721 "I i ,I II ORDINANCE BO. 721 I I I 1 AN ORDIHANCE FIXING AND LEVYUlG A PROPERTY TAX OB ALL PROPERTY WITBIlT THE COBPOBAJ LIMITS OF THE CITY OY ANlHIIM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1941-1948. 2 3 THE CITY COUNOIL OF THE CITY OF ~llAll:EIM DOES ORDAIlI AS FOLLOWSs 4 SECTION 1. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax 5 for the fiscal year 1947-1948 of Forty-one cents, nine mills and two thousand 6 eight hundred fifty-eight ten thousandths mills ($00.4192858) on each One Hundred 7 ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation oi all real and personal property 8 within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the ordinar7 annual expen- 9 ditu~es of said City. 10 SECTION 2. Tha' there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal 7ear 1947-1948 ot One mill and nine thousand. and three hundred and. 11 I eighty-two ten thousandths mills ($00.0019382) on each One Hundred ($100.00) 12 II 13 II Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annex 14 15 territories as described and approved by Ordinances Numbers 395. 423. 4J5, 456. I 549 and 678, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtednes8 of I 1 said City, incurred for the purpose of the acquisition and construction of additiats to the city electric light plant. together with one-twentieth (1/20) of said I indebtedness. 16 17 18 19 20 21 SECTION 3. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1947-1948 of Eighteen cents ($00.18) on each One HUndred 22 23 24 ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of maintaining the public library of said City. 25 SIOTIOI 4. Tbat there be and hereb~ is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1947-1948 of Two cents, and fiTe thousand and two hundred and 26 27 thirty-six ten thousandths mills ($00.0205236) on each One HUndred ($100.00) Dolla 8 28 of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate 29 limits of the City of Anaheim, except on17 the property within the annexed terr- 30 31 itories as described and approved by Ordinances Numbers J95. 423. 435, 456, 549 and 678, for the purpose of ~aying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said 32 City of Anaheim, incurred for the purpose of the acquisition of a sewer farm and the construction of a sewer system, together with one-fortieth (1/40) of said -1... II i i I i I I I I SECTION S. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a propert7 tax i I for the fiscal year 1947-1948 of One mill and eignt thousand eignt hundred eight~1 two ten thousandths mille ($00.0018882) on each One HUndred ($100.00) Dollars of ' 1 indebtedness. 2 3 4 5 the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate 6 limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed terri- 7 tories &s described and approved by Ordinances lUmbers 395. 423, 435, 456, 549 BDdI 678, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said Citt. incurred for the purpose of the acquisition of fire apparatus for said City, to- I I 8 9 10 I get her with one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. 11 I SECTION 6. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax 12 I for the fiscal year 1947-1948 of Three cents, five mills and one thousand six I 13 I hundred thirty-six ten thousandths mills ($00,03516)6) on each One Bnndred($lOO.OO~ 14 I Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property'within the I 15 I corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annex~ 16 !I territories as described and approved by Ordinances Humbers 423. 435. 456. 549 and 678, for the purpose of p~iDg the aDDUal interest of the indebtedness of 17 18 said City, incurred for the purpose of acquisition and completion by the City of 19 Anaheim of a public park, together with one-fortieth (1/40) of the said iDdebted- 20 ness. 21 SECTION 7. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax 22 for the fiscal year 1941-1948 of Two cents. three mills and eight thousand five 23 hundred seventy-seven ten thousandths mills ($00.0238577) on each One Hundred 24 . ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property 25 within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim. except only the property withi 28 the annexed territories as described and approved by Ordinances IQabers 423. 435, 27 456. 549 and 678. for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the iDdebtednes 28 of said City, incurred for the purpose of acquisition and completion b7 the Cit7 29 of Anaheim of a building for municipal uses. together with one-thirtieth (1/30) 30 of said indebtedness. 31 SECTION 8. That there be and hereb7 is fixed and levied a property tax 32 for the fiscal year 1947-1948 of Nine mills, five thousand four hundred thirty -~ II I ,I 1 'I ten thousandths mills ($00.0095430) on each One HUndred ($lOO.OO) Dollars of the I 2 I assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits 3 I of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territories 4 I as described and approved by Ordinances BUmbers 423, 435, 456, and 549 and 678. 5 I for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness 01" said Ci ty 6 incurred for the purpose of the acquisition and construction of additions to and 7 extensions of the sewer system of said City, together with one-thirtieth (1/30) 8 of said indebtedness. 9 SECTION 9. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1947-1948 of Two cents, five mills and five thousand one 10 11 12 Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the hundred ninety-three ten thousandths mills ($00.0255193) on each One HUndred ($100 00) I I I corporate limits of the City of Anaheim. except oulT the property within the I' annexed territories as described and approved by Ordinances lUmbers 42), 4)5. 456. 549 and 678, for the purpose of paying the 8DDU8l interest of the indebtedness I ! 13 14 15 16 I of said City. incurred for the purpose of the acquisition. construction and com- 17 I pletion by the City of Anaheim, jointly with the City of Santa Ana, of a joint 18 outfall sewer, together with one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. 19 SECTION 10. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax 20 for the fiscal year 1947-1948 of three cents. two mills and three thousand five 21 hundred sixty-two ten thousandths mills ($00.0323562) on each One HUndred ($100.00 22 Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the 23 corpora~e limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the 24 annexed territories 88 described and approved by Ordinances lUmbers 435. 456. 549 the 25 and 678. for the purpose of paying the annual interest of indebtedness of said .A 26 City, in~rred for the purpose of Park improvements. together with one-fortieth 27 (1/40) of said indeb'bedness. 28 SECTlOU 11. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax 29 for the fiscal Tear 1947-1948 of One cent, two mills and nine thousand four hundref I 30 and twenty-four ten thousandths mills ($00.0129424) on each One Hundred ($100.00) I 31 Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the 32 corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the -:3- 1 annexed territories as described aDd approved by Ordinances lUmbers 435. 456. 549 2 3 4 and 678. for the purpose of ~ing the annual interest of the indebtedness of saidl I I Cit~. incurred for the purpose of the completion of the City BB11. together with I one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. 5 SECTIOH 12. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a propert7 tax I I and ninetJ-nine ten thousandths mills ($OO.OS17699) on each One Hundred ($lOO.aO) i Dollars of the asses.sed valuation of all real and personal property within the I corporate limits of the City of Anaheim. except only the property within the I I annexed territo17 as described and approved b7 Ordinances lfumbers 4:35, 456. 549 11 r 678. for the purpose of paying the 8DDU8l interest of the indebtedness of said II · 12 13 I fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. I 14 I I 15 I for the fiscal year 1947-1948 of Three cents. five mills two thousand and one 16 I httndred and twenty-one ten thousandths mills ($00.0352121) on each One HUndred I . I 171 ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property Wit~ 18 I in the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim. except only the property within ' 6 for the fiscal year 1947-1948 of Five cents. one mill seven thousand six hundred 7 8 9 10 SECT lOll 13. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax 19 the azmexed territory as described and approved by Ordinances :Rumbers 456. 549 , 20 and 678. for the purpose of p~ing the annual interest of the indebtedness of said 21 City. incurred for the purpose of extensions and improvements to the water works 22 of said City, together with three. one-hundred-tenths (3/110) of said indebtedness. 23 SECTIOI 14. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certif)" to the 24 passage of this Ordi.nance. and cause the same to be published once in the '4'tA~IM 25 :BULLETIN", a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated 28 in said City, and therefrom and thereafter the same 8~11 take effect and be in 27 full force. 28 The foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the City Council of 29 the City of Anaheim, on the lOth day of September, 1947. and was signed, approved 30 and attested by me this 10th day of September, 1947. 31 ?//' ~. V.'*'f .....-;.. Mayor of the ATTEST: 32 --47 / L~ ,~~m -4- 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) eoUlTY 0., ORAlTGI ) SSe 2 OITY OF ~.A~IM ) I. Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk of the Oity of Anaheim, do hereby 4 5 City Council of the City of Anaheim. held on the 26th ~ of August. 1947. and I 6 that the same was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of saLd Cit7 Council he1~ 7 on the 10th day of September, 1947, by the fOllowing vote: I 8 AYES: COUNCILMllR: Pea:rson, '.'an Wa~one:r, Boney, Heying and Pa~e. 9 NOBS: COUNCILND'I None. 10 ASSD!: COUNCILMD: None. 11 Ii And I further certif7 that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed and 12 II approved said Ordinance OD the 10th d~ of September, 1947. 13 I! IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set 11I7 hand and a:f'fixed the seal of 14 said City of Anaheim this 10th day of September, 1947. 15 I (SEAL) 1167 .I II 01 rk of the C of .Anaheill 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION ~T~\T~: OF CALIFORNIA) )ss. Count;)" of Ora.nge ) ::i. :~. G _t .~:.:r. ~1...~._1_ _~.~t ~_l~....._.. _ .......... _ .......... ......................._........._ ~-f...l:'aid county, bt'ing first duly sworn, says-that he is & male citizen of the United States, and of the State of CalI- fornia over the age ot eighteen years; that he has no in- tel't'st 'in, no)' is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; tha t he is the .1:-r,L;:1.c.i.r..\B.l.._J~"..::"4~.~k___.. .. . ..._.. _.., ._......_....................... ot the ..:\ ~".1_ f~~J~ _~..~ .~:~.. J.~.~~ :L~~.f..:..~~.~:.nh ..____ _. ........ ___..... _.............______............... a . ...._<li.:J,.ly.... newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said A n :.:.~ -. e i rJ :~ l~ tl!~L~.l.n......___......................m...........m............. .i-~..~..~~~.~-~~~.~.~..~.f..~e~eral clr culation with a list of paid sub~cl'ibers. and is published. for ~he dissemination of both local and g-eneral news and 1 ntelh~ence of a general char- acter' that. it Is not devoted to the Interests or publlshed tor the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession. trade: calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof, that it hall! been printed and pubUshe~ in the City of Ana- heim, County of Or,ange, State of Cahfornia for more than one year next prpr'eding the first day of the publication heret'o attached: that the (.. l~ri A li[;. r.l C e - . .:) .. .l.2l...........-.......................n.................... ~-f-- ;h~h the' ~n~~~.~d. i.;n~ printed copy, was published in on f- i S AU e sa id new s paper at least. ......._... __.... ........ ............:................................. commencing on the.J.!~.ttL..day ot ..6.~.P_~.f:.1.GL}2.e~...m_.. lS l.~~L and ending on the................day o~ ................_..._...._... do~ice 19 ...... and that said ........................................................................._ was published on the following days: ..~. ~ ~?~. ~..... -~-.:~~. .~. .... ~ :.~ ~~.~ (.... - ........ .._-~._.._-_.....__.................................... .. ....... ..._..:.:.:;~:~:~.~..?..~.........__...~...~:;.j~: ...._.~.......m..__... -... .-:,". ,... . -~~ -.e CZ ~/-...~~.._................_. ....... uu................. .;.......................... SUb8cri7:.;i:-m to before me thI8..[2~day of . . ..............:...11 5+7 ~ .__.m........ . ~..:mtd_.~ ....__...mm....m..~ Notary Public. ......" ./ LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ORDINA.NCE NO. '731 AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND' LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX ON ALL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR '1'.. FISCAL ~R 1947-1948. Tit'.. . TY COUNCIL OF THE CIT : NAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS .. S: . SECor . 1: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a prop- erty tax for the fiscal year'1947-1948 of Forty-one cents. nine mills and two. thousand eight hundreds fifty- eight ten thousandths mills '100.4192858) on each One Hundred ( 100.00') Dollars of the assessed val- "ation'" all real and personal prop- .. ty wTthin the corporate limits of ,..City of Anaheim, for the ord.l- JJ. ;:.:~nnual expenditures of sald hereby i. fixed and levied a proper- Pace. Heying, J!lj)ney and Van Wai ty tax for the fiscal year 1947-1948 oner. of Nine mills, five thousand four NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. hundred thirty ten thousandths ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. mills ($00.0095430) on each One Hun- And I further certify that th dred <$100.00) Dollars of the assess- Mayor of the City of Anaheim II'igr ed valuation.,ot all real and personal I ed and approved said Ordinanee 0 prOp~Within the corporate limits I the 10th day of September. 1947. ot tbfj.i. y of Anaheim, except only IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hav the . tPerty within the annexed hereunto lSet my hand and afflxe terri,t. .... 'es as described and approv- the seal of said City of Anaheh ed by' Ordinances Numbers 423, 435, this 10th day ot September. 1941. 4:56. 549, and678, for the purpose of (SEAL) paying the annual interest of the tn- CHARLES E. GR1FFJTH debtedness of said City incurred for City Clerk of the City of Anaheir the purpose of the acqUisition and. (Pu b. Sept. 16. 1941) construction of additions to and ex.';, tensions of the sewer system of said I City. together with one-thirtieth (1/30) of said indebtedness. ; SECTION 9: That th~re be and. hereby is fixed and levied a proper- : ty tax for t he fiscal year .1 947 -1!l4 8 of Two cents. fLve mills and fi\'e :oN 2. That there be and thousand one hun<'lred ninety-th,'p'c .fi~ed and levied a property ten thousandths mills ($00.025519.3) ~ he fiscal year 1947-1948 ot on Each One Hundred ($100.00) Dol- tll... aad nine thous.and and lars of the assessed valuation of all three hund-red and eighty-two ten real and personal property within thousandths mills <$00.0019382) on the corporate limits of the City of each One Bund.red ($100.00) Dollars .Anaheim, except only the property of the assessed "taluatlon of all real within the annexed territories as aDd personal property within the described and approved by Ordin- .orporate limits of the City of Ana- ances Numbers 423,- 435. 456. 549, and helm, exce,pt only the property wlth- 678, tor the purpose of paying the in the annexed territories as descrlb- annual interest 'Of the indebtednefls ed, and approved by Ordinances of said Cit)-., incurred for the pur- !iTpmbers 3195, 423. 4.35, 456. 549, and pose of the aocquisition, eonstru<"tion ..,.~ for the purpose of paying the and com.letion by the City of Ana.- anDual Interest of the indebtedness heim, jointly with the City of Santa of. said City, incurred for th. pur- Ana. of a' point outfall sewer. to- pose of the acquisition and construe- gether with one-fortieth (1/40) of tion of additions to the city electric. said indebtedness. . llgbt plant, together with one- SECTION 10: That thel'e be and twentieth (1/20) of said indebted- hereby is fixed and levied a prop- aels erty tax for the fiscal )-"ear 1947- SEcTION 3. That there be and 194:8 of three cents, two mills and ~ l1ereby fs Uxed and, levied a property three thousand five Mindred sixt;)"-' tax for the fiscal year 1947-1-94:8 ot two ten thousandths millfl ($00.-. :am,ghteen cents ($00.18) on each One 03.23562) on each One Hundred. Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the as- ($100.00) Dollars of the asses~ed .liessed valuation of all real and per- valuation of all real and personal. .onal property witkin the corporate property within the corporate limitR . limits of the City of Anahe.lm, for of the City of Anaheim, except on Iy the purpose ot maintaining the pub- the property within the ann~xed Uc .lIbrary ot said City. territories as described and apprrw- SECTION 4:. That there be and ed by Ordlnanr-es Numbers 435, 4:lIl, hereby is fixed and levied a prop- 549 and 678. for the purpose of pay- erty tax for the fiscal year 1947- ing the annual interest of the in- 194:8 of Two cents. and five thoua- debtedness of said Cih', incurred for and .and two hundred and thirty-six the purpose of Park improvements, tea thousandths mills ($00.020.6236) together with one-fortieth (1/40) of OD each One Hundred ($100.00,) 01- said indebtedness. lar. of the assessed valuatio ...' 11. SECTION 11. That there be and r.eal and personal property.' 1tereby is fixed and levied a prop- the corporate limits of the rty tax for the fisc:!l year 19.1 i- An.aexcept only th~ .1948 of o.ne cent, two mills and nine. with . e annexed territo, . Jthousand four hundred and twenh'- I de8 and approved by. ... four ten thousandths mills ($00.- anc .;1.f berll 395, 423, 435. 4 \4:9 01.29424) on each One Hundred and' 8'18. for the purpose of pay ng ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed the annual interest of the indebted- valuation of all real and personal .. of said City ot Anaheim, in- property within the corporate lImit~ i ,ed for the purpose of the ac- ot the City of Anaheim, except only! ' tion of a sewer farm and the the property within the annexed t<<:'r- : ucUon of a sewer system, to- ritories as deserlbed and approved with one-fortieth (1/40) of by Ordinance Numbers 435, 456, 549 d'ebtedness. and 678, for the purpose of paying :z N 5: That there be and the annual interest of the. indebted- . ixed and levied a property ness 'of said City, Incurred for the . fiscal year 1947-19~8 of purpose of the completion of the .;;.and eight thousand eight City Hall, together with one- .'el.:hty-two ten thousandths fortieth 0/40) of said indebtedness. mJlls <$00.0018882) on each One SECTION 12: That there be and Hundred ($100.00.) Dollars of the as- hereby is fixed and levied a proper- seased valuation of all real and per- ty ta.x for the fiscal year 1947-19.IS sonal property within the corporate of Five cents. one mill seven thous- limit. of the City of Anaheim. ex;- and six hundred and ninety-nine ten eept only the property within the thousandths mills <$00.0517699) on .aDexed tet"rltorle..&II describe" ..nil each One Hundred <$100:00) D..ollars ..proved by Ot'dl.nanceil, NUill.ber. ot the assessed :valuation of all real "'. .18, 403&.. .&8..1.9 and 87:8. f,r tll. and personal property w.lthin the Jilbrpose of pay_....~..the annual ~.'Jlter- .corporate limits ot tbe City:. of Ana- *' of the in-de~.e81I',ot said; City. helm. except only the property with- : "cui-red for th_ .Inarpolle of tile ac"!' In the annexed territory as describ- 1\llilltlon of tlr. apparatus to~..... .ed and approved .by Ordinances ... ty,. together :.. with one-tf;tlet'h Numbers 4.36.456..'9 and 678, for the (1.1.0.) of .a14 ~edne.&. ..~ purpose of paYlg the annual In- .' '. 1IBCTION ,8.. ..ftat there. b. all. terest of the Inelebtednels of said .... ~b,. Is fixed .~. 1...i.d a pft;)pel'-. City, Incurred for the purpose of . tv 'tax. for the ftlHsal )fear. 194'1-1..8 jOint lewer .constructlon. together . .,. Three centll... 1"'V8 mills ant one with f ti th (1/"0) f id I . ..ouand six 1l.'*re4 thirty-sIX ten debte3::;s~or e. .. 0 8a n- . 'tIIou8andths mtl18. .('00.01.1183') on :' SECTION 1-3: That. there be and .~. ODe Hun4~ U100.00) Dollar. hereby Is fixed and levied a prop- of lB. &lle...4 !Y&luatloD of all real erty tax for the fl.cal year Itt47- .d p.r,onal ...perty wtthbl the 10.8. .of Three cents, five mUl. 1 wo .~rate lIdll.......t the Clt,.'of ;Ana- thousand and oRe hundred and ti.......eept oDlJl.~.'prOWlrtY_~lth. twenty-one ten thou.andths.' mills tn. tll. &nn.x~' t~l"rltorles as. ....- (,00.03&2121) on eacb One . Hundred .orl~e4 aDd. 1I/P.~:ve4 by Ordlll4La~.. ~ ('loe.OO) . Dollars of the as.e8sed Number. 431. .4.. 468. 141 an<<. 87.. ..aluatlon of all real- and per80n~ . f~r the purpos~ o~ p'&ylnc the aaDual property wi-thin the corporate. limits .biterest ot t:b:e. tlldebtednfi!l" 0'. said of the City of AnAheim, .except only -City. Inc\lrred .t.....the >>urpose ot ac- the property witb.in tile annexed - ~.181tton alld. c'..>>letion by th~ ~ty territory as described and approved .., .ADahelm of a .publlc . park. to- .by Ordinances Number. 458. 549 and ._t:l\er with o~tortleth. (1/").. of 678. tor the purpose ot paying the ... .~4 ind..bttMtlle.s.. a~nual iQterest of. the indebtedness . _eftON' 7: .That t~er. bf ~ of said City. incurred for the pur- -,reby Is fl~4 and. levied a prop- ~ose. of extensions and improve- mY' tax tor the ti.cal year of '847- IQents to the water works of said 1'.8 01 Two; ce~ts~. three. mill" alld City. together with three one-hun- ..,"'t. tIlOU.~4.,ftve' hundred stY6D-. <<red-tenths' (3/l10) of said indebt- ~....eD te. , t~.andtli8 ml1l11 e4ness~ . . f. 8Q.OU8177) Oil each One Hu.4red SJDCTION 14: The City Clerk of ('100.00) Dollars 'of the . aSi~.. the City ot Anaheim shall certify to ~~atloD. of all real ana. per oDal the passage ot this Ordinance and ;-. property wltllla ~he, corpo~ate .mit. cause the same to. be published' once ; C)t tbe Cft.,. ef ~ij&lielm. e~ept~ Oil I,. IQ the . "ANAHEIM BULLETIN," 8 tile property.. ~~~_fn the. anlfe~ newspaper of general circulation. terrltorle. ... cJeacrlbe4 an4. ap,rov- printed, publiShed. and circulated In ." by Ordinance.. Kumbers 423. .., '..14, City. and therefrom and there- 4.1', I~. and ~'18. t.~ the Pllrp~e ot after the same shall take effect and P&7.fDC the &nDwl.terest ot.t~. in- be in full force. ~'bt"'ne.. of 8a14. City. Incurrel for The forego.fng Ordinance was pas- .. p.urpo..e er -8IOQ,1lIsltlon ~Dd ~o~~ sed '.Ud adopted h,.. the City. Council >>Ietl~1t. b~ the ~J: .of Anabeim:; of & qf ~h~ CltY".of ADM.el.. ell the .10th ;.. ",I.I.~!OI' IIIQ...~I)a.I.1J..e.. tog. the! ..d&~ ~.of ~eptemb.~,. 1'.7, .antl... ;W8,S ;':I::J::':~..Cl/101 of 8aI~ ~ .. =~ approved 9d =,~ed.~. :.. '.-~Olf. ..~ .:~t ther. h~ ...... :.... ...10t~~tRt~a.."%R~r . ., ' . . .~." . ;. ...: .Mayor '.of t~ el... of...~A..elm ......T:: .".. ~L .;..,. _ .... .:::, .'clI1f!~ COUNTY "OF.. ..). Sl.. . CITY..OF. ~)" . .1, ';Charle. ]1:' . fl i::Olb". Clerk or t'~. City of .A.. . helmr.'do .~.eb,.: certlty that the fo"gol~g ,Ordin.nce was Introduced at". regular 'meeting .of the City Council or .the City of Anaheim, held OD_ the 28th day of August. 1947, and that the .ame was passed a~d adopted .at a recular meeting ot said City. Council held Oft the 10th day ot. September.. 1947. by. the . following vote: AYES: COUNCILME~: PeCliPn,