Resolution-PC 90-129.,~ !~ . , ~~~~ ` , r~ I2ESQI~~1~7.QN_N~~._ ~G~Q-l2~ A RESOGU7'TON OF T~iC ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNING COMMYSSION T.I3A'C PETITiON FOR CON11I'TIOt1AL LiS~ PEEtMTT NU. 3~70 AE GRANTGD WHEREAS, rho Anaheim City Planning Cummxssion did r.~coive a vnrifiaa Peti.tion far Conditiona:l Usa Permir Lor certain roal prnperL•y s3tur~to~ i.r~ Cho Cil:y ot• Anaheim, Caunty oE Orange, Sta~e af Calitorni~~, cleseribed as: THE WEST 70.00 FEET OF TF1E SOUTFi 165.OU k'EET OF TH~ ~'JUTHEAS'T QUARTER OE TFIE SOU'.CFIW'r:ST QUAI2TER OE THF. S~UTHEA:;T QUARTER OC SECTION 2, TOWNSHTP 4 SOiJTIi, RANGF. 10 WGST, IN 'PHE RANCHO SAN J[11~.N CA~T~N DF: SANTA ANA, TN THE GI'1'Y Ob' ANAHEIM, COUNTY OH ORA.t1GE;, STATE; OF CAL~IFORNIA, AS PGR MAP RECORD~I) It7 BOOY. !, L, PAGE 10 OF MISC:;LLANEOUS MAP~, IN TH~ OFFICE OF Tf1F. COUNTY KP;CORDER 0: SATD COUNTY, SAIU 50U'.~HLAST QUARTER OF 'rfl~, SQUTE~WEST QUARTL•'.R OF T[fE SOLITEfEAS'P QIJARTGR T_iEING UL'SCItIBED AS FOLL~UWS: BEGINNIt~G AT A 4 X 4 STAKE Ut7 THE SOUTI{ LINE OF SAID 5ECTION, ~VEST~RLY 1325.28 FEET FR~M THE: SOUTFiCA54' CORNE[2 THEREOF; TEIENCE PIOFTH 6GO.OU T'GET; THENCC WGST 6G2.32 FEET; T'c1ENCE SOIITFI 660.00 i'FGT TU TH£ SOLiTFT I,INi: OF SAID SECTJ.ON; THEtICf; CAS'1' (if36.90 I'E~T TO TH~: POINT OF CiEGINN.LNG. W~iL•'REAS, l-.`~e CiCy Pl~nn.iiig Commissi~n ~lid }inld a public 2iearing at Yhe Civic Center in th~ City ot Anal:eim on Apr.il 9, 1990 a~ 1.:30 p.m., notice of saxd public hUaring having L~«en duly given as req~iired by 1aw and in accord.anco with thc~ ~roviszons of the Anah~irr, Municipa.l Code, Chapter 14.03, to aear and canszcler evidenc~ for and agains~ said proposod conflitional use permit and to investiqate and mal:e fincl.ings and recocnrnendations in connection therew:ith; and that sa:d ptiblic hearing was continueQ to the May 7 and June 4., ,.990, Planning ~:ammissi.or. meetings; and WHEFtL•'1,5, sa.id Commission, af~er du~. inspec~ion, investiqation ~nd srudy mad~ by itselt and in its behalf, and aftcr due consideration of all avidence and reports ot£e:eci at said heari_ic~, d~~~s find and dotermine the following f1C~s: 1. That ~tie prupo:;ed use i3 properly one for which ~ con~3itional use permi~. is authr~rir.cr:i hy Anaheim tdunicipal Cocl~ Section to parmit commec•c:ial use of a resic3r~n,tial s~ruc.ture in thQ RS-A-43,000 (ResidQnti.al/Agr.irul.tural) Zone with wa:.ver of: (a} ~~cti~n ]_A.21.050_,.~..1_~_.3153 •- Vei~ic]~y_p~rki..ng_limi_La~.icLn. (Al.l parking requirod Co rY.~-r, of residenCial structur~; 1 parkiny space proposad in Ercnt) 1458z -].- I'C90-1?.9 ' , . _ a':~~ ~-, ,,~.., t ~t ) ~~.~~ iQn 1 ~21~Q~Z 2 ~ ~ 9 _1 - M~x i niu.11~~ ~.r~C ~?~r~ ~_~~~G~t.• ( ~..~.Q__~_t~~ p~rmittad 4/Y1@Tl locatod ,~Q, ~Q.~~__fQ~~; from RS-5,000 zoningJ ?:~1:-t~?SL. r_Q~._PI'opose~d) (C) ~c~ction 1Q,21tg~C.~(~~~ - hii.nimwn rA,~xV,y~.~~, sQY~l~,t~,~Jc. (25_~~~t rec~uired; ~2 f,~Qt, proposed) (D) ~~-Li~.~. ~,.~.~?~~Q~Os~.x~~15h - ftoq~ire ~L' ~.n.S~~~~Ping. ~n4'•?.~~?~~.5~~•_4.z4 (minimum 2~ =fQ,~~ l~ndscaped front setback requirod; ~.2 ~~ ~g___f~~ landscapincJ praposod and rorr~~inder paved with concrQ~e for parking) (~) ~gc~~iqn~ 1,$•06,.Q~5~( .0212 - Mi,~im~~r_r},~rs,}~er~f~~rkinc~sp~~,g~. and_ 1Q. 21 L06~6.010 (~1 re?quired; 7 prnposed) 2. 'Chat rhe requ~sted waivers (A), (B), (C) and ~D) are horeby i granted on tkiF uasis that there arF speci~l cir.cumstances applicabl~ to the pro~arty such ~.s ;ize, shape, topography, location and ~urroundings which do ~' not ap}?ly ta other icic~ntically zon~d property in ~hQ same vxcinity; ~nd khaY. strict r.pPlicai:iAn of tlie uoning Code deprives the property of privileges ti Qnjoyc~d by ocher praperties in the ident;icuJ. zona and cl~assification in the vicinity. 3. Thc+t the reque~ted waiver (E) is herebx granted. on the basis t.haL the narking waiver wi.ll not caus~ a~i incr~a~e in traffic conqestiun in tk~e immodiato vicinity nor adversely at£ect any adjoining land uses and granting of the parking waiver uriciQr lhe conditions imposed, if any, will nat be dec.rimezital to thQ peace, health, satety and general welfare of tho cil•izens ot th~ C.it,y of Ana}~eim. 4. That the proposed use wi11 not a~3versely ttffect the aQjoi.ning land use., atxd tne growth and development oS` ~ha area in which iL• is prppo~ed t~ br~ located. 5. Tha~ the si..e and sl;ape oF thQ site propasod for the uso is adequare to a11ow the tu.ll development of the or~pused use in a manner not ~ietrimental to the particular area nor to kt-e peacQ, health, ~3.Eety ar.c] genera.i welfar.•e of the Citi~ens of th~ City of AnahF,im. 6. That the granting of fhQ CondiL-ional Use Per.m.it undec the conditior-s imposQd, it any, will nut bQ clQkrim~ntal to the paar,e, health, safeL•y siia yeneral wRlfare of r,he Citizens oi the Ci*y ~t An~heim. 7. That t2io tr.afPic t~en~~ratod by the propos~d u~e will nu~ I~nposo an undue burden ~xpon the street~ and hiqhways desianecl ~nd improved to carxy the traffic in tha zrea, : ::1,.~_', .,. -2- PC90-'i29 p. That no one indicatQd their presQnce at sai~ publir. hearing in oppositian; an~ that no correspondeiice was xec~ived in uppa:~•ition to t.he subjecr_ petition. SAT,_T.FQI~NIA ENVIR()tdMrN~AL.,_,_Q'(~AT~I 'Y_~~~INC~ING; That the A,r~ahaim Czty Planninq• Cammission has reviewecl tho nropvsal to p~rmi.t commercial us~ of a resid~ntial structurc~ ir. tY-e RS-A-43,OU0 (Residen.tial/AgriculturaZ) Zone with ~vaivers of vehiele pax•kiny li-ni~~tion, maximum str~ictux•al he3ght, minimum rQ~r yard setback, rQquired ].andscapirig and minimum iitunbor of }~arking s~aces o.n a r~ctangularly-shaped parce:l of land consi~tinc~ of approximatAly O.lf3 acre, having a L•rontaqe of ap~roxim~tely ?0 EeQ't on the north sidQ of. La Palma Avenuo,, having a maximum depth of approximately 112 feet, veing loc~.ted appr~,xin~a~ely 850 f~et c~st of the conterline ~.E Acaci.a Streer_ and further. described as 15~~7 Fast La Palma Avenua; and do~s hereby approve the Neqative Declaration upon finding thaL it has cc~nsidered the Negative Der,lara~ion togethar wiY.h ai~y cainmer-ts roceiv~d during tho public revie+~ proces~ and further Findinr~ on the basis of the init5.a1 stu;:y and any comments received L•haL- t2~ere is no substankial ev:idence trat L•he projeat wi11 tiave a sigiiificant eifect on L}:e environment. NOW, THE;REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that t.he Anaheim City Planni.zg Commission ctoes heret~y granL• subjoct Petition tor Conditional Use Permit, upon the following cor~ditions ~ahich are tiereby f.ound to be a necessary prerequis:te to thQ ~,rqposed ~xsa oP tYle subject pro~~erty in ordar to preservz L•he ~afPCy and general welEare of ths Citizens of tra City ~if Anaheim: 1. That a fee for street liqhting pur}~oses sha11 be paid to t„he Ci"y ot Anaheim base~ on Lhe length of street frc~ntaqe along La Palm:s Avenuo and in an ~mount as establ3.shed bp City Council resolution. 2. Tkiat: s~xbjecL• proporty s}iaZ1 be sarvyd by un~ierqround utilitles. 3. That pr.ior to issuance of a building parmit, a trafFic sSgnal assessment fae equaling Che difEerence between ~he residential and commercistl assass~nent f.eQS shall be pai.d l•.o t:ti~ C_ty of Anatieim in an amount as established by City Counc.il resolurion. 4. * That p].ans shall be submitted tu the Gity Tra~f.ic Enyinoex for his revi~w a:id appra~~al showing c~nformance wzth Engineering Standard Plun N~s. 43b an~l 602 pertainizig to parking st~nclnrcis. Subject propert,y sh~ll thoraupon be deval.oped anci mainL•ained in cnnformance with said pl:lns . 5. That tha driveway on La P~llrs~a Avenue shall be recanstructed to accommoclate ten (10) foct radiu~ curb rr:turn~ in c:onf.ormance with Eiigineerin« S~anciax~3 tio. 137. 6. +~ Ti-at. t;rash storage c1Y8i13 shTll be providact ar~d maintained in ~ location accQptablE to ~he Str.eer. M.ainLE.nance an~i Sanit~.ticn Division and in _3._ PC90-129 ~.rar. accurc~ance w,iL-h appx~ov~d pians on fi1c~ witYl said Division. Such information shall be spaci£3.ca11y shown oi1 the platis st~bmittod for btiilding ~~erm3.ts. 7. * Th~t firo sprinkiers sh~ll he instaYleu au r.ogu:i.rad by the City Fire Department. 8. That a fc;e Lor sLre~t tr~c pucpOSGa3 shall be pa.id to the City of Anahezm bas~d c~n the lengt2i of str~et ironta~e along La Palma AvQnue and i.n an amounL- as establishecl ny Ciky Council resolution. 9. * That all air condit.ioning £aci~ities and othQr root and ground maunted r~quipment shall be properly shieldt~d from vi~w anc'i the sounc? buffered from adjacent rosidential properties. Suc}x information shail be specifically shown ~n tho p1.3ns submitted for buildinq p~rmits. lU. *'ChaL th.e existing structure shu11 comply with the minimam standards of t.he City of Anaheim iii~,luding the Unif•orm Building, Ylumbing,. Electric:al, Mechanical and Fire Codes, as adopted by lhe City of AnahQim. ' 11. . That all plumh:Gng or other similar pipes and fi.xtures l~cated on the ext3rior of the builc~ing shall be fu11y sr.rooned hy architectural devicQS and/or appropriate building materzals; and, further, such informa~i~n shal.l be sp~cifically sli~wn on th~ plan~ s~ibmittefl fox buil.d.ting permits. 12. * That a six (6) Eoot high ma.sonry block wali shall be maintained along the interior pr~perty lines; nr~vided, however, that the City TrafEic Engineer shall have the authority to r~cluco the height of said walls L-o maintain adequate visual lines-of-sight whare pedestrian and/or vehicular circulation inCorsect.. Said block wa;ll shall be planted and maintained ~,ith clinginq vine3 to elimfnate qraPfiti opportiinities. 13. Thut any proposed parkinq area lic7hting Eixtiires adjacent to any rc~sidenti.al propQrty shall be down-lighted with a maximum height of twelve (12) feet. Sazd lighting fixtures sha11 be directed away from adjacent resiclential property lines to pratec~ th+: ,esideritia]. integrity ot t:he area and ;,hall be specif:ically sh~wn on the plans submittQd for buildirig permits. 14. That approval oE this Condat.iarial Use ~'ermit sha11 be limited to a commercial pr~fessiunal o£•f'ice and shall. nc~G to include any medical or derital ofEice use~. 15. That signaqe sha]1 be iimiCed to a max.imum twenty (20) square feet consistinq of ~ithAr: ( a j One (1) .~all-mountQd siyn fac.ing south towards La Palma Ave,r~ue and placec3 no higher than the cr~iling of ttiQ f.irst floor; or `4- YC90-1~9 ;`' ~ (b) One (1) ground-mountad monument sign locateci in a landscaped planter, not ro excc~ed a maximum over-a11 height of iour (4) feet. ~G. Th~G t2ic~ ].andscape planter adjacent h.o La Palma Avenue shall bo planted l.u the qrea~est Qxtent possib].e to screen thQ parl:ing arPa from ~,a ~alma A~enue. 17. * That the on-site landscaping and irrigation system sha11 be reEurbished and maintained in compliance witb City st~ndards. 18. shat tha owner. of subjer.L property sha17. submi;: r~ letter reque~~ting termination of Cond.itional Use FQrmit rlo. 259'~ (permit~iny a reL-a.il plan~ nursery with wziv~:r of minimum number of parking spaces) to the Zoning Aivision. a9. That prior issiiance of a buildi.rig permit~ the 1oga1 owner(s) oi subjpc~ propert~r shal] ex~cuta az~d r~corcl an ur_subordinated covQnt~nt ir_ a form a.pproved by the C:ty A.ttorney'~. Office wheroin such owne.r(s) agree not to contes~ thP formation of any assQSSment di~trict(s) whirh may hereaftQr be formed fnr the purpose of fin~3ncing the undergroundi.ng of utilities, and which district(s) .:ouZd include such 1ega1 property owner's property. 20. That subject property sliall be develaped substantially iii accordance with plans and specificar3.ons submitt~;d to the City o£ Anaheim by the petitioner and wnich plans are on file with thQ Ylarir.ing Departmant marl:ed Revision No. 1 of Exhik~ir lJos. 1 through 6. 27.. Th~t prior to commoncement of the activity authorized by this resolution, or px•ior to is,uance ~f a bui;ding pormit, or r:ithin a period ot one (1) yc~ar from L•he dat•.e QP this resolution, ~hichevez• occurs first, Condition Nos. 1, 3, 4, 6, 3, 9, 11, 13, 13 and 19, above-men;;.ioned, skxall be complieri wit.h. ExCensions for f:urther time ~p complete suid coiidit.ions may be grant:ed in accardance witti Section 18.03.090 oE' L•he Anaheim Munici~al Code. 22. That prior to the corn~nencement of thc~ activity ~u~hurized by this res~lu~ion or final building and zaninq inspection „ wh.icYiQVer occurs first, Condition llos. ~, 5, ?, 10, 12, 16, 17 an~1 2U, above-menh_ioi~od, shall be comi~lied wikh. 23. * That approval of tnis ~pplicar.ion canstiLUtas approval oF the pro~osed request only to the ex~enL that it complies with the Ar.aheim Municipai Zoning Code ancl any ot)lar zpplicable City, State and Fe3eral regulations. Approval does nnt includ.e any action or Findings as to corngliancQ or approva] of r.he request roqarding any ottiar applicablQ ordinance, rogulation or requirUment. Conditions mark~d with an asCHrisk (*) arc requir.~d by Qstablished laws, codos, regulations and ~greernents arid are r~ot sub jsct to nF~gotiation. -5- PC90-129 ^ : , ~-, ~' r. FiF I7.' FURTEiFR R~SOLVEA t.hnt ~h~ Anahaim City Planning Commission deea k~areby find and datermi.ne th~~t zdoption oC this FQSOlution is ~xpressly pr~dic;ated upon applicant's compliance with each and a?'1 oF h.he conditiuns k~ereinabove set Forth. Should any such aonditions, ox any part tk~erea~, be daclarecl invalid or unQr~forceablo by the final judgmant. of az~x courti of competent juriesdiction, then tTiis Resolut,ion, and any n~>r>rovfils heroiz~ contained, eha11 be deemed nu].1 r~nd voic:. THE FOR~G01'NG RFSOLU'.CION was adop~ocl at the Ylanning Commissian meeting of June 4, 1990. I } ~r~e-~ /l ° .e_~- ~~CT'INu !,'HATfiMAN ~ I~NA~IEIM CITY PLANtdTI3G ~OMMISSI~N ATTEST. : ~ ,~~(~% U U/~-~.v - ~ -.,~ ~~-_~ SL•'CRETARY, ANAFiEIM CITY FLANNITTG COh4dISSTOTT STATP: OF CALTFORNTA ) COUZITY qF ORANGE ) s~. CITY OF' ANAIiETM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Analieim City Planning Commissio,~, do hereb1 cortify that the foregoinq rPSOlutic~n was pas5ed and adopL•~~d at a meeting of tne Anaheim City Planninc~ Commission tield on June 4, 1990,. by the '~i following vaY.e of thQ members ttiereoi: AYLa: COIrIIdISSTONGRS: BUUA.~i, FELD:iAUS, HELI,1'EI2, MC $URNEY, M~SSE NOES: CCtifMT5SI0NCRS: NONE ABSENTt COMMISSIONERS: BOYPS7.'UN, HERBST T WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunt~~ set my Y~,aa.zd this G d~y of ~ ~, 1990. ~ -- _~ ~ . --- ~e~_ '" ~'~-'~ ~ ~iL~/ SEC[t~TARY, ANAHEIM CITY .PLANNING COMhfISSION ^c -6- PC90-729