q-llt3 ~~~1 !,;~ 'dh`IO.~ . - . <~:~.i 'r com~liance or ~pproval of the request regarding any other applicable ord.inance, regulation ~x• requi.rement. Conditions markc~d witk~ an ast.erisk (*) are required by est:abl,ishQd laws, co~ies, :egulati.ons and agxeements and are not subject to nngotiation. BL IT I'URTHEH k~SpLVFD that the Anaheim City PY3nrling Commission dp^s hereby find wnd dQtermine that adoption of t.his Resolution is expres: ~ predicated upon applicanfi's compliauce wit~i each 3nd a11 of tlio conditiax..~r k:ereinabove s,et forth. Should aiiy such conditiuns, or any par~ thoreoE, bc~ declared. invalid or unen£orceable b~• i:Yze fina]. juclgment of any Cnur~ o~ competent ]I1T].SdiCL'in•~, then khis ~tesulutiou, and any approvals hereirx conta.:ned, sh;~ll ~ic ~med null and vaid. TFIS FOREGGING RESOLUTIQN was adopted at Lhe Planning Commission meeting o f Ma,y 21 ~ 19 ~ 0. r~ ,.~., ACTING CHAI~tMAN ANAHi~IM CITY PL ATTEST: k ~~ ~// l~; ,;~~.:z,,: ..____.~.-,.;ts ----~-t1: ~_'1~ -- SECRETARY, }~A2~IEiLf CITY PLANNING COMitifISStON STATE Or CAI'i'ORNTA ) COUNTY OF ORHNGE 1 ss, CITY UF ANAI3EIM ) ING COMMISS~:ON I, F.3ith L. Harris, Socretary oL the Auaheim Cicy Planning CQm~mission, ~lo ~oreby cQrtify that the forQgoing res~luti.on was pass~d anct ado~,ted at a me~ting of the Anaheim City Plannir.g Commission Y~eld on May 21, 1990, by the fol].owing vote of the membery thereo~: AXES; COMhSI5SI0N~RS: BO[JAS, FELDIiAUti, HET,.L}'Ffi, AtC 1'iURNEY, MESSE NOES: C02y4rfISSIONERS: NONB ASSENT: Cpt~iISSIONERS; BOXDSI'UN, H~RRST r; IN WITNESS WHEREJF, I}71VP hereunto s~t: my hand thi:; ~`~ ~1~,_ day of .~~ ,_ •.a__ _.~. 19S0. -- ~ c~ ,I , ~r ~ / : __ _._~~l-<:Y~•,:-,..~:~' SECRETARY, ANA~IEIM CITl' PLANNING GOh4YfTS~zON ;~ a ;:' ~~ ~ ,'~ ~ ~",:,, -5- pC:90-118