Resolution-PC 90-140~ ~ ,r~ RFSOLT,ITTON ~~P~,n4_x~~ A RESOI~UTION OF TF:E ANAHL;TNf CI:'.PY PLANN]'NG COt~fISSION TFiA1' PETTTION E'OR RECLASSII'ICATTUN NQ. 89-9U-•60 BF GRANTED WfIERF..AS, the Anaheim ~ iL•y 1?lunnin:~ ~ommission did receivo a verif•iPd petition for Rcclassification L•or certain real gropor~y situatQd ln the City of Anah~im, Cou.ity of Orange, StaL-e uf Californi.~, described as follows: IIEGINNING AT THG WESTERLX' QLIARTER CORNER OF S~CTtON 9, :i04VNSFiIP ~ SOUTH, RANG~ 10 WEST SATD POINT ALSO BEING THE C~NTERLINE INTE1tS~CTION 01? ~i1CI~Ill STREET 1a11D CRFGCE;NT AV~N(TE; TiiENCE GOIt1G T10RTH 00° 15' 52" WEST ALOi~G TEIG CGNTER LIEN Or EIJCLID STFE~T 1,33q.45 ~'EET; THENCE PlOHTH 89" 47' 15" EAST 186.00 FEET TO TE?E POINT OF TFUE BEGINNLNG; TFiENCF CCNTINUING 1dORTH 89` ~7' 15" FAST 473.64 F~ET; Ti-IENCE SOUTH 00° 14' 47" I;AST. 143.86 I'E~T; TH.ENCE SOUTEI II9" 47' 15" WE~T 42b.70 FE~T; THLNCG SOUTH 00° 15' :i2" EAST 63.61 P'EET; TH~NCF NOPTH 00° 95' 09" WEST 179,90 FEE:~; THENC~ NOR'CfI UO° 15' 57." WEST 5ti.58 FGET.; THENCB SOUTIi 89° 47' 15" EAS'C 13?.00 FI;F.T; THENCE N~RTH 00° 15' 57." WESi '151. QO rc;ET TO THE POIPIT OF TR*JE BE^v:IIdNINC. WHE.~GAS, the City Planning Cor~unission did ~~old a public hearing at the C.ivic Center in the City of Ar,aheim an Ju?~e 4, 1990 at 1:30 ~.rn., nor.i.c~ of said public hearinq having been duly g~~`~:n as required by .law anr9 in accordance with tha prov:.s.ions of t2ie Anaheim Municipe+l rQde, ChaptQr 1f1.C3, t:o hear and consider evid~nce for and against said pr.oposed r~classificatio.n and L•o investigate and r~aY.e findittys and re.:~min~ndations in connr ction th~rewith; and WHEREr,S, :said Conuni~s3.on, after due insp~c~ion, inve3tigat-ior_ and study made by itsolf and in its behalf, and aft.er due consxderation of all ~viij.ance and repor~s offered at saici hearing, does find and detc~rmina the foll~wing ~acts: Z. 'rhat L-ha petitioner pruposes raclassification of ~ubject property From the CL (Comr.ierc:ial, Limiterl) to thc RM-•:1200 (Residential, Multiple-Family} or a less intense zune. 2. T}ia.t ttie Anaheim GNneral Plan clesignates ~ubjec~ property for Medium DenSity Residential 1an~i uses. 3. Tk~at the proposed rr.classification of subject propQrty i~ necessary ant'./or desirabl~ foz the ordarly ar,d nroger developmQri~ ot the comrnurii ty, 4. That the pY'OpOSF]Ci r~classification of subjQCt pcoperty does propprly relate to the zoncs and their perrn±tt~d uses locally establislied iii close proxi;nity to subj4ct property and to the zu.ies anci their permir,ked use~ generally establirhed thraughout ~:he c~mmi~r.itX. ~~~8r -1- PC90-140 ,:+.~ ~~,:.~; i~ , . . . . - .rl!:t:1 5~ T~~-t nc~ one indicator~ t:~eir presence aL said ~ubl:ic hgariny ~n opposition; and thar no corresponderice was rc~ceivt~cl xn upposition to subject petir.iun> 'ALT RN;CA ENVTR~„Nt~gNxF~I, _Q~JAGTTY,~.A~T [' NaI City Planninc~ Commission lias revierrc~d tht pi•up sa1~~o reG~~S31#y Subject ~rop~rt~ from rhe CL (Carnmercial, Limited) to th~ RM-1200 Mu1tip1Q-Family) or a less intenso zone ar.d to permit a 4-sfiorys~ 66 tuni~ deck-type i.~usi.ng ap~rtmenti com~lex with wc~ivers of rAquired elevators, .requ,i red bound3ry screening t~nd mzriimum I.~uild`ing sito width on ~n irregulr~r1y-shaped ~.arcel of land consisLing oL approx?.m:rytaly ~.83 acros having a frontage oE approxzrnately 5~ feet on t'~Q e~st sicle ~, r Euclid Street, havzng ~ maximwn depth of appL~ximltely 5g0 feet, bRing located appr~ximatelv 390 feet so;xth of the center:line of Cacalpa Drive and fuz•thar dc~scribed as 820 No~c~th Euclid Si:reQt; and does hereby appxo~~ t11P NQga~ive Declaration upon finding thar. it has considered the 1leqative DeclaLlti.on toqether w~.ith any comments recoived during the p4blic revi~w p:ocess and further finding on the basis of the initial study and any camm~nt5 xeceived that tk~ere i~, n~ substantial evidence that the pcoject svi].1 liave a signif~.cant. ePfect on tho envii~onment. N'Uv~, TF;EREFORE, fiE i'P RESOLt~ED tt~at the Anaheim CiEy Planning Comrnission ~c~es hez•Pby grant subject Petitioai for Reclas: ification and, by so doing, that Title 18-'Loniiag of. the Anaheim Mun:cipa'1 Code be ameilct~d to exclude the abovo--descx•ibed property from the CL (Commercial, Limited) 'Lont azid to incorpc~ratg said described prop~rtX .into the RM-1200 (Reaidexit.ial, Multiple-Fasnily) 'Lr~n.e upou the fo.llQwing conditions which are hc~reby found to be a nQCessar}~ prerequisite to Che proposed use of ;~ub'ect ro preserve the safety and ge~a,ei•31 Walfare ~t t hQ Citizens o~e~h~, City dof A.nah~im: 1' *~'~at a PareQ1 M3p ~o r~curd Che divisirn uf sub"QCt submitL•yd to and app,roved by the CiL•y ot •\n~heim and rhen~bQrry sha11 be the Off'ice of t2ie Oraiige County Recorder. rerorded in Z• That the legal o+wnez• of subject properC unstibordinateci covenant grankin ~n y shaZZ acquire a rHCC~rded ro ert g access easament T~ the leggl P P y ownc~rs immediltely nortYiwest a:id sou~h of subjecr proper~y for ingress and e~ress purpusQS FFOM subjecL- r~ ert shall be clesigned in a mariner sati;i£actory tn L he City TrafPic ~nqir.eer and said covenant sha11 be iYi a torm salis~t~ctory~ tu the City At.`.orney, ~ ~O.PY of tha rer.orded cove:tariL shall be s~iLmitted to tho 'I.oning~ Division, -2-. PC90-140 -,. ~ . , ~~'~ 3. ThAt the lsgrxJ. awner ut• sub;ject pr~perty sh~ll acquire a rocordecl tinsubordinatFd covQna.n~ grant3.xig an access easc~mant FRUM the legal pro~erty owrner imrnediataly south of subject. proper~,y for ingress and Qgress ptu~poses TO subject property. 5aid ea~emexit sha11 be designed in a manner satisfacLory L-o th~ City Trattic Engineer. ~nd said c~vonan~ sh11Y ba in z f~rrn sati.sfack.ory to the Ci~y Attorney. A copy of the recorded c~~venant sha11 be submitted to the 7.oning Division. 4. That tho lagal owner(s) of subjecC property sh~11 exec:ute and reca•r~3 an unsub~rt]inat~d covenan~ in a form appx•ovecl by tlxe CiL•y Attorne.y's Off.ice whexein such owner(s) ac~r.ec not to contest the formation of any assQSSment district(s) whi.ct~ may her~zafter be furmed far tkio purpose of financing the under~rounding of utiliti~s, and which district(s) couid inc7ur.le such leg~l pro~ert~r owner's pro~,erty. 5. * That the logal owner of subject property shal'1 dedica~e to the City oE Anaheim a fivo (5) foot wida ~~sF~ment along the nortb. propPrty line of. subject pro~erty for public utility purposes. 6. That the lc~q~xl property owner shall prepare and reenrd an unsuborcl.'.nar~d covenant limiting accupancy of each apartment; unic to no more than two (2) gers~~ns (other than cYiildren und~r the ~qo of L•wo [2] yeaxs) per bedroam. Saicl limi*ati~n :;liall be included in 98C~1 Xease/rentRl ag•reement. A copy of thc covon~~nL• sha11 t~e submitted to and approved by ~he City Attorney prior to recordation. A copy of. the recordecl covex~ant shall bQ furnished to the Zoning Uivisioii. 7. That an unsubor~iinatecl covenant shall bR recorded agreeing to provide the r•enter of each dwellznc~ unit witb written inf:ormation obtained irom the schuol district(s) pertaining to p~ssible overcruwding conditxons and busing status uf the sehool{s) serv.irig the dwelling unit. (3. That the own~r of subject propert~+ shall submit; 3 leG~er requt~stinq l:er~siination of Catiditional [Jse Pe:mit ?~'c. 5G5 (to t~stablish a 10-story oft•ice complex ancl a theater) an2~ VaJ•i;:ance Na. 1716 (to permit a free-~tanding s.ign wi.~h ~raivers of maximum ~igr~ area ~nd Yieight) to th2 Zoning Division.. 9. That pr.ior to inLroduct.ic~ of. an ordi.nance rezoning ~ubject property, Condi~ion Nos. 1 tk:rougb 8, above-mention.ed, sliail b~ cumplat:ed. The provisions or rzqh*s yranted by this resolution ~nall becomc~ nul]. and void by a~tion of the P1a~ining Commissian ~,~nle,s said conditions are complied with within orie (11 year from the date of Chis resolittioti, ox• such furt-her time .3s the Plan~iinq Commission may g;:ant. 7.0. * That approval of this application conscitutes :~pproval of the prop~sed request only to the extent that ~t complies w~tki the Anaheim Municipal Zonxng Code and any oth~:r applicable Caty, State and E'ederal requlatians. Approv~sl doea not include any action or findings as t:o -a- PC90-140 , •r; . . . . . ~.~>:~ .~,;s,, • r,omplia~;co or approvnl af thc~ r~aqueat regarding any other ap~l;lcablo ardinance, regul:~~ion or r.equlr~me.nt. Conditions marked wi~h an asterisk (~+) are r.equired by astaialishQd 1aws, codes, regult~~ions ar.d agroemenr_S and are noi: subjPCt ko negotiatiior~. BF' IT FUP.THER RESOLV~D that 1:he Ana~i~i.rri City F~laizr.ing Commi~sion does horeby ~ind and c?stermiaze ttiat 4dopt.ion ~f tkiis ReSOluti011 i8 expres~ly ;~ predicatod upon appli.cant's compliance with Qach and all of tho conc~it.ions horeinabove se~ fori:h. Should anp such conditions, or any part thoreof, be d~c:lared inv~lid or unsnforceable by l•.he final judgmQnt ~E any court af ~ompetent jurisdic~ion, theri tliis Resolution, and an~ appro~~als herein containc~d, shal.l be deemed nu11 uncl vo~.d. 'i'HE FOItGGOiNG RESOLBTION was adopted at th~ Planning Ccmmission meetiny of June A, lggp, ~~~~~~~ .~-.c-.Q_ - AC'1.~NG CHAIFtMAN ~ A~v.~:•iFTM CITY PLAN ING CO~IIrfTSSION ATTF.ST: J _ --- __G_ ~ ~ / -~GZ~L ~ ~- `--~~ 'i.~-~ _ SECRBTA X, ANAHEIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSTON S'TATE ~F CAL7FORNIA ) COUNTX t~F OR?1NGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) Z, Edith L. Harris, Sscretary of the Anahoim Cit-,y Planning Cornmission, d~ hereby certii'y that the foragaing rc~sulutioii was passed and adaptod at a meet.ing flt the l~naheim Ci~y Plannina ;,ommission held on June 4, 1990, by the following v~ta ~f the ~nembers thexeot: , AYFS: COMMISSIONF.RS: ROUAS, FE.LDEIAUS, FiEr~LYF.R, C BURNEY, MESSE :~: 1TOE5: COMMISSIQNEI2S: NONC ALzSENT: CUi~fISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, HERBST T WITNESS WHERE~F, I have hereunto sQt my har_d this ~ u.s~ day of ._ ---' 1y40. i ) -- ~ ~-~ ~ J'--~:.~M 5~CIlETA Y, ANAHEIM CITY PLA2JNIN; CObQdISSION '; ~ ~4 ' PC90-14U