Resolution-PC 90-133, f u i;S ~°"W1 ~ ~ .. ; i~ f` `, ~ ~ r ,y "'4~ •;,,,',` ?~EaQ.~~~1T~;4N _NQ.~._ P~Q~L:l.~_~ ~, 1:F:SOLU'PION 01' TE;~ ANnHEIM CITY PLANNING COhfhfISSION T'FiAT pETI'i'YON FOR RF;~LASSIFICAZ'IOt7 N0. 09_9U•-59 BE GRANT~,D W4IH RCAS, the Anah~irn City Planning C~mmission c3id recoive a verif.ied pe~ition for. Rc~citlssif_cat:ion for cQr~ai.r~ rea.l prop~srty situated in the C.i.ty af Anaheim, County of Orange, ^a~atA o£ Calif~rnia, dc~scribed as f'ollows: ALL THOSE PARCI:LS UF r,~ND SI~OWN ON TENTATIVE; PARCEL MAY NC. 90-1'l5, BEING T'OR'rIONS OF' THE L~~NGERfIc^,RG~R TftACT, T2~CORDGD I;Y BOOK 1, PbGES 550 & 55'L, OF MISCELLI~.NEpU°, RECURDS, IN '"HG OPFICk; OC THE COUtJTY RECORDER OI' LOS ANC~~'r",LES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, Tp~;ETHFR WT:~H PORT.tONS OF 7'ii!s' ORZriNAL ^.'047N OF ANAHEIM, Aa SHOWN ON TFIE MAP R: CQRnC1) IN BOOK 4, PAGES G29 & 63U, 0~ 9F.EUS, t<ECORDS OF SAID 1.,05 ANGGI.E~ C:OUNTY, TOGETFiER DiITi~ pbRTIr.~prg 0:~ CIiF..S'TNUT ST'REET , SUBU~VZSTUPI, AS S!•IOW'Y ON THL MAY RECORnEb IN F1UUK 6, ; PAGR 35, (1F MIS(:I:LL:,NEOUS AtAPg, II1 '.fHE OFFICE OE' TH~: COUNTY RECOKDE;R OE' ORAN3E CO[iNTY, CALIFORNxA, AND TOGETHER WITH .PURTIONS OF ~AkCEL MAP N0. 86-142, p~' PARCEL MA.PS, TN THE OFFICE UF SALD COUNTY RECpRDEFt OF ORAKGIi CUI)NTY. HEItiG SHOFIN AS PARCEI~S 1 THROIIGH 14 .\PiD THOSE PORTIOrIS OF C:~ESTN(!T STRI:'~1• TA BE ABANDOPiED ~'OR THE PURPOSE OF CREATING YRIVA'i'E ~'CRF ETS, ON S~1TD TE2dTAT7VG I~ARCEL MJ~P NC~. 9C -125. WHEItCAS, the ~~iCy F~lar.t~iny Commission did holci a public hoaring aC t11C Civic Center i.n th~a City uf An~hQim on June 4, p.n., notic~ oE said public hczrir..~ having been d~ily g5.ven as r.eq ir ed by lawoa~nd in accordzinc~ with the provisions of ~hP 1~~1~f1Qim Municip~l Code, Chaprer 18.03, to htac ancl consider oviclencu £or ~nd aqain,L• said proposed rQClassification ~3nd t~~ investigare and make fitidinqs and rer.ommE~ndations iti coniiection thereo~il•h; and WFIERF'1~5, s~;id CommissiUn, after. due insgc~ction, inves and st;ud~ madr~ hy it;self and in its be.~half, anc3 attc~r ciue~ considQraCionloftall evidence and repor~$ off~red at said hearing, d~es find and determi~iQ th~ follo»ing facts: 1• 'in~~L• the pe:.it-ion^r proposes recl.~s,Sfication of subject properCy ~^, follows: a• g•7~ ~cre~ Gimited) from the CG (L'ommercia,]., Genc~rrl) ?,one to the CT C oc a Ie~s in~ensc~ z one; . ~ ommerc.idl, ~ b• 2.'/5 acres (Commt~rcial Erom the PU•-C (Parlcinq , Limjted) Distric~-Commerci~:l) T,one to thc~ CL ' or a less inten s~ zunr.; ~n~; ~ c. 0.92 acrE f Limited) or rom the CO (C~mmerc.ial, a l~~ss intense OPfico) Zonc~ to the i C,'L (Commercial Y zonc~. , ~ 1462r r -1- ~ti PC9U-133 i ; , : 7n,\ ,~nh~, 2. That the Anaheim GeiZOra]. Plan desi.gnates subject prop~~ ty fur Gor..eral Commercial and General Opon Spaco land usos. 3. That tkio pronosor~ t•ecla;;sificati~n oL• subject property is noces~ary and/or ;]QSirnUle tor th2 orclerlx and propor dovelopment. of the cumr~iun.i~v. 4. Ttiak the proposed z~clas~ificatipn of subject pxaperty does properly rel~-te to ~he zonas ~r_d tli~ir permittad uses lnc:ally establi. ,liei! in closa ~roximity to subject proparty and l-o thQ zones ,Znd tbc~ir permittect uses ganerally establisr.ed throu^'iout thc~ commui~.ity. ~. Thar no one indicaY.ed 'r.heir presonr.e ak sa~d public hearing in opposition; arid ttiat no cor~•espondence was recAivgd in apposition to subjc~ct petition. ~~L~FOE2.NJ_r ENVIR .1MENTAL QUI~LT;CY_~CT _ F~NnI~I~: t;hat the Anahoim City Plar,niug Commission r10@s hc~raby Eincl that pursuant to Soctiuns 15153 and 15164 0[ the Ca]ifornia Environmental Qualiry Act {CEQA) Gui.delines, the thrQtl ~areviou~ly cerk;if.i.Qd EIR's (ETR No. 189, uubsequent ESk for ParcQls 8 anc'i 9. 3nd SupZ~l.emental EIF For Prqject Alpha -~'arcel 10) in c:onjunction with l•he Add~nclum, ara Y~eing used as the envir.orun~ntril documentation for the Px'oPos~d Project hased upon tkie following: a. Since certiFiaation c,f the thrQe previotisly referenced EIR'~, and pursuant to thQ currently px•oposQd project, the ~wo most recently (19a3) certified ~IR's represent the analysis and evaluation of two development concepts for the sites which ai•e now combined irito th~ current configurati~n f.or Koll Anaheim Center. b• 7'b.e "SubsEquent EIR Repor~ for Parcel~ ti ancl 9" ~valuated potential envir~iunQZital impacts Eor the tht~n-proposad rnulti-phased 1.nahe.im City Center projeck. This s.ite was generally boundetl by [,.inceln ~ve-iue, Harbor Boule~ard, L~~yion StrneC and Broadway. T~~e "SupplemenCal E.iR Eor Project Alpha - Parcel 10" ~valuated nctontial Pnviroamqnt~l 3.mpacts for povelopment Parcel 10 gQner~lly boui~ded by ~\n~heirn Boulevard Broadway, L•~mon SCreel anc3 Oak SCreet. The cur:ent project, Koll Ar.ahQim Centor, encompass~s both sitos Formerly addressed by these two carti£ie3 F;IR's. c. None of. the conditians described ir- Sectiun 15162 0£ the CBQA Guidelines callizig for ~renarat-inn ot a SubsequQnt }sIR has u~currRd. ' L ' i PC90-133 . ,,s +`~. ~ ; :°"~,~ ,,,,:,,,~. , ~,,,~ d, The current;ly proposed pr4jec~ doQS nat creatc~ ~ny ne~v signiticunt environmeizta.i irnpacts which wi11 occur as a result of ~Yie pr~je~~ a»d no ngw informat3.on of substantial import~nca to tho project tias bocome a~a.ilable thut was not discus~ed in tyo provzausly cer~ifiad documents. And, Cr~t tlYO P].anning Cv~nmission Furthor finds l;hat tha Andenc~um sumiaarizes und Qvaluatos previou~ly lpprov~d mitiqatiori measures Erom tl~a certifioit EIR's fo.r rhe project sit;e and retlects tho reqtiii.reci adcii.tional tec}inical r~n~lyses including kra:Cfic and sewQr SrL1CI1CS basPd upon the currently pro~osed projecL-; asid that previ.ously ce.rtified EIR's with the addondum aro in comgliaYico with CEQA and tbe State and Cily CEQA Guidolir.ey; and doos her~by recomrnend cerL-zf:iaaL•ion of_ e:he Addendwn and adoption of Che Mitigariori Mon.itorinq Program puzsuanl. i:o Section 21081.E~ rf the public Roso~~rces Code, identitied as i~~tachment D(a,~ attachacl to Re~olution No, PC90-13~). T?OW, THEREF4RE, HE I'. RESOIaVBD rha~ ~he Anahsim City Planniiig Cornmission cloes tiereby grant subject petition fo~ Rec].assific,3tion and, by so doing, thlt TiCle 10-'Loning of th~ Anaheim Mtinicin,.~l Code be amended as follows: (a) oxclude 9.79 acres of tk~e above-desr,ribed propez•t.y from the~ CG lConun~rczal, Gencra7.) 7,one arid incorporate saicl groperty into the CL (Commercia.l, Li;,~itod) Zone, (b) e:~clude 2.75 acr~~s of the above-described proporty from the PD-C (Parkang llisCrict-Comm~rca.al) Zone ax~d .incorporate said property inta the C1. (Commercial, Limited) Zone; and (c) exclude 0.92 acre of the above-~escribed pi•operty from tt~e CO (Com.mercial, Office) Zone an~i incorporato saic] property into tiie CL (C~mmercial, Limitod) 2one. THE FOFtEGOIIvG R~SOLUTION was adopteQ at the Planning Commission meeting oL June 4, YSl9fj. ;-~ `. ---I~~~.~-~~~ ,~.-Q_- ACTING CHAIRMr~t1 ` ~~ I~NAHEIM CITY PLANDTING COMMISSION Ai'TEST: ' ~~/ ~ , _.-__-_-- L~b.6/~i~--• ~, titi S~:CRETARY, M T ~ -- - ANAHEItd CITY FLAN2J.NG COh4dISSION' -~- PC90-133 STATE Or C~LTFOFNIA , ~ ~ . . .. ~:lt;l CUtJNTY OF OFA,'~G'r; ) ss . CTTY OF A.*1AHEIM ) T, Edith L. Harris, Secrotary of tho Anaheim City Plann3ng Commissicn, do hereby cer~i.f~ that Che f'nregoing r.usoluLion was passe~l and adoptocl at ~ meeting oi the Anv,hFim City Pl~iining Coimnission held on June 4, 1990; by the following voLe ot tho members therQ~F: AYES; ^,JMMISSIONERSc BOUAS, HELLYFR, MC ~3URNEX, M~SSE NOES: COMMIS;9IONERS: 270~E A1iSENT: COMhfISSIONERS: E20YDS'lt;h, FELDHAiTS, kiERFiST. C IN YIZTNCSS iRHERF~F, I havo hez•eunto sPt my hand ttlis ~~_ day o f- ~,~l.~+~` _. 19 9 0. ~- .- . ---------~-J~ ~'~?~~~~ .~ ..'~~~~ '.~-~=_~ SECRF~TARX, ANAHGIM CITY PLANNINC COI~II~fISSION . ~.~ _c, _ ~c9o-i3s ;f~ „ : F,, . -- . . . _ . , ,.. ,.. ::~