Resolution-PC 90-143.,~ r~~~~4 r trr~ rro, ~.~.24-i.4~. ~~ A RESOLUTIpi~ OF' ~'FiE~ 1~NAHEIM CT'xY PLAIvNTNG CphIIw1TS5I0N ADC~P'PING AND RFCOh,InL`NDING '.PO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOFTION OP' GENEkAi, PLAN A2QENpMEKT D;O~ 308 PEKTAZNING TO THE LAND U5E ELEMENT WHEREAS, the City Council ~~ the City of 7~naheim did adopt the Anaheim Genoral F'1~i~ by kesalut~.un Nr~. ~~~F~qq, shocving• th~ g~neral descriptxon and ext~nt of possiblc future d.avelopmen~ within the ciry; and WIiEREAS, the Planning Cammissxon daracte3 sta£f t~ initiate a General F1an Amendment rQae„ie~riar.ing Study Araa 1 from the ~xisking Medium Densitx t2~si.uentia~ designatioz~ to Low-Med.iurn Dens:ity RosiclQntial; ~n~ redQSign.ating Study Area 2 from the ~x.isting Low 17ensit;y R~sidential designation to Low-Medium Densz~y Residentia.l; anfl th a t ~ h e s tu dy are~,S ;re described as follows: AREA 1- APF~RO~{IM.ATFLY 7 ACRES CONSISTING ~JF TFiOS~ PAT2CELS LOCATED ON THE LAST AND 'WE~T 5IDES OF LOARA aTRFET F3EGT~INING AT THE SOUTHERN C.LTY LIMITS AND BXlENDING NGRTH APPROXIMA.Tg~.y 66p pEH,;T; ALSU IIQCLUDING TFIOSE PARCELS LvCA7.'ED ON THE ~IOHTH r1bTb S;IUTH SIDEu OF ~ WILMOT LANE•, EXCEPTTNG THF NARCEL LOCATEA ON THE NOR~HWEST C012NER OF WIf~MOT LANu AAiD LOARA STREET. AkSA .3 - APPROXxMATELY 4.6 ACRES COrTSISTING OF 'fFiA'1' PARCEL LOCAT.ED ON TH~ EAST STD~ OI' EUCLIn STREET, HAVING A FRONTAGE OF APPRO?CIMI-TrLY ?30 FEEZ'. HAVING A I~SAX:MUM I)~PTfi OF' APPROXIMATELY 60p FEET T,ND BL•'ZNG LOCATEA AFPROXIhfATELY :1.90 F~FLT SpIJT~i Or^ THE CENTF.RLIN~ OF ~INDY LANg, WFiEREA~, th~ City Ylanning Conunis~ion 3id hald a public hea~ing at the CS,vic Center in the Czty of Anaheim on June 4, 199~ at 1:30 p,m., notice of said public hearzng h,~ving been dul~+ giveii as raquired by law and in accordance with th~ prov.isior.s of the Anaheim Municipal Code, ~}~~prer 18.Q3~ t,o hear and consider evidence for and ac~ainst said proposed ugneral Plan Amendment and to investzgaLo and make finclings and recommen8atzons iri connection thexQwith; arid 4TFiEREAS, said Cummis,,ion, after due considQrat:i.on, insp~3~tion, .invsst:ic~ation a.nci sL-uciy made by i.tself, ~:~d aftcr r3ue eonsideration of all evidance ancl re~port cffe,red at sa.id hearing, DpES HEREBY FIND; 1• That evidence pr.esented substar,ti~tas the naed ior an ~sme~ndment to the I~a~i3 Use Elzment of the Ana:~eim General P1ari and ttiat Exhibit A be adopted redesignatina subject Study ~.rea 1 for Low_Mec~itu~ pensity Residential rather t;han Mediwn Density Residenti~l ancl subjec~ Study Arew 2 for Low-Medium Density ResidQntial rather than Low Density Res3.dential. 2. That the proposcd amei;dment is consistent wit;h the existing land use ~'ensities. 147'lr -1- PC90• ~143 < ~ :~ ~~i.'.a;g ,i :;ali ~ ~I~LIFQ,RNIA ENVTRQNI~JF'NT~.L~QUAuiTY A,~ I'INDTNG: Tha~. ttte Anaheim City I~lanning Commission has revi~swed the nroposal to Amend tlxe Land use Slement oE the Gerioral Plan to chanye the ctxr~:ent land usc~ designation oi` Modium Density Residential to Low-Medium Uensity 12esid~ntial For S~udy Aroa 1 which con;ists oi approyimately 7 acres con~isting of those parcels .located on the east ~nd wesr side~ o~E Loara StreQt beginning at the southexn City ~imits and e~ctending north appruximately 660 fee~, also including those parcela locat~acl on ttie nort2i and sou~h s3das of Wilmot Lane, excepting the paresl located on tihe norL•hwest ~orner of Wilmot Lang and Loara S~reet; and to change the designati~n of Low Density Renident.ial to Law-Mediwn Dgnsity Residsntial ~or Study Area 2 t-~' ..ch consists ot approximately 4.6 acres consisting of that parcel 1oc.ated u,, he east side of Euclicl Street, having a~'xontaqe of a~~proximately 330 ~ eQt, having a maximum depth af appro~ti.mately 60s3 feet ancl beiaig locatQd approximately 190 feet s~uth of the centerline of Czndy Lana; arid does, thereEorQ, approve tho Negai:ive Dacl3ration nn the basis tha~ i.t has considRred the ~ropo~ed Nfegative lleclaraL-ion together with any conunerzts receiv~•d durinc~ the public rr,view procPss r~iid further findznc~ on the btts:i.s uf r.he Ixiitial Study and any cc~mments received ~hat there is no subsfantial ec~idence tliat the prujcct w~i11 have a significant effec~ on ths envirorzment and d.oes, thorQfore, approve the Negative Doclaratio,i NOW, rHER~F~JRE, ?3E Ix RESOLVED, that pur~uanL to the a~bove findings, the Anaheim City Plz~nn.ing Commissioii daes hereby aciopt rar.cl rec~mmend to the C.ity Coun~il of the C.ity uf Anaheim adopr_iori of General. Plan Amenc7ment Nn. 308-1 and -z Lar~d U~e ~l~:mer.t, Exhibit A, i:o redesignate Study Area 1 from the Medium Densit~ Itesider~tial desi~nation to the Low-Medium Density Residentxal designati~ i and Stud,y Ar~a 2 from the L'uw Density Residential dasic~ciation to tik~e L.~w-?Qedium Density Residential desi.gnation. THE; FQRHGOING ItESQLUTION w~s adopteci ~t t}ie Flanrling Commission; meeFing of June ~, 1~J9U. ~~ ~\ l~Q~~ ~' ~`'' t`~,~.. ~i~-- [ ACTING CHAIRNiAi~ ~ AVAHEIM CITY PL .NING COMMISSION A:CT~ST t ~ , „ - - - ~ ,C~~_~ / -EC'~-'~ __- ._Z_ SECRETA Y, ANAH~IM CI'PY PLANNING COMMYSSION PC9Q-143 ~,~,p'~~~~'~3*{C JS1 .~: ' - _ „ ~~ , .; ~,, ~ ., ' STATE OE' CX~LIFORNTA, ) ~ COUNTY OF ORArfGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAIiETM ) I, Edit.h L,. Harris, Se~cretary oi the AnahQa.m City Planning ;'~ Commis~.ion, cio hereby cezti£y that th~: foxegoiz~g resalution was passod and ;..~ adopted at a meet.i:ig of th~ A~iaheim City Planning Ccmmis~ion he18 on Juns 4, 1990, by the ~ollawing vot:e of the mamb~r, triereof: AYES: COM2•STSSIONEI2S: BOUA i~ "ri~LLS'ER, Fk.l',DHAUS, MC BURN~Y, MESSE NOES: CObSMISSIONERS; NON~ AF3SENT: C'~MMISSIQNEItS: Li0YD5TUN, HERBST IYT WTTNESS WHrR~OF, I have lzereunrU set my harld this ~~~ day ~L- , 199U. ~ j ~ % ''"'C_~~C.J ` --~~•-y~~''.~./.~eie~.1_ ' SECRE:'ARY, ANAHL;IM CITY PLANNSI~G COMMZSSION -3- PC90-143