Resolution-PC 90-121~~ ~ Y A RESOL'UTION U' :Ei~ ATTAH~:~M CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSION ADQpr~NG AND I:E~' :~fENI3ING TO 'PHE CITY COUNCIL ADUPTION UE` GENFRAL PLA2: i~MENDMENT N0. 305 - LANp USE ELEbfENT WH~REAS, tho Ci;~ Council uf thQ City of AnaY~oim dic~ adopk the Anahoim Genoral Y1an by Re;,olution No, 69-64~, showing the ge:~Qra1 descrigtiun and extent oE possibla futura development within the ci~y; and WFiEREAS, the Planning Cammissian direcreu staff to iriit.iate ~ General Plan Amendment rcd~signaCinq the the Study Area froro thQ Qxist,zng Low Density Residen~.ial designation to the Law_Medium Aensi~y Residential designaL•ion f~r tlia Study Area consiscir~g oE np~;~:;~~r.a~.ely 4.4 acras 1.,caCed on the ea~t ~ide o.f Loara 5~reet appruximately 585 feet north of t;h~; center.line of Nort2i Str•e~t ~nc.3 further doscri.bsd as 730-810 North L'oara Street, WHEREAS, tlie City Planning Cammission dicl liold a public heariiic~ at ~he Ci~ric CentAr in thc: Ci~y of• Anahpirn o„ Msy 7, 1990 aY. 1:a0 n.m., notico ~i' said public hearinq having bc~on duly given as requirQd bZr 1aw and in accordanre with the provisions of the Anah~im Municipal Cocie, Chapter ].f3,p3, t:o hear and considei• c;vidence f•or and agair.sk said proposed GQner.al Plan Amendment and to investigate and make fiz.idinqs and recnmmenclations zn connection therewith; that :~aicl i~ut~lic Fie ~ring was continued to t.ne Plan.x~ing Comrni~si~,n meeling of May 21, y9gp; and WHEREAS, said Commis:,ion, after duc cun~iderati.on, inspection, invesligation an~3 study made by itselP, and af~Qr due considerat:ion of all cvi~ence and raport ogFPred <it said hoaring, DOFS Fi~R~:FiY FZND; 1. Thar, evic~~llce presento~ substan~iates the nosc7 for an amendm~nt to the Anaheim General Y:an and ~hat Exhibit; A be uaog~ed reclesignating sub7ect ar.ea for Low-M~diiiin Density ResidE2nL-ial Iand. usc~s, rather than Lew Uansit~ RQS.identia1. ~. That the praposed amUndmeni: would pro,mote tuture l~nd use compatibixity with surroundi,lg singlQ-iami7y r~s:i~ences, ~LI.F9.NNIA ~NVIF;Q_N~(E*iT I1L, OU~L~I~Y..A~~ r ND Planning Commission has reviewecl tl~e grapo~al to~ atne d t1Ta Lancih~sen~l~mentlnf th~ Ganer~? Plan to change the current l~nd use designati.on of. I,ow T~ensity Residex~tial to the Low-Medium Density Resad~ntial E~r approximatQly 4.4 acres 'located on the aast side oi' Loara Str~er a~prpximately 5$5 feet i,orth uf the cer.t;crlina oE North Straet %~nd further describec~ as 730-810 North Luara Street; ancl does thPreEc~re approve tkio Negativc~ p~claration on the basis that :t has considerecl Lhe propased Negative Ue~claratS.on togetli~r with any comments received during the Public review process and fui•ther findinq c,n thQ basis of the Initi~t2 8t~td~ a~,~ ,ny rnmmPnts rer.eiv~d r..hnr. therQ is nc sub5tanti~l ovid~nce that the projtci~ wi11 tiave a signi£icant effect on the e~xvironmant '~ 1 1~143r -1- PC90-].?.'1 ~se.r ', . ,, ..,,,. _ u ;.. .,..,.. ..: ~ r, rr ~~l t~it ~ ~ 4 ~: ~ -,fYh~ . . !?,~1\ ~ I ~'+. .fOW, THEREI'URE, ~ BE IT R~SOT~VEll, that puz•suant to the r~bove Eindinc~s, tkio Aiiaheim Cit~~ Planraing Conunission does hereby ac7opt and recommand to the City Council of the City nf Anaheim ~doption of Gener~l PYan. Amendment No. 305-Lai1d Use E~ emeni;, Exhibit A, to reclesiqnate t.he Study Ar~a frpm th.o Lowr Densit~ l~asidential designati.oia to ~kie Low-Medium Donsity Residenti~l designr~tion. ;. TFIE; FqRr~piNG RESQLUTION was adopted at ~he T'lanninq Commis~zan ,' meeting of Ma;r 21, Zggp, /~~ ~~ .~-~a-~..~--.~ -_.._-______ ACTTNG CHAYRMAN i ~'- - ANAHExM CITY PL N'ING CONiMISSIGN ATTEST: ~ J//j~ 1 ~ _-, /~ '/(.~ _~ /:, . . "~'~i~L~~~r '~ :~' ` .~_y,~ ~~ '" . , /~ ,~'~~~,~~(~ SECI2FTARY, I~N}1H~TM CI!'Y PLANtJIN3 COMMISSTON' aTATE OF CAL7FORI~TA ) COUNTX OF ORANGE ) 5S, CTTY OF ANAH~zM ) I. ~d:th L. H(arris, Secretary af the Anahein~ Caty Planning Commission, du hereby certify that the foregoing res~lution was passQd and aciopted at a meoting of ~2ie Anaheim ~ity Planninq Commis~ion held an May 21, 199~~ by the f.ollowirzg vote oY khe ,nembars thareof: AYESt COMMISSIONERS: BCUAS, FiELLYER, FF1LI.~HAUS, MC BURNEX, MESSE NOESs COMMI5SIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BUYDSTL'N, FiERBST ~ IN WITNESS WFiEREOI , I have horeunto set my h~nd this ~'~'~~~~ ~ay of ~,~=, 1990. / ~~ ~ I ---~ ~."'t-=~r-~'• - ~/ ) I'.C.'Lt~1.r ~ SRCRE'.CARY, ANAHEIM ~ y y~ CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION i".