Resolution-PC 90-14~ FiE,,~QGUTI t7 N_Q. P~.._~4_14 ~ia~1~'~ A RF.SOL TI N OI' xHE ANI~F~LIM D~'.~!II_~*Sz~.~Et1F:RAL PLAN AMEND -~TY PLANNING GOMMIS~~; ,!_ F~.:~ Nc~ 2_ry~= L~, D 1c ~ ELL~f~~},T WHEREAS, tlze City Council o£ the City of Anaheim d3d adopt the Anaheim Ge:iez•a1 Plan by Rosolution No. 69R-.644, ;,howing thF genera.l descripL•ian and ex~ent aP possit~lP future development witlain the city; and WHEREAS, pur.suant tn the property owner's request for an ,~men~Ant Lo the Land Use El.emeizt of the General Plar~, staff' prapared a Ganeral Plan Amendment for the Study Area i:ons3.stinq of a~proximat~ly 18 acres, having a frontag~ nf dpproxi.mate.ly 485 feQt on k;he north side of I~incoln Avenue, ha.ving a maximurn depth af approximately 12gp 1:eet, being loca~ed approxim;..t:ely 3~p feet east oP !-.he cenke.rline of Beach Boulevard ~-nd fur.ther clescribed as 2925 West Lincoln Avenue; ~illd WFiEREA5, the Plannixig Aepartmer7~ de~mea i~ anpropriate, pursuant to Act, that a eizvironmental ~mpact1rQpor~ shauld1~i~~prep1recilandmGr.vaz•on~mental therefore, been siibmitY.ed, an~ YmPa~t Report No. 295 has, WIiGRFAS, the City Planazinq Commission did b.aZd a public. hearing ~~ the Civie Contor in the City of Anaheim ori Jnnuar 15 noticc oF sair3 public hearing tiavin Y ' 7'99i~ ~t 1~~0 p.m., accoL•clan~e wit2i the provisions oi thebAr.a}ieim~M~nici al Codeirc;d .by ].aw and in to heaz• and consider eviaencQ for anci agains~ said propose~ GeneralQPlan~03, Ameixdment and to investigate and make findings and recomrnendatir~ns .in connecticn t;heraw?th; an~ WHEREAS, said Conunisszon, after due inspection, iuvestigation and stiady made by itself a.nd .in its behaif, and after dua consideratioi~ of all Pvidc~nce and reports oEfei•aa a.t said he~ring, dogs find and determirae the fol~owiny fac~s: ~. That evidence was not submitted t.o substantiate the neAd for an amendmen~ t.o Che Anaheim General P1an sinco it was deta_mi.ned tha~ the Pr~Posed General Industr.ial land use designaCion .is not. compatible wikh the ex1.srxnq ~urrounc(ing uses af Medium Der.sity 12esia tial and General Commercia,, ~.n~ r,hat the exisL•ing 1aTld dQ~ignahions should not bQ chai:gad aC this time, ~ALIFQRNI~ k:~I~ ~ENTAL~QUALITY A T FINDI ~ ~_~: Whereas, the Planii.ing Commi~sion nfY.er rcviewfng draft EIR No, 2yg along with eyide,n4g, b~th and oral, presented to s<<pplem~r.t khis docum~nt~ Writren there are i;ertain siqnificank unavoidable adverse.di~mpactsd~ontheePUbli~~3that healrh anci saf.ety, inhersnt in this ~ise, on th.i~ site, which cannol be mi~igated to ~ 1.eve.1 of znsignifica:~c~ and whict~ are a;;t ncceptable due to overriding considei•ations. 1255r -1- ~'~ge 1 ~ r ~S. . ,4 +~' ~~ ~~~''~+~"'~ NO'W, THERE~'ORE, RE IT RESOLVFD, tkiat ~ursuant t~ the above Finciings, the An4heim City Planning Gommissioia doss hex•eby Ueny General ~'lan Amendme~nt No. 276. THE FOREGQIPIG RESOLUTTON wa5 adopted at the E'lanning Commigsion meeting of January 15, 1990. :, ~~-~ . ~ / . ~ `~~ --_.. L~~u~ ~ /~~\ ~ _/ ~ ? -- ~X ' -.CI3AI RMAN, ~ ANAHEIM ~ TX PLANNING COMMTSST0:1 ATTEST: ACTING SECF2~'rAR'i, ANAH6IM CITY PLANNIIdG CCIMMISSIUN sr~r.s Or CALIFQRNIA ) COUNTY Ok' 4RANGE ) ss. CITY 0~ 1~NAFIETM ) 7, Janot I~. J~nsen, Actiny SQCretary of the Anaheim Cit-y Ac;ting Ylanning C~mmissi~n, r7o hereby cextify that the foreqo3ng resalu~i~n was passed and adopted aL- a meetin,q uf the Anahoxm C:ity Planninc~ Commissior. held on Janiiary .15, 1990, by the following vnte uf the members th~sreot: AYES: C:OMMISSIONERS: IIOUAS, BO.YASTUN, FEL'DHAUS, HF.'LLYER, HERBST, MC BURNEY, MESSk, NOES: COMM:['SIONERS: NGNE~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE •__,.- ~, IN WITNESS WEiEREO~, I.hr~vo herQUnCo ;,et n~y hand this _„__~,~' .•~'<l . day bf-_:~ ~_,_~__,r„ • ~ ~ ~'~ _. 1990 . _ ~ ~ ~;,; ,: ., , , , ,. ,~ AC7~ING uECRETARY, I~.NAHEiM ~CITX PLANNING ~OMMISSION -2- PC 90-14