Resolution-PC 90-152~ , ;- _ _ , r,, R~$~J~()T1QN NQ, PCnp_1,2 7~ FESOLUT:[ON pF THE l~NAHBIM CITY PLANNING CUh4~2TSSI0N DENYING GEtJERAL PLATI I~MENf)MENT NQ. 2g') WFILREAS, thc~ City Council of L•he City of Anaheim did adupt the Ana2iQim General P1an by Re~olution No, b9R-G94, showing the eneral descripti~n ana exten.t of possiblo future dQV~lopment within tho c;ty; and WHEREAS, ?lanning Commission ~irer;ted st;atf to initiate an amancimgnt to the Land Use ~lement af the General Plan to redesignate the northorly ],.14 acres of subject proparty Y~aving front;age on Lincoln Avenue (Study Area A), th~ southwesterly 2,6p acres ot su.hject prog~rty (Stuciy /~r.oa F3} and t}ie southeasterly 2.62 acres of subject ~roperty (Study Araa C) from the existing General Comrnercial (A}, Low Uens3ty Rosiden~ia:1 (g) and Law-MQdium Density ResidQn~ial (C) Genera7, p13n Land U'se designations to the M~diwn Densitv Residantia.l land use ciesignat.ion, on an irrQgularly-shapod pa.rcel o~ land consisting of approximately 6.9% acras h~~•inq a frontag~ of approximately 353 feet on the south sida of Lincal.n Avenue, having a maximum dQpth of approximatel~~ 600 feet, being located appr~ximately 102 fQet west of th~ cenrerline of Empir.Q Street and furchor dc~scribed as 2149 West Lincoln l~vQnue; WHEP.EI~S, the Anaheim City P.lanning (:ommission did hold a publi~ haari.nq at the Anaheim Civic CenCer, Counci'1 Ch ~nber, 'l00 Soutih Anaheim Boulevard, on Ma.rch 25, 199p, zt 1:3U r•.m., notico of said publtc hearing having been duly givc~n as required by law and in acc~rdanco with the provisions of the Anatieim Mun2.cipal code, to hoar and consi~er evidPnce f.or and against said Geiieral Plan Amendment and to invostigat.e azid mdY.e finclinc~s arid re~commendar,ioris in corinQC~AOn therewith; and that saici pub'_ic Y-eaxing was continuQd to thQ April 23 aud Jur.e 1ti, 1990, .Alanning Commission moetings; and WIJEREAS, said Commi.^,siori, aftar due r investigation aiid ~tudy made by itselE, and after ~dued cons der~3tionp oE lall c.vidence and zeports of£ered al: said he~rinq, DOES FiEREBY FINU; 1• xh~t evidence presented did not subatantiate the nc~~d for an amerldrc~:nl: to the Anztieim General P.lan. ~ALTroRNIA ENVlR *TMENTAL~uAI ITY^AST__FIIJDIZI( : 'Phat the Anaheim Cit,y Planning Cornmis~ion has reviewed the proposal to amend the Land Use C1Qmer,t. ot the General Plari to changQ the current land use des.ignations from General CommErcial, Low Dansity ResidenL-ial arad Low-Mediam Density ltesidential General Plari Land Use to Medium Density Residential on an irre~ularly-shaped parcel ~f la~nd consisting of appraximately 6.47 acres having a frontage o~E approxi.mately 353 f.eet on the soutli side ot Lincoin Avenue, havinq a maximum depth of app:oxamataly 600 feet, being located approximately 102 feet ~west of the centerlino of Err,pirt~ Streat and fur~her describPd as "L144 West i~.inc;oln AvQnue; and does hereby disapprove the ~Tegative Deciarat.ion upon Pinciing ;hat it has considered the Ntgntive De~laration tagether with any commezits recQi~~e~i during the public revis~~ prac:ess and fiirther f.indinq an tl~e b~sis uf the i.nitial study and any comments receiveci that there is substantial evic~enco th~t khe pxoject wi.1~ have a significaiit cE~fect on the environment. 1492r _I_ PC89-152 ; ,,>„ ,,; ,. ._. ,:. , , , . . . . ,, ..... _ . , .. ... .. . , , , . ,. ,, ,., , ~ ^'~ ~ ~r 0 ff;t~~`;~1 f~C`~'~k~~ ~ ~ ~iOW, THERBFORE, BE IT R1:SOLVED, th~it pux suant to tk~e above Eindings, the AnahQim Ci.ty Planning Commission does hereby ci~ny General Pian Amendment No. 297. :CH~ FQR~:COTNG FtESOI,UTTON w~s ado~ted at, t1~e Planning Commi~5ion moeting of Juna 18, 7.99Q. '' ~ -...__. ~ / ,%-~ ~~_~~-G~`-G~:;' ~ '7.~ '~~ CIiATRMAN, AtIAFiLI1 ~CiTY PI,l~NN31~1G COhtMISSTON ATTLST: J ~-_ / ~---a~-~--~`'~ft!L~l.u-!~----- SECRi;T RY, ANAHEIM CTTX PLANNING COMMISSIUN STATE 0~ CALIFORNIA ) ' COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. „ CTTY Or ANAHEIM ) y I, Edi.th L. Harris, Secretary of. the Anaheirn City Plannizig Commisszon, do hereby cexti~y that the Eoregoing resolution was passad and adopted a~ a meeting uf L2ie An3heim City Plann.ing Commission held on Juno 18, 1990, by the f~llowi:~g vote of the members thereof: AY~S: COMMISSIONERS: BAYDSTLIN, F~LDHAUS, SEL'LYER, HERE35T, M~SSE NOES: CUMMISSIONEIt~t f30UAS ]1IISENT: COMMISSIONGRS: MC BURNEX IN WITNESS WHEREUF, I have hereunto s~t my hand ~hig _~S~?_ day of _ ,_, 1990. ~ l v - . . ~~ ~ ~. SECRETARY, ANI~HEItti CITY PT,ANNING COIfMIS5I0N ^` -z- ~ca9-~.5a