Resolution-PC 90-13~.. .,~~~ ~iES~~Urz9~r _NC, ;_~C.29-r~. 4:I~itiiii ~' A RE501'.UT:[Otl OF TFI~ ANAH~IM CI1'Y PLANNZNC CCMMI,''.~SION THAT YF.TITTON FOR VARIANCE N0. 9011 BE GRANTED WNFp!'.;~j~ the An~}~~im CiY;y Planni.ng Commission dicl rocc~ive a ver.i..Ei~ci P~;.i~cion for Variaiir_e f.or aer~min real pro~~irY.y 3ituated in ttie City ~~F :+naheim, County o: Orange, Stato of Ca,lif•arnia descri.bed as: : i~RCEL 1: 1HE WF,ST '/2 I'l~'.ET OF' iHE f AST 234.7& E'EET uF' THT; WEST ONL-FiALF UF TF~E lrOFtTH ODIE-HALI' C'F THE 21qRTH ONE~-HAI~F UF THE NORTFiWES'P QUARTER 4P TFIC SOUTFIWI.ST QUARTER OF SF.CTICIN lA IN TOWNSFIIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 11 WEST, Ii~ TFIE R1V~ICHO f OS COYOTES, COUNTY OF QRANGE, STA.TE OF CALIFORNrA, AS SHOWN ON 31 MAP THF.[tEOF RECORDE:f? IN F3Q0[~ 51 PAGE 7, F.T SEQ., OF MESCEI,LANEOUS MAPS, IN 'rElE OFFICE Uk'' TNE i:OiJN'T'Y IiE~CORDF.R OF SATD CQUNTY. ['AKrEi• 7. THF WEST 7?. FECT UF THE EAST 34E.7£i FEET OF TH~ WE:;T :1h1E-•HALI' OF 7'HF. NQRTH ONF.-•IiALF GF' THE NORTH ONE-HAGF OE THE NORTFIWF.ST QUARTEK OE THF SOUTEIWE5T QUARTER OF SECTION 1~3 TN TOWNSHIP 4~OUTH, RANGE 11 WES'P, IN THF, RANCHO LOS COYOTES, C:OUNTY Or ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SE30WN ON 1~ MAP THF,REOF RECORBED IN BOOK 51 I'AGE 7, ET SEQ„ ~F MISCEL[~ANEOUS MAPS, T.N THE OEFTCE OF ThF: COUNT`t RF.CORU~H OF S:~ID COUNTY. WHGREAS, the City Planning Commissioa did hold public hearings a~ ~he C::v.i~c Ce ntex in the City of An~heim on Uecembec 18, 1985, at 1: 30 p.m. tiatir_e of sn.id publ ic I~earings having bean duly 3iven as rerruirad by , law and in accordance with the provis.ions of the Anaheim Municipnl Coc~e, Chapter 18•~7:3, to he~r and considcr evi.dr,i~ce for ar~d ayainst sair~ propo~;ed variance and ko invest• igate and mt+ke tindinc~3 and recorrunc~ndations in ca nnection r.tierc~with; ~nd said petition was contini~ed to t•he Flanninq Cummissi~n meet3nq of J;~nuary 15, 1990; ~nd h.iEREAS, s~id Commission, afker due inspoction, investigatiun au~l study made by itself and in it~ b3ha:lf, anI aft:tr ciue cunsicleraCion of all evidence and reports of.ferof, at sai~] hearinq, does find and determine the Lotlowing facts: 1. That th~~ petitf~~ner reque~ts waiv~r ot. the following ~~r~der autt-ority of California Go•~•±rnment Cnda Sect-ian 65915 r_o constrvct n 2-::t:ory, 44-unik, "aEfordablr." a~nrtmnnt ccirplnx; (A) ;E~T12._N_~_..1~,9_fi_,.,~`i.0.12~ - De~~iq!1 4f _VC.f-~itr~~.~._~ar_k,ing• ancl.._ta.3!~,C6~t_QlQ (Tandcm ~~arkinq permittod only on czne.__~i~~ of drivinq ~ii.sl~; t3ndt~m pArking prorosed on 1~~~~.h__~i~les of aisl~) 1241r -1- PC RO-13 ~~+~ r N~ir;1 i B) S~,~TT ON 1 Q~~ 4. 4~.~ , 0 7, 0 -~Ii?13 mu~l. k25ii.~. a~3._.~ i t 9~ ~--.2P~~.w9~~ i,~.~.~~.~ . ~11.?Q~~_.S.~f3_t. requirecl: ,Q;~7 sa.if~,.. Prop~sec9) 2. ThaC the above-mc~ntioned waiver (?~) is h~rQby granl:~d on the bc3Si:~ Lhat tt~is is an "aE.Eorda.~le" projc~ct. in acc~rcianco with CaliEornia Governmtn~ Coda Section G5915 and fuither, thah the doubly loacied tandem parking aisle rrill bc a miiiimum :33 feet rricio as stipulai.~d ta at thc public hnaring. 3. That thQ ~bove mQntioned waivQr (B) is hereby gran~ed in accordance with California Governm~nt Cocle Soction 55915 pertaining to density bonu~es in corinecL-ion with "aftordable" apar~ments; and further, ~ha~ the additioTial. densiir.y being soughL-: 44 instead of 93 units (25~ iiisl.ead. of a 25`b densit;Ir bonus) is a deviati.un Fr.~m Council Folicy No, 543 which specifies a mar.imum 25~ bonus. 4. TnaC tl~ere ara exceptinnal ~~r extraordin~ry circum3tnnces Uz• condit.ic~ns applicable t:o t}ie propQrty involvocl or to the intended use of the properGy that d~ nut apply generally to tht~ property or class o~ use in the same vicinity ~nd zono, 5. That L-he TPQUE';lted variance is necessary far ~he preservati.on and enjoyment. of a substan~ial pr.operty right poss~ssed by othor proparey in tho same ~icxnity and zonR, and cfQnied to the property in questipn. 6 That ~he requested variance wi11 not be materzally de~rimental to th•a puhiic w~lfare or injur•ious to ttie property or improvemerzts in such viciniL•y and zone in which the praparty i3 located. 'l. That no one indicoled kheir pres~nce a.t said public tieariYig in opposir_zon; ane~, ttiat no corruspond~nce was received in opposir_iun to stibject petition. _ ALTF9RNIA GNVIRQNMFNTAI,__QOALII'Y A T FINATN : rnat tha Anaheim City Plan:!ing CcnVniss}.on has rQViawad tt-e p opo~al to consrruci a 2-er,orf, ~I4-unit ap~rtmFnt r.omplex with waivers uP cic;sign of off-street pa:king and rninirnwn bui.idi:~g site area par dwQlli.ng unit on a recrangulurly-s}iaped parcel of 11nd consi:~ting ~f dpproxir~aY.ely 0.97 acrs, h~vinq a frontage o~ approximately 1~~1 feet on the sout:h si.de of Or3nge Ave:tue wikh a depth ot ~~pl~c'o:cimately 292 feel•, being located approxirr,ately 355 feet east of the cent~rli~ie of Knott Gt:raet and further d~scribod as 3424 and. 3428 We~t Orange Avenue; and dce~ hereby approve t:he NQ~atit•s Aeclaration upon finding thak It h~a consfdared tha Noqative De~claration toqef:ner with any c~mr,~snts x~:evived during th~ puhl.ic review procass and furtl~er findins~ on Che basis a.f the inilia.l study and any r,ommenr_s receivQd that there ia no substantial evidence tti9t the projQCt wi.ll have a signiEicant effect on the envirorun.~nL. N('W, THEREFORE, IIC IT RESc)LVED that the AnaheIm City Pl~snninq Commisr~ion cl~Q3 hc~xcby ~•,~nr subjor.t l~e~ir.ion for Vt~rianc;o, upon the followinq conditionu whi~ ~re here~y foun~ to b~ a nocessary px~raquisite to cha pr~posed usp of th ~ubjer.t properCy tn o:der tn preserve the safoty anU genaral welfsarrz of the Citizens of t:he C.fty ~C Anaheim: -2~ PC 90-13 ,:~•<. ~~ii N ,.,.~~ ,:. .,,~ ~~ ~• l., That gr.ading ancl drrsinnge sha17. ba psov.ided in conformance wi~h Cht~pCar 1.7.(l4 "Gra3ii,g Exr.av~tion~, ['i11o and Watercnursc~.s" of• the Amaheim Municipal Code. 2. That written approval shall be obtained £rom tha Oranga County Sanitation District(s) for r;onnecti~n of ~3zo sani.tary sewer sArving subjQCt proporty to tk-e r.ounCy sewQr Lr.unk on Oranc~o ilvenue. Wri~ten proof of. said approval shall ;~e submiLted Y.o tho City uf Anahyim. 3. * That trasta storagc~ are~s sh~ll be pc~vided snd nazntai.n~d .in a. ~ocai:.ion accoptabl.~ to the S~r~ak Maintenar~ce and Sani.at:aon Division and in accorci~nc.e with approvad plans on f:ite wi~h said f:~ivision. Such infoY•m,~tion ahall be speciPically showYi on l•Y:e plans submikt~d for building ~~ermits. 4. That garage clooxs ~ha11 noL be installed tor any parkir..g ;~paces which are in a candem arrarigemerit, as specified Uy the City Trafi`ic Engineer. 5. * ThaL• gates shall not be invt~lled across the drive~ay in a manner which may adversely aftect vehicu.lar trafPic iii the ad;idcent public street. InstallatS.on of any yat~es shall conform to t.he Enginearing Standard Plaz~ No. 402 and shall be subject to Lho review ~nd ~~pproaal of the City Traffzc Engineer prior to issuance oE a buil.ding permit. 6. That all parking space~ shall be double-stripe3 i~i conformance witih Engineering Standurd No. 601-D. 7. *'PhaY. a fee shal]. be paid t~ th~ Ciryo uf Anaheim t'or sireE~t ligliting along Orange Avenua .in an arnount as established b1 Ci1:y Council rQSOlurion. Ei. * That a fe.e shall be paid to tbe City of Anah~im :~r trae ulanting a.lonc~ ~ranqe Ave~iue in an 3~r~~iznL• as established by City Counci.I r~sol•,Ation. 9. * That subject pro~orty shall be served by und~rground i:ti2ities. 10. * Thak fire sprinlclers shall be instalZ~~i as requixed by the ~ity Fire Depar~menl-. A 7.3-R ~ystern .is iao~ parmissable. 11. * That a fire c,larm syst~m, shal:l be iristalled as roq~iired by the Fire Dopars:ment. :2. * That prior to issuance of a huilding pQrmit, appropriate park and recreation in-liou f~QS 3ha11 be paid to the City of AnahF3im in an amount as es'r.ablished by City Council resolution. 13. * Th~t pcioc t~ issuance ot a buildir.g pPrmit, thQ appropri~te tra~fic signal ass~s:smenY_ foe shall ;ue pa.id to thR (:ity of Anaheim in ~n amount as asCablishQd by City Counc:l resolution. 14. ThaL• the drivevAy on Orr-rge .\venue shall be constcvcted with *_Qn (1G) foot x.ldias curb rpturn~ ~s rH~luired hy the City Enqineer ir. conformance wfth Engineoring 5taadtsrd No. 137. ~ -~- PC 90-13 d~ ^ ~'"'~ ,r ~{ ;';',.~ 15. ThaY. both spaces :in otich gair of tandem parking spac~s s~a-11 b~ ~ss.igned tn khe sar~a dwel.ling unit. 7.6, That any lockable pecle~tri.~n and/or vehicula•r acce3s yates shaJ.l be equ.ipped w7 th a"knox bor," clevice, as .requarr~cl and approvod bk~ lhe Fire and/oz~ ~olico 1)epart~nents. 1.7. * Thai: a1:1 air conditior~ing facilities and other root• anc3 ground mounted oguipmenL sht~ll be properly skiialded from view, and ~he souz~d buffot•ed from adjacenL• residentxal pr~~perties. 5uch information sha1.1 be ,~ecif.ically ehown on the plans submittecl. foz building permii:s. 19. That all plumbinc~ or othQr aimxlar ~,iF,~s and .Eixtures locatod on the exter.ior nE tlae nuildinq sha11 be ~u11y screondii by architoctural dev9ces axid/or apprupriate bui.ldinq m:steri.a~s; anc{, furth~r, sucY~ informat:ior- ;.ha:11 be spe~ifically shown on s•:tla plans submi.tted for buildinq permi.t•s. 19. +~ That prior to i;;suance oi a hui.lcling parmit, satisfeYCtory ev.idenco sha),1 be presentecl L•o tho Builcling Division ~howing that thQ proposed projact is in confor~narce wzth Cotincil ~olicy Number 54y "Sound Atlonuat~nn .in Residenti.al ProjQCtt" anc~ with fiuise 'frlsulation Standarc9s ~pecified in the California Aclministr~.ti.ve Code, TiklP 25. 20 That tlze on--si.:e ltnclscaping and irrigatiocx sys~em sha'11 be ma.intained in compliance with City sL•andards. 21. * That prior to issuance of a builc9ing permit, the legal property ownor s}ia11 enter intc an ur~:,ubordinated recorded agreement with the City of Anaheim pursuant l•o Calitornia Government Code Scction 65915 tn proviiie tliat twenty-five ~,ercent (25'~1 af the permitted number of r~sidenti~il units shnll be rentad as lo•w or moderate incorne housing as defir,ed in California Government Code ~3ection 65~15 and wih.h appx•opri~tie rei~tal cuiitrols as appr.ovad by r_he City of Anaheim for a period af not iess :.han Y.hirty (3~) years iran the dare of issuance o.~ occupancy per.mit~. l2. That prior to issunncc~ of a buildi.r-q ~erm.i.r_, L•ne legal property uwner shall. prepare and ri~cord an unaub~rd.inated ^ovena.,t limitiny occupancy of each apsrtment unit L•o nn more than ~wo (2) ~~rson~ (oLhor than children undor the age of twe (2} years} ,;er bedcoom. Said limitation :shall be included in eact- l~ase/renkal agxPemQnt. A copy oE the covenac~t sha11 be subm.itted to aiid approved by the City Attorney prS.or to recordatiun. A cc~y of the recorae~i coventsnY. shall. be f. urnished to thF 7..anii,~ D.tv.i;;i.on. 23. ThaL• an unsubcrciinated covenant sha~1, b~ recorded agro~ing to p:o/ide the rE~nter of each dwelling `Afllt w.ith written inform~tion obtained frorn the Sr~hool Dfstrict(s) pertain.in~~ tc possibl.e ovarcruo•dQd condit•ions anc3 nusing ;~ta~us ot Che school(s) s~±rving the dwellinq unit. 24, lhat a11 blocl~ w~.11 Cences shaJ.l be ~~lanteQ and -naintained with clingineJ vinc:s l-.o el~minaL•~ graffit; opportunities. -`~ - PC 90-1a , "~~'r, ~,.~, 25. That subject property slia:ll Lie ~.~velopod subshzntially i.xi accox•d~ncc~ with plan~ and ;,pF;cific.at;xnns subm3.tt~d tu the ('it;y of: Anahoim by the petitio~ler ~nd ahich plans are on file with tho Planniny Department mar:ked R~visi.on PIo. 1 oC Exh.ibit Nos. 1 and 7., and Euhibit: Nos. 3 through 6. 2G. ihat., if it .is determined ttiat; subject propert~+ consasts oE two (2) ?e:~a:, ~arc~;ls, tti~ legal proporty owner sha11 ei.L-tier: a. Submit a 1ot line adjusi:me~nt plat to cambine Che 2 exisLinq luts to ttie Subdivision Sect;ion ~ar rev.iew an~ approva7. by h2ie City Engineer br.ior t:o recordatian .in the O~fice nf Lhe Urange Couiity kec:order; or b. Record an unsubordiriai:cd reciprr~cal acaess a~id parking agreern~r_t, ia a form ,:,ati.sfactary to the City At:~:orney, wiLh the Off..ice ~f the Orange C:ourity Racorder. A copy of th~ rer.ordQd agreement shall t2ien L~e submitted ~o thc; Zoning Divis:i.on. 27. Thal prior tu i.ssuance ot a b~iilding permit or wifl~in a~ iod of onp (1) year Erom the date of ttiis re~olui:ion, whichever occurs firsti, Conditiori 11os. 1. r_hrough 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 1a, 7.9, 21, 22, 23, and 2G, ~~hove-ment~ioned, sha11 be complied with. Extansions for further time to r_ornp~ete ~aici conciti~ns may be qranted in acc~rdance wirh 5ection 18.03.09U of. the Anaheim Mu.nicipal Code. 7.8. Tha~ pri~~r to Linal building aiid zor~ing inspections, Condition N~s, 6, 9, 10, 12. 14, 24 and 25, ahova-ment:ioned, sliai] be compli~3 with. 29. * That approval of t:hi.s applir_ation con~titutes approval of the urap~sed requast only to Lhe extenc~ that .it comn:iies with t}ie Anaheim Muni~ipal 7.cning Code and any ot-her applicable City, State and f':~deral regula~ions. Appruval dces nor. include any action or findings as to cumpl.iance or appcoval of thE request: regardi:ig ~ny oth~~r appli.cable urdinarice, regulation or re~virement. Cc~nditioris mariced ~aiCh aii asterisk (*) vre requirecl by esL-abl~srec~ laws, r_~des, re-~uletior-s and ugreAmEats and arF: not suhject ~o negotiatic:i. bE IT FUR'rtiCR RE30LVEU th~h. ~.1~F. Anahe.im City PJ.anning C9ITII11iS310I1 does hereby find and determine that adoption nt this Rc~co't:.:.ion is expressly Pr.edicated. uPon app].icant's cempliance wit:h Each a:id a11 0~ the condit:oras here~nabo•~e :~el- forth. Shoulcl any such condit•ions, or an1• p~rt t2lereoi, be cleclar~Qd inv3lid or unenEorr.c~abl.e by the fina~ judgment of aiiy courr of: competent jurisdic~ion, hhen thi~ Resolutiun, and any approvflls herein co.itainc~d, shall be deemed nul.1 and void. TFIB Fr~REGOING Rr:SOLUTION was ~~doPted aL- t~he Planni.ng Commission m~~eting ot Janu~~: y 15, '1990. ' - , ~' /,~ ~l~ .._~ ~ /__.. . - . ' G~' ----..~°"-'°'-~-~'"'-:iL :~Q_._..L ~'t ~ 1 ~ = ~ - --- - CFi~`lRM~N, AP7AHEIM Z`ITY PLANNING COMMISSIOt7 ATTEST: / ~~ ~ - ~~ -, ., , • , , ~ , _...~ ____~._ ~~~ _ , . J~C.T 27;, SECRr1'ARY, ANAHLIM C.iTY PLANNING COMM,ISSIUN i~ ' ~~ ~ -5- FC g0-13 r % , ~ ,- , `,; ~; ~'~,4 v ~ l ~ . . ~ ~ .. . . . .. , ~ ! ~t,,,~ ~`, , ~ ~ .. , • ~-'',\"A~:i~ ~ i STATE OF CAT,IFORNIA 0 CQUNTY UI' ORANG~ ) ss. CIT.Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janat L. J~nsen, AcLing Secrokary o£ tha AnahQim City Act3.ng Plarining Commission, clo her.sby certify that the ~'orec,~ning rasolution was pass~d and ad~pted al• a~neeting oL tlio x.nahoirn City PJ.anninq Commission he].d on January 15, Y99U, by the follawing vote o£ tha members thereo~; A'YrS: COMNTSSIUNERS: BOYDSTUN, E'ELDIiAUS, H~LLYER, :iERHST, MC IiURNFY, MESSE NOrS: COMM't5S'I.ON~RS: NONE ASSENT: CUMM:LSS70N~RS: SOUAS •_., •~XN 4VIT2vGSS WHEFEOF, !. have Yiereun~o set my hand this , r,~. ~% ~~~.!~ day o f , ~' ! 'r.' '~ ~;.~. 19 9 0 . ;, ~ , . ~ :~- ~ ~; ,. • . ., -=r• -.____ .~_..:~.__._.~.~.~..~_ .._._. ACTING SEC"k;TAR'Y, ANAHEIM CTTY PGAPININ~ C.•"bAlZSSION i -fi- PC 90-13 ~ ~ , r~ ~y ~Yft;r:tr ,.--~.i. .,~...,. . . . „ . .