Resolution-PC 90-119_ .,. ~~!.>1,a, . ' ' ,,~:j:'ttn. ~ RE~(~G TIQN N- p p~_~ A RESOLi12'TON qr ~'HF ANAHFIM C2TY P1IANNI;NG COMMI55ION THAT pgTYTI02J FQR CONISITIONAL USE PERMi~' N0. 3279 }3E GRANTEv W.HEREAS, the Azattheim City F~',~rini.ng Comm.issian did r~ceiva a verif.ied potition for Conditionai. Use Permit f~r cerrairz real praperty sittiated in thp Ci'ty of Anaheim, (:ount•y oF Ormnge,. SL-~,LQ oi CaliForr..ia, describec~ as: THAT PORTxQN 0£ VTN~Y?~RD I,pT ~~~_i_~~ pF ~I.A~IE7M, AS SFiOWN ON A MAP F2ECOF2D~D TN ES~pK 4, PAGES 62g AND 630 OF D~PDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS .HOLLOWSt COMM~NCING AT A~t)INT IN THF NORTF~ERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. SAIll YOINT k3F.TNG SOUTT~ 7~}° 29' 95" WEST 2.5Q F'EEY' FROM THE NORTFI~I~ST CORN~k OI' SA:[D L.OT; THEN'CR ~LONG 1~. LINE QARALLEL WITH ANU 17iSTAN1 WESTERI,Y 2.50 FEET, AS MEASUR~D AT RTGHT ANGLES, FROM THE EASTERLY L'!NE UF RAID I,OT. ;;OUTH 15° 27' 18" EAS'" 360.Q0 F~~Z' TO TiiE 7,'RUG POINi ~k' $EGINNING; SIiFNCE AI.ONG ~ ~'ARALL~L WIT.H AA'D DISTANT ~iOUTH~RT,Y 360.00 FEST FROhf SAZn NOI2THFRLY LIEN OF SAID LOT, SOUTII 74° 'l)' 45" WEST 2;34 . 41 1 EET TO T.HE EASTERLY L,TNE OF ROSE STRE~T AS SNOWN ON TRA.CT N0, 2/2g pER ht~p RECORDED 1'N Bn~K ~4. PAG~S 19, ZO AND 21 OF MISCELI,ANEOUS bfAPS, RECQF.DS OI' 5AID ORANGE COtl'NTY: THENCE ALONC SAID EASTERLY LIl1E, NORTH 15° 30' 29" WEST 341.50 FEET TO THE B~^vTN2dTNG Uf' A TANG~.NT CURVE, CONCAVE SOU2'FI-EASTE(2LY AND HAVTNG A RADILTS OF 15.00 FEET; THCNCE AiURTHERLY AND NORTH-EAST.ERLY' ALONG SAID CURVE THT20UGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90° 00' lq", ,t~N ~g~ ~,LAI~TFT ~~' 23.56 FEET TO TTS '.~ANGENCY W:LTH A LINE pARALLEL WzTH AN7 DISTAI~;T SOUTHEP,LY 3.5U FEET AS MEASUREU ~T RIGfiT ANGELS FROM. SAID NURTHERLY LINE OF SAIU LOT; TFIFNCr NORTH 15° 30' 15" WEST 3.50 FEET TU THE i~TORTHERLY L7:N~. ~F SAID LOT, THENCE I~"URTF; 74° 29' t~5~~ F~ST 21y • 74 PEET AI~QNG 'l'HE NOR'CHERLY I~TNE OF S~1ID LOT, TO A POINT ON SAiD N~RTFi'LRLY LIE, SAID POINT BEI~G ~N ~~ TatNC .PARALLEL WITH AND AISTArIT WEST~RLI' 2.50 F~;FT, AS MEASUR~p AT RIGHT A21GLE5, FR4M THG EA°,Ti;R~,Y r,INE OF SATD f.~OT. THEP7C~ SOUTIi 15° 27' 1~~~ EAST 3 fi, 00 FEET TO THE TItUF' P~IP1T OF BEGINNING. EX4LPTING THEREI'FOld THAT 2'Olti'TO11 OF SAID VINEY,ARD ~~~=-.~" I7~ESCRIBED A~ FOLLOWS: COMMENCIN~ A~ }~ ppI~T Izd THh NORTHERJ,Y i~INE OF SAIU LOT. SAID POINT 3EING S~UTH 74° 2~' 45" WEST 2.50 FE~T FROM THE NORT:i~AST CORNEP. OF' SAID LOT; TfiCNCE ALONC; A LT2~fE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTAivT DIESTF;RLY 2.50 FEET, AS M~ASURED AT RIGHT ANGLGS, FROM THE EASTEkLY LTNE OF SAID LOT, SOUTH 15° 27' la" EAS?' 17.7.75 FEGx 1439r -1- PC90-119 ~ ,: .~; .. Tp :fHE TRIJF POINT OF B~GINNING; TH~N^E ALONG A LzNE PARALLEL' WITii AND DlSTANT SOU1'HERLY 117,25 FEET FROM THE NORTHERLY LTNE OF SATD LpT, SpUTH 79° zg~ q~•,~ WEST 11Q.00 F'EI:T TO A LI23~ PARAI,LEL W:ITH AND DIS7",NT WESTERLY 11?..5p F~ET FRUM THC EASTERLY ~,IN~ OF SAID I~OT: THENCE AT ONG SAID ~,AST-MEN7'I~NED PAI2ALLEL LINr, NOKTH 15° 27' 18" WEST 117.25 FE:ET TO THE tdORTHERL7C I~INE OF SAIll LOT; THENCE, AL' ONG SAII) L~,g~ ABUVE-ME;iQTTONGD NORTHERLY LTNE, NORTIi 74° ?.g' 45" EAST 110.Q0 FGG1 TO SAID EIRST-ABUCw-hf~NTION~D PARALL~G LIPt~p TFiENCE, I~IRST-AI30VE-MENTIONFL~ PARALL~L LINE, SOUTH 15° S'l7A :lII" EAST 117 , 25 FEET TU TFTE TRUE POINT ~F k3EGINNING. WiIEREAS, the City Plannina Comm.ission dicl hold a thfa Civ3.c Center in the Cit;y o~' A~~~,eim oti Ma 21 1990 ~~ pu301~ mear.•ing ~t o~' said pvblic heaxing kiaving Y~eEn ~(ul y ' P• . notice q y law and iiY ar.cordance witYz thQ grovisions at thQ An hegmvN,unicipal coa a Chapter 18.03, to hear ~nd consider eviclence E'or and against said preposed cnnditional use permit and *o in~~estigal:e and cn~.lce findings and ra~ommen~:ations in connection th~rewiCPi; anci WHERE~,S, said Commission, after dur inspection, investigation and ~tudy made b.}• ilself and in its behalf, and af~er dae consider,3tion of. all evi.dence and repor~ts off~zedl at said hearinc~, c1o~~ Eind and detsrmine the follo•w.ing facts: 1• That the propQS~d use is properly one f:or which a coneiitional use p~rmit is authorized, by Anaheim MUI11C1~II~. CodQ Section 18.94.OSQ.135 to permit the con.,truction of. an additional 3-unit, retail b,iilding, for ~~ 4-L~.nit conunercial rotuil ~Q~LeX,^3, 780 sq, ft, commerc3.a1 affect the adjoxning land uses anci the gruwthrando d velopment ,of the~ area ~.ln to be I~c~.t~d. whzch it is propused 3' Th~~t thc~ aize and sh2pe of the sito pr~posed for the use is adequatQ to allow t;zc~ rull dc~velopment of ~hQ proposed use in a manner not detrimental cc the particular area nor general wolfare o£ t;hc~ Catizens of r ~'O ~~e peace, health, saFety and lie Caty of Anaheim. 4' Thz~ the granti.ng of the Conditional Use Permit under. t-he condition.s imposed, if aiiy, ;~z11 r_ot be detriment-al to the peace, P~iealth, s1Fety ~nc1 9eneral wPlf.aro of the CiL•izens of the Cit;~ oF Anahoim. 5. That the traff.ic generatod by the pr~po~ed use will nok impose an unduc~ bu,cdsn ti,pon the streets and highw3ys c~Q~ign~d and ::mprovt~d to carr~ the traffic in tb.e area. , -2- PC90-119 ~ ~ ~~.-~:.~t~rvyn., ,t - ~r`+~r~--- -- 'P~ !s ~ f~ '~:~,~,;~ . . , 1 r '~'~rt~, i . ~~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~~`, 6• ThaL no on~ incixcat~ed their QPPosit.ian; and thar n~ r..orrasponc~ence was~sence at said publ.ic hearing in su~~j~C~ p~tYtion, receivcd in oyposition to the ALTFORNIA T'Nq2RONMENTAL ~~,I~Y Director or his authurizPd rep ~r sent~ ~~ ha~A ~~tQrmined~ that ~h~ - prc,jeC~ f~~Zs Flanning within the defini4:ion of Cat~ the nro,~osed defined .in the State gIR ~'orical Exemp~ions, Class Erom Guzdelines ancl is, there.~or.e 3• 35 the requirement ~u prepare an EIR. • catieyaricall Y exc~mpt NQFI, THER~FOQE, R~ TT F, `r Car;imissior~ does herPb ~~OLVED thet L-he Axiaheim y c~rant; st~bject ?etztic.ri for Condi~ianal~ty Planning unon the following r.ondit~,ans Whi~h prerequisite to ax•e harPb Use Permit, the s~feEy an~ ~, necessary ~~~ proposed use oI• the subjact proper.ty in o dear to preservE general wel~~ire of t;he Citizerzs oI the City pg Anzlzexm; 1• * Thal•, prioi• to issuanca of a~uildiii si9nal as~ossment fe~i shall ~E 5 p~:rrnit;, the appraPrfato traf£ic 33 Q$t~blished b ~aid t~ the City of A_zah~im .i.n y City Counril x•esolution. ~n ~~unt 2• * ThZt ~lans sY~all be submittQd revi~-vr and a r t~ C'~s CitY T:'affic En a ~ N~3 Pp oval showiny confor~7ance with g°e"r t°~' his 436, r~p~ ana 605 p~r~ainin ~n~i21eerin sha11 thereu on 5~o paxkix~g s~andards. g StandPrdpPla~ ~ ~e develo~~ed and maintained in subj~~h, ro ert plans. conformance w.il:Yc said 3. That the driveways on S cons~ruated with fifteen ycarnore Sr_reet 3nd E~st (15) foot r,,-' Street sha1J. be the City Er.~inQ~r .in c~nf.ormance with Fnginee in r~t~~rns as required bp g St•andard No. 137. `~• * That the legal ownor dedlcate to °f subjQ,~~ pro~,~rty 3klda.~ ir~revocabl the Citp of Anaheim u,trip of land fort y°ft'~r to ~ridth. £rom the c~nCer].i11~+ ~f the street alon widenin y five (45; feet in g Pur~oses. g~ast Street for s~ree~ 5' ~` ~~h~t a Lot Line Adjustmcnt Plat sha11 be submitred to ~~ combinE~ the two gl~gln~~~, ~nd the Subdivisi~n {z) eY:isting lots then recorded in the OfficE o~1rhe ~ anapproved by the City E• "' 'Ihat khe new co:~si;ructio~x a~ ;w..~ . g~ County Recordc~r. bY und~rground utilitzes. "~~ea b~ Chis reso.lution sha11 be scrvod ~ • That raor sub'e P to issuance ot a building permit, the leg~l ~wner s ~ form p~~PeTty sha.l~ execute and recurd an approved un;ubordinGted cove ant ~n arree not ~o ~Y tha City Attorney~s Offiae s~herain contest the forrnation ~f ~n ~~c such owner(s) mdY hereaftQr be ~'ormed for the ~essmr~nt district(g) which u£ utili~ies purP~5e of financin . which di5trir_~~(S) c~uld includ~ ~`he undergrounding qwner's prop~rty. such leqa3 property -3- FC90-119 's"„'1fb~`.: ;r.g, . . . . . . ,;i', li ~. That the wat~i b~~ckflow ~~~u.ipmont anc1 t-uy oChar large wt~her sy~tem eRu3prnc,~i:.. sh~:ll nc~ i.nstallod t~ the sati.st~ction of the Dlatigr ~;nginoe~r.ing Divi;~ian .in eithur (a) unaargrounfl vaults or (b) behincl the y•.:rPat ttotback o.rea and in ~i m~nner fully scrc~en~d from ~11 publ.ic sl•rQQL•s and a].1Fys. `~• ~' Th~~ tire spri~iklers sh~1.l b~ inatalled 1~ requi red by the G.ity Fire UoparCmQnt. 10. Th~7t an tino ov~~it a p~rcc~l map to subdiviclo subj~ct proporL-y i~ rnr,ordoa, an un3uborciiiiatQd rur..iprocal accQSS and pHrk.in~~ ~greement in a torm sati~f.~ctory to thc~ City Attornay shall be rc~corded tivi~h the ~ffice of the Oranq~ Caunty Itecorder, A copy of tlie rer_ordnd aqreemc~nt~. sh~ll then bo ,ubmittQd tc the~ 7.oni.ng Division, tn addition, provisior.s 3ha11 bo made in tho agi•eamant: to guaruntee Chat ~hQ c~nt.ico conter shall be managerl ancl m~intained as ~ne into~ral parcel for purposes oE parking, circulat.ion, signage, land usa~7e anc2 architectur~i control. 11. +~ That no prQpare~d-foad serv.ice factliCie3 (resta~irants) shall be permittc~d in subjQCt c~~mmercial retail center unless a cariaitc~ for park.ir.g is approved by t!-~ C~ty Council, Planninq Commission or Zoning ArJ~~inistrator o: ualess sufilcirnC Code parkiny is provicied. 1?• * That tra:,h stoc•aae areas shall h~ pro~Jia~.d and mz~intained in location~ acccptabl~ to the 5trQet Maintc~tiaiico and Sanitation Aivision and in accordanco with approved Qlans on flle with said Division. Such information sha11 bo speczfically shown on the plans submitred for building pormits. l~j. * That tr,-sh ~torage aieas shall b~ refuri~isheci to the satisfaction of tho Street MainCenancc~ an~9 Sanitation Division to c~mp.ly w.ith approvod plans on file wath said Uivision, l~l. 4 Trat all air :onc9i.t•ioning facilic:iQS and othor roof ~nd qr~und mounted equipment sh~ll l~e propErly 3hfeldUd fcr~cr. view and th4 sovnd buFtored from adjacent residential properties. Sucl~ informar.ion sl:all bo specifically shown on the plaus submir.Ced Eor buildinq permi,Ls. 15. That all o.lumbing c~r other s.imilar pipes ar.d fixtuzes located on ~he extgrior of the h~ii2ding shall be fu.~., devices an~.l/or appropr.i~te building m<~torialseenan~ by furr_hore`cauch information Shall be spPCif.ically shnwn on thQ plans suhm:tted for bit ildinq ~ercnits. lf, * r-;a~ a six (G) foor_ }~ic~h mas~riry bl~ck wall sh~ll be cunstructed ar.d m~intained a2o~~q k`'i~ ~outh properr_Y l:ne except t?~e front sQtback rrhere the Hali :~c-ight shall nol exceeci tncte (]} feo~; provfded, howevor, that tho r.{~;y Traf.fic Enrini~er shall have thQ authority Lo r~duce r_he reiqhC ot the Ma11 to pr~tecC v.isual line~_o~-si~ht whQre ~ad~atri~n/vehicular circuiatfon .inter~ect. 5aid block wall sh~ll be ~lantRd an•J mainta~ned with clingiriq vxnes to elimin7r,e gr~Ctit{ oppoc•tuni~iec. ..q_ PC9Q-119 ;- 11• Ther anY proposod parking ~area lighhiny f:[xt•ures ad)acont to r~ny rasidential pror~act,y shall bo down-.liqhtud wiY.h ~s maximum haight oi• twolve (Y2) faat. Said 13.ghting L•ixtur~;~ shull b~ diroctocl taw~,y from 1dj~cont rosid~ntial propQrty lines to pro~9ct the rosic7enti~l in~ogrit~+ oE tlie arQa and shall ho shuwn on th~ plans submit~oc~ for bu3ldinr pFirmiL•s. 1~• 1'hat. l•ho proposal ~tia].1 cornply with all signi.ng roquirQments of the CL "Comrnor~:ial~ Limi~od" 'l.oiio unles5 t~ v~riance allowing sign waiver.s is a~pro~,ed by th~ Ciry Council, Planr~ing Com-nission or Zoning Administrator; ~.~nd ~scepL- ~s otherw.isa rQS~ricted by Condition Nn, 19, rlolow. Z9. That any pr~posed f•rees~anding signs on suhject ~roperty sha11 bP moniiment-Cype not. QxceQdirig f~ur (4) feet in tioight and sha.ll be subject t~ Che raview and a~proval o£ ~ho City 1'r~fEic Engineer. to varify adequato llnos-of-sighC. 20. * That the on-site landscaping and ixrigation system ~sha!1 bo rdfurbishea and maintainod i.n compliance with City st:anaards, 21. That the parking adjac~n~ Co th~ public streeC,y shall be sareoned From view in conformance with Codo Soction~ a.a.44.064.010 and perta.i.niny to automobi.lQ parkinc~ areas, 22. That damayod and/or h:~zar:3nus sidewalks along Fose Street sha11 be repair~d as r~quirecl by the C.ity EnginQer and in accordance wi~h standard pl~~r.s and specificati.ons on file in the OCfice oE khe City Engineer, 23. That subject p:operty shall bo developod substantially in accardance with plans and specificTti~ns subm.ittc~d t.o tho City of Ari~heim by the peL•itionc~r ar.d which plans ar~ on tile wi~h th~ Planning DepartmenC marked Gxhibit Nos, 1 through 3. z9. That. Frior tu issvance of a buildxnq pQr-nit• or w.ithin a period of one ~13 yQar f.rom thQ dal-e ot ;.his resolution, whichever or,cuc•s first, Condition lios. 1, l, 4, 5, 7, 'L2, 14, 15 nnd 17, above-mentionod, shall be complied with. Er.tensious for further ti.m~ to complete said conclitions may bc~ yrantod in accordancc wir.h Soction 1.8.U3.090 oE r,ho An~-sl~eim Muni~ipal Code. 25. That prior t~ fina.l b~a.ildin_7 ~n~ ~oning inspPCtiohs, Condition Nos. 3, G, 8, 9, l3, 1G, 19, 20, 21, 22 and "23, abovo-mc~ntioned, shall bR complied with. 2~. ; That approval of thi;c a~~plication constituhe~ approval of the propo~ed ruqvect only to tho exr.enL that it compl.{QS With thQ An3heim Municipal Zoninq Code and ~r,y othor ~pplicrble City, Stato and Federal requlat~ona. Approval does not includr yr.y acr..{on or findfnqa as ko .. j .. PC90-1.19 .~, , camplianca ~r approval of tho request rag~rding any othex applicable or.dinanco, rac~ulation oi rnquiromont. Conditions mfirkod with an asL•~riak (+~) arQ required by astablishod lnws, codes, rd~ulations and a~reemont;a ai~d are not subjoct to nogotfation, HG IT FURxF1~R RESULV~D Lhat ~he Anaheim CiCy Planning Commissi.on do~3s horeby find t~nd detQrminQ Lhat adoptian of th;s Rasolution is oxprass]y pred3cated upun applicant`s comptianca wir_h each and all of tho conditions hereir.3bovo set forth. Should any 311CY1 conditions, or any part t'~oreof, be cleclarc~d invali.rl or ux~enSorceable by tho fi,~al judcpnenC of any co~~rt o.f compntent juriudictian, then th:is Re~olution, anci an,y npproval.~ horein ec.nt~iined, sha'll be deF,me3 nu11 ~~ixcl vair~. THE 1'OREGOING RESOI~UTIUN was adopL-ed aC the Ylanning Commission meatin.g of May 21, 19y0. /'!"' • ~", ACTING CHAIRMA ~~ ~~ ANAF?EIM CITY P 1LNNING CObIIrtISSION ATTEST: j/ y .~, ~`' _- "~ ~~!'^-- `---. ~~~1.L:~.-_~____- SE(GkETARY, ANAHETM CI'!Y PLANNING COA1MTaSTO;~ £TATG QP CALIFOI2N~A } COUNTY QF ORANGF. ) Ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, ~di.th i,. FIarri.s, Secr~tary oP the Anaheim Ci~v Planning Commissfan, do hereb~ certify chat thQ forec~cing rosolution was pasaed and adopted at a meoti.ng of the Anatie3.m Cit}~ Planninq Comr.~3.~sioi~ held on Mal 21, 199U, by the fal:towing vot~ of the ~.nembers thQre~~f: AYL•'S: f:OMtdISSIONERS: BOli'AS, F'BLDIJAU5, fiEi,L~YER, MC BURN~X, MESS~ NOF.G: ~~N4~JuSIONEKS: 23GNE ABSE:NT: CUMMISSIUNE~S: IIQXDSTUti, FiERAST I~1 WITNGSS PIHEREOE, I have tiereunla set my h~nd this __j c~~ V day of __~~,,~a~~_ .._, 1~J9U. ~.._ ,~/• , . ___-__~-~~cdL,c,C'~__ ~ _LL:.` ~'=~-~-~ ~. SECRETAAY, At;AHETM CITY PI,I.NN~NG COhQySISSI0t1 -6- nC90-124