Resolution-PC 90-167ktlNii~i R~.~~,JLi TIQN NQ! ~C90=.167 <<,,; A R~SO'LUTTON Qt~ 7HE ANAEtErM CITY PGANN2NG rOt~tMiSSION THAT PE~'ITTQN FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 329ti BE GR]~NTEll V7FIEREAS, tha Az~aYic~irn Cit:y Planning Commission dicl receive a verz£ied Yetikion for Conditional Use Permi~ .Ear certain real property situatt~3 in the City oF Anahoim, County of. Orange, StatQ of California, described as: PARCrL A: PA12C~I~S '1 AND 2, TN THE CITY QF ANNiETM, COUNTY 0^ pRANGE, STAT.E UF C.AI,TI'ORNIA, AS SHUWN ON A MAP FTLED IN ~100K 92 PAG~:S 15 AND 16 OF PARCFT~ MAPS, IN TFi}: OFFZC~; OF THE COU~lTY RECI)RDER OF ~AIU COi7NTY. PARCEL B: LOTS 21 'SH.ROUGH 33, INCLUSIVE, AND LOTS 54, 55 AND 56 OF TRACT N0. 1691, 1"P7 THF CITY OP ANAHFTM, COUNTY QF URANGL, STATF. QF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP F7LED IPl DO~K 52 PAGES 18 AND 19 OF MISCELL~INEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFIC~ OF THE CGUNTY E2ECOFI)~R OF SAID COi1NTY. PARCEL C: PAftCEL 1, IN THE CTTY OP' ANAFiEIM, COUNTY OF ORANG~, STATE OF CALTFURNIA, A5 SHOWrI ON A MAP ETLED IN BCOR 17.3 PAGE 21 OF PAR~RL MAPS, IN TFIE OFF'ICG ~Y TFIG COUNTY RECORUEK QF SAID COUNTX. PARCEL D: TIiAT PORTION JI' HERPQOSA URIVE, IN 'rHE CTTY OF ANI~HEIM, COUNIY OE ORAbiGC, STATE OF CALIFORNTi~, VACATED AND ABANDOIJGD PER RESOLUTIQN N0. t~OR-71J, RECORDED MAl2C~i 11, 1980 IN Fi00K 13530, PAGE 1017 l)~' OFFICIAL REC~IRD5, BEING MO~2E PARTICULARLY DESCRIBf'sA AS Fi1I,LOWS : BEGINNTNG IN THE SQUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 26 I'rT TP,AC~C NU. 1691, AS SHOWN QN A MRP RECORDED TN AOUK 52, PAGES 18 hND 19, lQISCELLANEOUS MAPS, FEC~RDS OF ORANGE COUt7TY, THENCE NORTH 0° 10' 43" EAST, 26.82 FEET TO THE BEGINNItJ~ OF t. CURVG CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND FiAVIP1G A RADIU:; OF 48.00 FEET; TFi~NCE NORTHWES'TERLY ALQNG SAID CUR~ E ~HROiiGH A CEldTRAL~ A~IGLE OF 38° 17' 03" AN ARC D7STANCE OF 32.07 FEwT T~? THE BEGIrI1dING 4F A REVERSE CU~tVE CONC~.V~ uOUTHEASxERLY AN~ FIAVIPJG A RADIUS OE' 45.00 EE~T; THENCE NORTHWESTERLX, NORTEIERI~Y, NORTHEASTF:RC~Y AND ~ASTERI.Y ALONG SAID RBV~f2SE CURVE TFiROUGH A(:ENTRAL, A:dGLE OF 14~° 39' UO" AN ARC DISTAttr_E OF' 113 . fi1 FEE.'c Tp THE BGGINF7ING OF A. REVERS~ CURVE CUNCAVE t:URTHERLY ArTD HAVING A RAUIUS QF 40.00 FEET; THEN(;E SOUTHEASTERI~Y Ai.l7NG THE i.AST ME~NTIONED REVERSE CUR':E THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 40° 7U' 09" AN A.RC UISTANCE OF 20.01 FF.ETj THt:tdCE lIORTH 46° 27' ~16" EAST, 165.77 FEET TO 1+Pt .Ir1TEkSECTT02J WITH '.CHE WEST LI:IE OF THE EAST LTNE 0.23 F~ET OF LOT 20 I~i :;AID TRACT tv0. 1ti91, SAID POINT OF INTF.RSECTION BEIt~G A 1516r -1-- PC9a-lh7 ;~~~ ~ POT2JT IN '!.'FiE W~ST C~IttE 4F' TfIAT PUF.2TION OI' HERMOSA DRTVF. PREVIOUSLY ABANDONED ANU DESCRIBED IN CITY. COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0, 78R-610 RECORDED SFPSEMBE~t 27., .197f~ TN Ii00K 12ti51, PAGE: 1576, RECORDS OF 012AIVGE CGUNTY; '.iT~IENCE SQUTH 23° 27' 22" EAST, 50.00 F'~ET TO AN TNTEl25ECTION WITH THE A~IOR'.~HERLY LINE OF' L~T 34 I:i 5AIU ~RAC'I' N0. 1691; THENCE SOUTH 66° 22' 38" W~S1', 217.31 F~ET TO TH~ HEGINtdING OF A TANGEN`P CURVL CQNCAV~; SOUTHEAS'PLRLY AND FiAVING A RADTUS OF 25 FGET; THENCF 50UTHWL5'PF.1:~Y AND SOUTI3E~RLY ALONG SAID CUR'VE THRCI'iJCH A CENTkAL ANGI~E OF 66° 14' 9g" AN ARC D'IS'~ANCE OF 2(i.91 I'EET TO A POJtJT IN THE W~~TERLY I,INE OF I~OT 37. ItT SATD TRACT P70. 1691; THENCL SUUTFI 0° 07' 58" FiEST, 51.90 FS~.T TANG~N'P TQ THk: LAST MENTIUNLD CURVE TO AN IN'.~EkSECTION WI'iH TH~ GA5'PERLY 1PRQLONGATTON UF TH~ SQUTH LYNE OI' THE AFQREMENTIONEA LOT 26 IN SATp :CRACT NU. 1691; THENCE NORTH 89° 45' 22" '~IEST, 50.00 FEET Ai.ONG SAID PROLOPIGATION TO THE POINT OE' BEGINNING. WFiEREAS, the City Planning Conunission did hold 'a gublic hnaring at thc Civic Center in the City ot Ana}-eim on Ju1y 2, :i990 at 1:3~ p.m. , noi:ice '~ ~f. saicl pubiic hearing haUiiig beon duly giveii ss requiresd by 1aw and in accordan~e witki the provisions oP the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear an~ coz~sider cvidenc~~ for ~~rid against said prop~sed con6itional use P~rmit and ~o invesY.igate and ma;ce £indinqs and r.eaommendations in connecti~n l•herewith; and WHEREAS, said Commissicn, after due in~pection, investigati~n and study m~-dK by itsalf and in ir.: behal€, and aft;er due consiclerati.on of all evi.dence and report~ ofEered ~.t said hearing, does find and ~e~ermine the follok ng f:~cts: 1. Th~t the proposed uso is properly one for which a canditional use parmi~ is authorizod by Arianeir~ Municipal Code S~r,tion to l~ermit a 37,20G sq.f.~. expan~ion of Anahei.m Memorial Haspital wiCh waiver of the f.ol.lowinq und~r suthority ~f Code Section ia.06.080: ~E_(.'TIO.IS_ 1$sQ§~Q~Q U211. - Minim~m n~rn~} ~r q~_p~rkinc~_51~ce~. 1,$~~6.Q5~~Q21~2 (2~2~~ required: 1,QQ.~. propnsed) i~o~.~c~.~.zz 1~_L2k~9_`~ • Q 2 6 ~ ~n~l _1$141.~.9~.~19~Q 2. That tY:e requested waiver is heroby grante3 on the basis that ~he parking waiver wi'l1 not causo ~n incr.sase in traf~ic congestion in ths immediate viciriity nox adversely affect any adjoinirag lsnd uses and grantlnn of tlie parkina waiver undor the condations imposed, if ai~y, wi11 not be d~•~rimental to the pezce, hea].th, sarety and general welfare oC ~;ie citizQiis of th~ City af Anaheim. -2•- PC90-16? ~. y~ ~ 4l ;`p ~, ~r '~ y - ~ .:'~ r:' '~~~1 •:~".;r 3. 'Shat the pruposed use. wi11 no* adveroely a££~rct t,h.e a~djoining land uses and the gruwth ancl deve]opment of t.he aroa in which it is proposed to bo located. ~. That L-hQ size and shap~ o£ tho ~il.s ~+ropos~d for the use is ~dUquate to allo~r the tu11 clevelopmont oi the proposed use in a mar-nar no~ detrimentzl to the part: cular ara7 nor to the peac:e, health, safc~~.y ancl general Woliare of the Cit:izcns of the City ot Anaheim. 5. ThaL- the granting of t2ie CondiL-iona]. LTse Parmit under tho condii.ioys imposed, iE any, wi'l1 not be detrimental to th~ peace, health, safetl atid general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 6. Tlzat the traffi.c generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden uporl the ~treQt~ an6 highways designed and improveci to carry the trter.tic in ~he area. 7. That one per.son indicated her presence at said public hearing in op~ositiun; and that one phone call was received in opposition to khe s~xbject petition. ~ALI~RN]iA ENVIRONMENTAL_QUI~L,I'rY A T ,FINDING: That tihe A.iaheim City Plaz~rxing Commissior. has reviewed t:he proposa'1 to permit s 37, 21J0 squar~ f~ot expansion of Ana.hPim Memorial Hcspital with waiver of minimum numi~er of parking spaces on an irr,egularly-shaped paz~cel of land ~onsisting of approximatRly 1~..0 acr~ss located at I:he nort2iwest corn~r nf La Pa1ma i~.v~nue and West StrP~t, having agproximate Lrontaqes o.f 1,135 feet on the nortl:i side of La Palma AvoniiQ, 405 feet un the wesc side of West Stroet and further describEd as 1111. West I~a Palma Avenue (Anaheim MQmorial Ho,pital); and 3oes here;by approve L•he N~gative Declaration upon fincling that it has consic3ered ttie Negative Declaration togetlzer wiCh any co~nments re~~ivod duri.r.g tihe public reviQw procass and furtlier finding on ~he basis of. thp initial srudy and any comments received that CherQ is no substantial evidence that t:he project wi11 have a si.gnificant effQCt on thQ envisonment. :IoW, THGRSFOKE, ~iE :iT 1~GSOI:VED t;hat the Analieim Ci.~y P.lanning Commission doES hereby grant subject Peti~icn for Conditional Use Permit, upon the followi,ng c~riditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subjQCt propertx in order to presorve the safc~ty and general welfare of tlie Citzzen;~ uf the City of Anaheim: 1. * That pri.or to issuanco of a building permit, the appropriate traffic signal ass~ssment foe shall k,e paid to the City of Aii~.heirn in an arnount as establ.isk~ed by City Council re;,o'i ~,tion. 2. +~ Tha~ plaas shall be submi.tt~d to the ~~ T.ra£fic Eng.ineer for his revieo~ and appioval :,howing canf.ormance wir.:. the lutest revi5ians of Engiiiearing Standard Plan Nos. 436, 602 and o~; pertaininq to parkinq standards. Subject pruperCy ~ha:l1 thQreupon be devc~].oped and maintainea in conformanre wi~h said rlun;,. _3_ PC9G-167 Qi.,. 3• That the drivewfly on La Pal;~i~x Avenue opposite I~aguna 5~reet sh~l~. be construc~~d with ~wenCy fivo (25) f:oot radius ~urb rehurns as re~uired by the City Eng.inere~r in conformar.r.e with Engineering St~nc3ards. 4. That a].~ oth~r •lrive~vays on La l~alma 1~venue (oxcept opposite Laguna St:rQet; and West Stx•ec~~ sha11 be constructed with fifteon (15) foot r~dius curb rQtu.rns ~s required by the City E;nyinaer ~n conformance ~vith F,'nyinec~ring Standards. 5• * 7.'hat stxoet liqht.ir,q facilities along La Palma Avenue shull be insta.llQd as requ.ired by thA Utili~ies General Manager in acc:orda.nce with speciiications ~n file in the Office oE the Utilities Gorieral Managar; or that security in t.he form of a boncl, cert=ficate of doposit, letY.er af credit, or c~ssh, in 1n amoun~ anr~ form satisfactory to ~he City of Anaheim, Shal? be posted with ths City to guaranteQ the satisfactory complQtion of t:h~ ~~ove-menti.uned improvements. Said secuxity shall ba pasr.ed with tbe C,ity of Anatieim prioL• to i;;suanc~ o.E a build.ing permit. The above-req"9.red imgr.,vements sl~all be installecl przor to occupancy, 6• ~':'hat subject ~roposal aut•~lorizea by this resolut.ioxi shall ba served by undergroi~.nd utilities, 7. That the legal owner/devHloper ~E siibj~cl property shall pay relocation feas for thc~ 12KV underground electrical servic~ cro„^,ing under the propos~d building, as requi.rec] b~ the Electrical Engineering Aiv.isiori, N• jha~ the water backtlow equipment and any other large water systQm equipment sYiall b~ installed in Qit;her; (a) undergruuncl vt~ul~s or (b) behincl the str.eet setback in a manner fully screenetl from all public streets and alleys, to h_he satisfar_~ion of t2ie Water Enginoering Division. 9• *~'h~~ trash stoc age arQ;ss shall be provideil dr.d mainL•ained in a locatipn accept4b].o to the 5trert Idaintenanc~ ar.d Sar~itatinn Division and in accordance with approved plans on file with said division. Such ixifqrmation sha11 be specitiezlJ.y shnwn on the plans submitteii tor bui.lding permi~s. 10. * That a si.x ((i) foot high masonr.y block ioa:ll shall be consr.,ructed and maintainea alung all interior. propert~ lines except hhe front satbZCks wherq the wall hei~~hts shall not ~xceed thrQe (3) feet. 11. Thet: any p,~oposed parking a.rea lighting Eixtures located adjacent ~o any residential prouerty shall be down-lighted with a maximum hQiqlit of L•welve flZ) £eet. 5aid lighting fixtuz~es shall be dir~ected aaay from adjacent res.idential ~ir~perty lines ko px•utect the residentia.l integrity ot the area ~and shall 'Ag shown on the plar:s submitt~?d. f'pr build.ing permits. -4- PC90-167 `t .,' 1 r .:,~,~~ 12. * That tha pr~posal shall cUmply with al'1 signirig rc~quire~ments of the CL "Commercial, Limited" Zun~, unless a varianco allowing s:i,gn wazvers is approvod by l:he City Council, Planiiing Conunission or Zoning Administrator. 13. Tlaat t~ny oxi.stir.g ar j~ro~~o~ed monument-type siqns sh~ll bc~ subjec.t to the retriaw and approva.l of the City TrafEic EnginaQr to detc~rmine adequ~+tc vahicular and pedestr.ian lines-of-sight. 14. ThaL• subject property shall be 8aveloped substantially i.n aecordance w5.th p]: is and specificutions submitted ta khe Ciky of Anaheim by th~ petit~ r anr~ which plazis are on file with the Planning Departmant marked Lrihibit Nos. 1 thr~ugh 7. 15. That prior to issuan~e oE a bu.ilding permit ~~r within a periad c~f one (1) year from tha d~tc~ oF this resolutiun, whichevar occurs first, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 5, '~, 9, and 11, above-menta.oned, sha11 be compliod with. ~xtensi~~ns ~or further time to compla~.e said conditic~:~s may be granted in accordance wil:h Seclion of the Analioim Nitin.icipal Code. 16. That priar to fiiial buiading and zoning irispections, Cariditioii Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and '1~1, above-menl-ioned, shall be complied with. 7.7. +* That appxoval o£ this application constituties approva]. of tho proposed xQquest only ~to the extent that it complies wirh tho Anahei.m Munic:ipal Z,oning Code and any other applicable CiL•y, Sta~te and k'uderal regulations. Appruval does not izicluclo any ~ction r~r £indings as to compliance or approval of the request reqar.da.uc~ any othe.r app)icable ordinance, r~gularion or requirement. Conditions marked with an asrerisk (*) are required by escaL.lished laws, co3es, rc~gula+~ioxis and agreemenrs and arQ, t;herefore, not subject t.o r~egotistion. BE I7' FUI.TI~ER RESOLVED tha~ the Anah~im City Planninq Commission does hereby fin~ and detgrmine tlia~ adap~ion of this Resolution. is expressly predicatQd u},on appli.canC' S COITI~IlitI1CQ with each and all of th~ ~or~ditxons 2ierQinabovP sc~t f~rth. Should any such ~ondifi~ns, or any part thereof, be declared ixival.id pr iinenforceable by the final judgmont oE any cuurt o.t competont jurisdS.ction, then t:~is Resolutian, and anv appiovals hcrein contained, sha11 be det~med nu11 and void. ~~'~ -~- PC90-167 t~; , . '~:~ , ;~ . ,:~.;% r, : ~;~~~,~; : . . rt; 3i `' ~Ck, '~.~~ t f~ h ~JE~~ ~'E?E FARGGOTNG R1~:SOLi7TTON was adopted ~t the Planninc~ Commission -neRting ~f July 2, 1990. : /lf!',~~1;~;,~ ~1 %r:~ ~t ,-(~~.-~~L..~t ~ HAIR OMF.N, ANAHEIM C].~LANNTNG COMMISSION AT 'ESTj ~ ' ' n -~ ___ - ~'~~ ~ -~_ __ SLCF2ETARY; AIvTAHEIbf t;TTY FLANNING COMMISS~ON STATE OF C~I~tFORNTA ) COUNTX OF ORANGE ) ss. CI:TY OF ANAHEZM ) I, Edith L. Harris, :,ocr9tary of thQ Anah~im CiL-y Planning Commission, do Yaeraby cartiEg thaC the f~regoinq resolution w;:~s passod ar~d ar]opted at a meeti.i~g of the Anaheim CiLy Planning Cc~mmission hald ~n Ju~y 2, 1990, by the tollowin~ voL-e oF the membors therenf: AXES: CQMMTSSIONERS: BOYllSTUN, Fc,LDHAUu, TiLLLY'ER, MC HURNE'Y, ME;SSE NOES: COMMISSIONE;RS: NONE A.BSENTt COIr4+tIS~SI0N5RS: HERBST ABSTAINGD COMMI;~SIONLRS: BOU1tS IN wITNESS WHEREI~F, I iiave hereunL-o sei: my hand ~his ~~ daY o~ ~. . 1990. ~ ~ - lr,~ ~Vl.t-,/' --- ~' ~~--~.-~ ~" a ~ __. SECR~TA Y, ANT,HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS5IOT1 -6- Pf:90-1ti7 ~, s