Resolution-PC 90-136r. ~5,, ._ , ' ~ , l"~ r(^r4?c;}i,¢~"~~f ; . i: . `~ .: i. ~ ,, A . RE,CiOLUTIUN _ q P 90^l~~ A RESOLUTTQN OF THB AvAHEIM ~TTY PLAN~IING CpMMIS5I0N TFiAT PETITION FOR VARIZ.NCE N0. 4052 BG GRANIED ~, , WHEREAS, khe ~naheim City Planraing Commissicn did xeceive a verif3.ed Peti.tion far Variance f.o•r certain r~a.l property si~uated in the Cit~~ of Anaheim, County uf Urange, St~.te of California described as: TIiAT PUT:TiON GF THE SOUT~H F3ALF OF THE NORTH HALF C;r THE SOTJ'i:HWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTfiEAST QUARTER QF S~CTION ].4, TOWNSHIF 1.4, TOYlNSHTP ~ SOLTTH, RANGE :L1 WCST, IN THB RA:NCHO COY.QTES, CITY OF ANAHEIM, l~S SAID SGCTION I5 SfiOWN UN A MI~P RECOFDED IN BOOK 51, ?AGG 11 OF DfISCELLANE0t1S MAPS, TN THE OFFICL OF THE COUNTY ItECURDER OI' SAID COiJNTY, DESCRIB~D AS FUGLON~S: THE NORTH 162.Q0 FEET OF TFIE WE~T 340.00 FEET; EXCEPTING THEREFR~M AGL T?~AT PORTICN UF SAIB LAND DESCRTEiED AS EO.LLOWS: BEGINNTNG AT THE PUINT IN T.HE l:Eiv1'ER OF W~STERN AVENUE BEING 143.7,8 FE~.T. SOU`PH 0° ].6' 2'i" EAST OF THE NORTFiWEST CORNE:: UF SAID SOUTH HAL'r'; THENCE NORTEi $9° 37' 14" EAST 45.00 FEk;T Tn THE POTNT OF BEGZNI~ING UF A TAN~ENT CURVE CUNCAVC SOUTHEItL~, fIAVTNG A. RADIUS OF 222.00 FEE1; THEhCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CtIRVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1'1° 35' 54" AND A DI;TANCE OP' G£3.19 F~~;T TO A POINT OF REVERSE CU~VE; THENCE LAST~RL`1 ALONG A CURVE CONCAV~ NORTHERLY FIAVING A RADIUS OF I78 . UO FEET THRUU ~H A CE~ITRAL ~.NGLE OF 17 ° 35' S4", A DISTANCF~ OF 54,67 FEE~ TO THE END ~F CURVE: THENCE ;;OUTH i39° 37' 14" WEST 16~.91 FEET TO THE CF.NTER OC WESTERN AVENUE; THEI~CE NORTH 0° 16' 25" WGS'P 18.72 FEET TO TH1; POTNT QF IIEGINNING. WHEREAS, l:he City Planniny Commissioti did liolc~ a public hearing at thQ Civic Ceiiter in the Cii:y af A~iaheim on June 4, 1990, at 1:30 p.m. , notice of said public hearing hav.iny been duly g.iven as roquired uy law and in accordance with the pr~vzsions oF the Anaheiin Municipal Code, Chapter 1$.03, to hear and consicler evidence For an~ aqainst said p~ogosed variance arid te investig~te and make findings and rec~mmendati~iis irA cannection therewith; and WF~xEREAS, sai~l C~mmisszon, after due inspection, in~~est-~gakion and study made by itself ancl in i~s beha~f, 'und aEter. due consideration of all eviclence and reports oL•fered aL• said hearing, does fi.nd and detPrm.ine t}ie fol:iuwing facts; 1. That the pELitioiier proposes waivers of the following to establish a 5-lot F'S-72Q0 sul~division: 1464r -1- PC90-135 ,.,~n y S.~_~.xY_Q3~. laa~.§~.~~1..9_~~ ~ Mini~~µm 1~~w.~Sl~r4• (7.Q~St~rx roquirecl in thr~ 1~~--n;i ¢4.__iQ.Q~ proposod .,.~,` RS-7200 Zo~to; Eor t.wo lbts) 2. Th~t L•hQ abovc~-manCioneci waivQr is hereby qrantad oti ttxo uasis that one ot the lots is a"clzy" 1ok. ~z~d Teranimar Drive ha~ a curved alignmont alc,ng subj~ct properLi; that hhero ~~ra special c.ircumstanc~,s applicablo to the propc~rty such as s=ze, shapQ, t~pograptiy, loaation and surxound~.ngs which do nut apply t~ other ide~i~ically zoned prop~irty in th~ same viri,ni~y1 and t2iat strict application of thc~ Zoning C:ode d~~rivQS thQ property oE pcivileges onjoyed by othc~s pr~~perties in tha identica.l zons and classifi:ation in the v3cinity. 3. That th~re arc~ exceptiona2 or ox~racrdin~r;f circ-unstances or conciitions ap~l~cablc: to ehe pro~erty involved or to the intencled use of tlie proporty thaC r~~ not apuly c~.:neral'.t to ~:Ytp, pr.npQrty or class of ~xse in the sarr~e vicinity :~ncl zo;~e. 4. Thar. the :c~quesled variance is neccs:;sary fur the preservation and enjoyment ~f a subctatitial prapc~rty rfght possessed by other prr,pert}• in the same vicinity and zor.e, and ci~n.iad to the proparty in question. 5. T.t-at tY,~ requested variance will not be materially detrim~iital to L•he publir. welfare or injurious te tha pro~erty or zr~iprovbments in such vicini!•y and zone in which the property is locrst.ed. 6. Tha~: one interQSCed nerson indicated his pcesence at said ~~AbIlC hEaring in appositioii; and that no correspondonc.~ was rQCeived in opposi~ion to subject petition. ~~L~FQR~I~I~_FjJVIRQ23MErlT~4 QjjAL'[~~' T~ _cIh~tN~: Th~t the Anaheim City Planning CO(iU11~3S~012 has reviewed the proposal for Waiver of minimum lot widCh t;o e.:•.zbl; sh a 5--lot, RS-720~ subdivi;,idn on a rectflngularly-shaped L arce.l aE land c:on3isting oE approximatoly ]..05 acrQa iocated at tlie northea:,t cor.ner of Western Avenue and Teranima: Drive, having frontaqes of approximately 165 fe~t on L-he ea:~t slcle of Western AvenuQ and 220 feet on k1~e norrh side of TeranJ.mar nrive, an~ furth~r do~r_ribed as A,28 5ouL-h Westera Avenue; and does hQreby apprave tho Nagativn ~eclaration upo•r, finding that it ha~ consideroci lho Negative Dec:laratioii coyst:her with any commeats receivad durinq the public review process an.~f furthez fii~ding on thQ ba~is of the fn.ftial 3tudy and any cor~~ments r.ecefved that there is no substantial s:vfdence that the projec:t• w.ill havR a signific:•nt efCecr. ou the Rnvironment. tiOW, TliBREFOP.£, I3E IT RESOLVE:D that the Anaheirr, City Pl.annfnq Conunission does her.eby gran~ g~ibjecr_ Perit.icn for Vari.ai~ce, upon the Eollowinq conditi~ns which aro hereby iound to bc~ ~ necesaary pr~coqui3ite to the proposed use of the subject properky i» ordvr tu pre~erve the safety and gQner~1 s~~~faro of the Citizer.;, oC tn~ Cir1 ot 1~n~heim: -7-- PC90-135 ~"J~'1 P~1':9''~~ ]., ~ 2'hat ~ tr~act m~p to xc~cord r.he divisi~n ot ~uvj~cr. praperty shal~, ba submiL•tec7 to ~nci approvod by thQ City oL• Ant~hni.:n and L•heri be recorded in t}i~ Uf[ic~ of the Ornnge Co~xnty ltecordor, 2. ~ That priur. t:o i3suance oE a buil~ling permit, the a~prnpri..t~ Lraff:ic :;ignal ~~ssessmant foe ~ha11 bc~ pa3cl to tha CitX of Anaha.im in un amcunt ~s ostablisheci by City Council. res~l.uti~n. 3. That the c~xisting drivo~iay on Wostern Av~nue shal.l bo removed and re~lacc~d with st~ndard r_urb, g~ittQC•, sSdewalk and .landscaping. 9. * T}iat a.ll lots w:ithin subjecC ~ubdivision shall be served b~ undergrouncl utilities. " 5. * That prior t~ i~suance of a buildi.i~g pQrmit, the appropriata fees duo for primary mains an~', fire protection servic:a shall bo paid to the Watec ~nyineerinq Div+sio:- i.n arcurdan;o witli Rules 15A and 20 of thQ W3ter UCiliL•y Ratos, Rules and Rarulations. 6. * That qates shall not be .inyL•a11ed across any ~irfve~vay in a mnnner which may adaorsely sffect vehicular traff.ic in Ctte adjae:ont public stxROt. Insl•allation of any gatGS sh~ll contorm to Enyineerinq Slandarr3, P2an No. 402 and shal]. bQ subject to tti~ review aiid approval of thQ City Traffic Engineer prior to issuanr:~ oL a building permit. 7. * That ii.re sprinkler:~ sha11 be installed -is required hy the Cit.y ?ire Uepartment. 8. * That all air conditioninq facilities a:ld othar roof ancl ground mounted r,quiprr,ent shall be propet•1}• Shield~d from v.iew ac~d the sound bufEared from udjacent rosidentiai prapcrties. Such i:ifor.matian shall specif.ically be shown on the plaus sixbmitted tor bufldinq pormits. 9. + That prior to approv~l of tha final t.r;tct map, n zoninq ordinan;.e shall 1~e ~dopted in connoction with Recla3;.it.ica~ion No. 09-9U-1~, ~~ow QenQing. 10. That siibje~t propc~rCy ;hall be ~e~Telupr.d suUst:antially in accordance wiCh plans an~i speciCi.cations submi~tc~d to the City of Anah~im by the petflioner and which plai~s Fire on file wich the Plannin~ Department marked Exliibit t+c,. I. 11. Tha,: prior to i,su~zncQ oF ~ t,uilding permit or within a poriod of. one (1) year from t}te dat~ of this r~solution, whf.chever ocr.urs tit•st, Contiitio~ rros. 2, 5, fi, 0 arid u, abovc~-mentioned, sha11 be complied with. Exte~is.ious for furthe: kima to complete ~aid cors(litions may be granted in accordance with Sc~ction 1d.03.09U of the .~naheim Municipa). Code. 12. That prior to final builcfing and zonJng i.n~pections, Conditi~n Nos. 3, 4, 7 an<i 10, ~~bove -menrioncd, shall bc compli~;cl rlith. -~- PC90-136 ;'%,ly ,r~±~`e~;~1 ~' ~ 13. * That ~pproval ~f this ~sppl:ication constitutes approval of the pr~posed request only to ttie oxtent Ghat ft compl.ies wit:h the An~hoim Mu~licipal 7.aning Cad~ and any other ~spplicabld City, State and Fe~ler~l rc~gulations, l~pproval ci~os not includa any action or findings a3 to compliance or ~pproval oE tlie requo,L• roga~cling any other ~polic.able ordinanco, regulation or requiremant. CondiCions marked wilh ~n aster~.sk (~) are rAguired by establishod laws, codns, rogul~itions and agreemants and are n~t 3ubject to nr~gotiation, SE IT FURTIiER RBSOLVED kh~t the AnahQim City Planning Commission does hereb;~ fi,nd ~nd datermine that adoptiun af thi.s ResnluLio•~ is ~zxpressly prodir,:~tod upon applicant's c~mpliance with each and all of lha c~:nditions liereinabove set forth. Should anx such condit.ions, or any par.t th~areof, bQ declared invalid cr unenfarceable by the fin~l judgmant of any court of r.ompetenh. jurisdiction, ~~'1Ht1 this kesolution. and any approva:~s herei.n cont~ined, shzll bQ deemed null. and void. TI?E FORi?GOING RF:SOL.UTION was ~dopted at thQ , lanning Cottunisg lon meeting of June 4, 1990. ~ ~ =/ l- .~J,- ---• ~~-2~i~> c ~~G-~~-Q -- ACTING CfiAIRM~'~N ~ ~~i~_--_ 1~NAHF.?M CI'1X F'L,ANNING COMI~fISSION ATTEST: /J ~ - ~~~L~~~~~_.~ ~ ~~/ _ SE RETA ---~~ C RY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COhIIdISSTON ~TATB OF CALIFORIJIA ) C~UNTY OF OkANGE ) s:;. CIT'l 'vF A?IAFIEIM ) I. ~dith L. Ita~ri;,, ~E~cretary aF rn; ;,r,a}i:~im City Planning Commissiqn, do hesoby eertiff that the foregoif~~.~ rc:~~larion w~s possed and :sdoptc~d at a :neeting of the Anaheim Ci~y Planz~inq Commission h~lil on JlAllti 4, 1990, by rh~r followiiiy vote oE the mombers thereof: AYFS: COt~fISSTONERS: BOUAS, f:LLLYER, MC DURN~Y, KES5E NO~,°,: COhIIrfISSIOtiFRS: xorie AHSENT: COMMISStOPiERS: t30YUSTUN, FELllNAUS, iiERB;T t '- ,1 IN WITt3ESS WHEREOF, I have herPanL-o ~et my hanQ th{s _•~ ~~~ ~fay of y~~4~ ---, 1990. - ~ r . ------.--:__~~_.~.c~~, ~ ~~ - .. ~___ __ ~ _ ~. SF.CE2ETARY, AtvAFTi•'.TM !`~'?~•• ; ,,;,;;N} N~ ~01/.b;ISSION ~.. ..q. PC90•136 ~? ,; ~ ~