Resolution-PC 90-149' ~ ~a•/d ~ ~ti? ~. . . ~„f :~.., i ..~i . ~Ii "I '~,l ~.I'~ . ' . . . 7 . , ' . ~ ,'~ , . rr1 ~'; ~Jj R~ ~or~~JTION PIO=pCgU-149 ~`~ A RFSOLUTTON OF THE ANAHFIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSION ADOPTING : ND F21:COMMENDING TO 'P'FIE CTTY COIJNCIL ADOPTTON OI' GEPlERAL PLAN A?QENDMrNT P70. :i10-1 AND -2 PERTaTNING TO 'CHF. LANU tlSE EL~MENT WFi~RE~S, the Ci~.y Council of th~ City of Fnaheim did adopt the Anaheim General Plan by Resolution No. 69-644, showing the gen~aral desaripkion ar:d extent of possible future developmenr withzn ~he ait,y; and WFiGREAS, ttlo .~lannin~3 Com:nissi.on direct.ed sCaff tio initiate a Genera.l Plar. Amendmen~, redesignaL•i.n~~ Study Area 1 from L-he sxist.i.ng Medium Density Residontial desigTiation to the General C~mmeraial design~tion; und redesigneting Stuciy Arpa 2 from the existing Medium D~nsi~y Rosiden~ial designa~ion to Luw-Medium Densi.~y Residei~tia.1; and Lnat ,`.he stucl;~ areas are ciescribed as follows: AREA 1: APPRUXIM.ATCLY 0.73 ACRE BEGINNING APPROXYMATELY 305 FEET NORTH OF 'PHE CE23TERLT.~TL OF BALL ROAD ~X.Ti'NDING NORTH APPI20XTD'ATFL1' 570 ~'EGT A,ND fiETPIG LOCATED APPROXIMAT~LY 190 'r'FET EASt UF THE CENTEFLINE OF Ei'.<OOKHU~ST STRFET. AREA 2: APPP.OXIMATELY ~.9 ArRES LOCAT~D AT TH~ ~ICIEtTHEAST CORNER OF BALL RUAD :.NP EMP~RE; STREET HAVING AF'PROXIMATE FRONTAGE,~'.~ OF 4.15 F'EET UIvT TI~E NORTH SIDE OF $ALL ROAD i-N'D 295 FEET ON THE EAST SIDE OF' EMPIRE STREET' AND ~ITRT'EIER DL•'SCRIBED AS 2045 WEST BALL ROAD. WHERLAS, t:he City P.lanning COIiIlTI15^axpri d:id hold a pub].ic hearing aL- the Civic Center in the C.iry ot' Anahexm on ,7une 18, 1y90 at 1:30 ~,.rr,,, notice oi said public hearing having been dulv givon as requirecl by law ~nd in accordance •witY: the provisions of the Anahei.m Muni~ipal Code, Chaptor 78.03, to hear and consid~r ev.idence for and against said proposed General P1~n Amen~imPnt ar.il to invesL-igata and make f.indings and recommendal-ions in connectior. ther.ewikh; and WHEREA~;, said Commission, af:ter ciue consiaeratian, inspection, investigation and study mar~e by its~lf, a:-d aftQr due consicleration of ali ovider.ce and report ofPered at sai.d hearing, DOES HEREBY FINA: ^ 1. That evidence presentwd substanL-iates the ne~~d for an amendment td the Land tTSe Elemezit ot the Anaheim General ~la1i ana that Exhibit A be adopted reciesignatine~ subject Sludy Area 1 for Ceneral Cam~nercia? designstion ratner. than Medi~xm Density Residential t+nd sub jc~ct Study Area 2 for I,ow-Modium Den~il:y ::es.idential rather ttian Meclium Der.sity Resident.ial, 14a9r -•1- PC9U-:149 ~~, .Mi~ ~ ~~ ! ,:~,na, 1 ti~'la , f• ,- ~A,_L_IFQRNIA ~NV7k~NMCNTAL LJALTTY A'.C rINDTN~C; '1'hat the An~heim City Planning Commission has revi~w•ed tli~ proposal to a-nend thc Land Use Element of the Goneral Plan to change the r.urre:~t land tisP dc~signat;ion of Medium Aonsity :;es~.dent;ial to Ge~neral Con;merr_ial .~ot• S~udy Area 1 which ronsists of a~:proximarely 0.73 acre begiritiing appr~ximatelp 305 f~Qt north of the cexitc;r].i.na of BaZl 12oad ext~n.~izng north approximately 570 feet and bc~ing 1oca~ed ap~roximately :L90 feet ~~ast of the cexiherline of Brookhurst Street; and t4~ char.~e ~Jhe desiqnal:ion oE Modium Density kesidential to Low-Medium Densi~y l~e~•idential for S!:udy ArQa 2 wYtach cansists oL «pprnximat,ely 4.0 acres located .zt the northeast aorner o.f Ball Road and Empire Stroet 2iavii:g approxirnatt~ fron~ages of 415 foet o,~ ; tia north sid~ of ~all Roa.d and 295 feek on the east sic;le of Empire ;;treet and fur.ther described as 2045 West Ball Road; anci does, t}ie.refare, approve t1~e N',~gat-ive Declaration on khe basis th~t Yt has con;;idezed the propos~d Nagative Declaration toqsther witii a.ny comments received CZUY'1T1CJ the public r~view ~roc~s~ and furi:her firiding on the basis of khe Tn.itial Study and any comments received that there is no sur~stantial e~i~~lenc~ that the Lroiect will have a signifzcant eEfect on thc~ environment ancl .zoes, therofore~ approv~ whe Negative Declaration N:7W, THEE2CFORE, 6E IT FtI:SOLVED, that nursuant to the above : indings, the Anah;~.im City Plannin~ Commission does her~by adopt and recummend to tr.e (:ity C:ouncil of rhe City af Anaheim acloption of General Plan Amendment No. 310-1 ancl -% T~~~nd Us4 Element, Exhibit A, to redesignate Study Area 1 fron: the Mc~c:ium Densit,y I:esiden~ial 8esignation L•o L-he General C~mmereial desi.qnation aiic? 3tud~~ ?.rea 2. L•z•om L•hQ Medium DQnsity Resi.dential designation to the Luw-M~~clium Uensity Residenk.ial desiqnation, THE FORECOING RESOLUTIQN wus a~lopted at *_~e Planning Commi~sion meatin~~ of. June 18, 199~, ~ , ~ ~ ~~ ~, - ~, _.~~ ==~- ,~~ ~ _ . ~-1".~~_ . __,_._._. CFIAIR~fAN, ANAHEI~f C TY PLANNING (:4MMISSION A~'TEST; / ~~' ~ ~ ,~ , ---- -~ -~~~ ---_- S EC £~ ETAR~'~Z~~~ , ANAHF.IM CIT1 PLANNING (:UbfMIS:IO:I _Z_ ~';. Pi;90-149 jYA4~ S'i'ATE OF CALIFORNIA il `~ ~ , :,,,. ,, s, ~;;; . . - ' . ~~f',~.:~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CTTY OE' At7AHEIM ) 7, ~r.l.ith L. Haz•ris, Secretary of tYie Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hQreby certify that tl:e f~rego,ing resolutiou was passed aii~ adopt9d at a meetinq o;E tht~ Anak~eim City P'lanning Commission held on Juna 18, 1990, by the tollowing v~te of the rnembers thereot: AY~S: COMMTSSIqNERS: BOYDSTUN, BOUAS, FELDHAUi, AE~LYER, f?FRBST, MC BURNEY, MLSSE NOES: CQt~1'ISSTONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMbtI5SI0NERS: NONE IN WTTNrSS WFiEREOr, I liave hereunto set my hand this ~•Ut%~~ da~r or , 199U. 71 ~_--~ ~~ __ ~~~!~'~/____~ ' R.~,L4~ _ SECRFTARX, E.NAHEIM CT'.PY PLANNIPIG COMMTSSION r. . 7a" r"~ ~ ~ i' ~ , . Y~ k,' ' ~ :. , ~d"~ •. :c, < ~ / ~s l . tr ~r '~ r ~ ~t! r -3- PC90-149