Resolution-PC 90-15f"' ,. ~ ~ RE~.S~L~JTI N N0~ PC90_1~ A RE50LUTION OF THE ANAHEIM C;ITY PLANNItTG COMM]:SSIbN TF~AT PETITION ~'Ok RECLASSSFTCAT:ION' N0. 89-•JO-28 D~ DENTED WHEREA~, tho Anaheim City Planninc~ Commissiori did reaeive a vr~rified pe~ition for Roclt~ssific.at.ion for certairi real proporty ,ituated in t.he Ci.tx of. Anaheim, C~unty o.f prange, State of California, described as f.ollaws: LOTS 1 TU 17 OF TRACT Y10, 11830, AS SHOWN ON A Mz-P RECGRllED TN BODK 590, YA,GES 14, ~5, 16 ANA 17 OF MZSC~LLANEOUS MAI'S, RECURDS OF ORANG~, COiJNTX, CALI C'ORNIA. WHEREAS, Lhe City Planninq Commissic;n did hold a public hearing al: the Civic Center in the City af Anaheim ~n Jaiiuary .15, 1990 at 1;~0 p.m., natice of s~.id public 2~aaring having becn duly qiven as required by 1aw and in accordance with the provi~ions of the Anaheim Muni:.~i.•~a1 Coder Chapter 18.03, to hear and r.on~ic3er evid~nce fox and against s~id propused reclas3xfication and to inveskiqate and make firidiiigs and recortunendations in a~~nnech.ion the.rewihkx; and WH~REAS, said Commissiun, after ~ue inspoct:lon, invQ~tigation and study made ny itself aud in ii:s behalf, and after due considexation of all evidence and reparts affered at said hear.ing, does find ai:d determine the £olloking ~ar.ks: 1. That the pctitionor pro~oses reclasaiE.ir.ation of subject property from tho 12M-1Q00 (TtesidenY.ial, Mu7.tiplr,•-Fami'ly) Zone tp the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone. 2. That t.he Anaheim ~eneral i':lan designatss subj~ct property L•~r Medium Density Residenrial land uses; and that General Plan Amendmenc No. 2%G, considered concurrently wit~ subject r~cxassificati~n ;o change t~c land use aesignaL•ion to Geiieral Jndustrial was r~enied by the Planiu ng Comrni~:aion; and, Cherofore, t;hP proposecl rea~assifir.ai:ion would be inconsistent wa.kh the Generml Plan. 3. That the proposed reclassi.ficar~on of subject propert~~ 3.s not n~ces:tary nor iiesirab].~ for tha orderiy and prop~L• developmont of the community. 12 4 3 r -1- ._..pE- ~y f3~-l.4- PC 90-t5 ~ „ s- N" ' . ~A .. , ,~r:ti;;.ty ~r,;,~t?!~ 4. That the pxapuyed reclassi.fication pf: subjoct property does not propex~ly rel~te ~o the ~ones and chei.f: pormitted us~s 1oca11y astsblishad in closo nroximity ~o subject pxoperty and to the zones and their pRrmittod uses generally ostnblishQd tlirdughout th~.~ communiF.y. 5. That the proposed reclassification is denied on the basis t:hat it is c~nsidered to bo "spot zoniiig", since the closest industrial properly is l~cat~d approximately twa mile~ to the northeast in the vic:initx uf the interser.tioz~ of Magnolia Avanue and La Palma Avenue. 6. That approximately sixty-fiv.- (~5) paople indicateci their presence at said public hearinq in opposi.tion; and that a petition coni:a.i.ning approximateiy iorty-sevan signatiures was received in opposition to subject ~eL-itior~. ~ALTFQRNIA,~ENVIR~f NMEN?;l~_'L OUAI,TTY A~T , FINDINGS: Wherea5, the Planning Commission after reviewing draft ETR 23~. 'l95 a].ong with ~vidence, both written ancl oral, presented t~ supplement this documQn~, dae~ find and determin~ that there arQ ~ertain ~ignit~cant unavoidab3e adverse impacts to tho public's health and sa£et~, inhPrent in thi.s use, or. this site, which cannot ~e mi.tigatecl to a level of insignificpnce and wh.i.ch are riot acceptable due to averr.iding con~~.derations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL'V~:D that the Anaheim City Plailning Commission does hereby denx Pe~ition for keclassification on thQ basis of the afnrementianed £indings. THE E'ORE(;OING RESOLU'T.IO~T was adopted at Che Pla.nniny Cr~runis~ion meeting of Janudry 15, '1990. , ~ ~. ~-- -_~, ,,,,G': J ; ~, ~t ~~ ~ ~_\ ~ . GHAI MAI~i, AI3AIiEI CITY P'LANNIlJG COMMISSiON ATTEST: , ,' . , /.~%~ '"~ / ~ ~.. ~ ' ' ~. - ~_ ~_ _. AC1'TNf; SECF.ETARY, ANA.HF~7M CITY 1'LANNITIG COt~4~tISSION i / STAT~ OF CALIP'ORNTA ) COUNT'Y OF ORAN(3E ) ss. C]:TY OF ANAHEib1 ) -2- pr ~J-? 5 ~ 'n ti~:ta Fr:. ,, Y, .1ano~c L~. ,1Qnsen, Actinc~ Secre~ary ut the~ Anah~im City Acting Planrcing Cc,mmission, clo herebl certiEy tht~t the foz•e•Yoi,ng resolution wau pa~sQd ~nd aClophoci at a meeting oL the Ar~ahQim City Planning (;ommiss,ion }»ld ois .Tan~iary 15, 1990, by tt~e followinq vc~te uf th~ mombors tli~reof; AYES: CO2~fIaSI0NER5: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, f ELDFIi1US, HEL~YF:R~ NERBST~ MC DUF2NEY, MESSE l~OES: COMMISSIOi3ERS: NC~HC AEiSENT: COhII/.3:SStOtd~RS: NOhY: IN 'AITNESS WHER~OF, I havc hercunto set my hand thig _,% ~ uf __~_._~_;.__.__ ___~.~ 1990. --__,__.~~_ day ACTING S~CRETARY, 1-lIAHETM CTTY PLi\NidIlIG COMMISSION _;~ _ PC 90-15