Resolution-PC 90-131r~ ~~O~U~X4~L.N4.~._~'_~~4 ~3~ r~'~ ~ xr:sc~c,u~rcurr o~ ~FiE ANAI~CItd CITY 1'LAP7PtItiC COhL~1:ss~arr TFIAT PBTITIUN COR CONDITIONAL JSF, Ph:RDlIT N0. 3274 hC GRANTED, TN PART W1~EREAS, tha Anahei.m CiCy Planni.ng Commission dici recaive A verSf.iod Petition far. C~nclitional Uso ~'srmit for certain rc~r~7. property siCuated in the City oE Anahoim, r.ou:~ty of Urang~, State of CaliCornia, dascc•ibod a~: PAR~~ELS 1, 2 AND 5, AS SFIDWN pN' A MAp FILEU YN ROOK 27.2, F'ACES :i7 rn 91 INCi.iJSTVE, OF PARCCL MAPS, IN THG OFFiCE Oe THE COUNTY REC.OkDER OF ORAt~:G~ CO(JNTY, CA1:I FURNTA. WHEREAS, the CiL-y Plarining Corr.mis~ion did hold a prbl.ic hearing at tiie Ci.vi.c (;eriter in Cha City oF Anahe.im on May 21: 1990 at 1:30 p.m., natir,e of e,aicl publ.ic he~--rin~ havir~g been duly given ns requir~d by ]aw and in accardanco rr.ith the provisiur,s of tho Anahoim Mur.icipal Code, Chaptec 18.0:~, to hear and consider evidenco Eor a~~ agaarisr_ said proposed c~nditionZl use pQrn~it an8 te investiga~~ ancl make findings and iecommQndations in con:naction ~t]C14'W1tT3; anc3 WEiEREAS, s~id Cortur,ission, a£ter. due inspoction, investigation and study rnndo by itself anci in its bntialf, and a2te~z due considoration of all evidenc~ and reports off~red 1t sai:1 hearing, doE3, find and dQtermii-e tha ";11^~•~inr fuCts: 1. That the proposQd use is prope~ ~y cr.^ +'~r which a conc3itional uso permi.C is autho•r.izcd b~ Ana:~o.im Municipal Code Sections 1a.03.Usu.042 ;,^3 18.84.062.U31 to permit building heights in EJXCP.S3 0£ 35 fee~ to con3trucl- a J-atory mP~iical far_iliCy and with waiver of the followin~: ~A? ~i~~?9n 19LH~~Q~?~~.!~11 -• '~tinim ~m~~ruc~1-~'~?~_~~J~~.'1ck ~S~IaC~-~.~ ~4 _f. rg~ w~y . ( lOQ`L:~ ~ requi red; ~Q_~i~d~~fgg~ nroQ~sod) In1 Sc~GCicns_ _$~`?~Q.59_•.4211 - Min_imum n~m2~~9_~_P_~rkinY SP~!4~• ltt._QS.Q.~ :72!1 rEqu.irE~d: 61~ prr.posed) ~!nc~ i~~ r =~96~.~_Q~~ 2. That t}io xequesc.ed waiver ~A) is herRby grantc~d, in part, for ~ minimum 35-fool wide l~nciscaped setback alorig ttiP Ere~way with aclditional landscaping bt~ing provided :n Cho "c:of-f.r,e bruak. plaza" ar~a; and on the basis that ~nere are speci~~1 circumstances applicabl!~ to the nropertl such ~s slzu, shape, topography, location and surroundings whicl~ do nut apply to c-ther identically zon~d property in the ~ame vic~nity; anci that strict application ~t th~ Zoning Coaa aeprives rhe property oJ' pcivileyas enjoyeQ b~ orher properties in the identical zon~ and r,lasrificatior, iii tlia vicinity. :460r --1- P~90~131 as ,•~^~, ~•, 3. Th~at thc~ reguo3tod waivcar (B) is heraby ~,canred on the '~asis thar thc~ parY.ing wuivar will noL• cauvc~ an f~ir_roaso in CrafFic aongostion in t:hn irtunadiare vic3.n.i.ty nor advF.-rsc~ly af:fect any acljoining land uses ancl graiitlr 7 of: the parking waivor under Llio canditions imrosdcl, i~ any, vril]. not La dc~trimenL•al l.u t::G nWaCp, health, safet,y and goneral welfare of the citizQns of the City ot Anaheim b~cause ttio p7rk.ing 3tudy approvod by t:ho Clty Traffic Engineor pr~vi~iQd ~haL in tho Qvent a p~rking def.iciency occurs, aclcli.tional parking ~hall b~ provicl~cl on-sit;e on the iiorthw~st portion of the proporty whicli is showtt a. v~cunt on l•}iQ submittea sil:o plt-n. 4. That th~ proposed usr~ will nut aclversc~ly affect the adjoining l~.nd uses anc3 the ~~rowth ancl ilevolopment uf tho ar~~x in which it is ~,roposecl to be 7.ocatad. 5. Ttiat tlie ~ize and :~hape of l•.ho sitQ praposoa for the use ;.s aclequata to FS11041 ChQ fu~l development of ~h~ propc5od u~e in a manner not rictrimetiL•al to the pa:L•.icu~ar area nor to the poace, hQalth, safaty and general welfarQ of the C.itizens ef th~~ ~.ity of AnahQim. 6. That tho grantiiig of the Conditiona]. U::Q ?ermit und~r the conclitzons imposed, iI any, will not be detriment~l to the pcrace, health, safety ancl gen~ral we:lfare of tl-e Citiz~ns of the City of Anaheim. '1. Ttiat thr~ tr~fEic gene~~ated by t.he proposed uso will not impose an un8ue burden upon th~ ~tr~eL-s and highw~ls designed and improve~ to cariy the traf.fic in tl~e area. 8. Ttiac one p~rson inaicated his presenc~ at said public hearing .in opp~sitioii; and that no correspondence was r.eceivec] in opposii:ion to the subject pekiti.on. At.7.~ORNiA ~NVi,~qtdt~ENTAT.__Q(TAI~IT _ A~~ I~JpiN~: That the Anaheim Ci~y Planning Commission lias rc:vicwed the proposal to permiL• building heights in excQSS of 35 faat to const=ixcC a 3-stucy modical facility an~ with waivors of n!inimum structural sPtback adjc;cer~t L•o free~way and m3.nimum nutnber of parking spaces on an irregularly-shape~.i parcel of land c~nsisting of apprnximaLQly G.02 acros having a fronr_agQ of approximately 7C5 feet on :.::: north ~ide oF Santa dna Canyon Road~ having a maximum depth of approx:mately 500 feec, being located approximaL•ely 93~ teet west of the contorlin~ of Weir Canyon Road an9 ~urther dos~~ribad as 8175 East SanL•a Ana Canyon Road3 Pncf does her~~y ap~cove the Negat?ve Ueclaration upon findiny lhat it has cons;idered the llegativ~ De~laraL•.ion togetl~er with any comments receive~! duririg the publfc revic+w process and furthor findinq on ~he ba~ia of tho initizl atudy ancl r~ny corrunents receivad that there is no substantial evidence thaC the pro ject wi11 havQ a siqnificant effect on r.tie ~.nvironr~•3nt. l:OW, TNi:REFORE, FiE lZ R£SOI.VED that t,he Anaheim City Planning Commissx~n daes h~reby gracit sul~jQC.t Petition £ot Cor,ditiona:l llss Permit, upon the fallowing conditions whirh are t-er~.~by fuunC to be a nQCessary prarequisiL•e to th~ proposed aaQ of thr, subject propQrty in order to presorvo t:t~e safotf and general welfare r, E t:~e Citizans of the Citv nt. Anzheim: -2- ~'C9Q-1.3t •: ~ ,~ R~~, 1• ~l~a~ tho ownar/develo~~er sha11 obta3n ~ Letter of Acceptn~nce Eor sewer discharc~Q frorn t:1o Indu3trial WastA SECt-ion o[ tho Orange County Sanitat3un District and ~ubmit ~C to Ch~ Citv Lng3naor. Z. * Thnt ~ Lot T.iz~~ AdjusCmc~nh, Ylat ~o combine ~hc~ Lhroe (3) existing loto shall be submiL-teQ L•o tho Hti ineor i h Subdivision Soction and approved by the City g anc t en rc~corde~t in the O.Efico of the Urax~go Cnunty Reeorder. 3. * Th~t a doubla r~nclusure mtiint~ insd i trash storage area ~ha11 be pr~vided c~ncl . n a].ocation San itation Divisi acceptab].e ta L•hQ 5troet Mainton~nce and . .on and in accoraancc~ with approvQd plans on file said Aivi3ian. Such informat i with . on ehall bo :sp plans submitt:ed for l~uildinq pormi~.s. ecifzcally shown on the ~~• * Z'hat pricr to corrune~cemenL o£ s~rucCurll framing, an-site firo hydrants shall bo insra].led 3nd charged as r~quirs(i and approved by thQ City Fire llepartment. An al.l-we~3t}iar road sh~ll bo pravicied to 'c.he Yiyc~rant at all CimeS as required by t}i~ Fire Drp~r~r-ent. : 5. * That f~. e ,^prinkler~ shal~ be inS::dllc3c'i as renui.red by the Fire , D~parCment. 6. * That sub;ocC property :,hall Lic served by uz~decground utflitie~. 7. * That prior Co issuanca ef a bui).ding pr,rmit and uriloss proo~ of exemption is submitted in corn~liance w.i~ti City Council Resolution No. 05R-423, the appropr.iate major thoroughfare and briclge fee sha].1 be paid ~o kh~ City o£ Anaheim in an amount as specified in tho Majo: Thoruughfare and Bridge Fee Program for the i~oetY~ill/~as~ern Tr.ansportation Corridor, as establisY,c:c by Ci~y Ccauncil rQSOliition. 8. * That prior to .issuance of a building permi~, tho appropriatict tcaffic signal assessmenk fee shall be paid t~~ ~he City of Anah~im in an amount as establis}ied by Ci~y Council resolut.ion, 9. * That priur to issuance of a building permit, tl~e appropriate feo shall bo paid fur S~int~ A~ia Canyon Road widening purposes, a~ estahlished by City Council Qesoluti~n. 10. +~ ThaC ~11c~113 ;~t:a11 bo subrnit;te~d Lo th~ City Traffic EnginQer for hfs review an~i npproval ,how.ing conformance wf.th Gngineerinq Stan~ard P~an tlos. 436, 602 <<ncl G0~ portaining t~ p~rki.ng skandards. :;ubject prope:ty ~hall thereupon be dEVFlop~d and maintainQd in canf~>rmanc:o with said plans. 11, That the ;3rivoway or~ Santa Ana Canyon R~ad :,hall be ~~nstructed with twenty five (25) ~r,c;t radius curb reCarns as r~.q,.ired by tt.o City Eri~li1C-3).' lri cor.form~ r,ce with Enyineerinq St~nda-d P2a;: No. 137. -3-- PC90•-131 ~- ].2. That an unsubordiria~e~f rec:iprocal accc~ss r~txd p~rking ~groemant~ in a fprm sat.i;c£actory to t}xe City Attorney, shal]. bo .recorded wi~h tha Oflice of ttio Orarigo County Rccor.der. A copy of t;~e recordod aqreement ~hal]. than be submi~ted to thQ Zoning Azvisiorl. 13. That in ~he ~vent a parking dRficiancy occurs followxng occupancy oF L•he subject properi:i~ (stiid daficienvy having baen r]Qmonstrated in a parkinq demand study Co b~ funded by tne property pwn~r/deve.loper, at the requast of thQ Cit:y Traf€ic EriginQrr and to be z•eviewed and nppr~oved by tho City ~raffic Engineer), additional on--.i~Q parking (not to exceed an ~dditional sixky three [f,3] sp~ces f.or a t:otal oP two hundrod ninoty nzno [290J spacos) sh~11 be prov.idQd in s mann~r upprovod by the City Tratfic Enqineer.; and tb.at an unsubordtnatE~ covenant sna11 be recorded !.n a form appc•oved by the City .~ttornc~y's Cff.icc~ obligatiny the potiL•ionc~r and any future assign~es to provide such parking if a ..c~fir.iancy is found tc c~xist. S1.id covQnanC shall bc~ rocordecl with tne Office of the Orange C~unty RQCUrder. A c~py of th.e recordQ~i covenant sha11 be sttbrnitted to ~he 'l,oning Division. 14. That tho water backflow ~ystem and any other large watsr systorn equipment shall be instzlled to tkiQ satisPactiun c~f the Water Engineering Aivis:ian in cither (~) underground vaults ox (b) abav~ ground beh:i.nd the street setUack ~rea and in a manner ~ully screened from all public streeks. :5. That in the QvQnt a garcol map ta subd:vicie subject property is recorded, an iznsubordinatQd reciprocal access and parking agre~menY. in 2 form satisfact~ry to the City Attorney shall be rocorded wzt;t~ the Office oE the Orange County Recorder. A r.opy oL• said ~groemQnt shall thQn be submittad to tho Zaning Division. In add~tfon, provisions snall be made in sa::d agreemEnk to quarantee that ~,:he ent;irQ complQx shall bg manaqod an~ ma.intained as on.e (1) intQgra; parcol ~or purposes of parkinq, circul3ti.on, r~iyn~ge, lanc~ us~g~ and archztectural control. 16. That all pl~unb.::~y or other simii~,r. p.ipos and fixture~ locat~d on the exterior oL tha buil~ing 3ha11 be fu].J.y screoned by architeckural devi.cQ~ and/or apprapriate building mzk~rials; and, further, r_hat such information shall be ~p~cifical'~y showr~ on r_hz p~.~Ils 3~ibmitte~ for buil~iny ~ermits. 17. * That any c•ooi-moun~ed equipmenc shall be subject to A~iahcim Municfpal Cnde Sectinn 18.Q4.062.032. Svch information shal:i he sp~cific~illy uk-own nn the plan.^, submitted fr~z building L~err~it:s. 1B. That thfl pJ•epusal shall cor~ply with all signinq requlrements of the CL (SC) "Cortunorcial, Limite~l - Sc:enic ~orridor Uverlal•" ZonQ unlcss a varir.x~ce a1l~wiug sigrs wai~ ers is appraved by tho City Council, Plann.i.n~ Cornmission or. Zoninc~ t.~.lmint s~rator. `4~ PC90-I31 l ~a~ 19. * Tli~t un1QS:~ a variance is app.lie~l £or and gr~nl.od, lighting o~ signage for subjec~ }~ro}~orty sha11 be prohibi~ed }aetwec~n the hours of midnight and 6:30 a.m. as npecified by Zon.ing C~de S~ction 1A.05.091.052, 20. * Ttiat in addition ho Lhe required sotback ancl slope landscaping, a11 parking a~•eas and vehictilar aacessw~ays shall bc~ permanontly 1o.nd3caped wiLh at lcast one (1j tree per. three thous~snd (3,OG0) ~qu~~z•e fQet of parking arc~a and/or v~h.ir,ular accesswzy Q~~enly distributQd throughout thA parking .arQa, as requir~d by Codo 5c~ctiun 18.8~1.062.020 "Landsc:apincr". 1her.e sha].1 be an aver~sgo oP forty ei.ght (46) square feet oE plan~ar ar~a provid~ad pEr tres. Said planter areas shall have minimum dimensions of six (6) E~et~t. Ylans submitteci f~r building ~ermits shG'l1 show compliance wit•1i these reguiraments. 21. * That tho on-s.it;e la~zclscapin~ and irrigation sy;3tQm sha11 be maintained in comp.Iiance wi~;i Cit.y standarci,. 22. That tha cwnQr. of subject property shall seibmit 1 lo~ter ree~ue;sti.ng tormination of Couditi~nal Usc~ Permi~ No. 3249 (to permit a temporary modular stri~c~ure for medical off:ice uses) l:o the Zoning D.ivision. 23. That subject propert.y shull be daveloped subs~antial].y in ar.cordan~e with plan~ and specificatio~is •;ubmit~Ed tc the City of A:iahe3.m by tho petitioner ancl which plar:s ar~ on file witi2 tha Planning Department mark~cl Exh.ibit Pios. 1. throuqh is; provided, hocaevor, that the landseaped ~etb~ck a14ng the froeway sha11 bo a minimum thirty five (35) feet wide with additional lanciscapiiig being provided in tFe "co£fee break plaza" area. ~~3. That pr.ior to (1) issuance o~ a builcling pQrmi.t or within a geciod of nne year from Conditi thQ date of this ' resolution, whi.chever occurs first, on Nos. abov~-menFioried 2, 3, l, 8, 9, , sliall be complied 10, i2, 13, 16, 17, 20 and 22, with E romP2e*e 3~i~i condit.z~ns may be , xtett grantQd in sions f~r further time to 18.03.090 of l:he Anat-eIm tduniczpnl Cade. acccrdanco with Section 25. That prior tt> Final huildinq and zoning inspQCtions, C~n<litiun Nos. 1, 5, 6, 11, 14 a.nd 23, abovc~-mr;ntioned, shall bQ complied with. 26. * Tha~ approval of t}iis applic~tion consL-itur_~s ~pproval ot.' the prnposed request cn.l;l Co the extont Ct~at it cornplies with ;:he Anaheim Munici~;al Zoning Cocie and a~y ather app].icable City, Stal•e and Federal reg•.~lntione. Appx•pval docs not includs an}- action or £indings as to comPliance ur 4pproval of thr~ r~quest regarding ai~y othec applicable or.dina,ice, c•egulaki~n o: requirement. Conditions marker~ with ar~ asterisk (*) are i•r.quirgd by e3tablisherl laws, codes, regulakions ~nd ~c~re~ements ar.ii are not subjc~ct t~ negotiation. -5- N1:90-131 .~ r~~a'3~~~ BE TT FURTHER Ri,SOLVEU tliat the Anatieim CiLy Planninc~ Commis~ion does horQby find and dc~tormino that z~~optian of t,k,is R~3alution i~ axpressl.y predicatod upari applicant's compliancc~ with each and all ot the conditions hQreinabovc sot forCh. Shouid an~ such conclitions, or any ptsrt tlierc~oL•, be declared inv~7.id ox• unenforceable by ttie fina'1 judcJment oL• any court of competan~ jurisdiction, tht~n this RQSOlulion, and any ar~pr~vals hArein contain~d, shall bo deemed nul7. and vo:~d. 'PHE FOREGOIr1G fi~SQLUTION was adoptod a~ thc~ Planninq Cammiss.iori meat~.ng of ,7unQ 6, 1990. ~ (~~ ~._=~~Vv~l tf"~J~__-._. ACTING CHAIRMAN A,NAHEIM CITY PLANNI G CObL`Q'ISSION AT'PEST: ~ ~ ~~ %il •----- `'"' L ~ =`-'--' -.~ ~~'i~'?~'---._. SF:CE?~TARY, 1-NAHFIM CI'PY PLAt:N1?1G CO2vW,ISSION SmATE 0~ CALIFORNIA CO[JNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) z, Ectith L. Harris, SPCrotary oE the Anahe.im City Pl:inning Commission, do hereby r,ertify thal: thc~ forequing resolution :aas pas3od az~d adopted at a meetir~g of tho A:zaheim City Plann.ing Commission held on June 6, 1990, hy the follnwing vo~e of the mombers thore~f: .AY.ES: COMMTSSIONERS: FELDHAU5, EiELLXER, ME:SSE NOES; COMMTSSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COr'..LSSI~PIBRS: BOYDSTUN, HEFZ65T, MC P.URNEY ABSTAINBD COhII~1I5SI0NERS: BOUAS IN WIT ESS WHEREOF, I have t~ereunto s~t my hand this ___"_'1.~.'~- -- day af __._ , 1990. ~~ ~ .~ ~ i ' ______ ~-~~.___~ ~~-~- SECRE:TARY, ANAHEIM CITY PL~11~INrNG COMMISSION -6- pc9o-isi L~