720 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I I ; -OiDINANCENO:' ,_-1 : AN ORDINACE OF '1'H]~' CITY OF! ANAH~lIM AMENDJNH ORDJ- NANC~ NO. 6'i5 El'TI'rLED "AN ORDJNANCE OF THJ1J CiTY 01" ANAHEIM .FORBlnDJNG FOR- 'rUNE TI~~LLTNG AND SlMILAH RlISINE8S.ES, " THE CITY COUNcn.. OF T;HE Cl TY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLO.WS: SECTION 1: Tha.t. Section 1 of Ol'dinance No. 1;75 endUed, "An Ordinance of th~ City: of Ana.helm Forlllddlng Fortl.lnp.1 'l'elling and Similar Businessel!ll" be and the same iH hereby amended to ; read aN follows: Section 1: 1t is unlawful fn th4!!! City of Ana. heim for an;\' I)erson, firm or c~orpOl'. ation to rarry on, l'ra(.tl('~ or profe~': to practPctl the bUBinef.l8 or art of AS- t rolog)~, palmll!lt r~'. phrenology, llfe- I fE:sdlng. fortune telUng. ("artom&n(~)I. clairvoyance. clalraudlenee, cry.ta.I' J,;azing, hypnotism. mediumlilh ip, IIplr- it photogra"h~.. spirit writlng, IJph', it voi~es, spirit materlattzation, eth- ~r8.lIzaU.on, prophf>C}', a.ugury, divi- nation, ma.gIe, npcroman('~', r.hara-c- tel' '.eading, or fortune ..telling' b)' handwriting .naIYRII, or other limi- lar business or art, and to demand or receive directly or indirectly a f~e. gift, donation or reward fop the exercise or exhibition of hi., her or its art therein.. . SECTI'ON .2: Any person, firm or eOl'poraUon Violating any of the provisions 0" I this ordinance shall be guilt.y of a mlsdemean01' and upon conviction thereot .ho.1l be punllllhed a. p~c- vlded In Section 4 ot Ordinance No. 675. SECTION 3: The City Clerk shall eel'tily to the pSlllllage o( t.his Ordinance .and Iha.111 cause the same to be printed and pubUshed.on'ce in the Anaheim Bul- letin, a. newspaper of generA.1 ~Ir- ('uhLtion, printed.' 'PubI.lshed and clr-I- culated In 'said City, 8nl) thirty day,; from 'and after' Its flnl\l '~8./Il"a~e. it "'hall take effect and bt' in full force. . The foregoing Ordinance was ap- preved- and signed by me this 26th day ot AugUlst, 1947. RA y VAN' WAGONER Mayor. City of Anaheim Pro tem LEGAL NOTICE ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. Count~. of Orange ) 3.1 cl1ar.dt~_1.s.CI:J. e........._.... ........... ............................................ of said county, being first duly sworn, says-that he is a malE'! citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- terE-st In. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he Is the Princlnal clerk .....-.. -.......... ....:... ............. ... ................. -. -. -... -.... -. ........... ..._.... _........._. of the Ana11e1m Bulletin a-----.d[;;1.11.~m.. newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said .Anahs.l.rI1... .Bulls.tl_Q.._. ..m. ............._.........._..................._....... Is a newspaper of general efr culatton with a list of paid suhlScribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and Intelligence of a general char- acter; that- it Is not devoted to the Interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession, trade, caIIlng, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it haft been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Or-ange, Stat e of California for more tha.n one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; tha.t the - q .~.~. ~_!.!.~. ~~. ~ .~... .~~: .~?.~.....~l.gQ.... ........... .........................................._ of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in one issue sa I d news paper at least............ ......_..................._......._......................._ commencing on the....3.Q.t.b..day of ._.....Augu.s.t..........._.. 4' 19 ._._..1 and ending on the...... ..........day of ...._...._...._...._..._.... 19 ...... and that said ...........~g.~.~.2.~........................................h was publtshed on the following days: Au~~us t 30 I 1 ~L~7 .... ~................ -.... ............. -oo.. - . ............. ...... ..._. ._... ........ _.... ..... ........... .......................................................... I ..-------._-._- ;??~~::~::%;;;;.~~:::~:::::::: Subscribed ,nd sworn to before me thls~day of .",.~ t:/-. u_...............~..... .............a......19 ;;.. . __.L'./ " ~ 2:,,1' ......_m-........7,.... . ... ..~;;:..PUb1I~..,""'. ATTEST: (Seal) CHARLES E. GRJPTJTH I City Clerk, Cltyof Anaheim ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE),. CITY OF ANAHEIM) . T, CH4RI"ES E. GRIFFITH, Cit.y Clerk or the Clt.y ot Ana.helm, do I hereby certify that the foregoing O,.dinance wa. introduced at .. reg- ular meeting of the City Council of thp. City of Ana.heim, held on the 12th day of AuguRt, lp,n. B-nd that the same was passed and adopt- p.n at a regular meeting of the CIt.\' r.t)um~1I held on the 26th da3' of' August. 1947. by the followlnK' vote of the memben thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Van Waco- ner, Boney, H~)')n.., and. Pace. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None.- ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: 'Pearson. And J further certify that the :\!.ayor pro tern ot the City of Ana- heim signed and approved. ...14 Or- di.nance 'on the 26th day of -Augul!lt, l~"''l...,._, ,..,....:- _- IN WI~E8S .WIIIIRE;OF" t have hereto set my hand 8.1uP':.r.fI.." ;the Real of.. the City of .AnalJ.tm thi. 26th 4..,. of AUl'ust, 1.41. (Seal) .' CHARLES 11. Gl\IFFITH elt,. Clerk, Clb' e( .Allahelm Pub. AuW. 30, 1"". -. . . ..\', ''':..~tni~r:.)!\ "':{;,;r~'~ "'-."\~.._ . ...1; 19.a~1 .._. . ~ 1 2 3 4 15 8 THE CITY COmfCIL OF THE CITY OF ANJL"9:EIM DOES ORDAIN AS ORDINANOE Nu. 7.11 AN ORDUANCE OF THE 01 TY OF ANAHEIM AMEliDING ORDINAN.E NO. 675 ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE OI . OF AN~~EIM FORBIDDING FORTUNE TELLING . Al\TD SIMILAR BUSII~ESSES" . 7 FOLLOWS: 8 SEOTION 1: 9 ThatjSection 1 of Ordinance No. 675 entitled, NAn 10 Ordine~oe of the Oity of An&leim Forbidding Fortune -Telling and 11 Similer Businesses. be and the Bf~e is hereby amended to read as 12 follows: 13 Section 1: 14 It is unla,v/ful in the Ci ty of Anaheim for any 115 pereon, firrn or corporc.~.tion to carryon, practioe or profess 18 to practice the busin€SE or art of astrology, palmistry, 17 n:'n.renolOi(Y, life-rec\.di.tlc:."' f9rtune telling, oc..rtomancy, 18 clairvoya.nce, claira.udience, crystal gazing, hypnotism, 19 mediumEhi~, spirit ~)hoto5rf..r>hJf, e?irit viriting, spirit voicee. 20 E~~)iri t mE. t€r ia.li za tion, e therealiz€:.tion, prophecy J augury, 21 C. i vin~:- t i.~n, illat: ic II necl'omeJ.ncy, chs..rEc ter read.ing, or fortune 22 telling cy. :.'.i.an(~;~;riting (:..ru,'lysis, 'Jr ~)ther silnilar business 23 or s,rt J end to de~dan(~ ,)r receive ,; irectly or indirectly a 24 fee, gift, \.ionn.til:J{l or rewe,rd f<)r the exercise or exhibi tiun 25 a! Lis, ~er ~r its art therein. 28 27 28 SEOTION 2: Any nerson, firm or corpore.tion violating any of 29 the ,rovisions of this OrCinance s~all be guilty of a misdemeanor 30 a,nd upon c1:>nvictio:n tllereof s~nall be punished. as provided in 31 Seotion 4 of Ordinance No. 675. 32 i . ....ioIf~......~ ..".....-..,... .:0.: .....-.r.-.. -......... ....-. _. ..;~............. ...~...., ~'Sr).:..'~-.oo.\__.......... ."..." .011>"........._____........... ......._ . _ 'h. ......~. ........-..-~~-......-... .. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 115 18 17 18 1 SECTION 3: 2 The Ci t.:,.- Clerk shall certify to tlle .passage of 3 this Orcine"nce f.I~Ild ~h6,11 ce..ur:e tIle swne to be -')rinted and publishe 4 once in the Anahejim. Bulletin, a newspaper. of general circule,tion, 5 -orinted, ljuolis~'j,e~ c~nd ciroulated. in sa.id Ci ty, and thirty dHY~, 8 from end after i tis final passage, i t shall take effeot and be in 7 full force. The foregoing Ordinance was a~proved and signed by me this 2~tk day of ...,. , 1947. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUl~TY OF CRAN_ ) ss CITY 0F ~N~qEtM ) 20 19 do :lerFo:r certify that the fQ:~"ef.;'oing Ordinance wa.s introduoed I, CI!ARLES 1~.. GRIFFITI-i, City Olerk ,~f the City of Anaheim, (.i t a re&::ul,:::,l' ~lLeeting ;)f the City Oouncil of the Ci ty 22 21 of ..~nahei,L, i:..t:)la or! t:~e 12~h day of hULust J 1947, and. that t::e s c:.n:f~ \\'H.8 .)6.:.:! Fe c1 anc. r;;..',.':; "~..J tt::' (~~ (:t t a re~;ult.r meeting 23 of :.~hE' 01. t~! O.'~ur~cl1 rielc". or" tL~e 26\. dCi,~l of A1IIU,. ..,:., 1947, ~JY 24 t:14 f-ollO~l1rii:!t. vote .)f t::e .!l€;!Joert:: "thereof: 25 28 27 28 A YES : cau;rCJILli:El~: Van Wagoner. Bone7, 1le71Dg aDd. Pace. !!CE.:-~ : ;::U~TJI~!~l~:~: Bone. ;~.BSE~!T : .~OU1~CJ IL~.-7r!r : Pearson. .A.~ld I fu.I'ther certify the,~ thf 11aYO~r~f"he City of Ana.~eiL;i 29 pi grJ.ec ci.nd b,-,) ~;roved S t.ld 'Jrc.i nance ~)n tl1e 26th day of Awcatu ' 30 1947. 31 Il~ V.~I Tl~ESS .'r$REQF, I ~J.a,\i e hereto set my hand and affidted the 32 ~eal of t~ae Oi ty ~)f Ana~:leim thi.' . 1~47. -2- ... I." .......':..- :._~..~..., ._....... ......... ..;"'.... .". iIh~. . .~L It.&.. "...""".. ~... ..~ :... ....~. ........, ......~...~.. ." .._ ".1, ... .Ao.._ .,............_........,;,1 I.' __, _._ ...........-----......_- _____~.