Resolution-PC 90-169,~ Ri:.~.Q~~~4_NSi.9_~_?~(?.-3.6 Q ~ A RCSpLUTIQN OF THE A1IAHEIM CTTY PLANNING COMMI5SION :['HAT PETITION FOR CUNDI'~TONAL USF P~FMTT N0. 3290 BE GRANTED WIiEREAS, tne ~n~heim City Planning Comm.ission did roaeive a vorified Petition for Conditiorial Use Pormzt; tor certain real property s.itut-tod in the City of Aal~s2-Qim, County of Orange, Statc~ of Ca1iL•arnia, d~scribed ast TFIAT PORTIGi3 OF' SFCTlON 13, TOWNSEITP 4 SOUTFI, R11NGE ll WES~, IN 'fHE RANCHO I~OS COYOT~S, AS S.4ID S~;CTION IS SHQWN ON 31 MAP RECORDEll IN SOOR 51, YAGE 11, OF MIS(:ELLANEOUS MAPS, RECO~iDS OF S1+,iD ORANGE CQUNTY, BESCRIDED AS FOLI.OWS: TH~ EAST A ACb:c^,5 O1 THE NORTH 10 ACRES OF THE EAST :t3 ACItES OF TT3E NORTH 18 ACRGS O£ THE EAST 30 ACRES OF TFIE NdRTFiEAST Q1IARTER OF TH~ NORTHWGST QUARTER OF SATD SEC:fiUN 1~. EXC?PTTr]G TH~RGI'ROM THG S~UTH 296 rEET TH~REOk'. ALS~ EXCE?TING 1'HERL'FROM THE N~JRTH 191 FEE:T UF THE EAS'r 170 FFET TH~REOF. AI,~, THAT PORTION UF '~HE NORTH:.'AST QUARTER QI' TH~ NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 13, TOWNSfIIY 4 SOUTH, RANGE 11 WEST, AS SAID SI:CTTON I5 SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED TN BDOK 51, PAGS 11 QF MISCELLANEOUS MAF'S, FECORDS OF SAID OTtaPiGk; COUNTY, DESCClIBFD A~ FOLLOWS: CObII~ENCTNG AT A POINT ITi TH~; NOI29'H LINE OF TFiE NORTHWEST QilARTER QE' SAID SECTI~N ].3, DISTANT THEREQN SOUTH 69° 41' 15" WEST 291.16 FEST FRQhf TFJE NORTHEAST CORNER GF SAID NURTHWE~T QIJI~(2T~R, AND RIJtINI1TG THENCE 50U:H 00° 12' 2U" EAST PARALI,EL~ WITH THE EAST LINE OF TH~ 1~AS1D DESCRIf3ED Oti PAGE; 2 OF T;:iAT CER'rAIN D£CREE, A CFRTIF IET) CCPY OF WHICH WA5 RECORDED f~C'TOBER 1!i, 1963, II~T BOUK 6762, PAGF 63, UF:ICIAL RF,CORDS, 5AID LAND IS SfI0WI1 ON A MAP R~COkDEb :N BOQK 74, PAGG 5, RECORA OF SJRVEYS, ItJ THE OE'F'ICE OF THE COUNTF RECORDER OF aAID ORANGE COUNTY~ 66.00 FBET TO THE SOUTH I,INE OF THE NORTH 66 FGET QF SAIA NORTHWEST Q7.JAFTER AND THE TRUE POINT OF sEGZxr~7crG OF TFiE BOUNDI!.RY OF TH~: LAND DESCRIliED HEREIN, THENCE CAN~TNUING ~~UTFi 0° 12' 20" EAST, ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, 236.55 FEET; THENCF, NORTFf 89° 41' ].~" EI~ST PARALI.EI. WITFi THE NORTE3 ~.INE OF SAID NORTHFIEST 4UARTER, 89.50 FEf:T; THENCE l~ORTF{ 0° 1'l' 20" WEST PARALLEL WITH THE ~AST :,tNE OE TFiE LAtdD DESCRIB~D TN SAIA DF.CREC, 7.36.55 F'E:GT TQ TfiE SOUTFI GINE U: THE NpRTIi 66 FEET pF SAYU NORTHWEST QUAR'IER: THENCE SUUTH 89° 41' 15" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTEi LINE 89.50 FEET TO THG TRUB POINT AF BEGI?7NIitG. 2520r -1- PC90-169 !~N ~ WHCRLAS, the Cit•y Planii;n; Comm3ssior. did hold a public hoaring at the Civic Cex~ter in th~ C3t; ot Ax~a2ioim on Ju1y 2, 1990 aL 1:3~ p.m., not3ce of: said public hearinc~ havinR b~erz duly given as requ,;.rocl by 1aw and in accordance with the provi5ions oP L•he Anaheim Mun:icfpal Coda, ChaptEr 18.03, L-o he~r and 4ansid~r Qvidenc~ i•or and against Said propospd condiCional use pe.mit and to .LY~ves~igate ar~d make findinqs an~ recomrnendations in cunnQCtion thc~rc~with; and WH~RE;AS~ sa3d Commission, after clue inspec~ion, 3.nvostigatian and study rnad~ by itself and in its behalf, mnd af~er ilue consideration of a11 ~vidon~o a•nd reporL•s offereci ah said hearing, does fand 1nd c~c~termine the following facCs: I. 'ThaL• th~ proposed u,e is pr.opc~rly one for which a condiLional usa permiL is aut•horizod by Anaheim Municipal Code Scction 18.49.U5Q.135 to construct a 10,625 sq.ft. commarria.l retai3 cenker :tncludiny :1,5g4 sq,ft, o~ fast; iood aroa with waivex• of the follow~ng; .~~~.~FSLN_~.~$.05.U43.02~1 .. ir.im~z.I-~...Sl~"~n~ rw_9.~.~x~~Y~n id na ,Q,~~,~TiE. ~n$..~$~44_,_,~3~'i7 ~QQ_f~,~~ r~quirRd; ~~9 f~et proposed) 2. That the requested waiver i.s h~reby gr.~anted on the basis thak the request is miiiimal and thaf: thero aro sper.ial c3.rcumsl:ances applicablQ ta tl~e properl,y such as size, shapo, topography, 1oc~t3.•~n and surround9nr,s which c~o not apply to othQr i.denl:icalJ.y zoned praperty in the samo vic.inity; and thzt. strict application of the 2ori.ing Code deprives tlie proparCy pf' pr.ivileges c~njoyed by other properties in the identiczl zone and c1a:;sificatir~n in tre vxc.inxty. a. That t:he pr~p~sed usQ will noC ac:versely aFF~+ct the adjoining land usos and th~ growth and dQVUlopm~nt uf. t}~e ~roa in which .it is prorosed to be locatad. 4. Tbat k2ie ;;ize and shape of Y.he sitQ pruposod f,~r thc~ us~ is acicquate ~o ullo~,~ the f.ul1 devQlopment oE thNl propo~ed usa in z manner not rletrimental to tt~e ~,articular area nor Co the peace, he~lth, safety and geueral welfar3 oE Y.he Citizens of the Cxty ot Anaha~m. 5. That the granting co~idit;ic;ns imposed if i oP tYle Conditi.ono? L'so Permit under the , any, w ll sa}'ety anZ general welfar~ af the r:ot be (~itize2ls c:Qtrimental f h i Ca the peac3, health, o t e C ty of An~hci.m. 6. Tt-at; the ~raffic gonorated by t:he propose~d usQ wi.ll no;. fmpose an unduo burden upon ttia nr,raets and highways desz~ned anA. improvod to car. ry ~ho traf.fic in the area. 7. That no one inclicated their presence at said pt;b7 ic hear3:ng in opposikioz:; anc? th~at no eorrQSpvr,clence was reeoi•~ecl in oppositinn to th~ subjact pr~t.ition. ~ ~ ~;~~~t~~ , ~:~ "`` PC9C-169 ~~~ ~y~ ~~~~~ A IFOR~lI~_ENV~~Q~I~F~N~~~ QLiALITI' A~~_, F~,~JDi,~T ,s That the Anaheim City Planninc~ CorNnission htas raviewod i-he pro,posal ta cnnstruct tt 10,625-squar.e f~ot, cammercial retail cent~i i.ncluding 1594 squaz~e ~c~~at af fa~t f.ood arda wikh waivt~r minimum distance between f.r~aestarAding s3gn5 on an :i.rregul~rly-shapod pareel oE l~nd consi~ting Qf approximately p,97 mcre locaL-~d wea~ and south of the southwest cornar of Lincoln Avanua and Dale Avenue, having approx~mat4 frontages of 'L21 ,~oet an the south side af Lincoln ~ Avenue and 117. feet on thc~ west side o~' Dale AvQnu~ and furthor descxi.bed ao " 280~•-2$16 West Lincoln Avenue; and doas hereby ~pprove t:sa Neg~ative '' Declaration upon ~inding ~hat it h~s considered thQ Nega~ivo Daclara~ion L•agethQr with any comments rQCeived c~uring ~he puY,lic review process and fur..`.her Finding ori ~he basi.s ~f tro initial stud,y and any commenL•s recQived that thero is n~ substantial evicienr.e that tkle projecC wi11 h~~re a sigz~ifir.ant efEect on the environmerit. NOW, THEREFOR~, B~; IT RESOLVE:U th~at the Anahaim City Planning Commission d~~s her~by grant subject Pati~ion for Canditional Use Perm~t, upan the fallowing cend.itions which arc~ 2iereby found to be a nocessary prerHquisite to the proposed uso of' the stxbject proP~z•ty in order to pr.eserve thQ safety and general welt-ars of the Citiaens of. the Cit~~ of Anahezrri: 1. * That prior ro iss~.!ance oP a k~uilding per-nit, thr~ app:o~r~ate traffic signal ass~ssment feh sha11 be paid to tkie City oL• Ar~aheim in an amount as establistied by City Counc.il rt~solutiorx. 2. * That pians sha11 be submitted t:o the City Traffic Engineer for his reviaw and ap~r•oval srawing canfarmance witn tkie lates~: revisions of En.gineor.ing Standard Plan Nos. 43o ancl 602 pc3rtaining to parking standards. Sixbject prop~rty sha17. L-hereupon be developed and maintained in c.onformanca wzth s~icl pJ.an,. 3. That all driveways on Lincaln Avenue ancl Aale A.venue shall b~ conslxurted with fi.ftoen (15) foot radius curb returns a~ reqiiirott by tho City Engineer in coriform~nce with F:ngineer.ing Standrirds. 4. That landscape plantors noar tYie ontra:icos oE both clriveways shr~11 be remo~~ed and/ar modifi~,d tiu provide adequatF, ingre~s/egre~s to the site. 5. +~ That a fes for stroet lighting gurposes alony T.incoln AvQnue s:~all bo pa.id to the City af Ana'n~im based on t}ie ler.gth of street fruntage in an amuunL• as osL•abl.ished by Cit~ Cour~cil x•esolution. 6. *'i't~at s~reer li~hting facili.ties along Da7.e Avenuo shall be i.nstalled ns requ:rod by LhQ Utilities Gaz~oral bianager in accordance r~~ith specific.~tions en file in r,he Office of the Utilitias General Managert or that security in tY,e form of a band, certific~to oE deposit, Zetter o: r.res3it, or cash, in an amount and form saris~~ctory to khe City of Anahc~im, shall be posr.ed wiLh t2ie Ciky to guaran~ee t:he sa~isfactory completion of the above-mantioned improvemants. Said security sha~l be postod with the City ~f AiiahQirn prior to issuance oi a bui :uing permit. The above-rPqu3rad improvNments 3hall be installPd prior ~o occupancy. -3•- PC90-169 (ts~+4iiy p~fi,y';~ ,1 7. '~+ ThaL- sub~c~ct pi•uposal authorized by rhis r~~~lutzon sha11 be served by ; undc~rgrAUnd ut:ilitiss. i{. Th~,t a~riv~te water sysi:em wir,h separai:o wat.or servicos for firo orc~i;ection and domc~s~ic water sli~1J. be pr.ovidecl. 9. That tho water b~ckElow equapment and ~ny o~her larg~ water. systam , ec~ui.pmont shall be installed in eithQrt (a) underground vaults or (b) b~hind the street sotback in a manner Eully~ ;creened ~rom all publi,a stree~s and alleys, to the ~atisfaction o.E the W'ater Engineerin.~ Division. 10. * That prior to commaiic~ment of stz•uctui•a~ framing, f~re riydrants stiall k~e instalJ.ec3 and cha:ged as required and appz•oved by the Firo Dogartment. 1.1. +~ That f.irE sprinkless sha11 bo installer~ as required by the Fire De~artm~ni:. 12. * That rrash storago areas sha11 be provided and maintained 3n a l~catioa7 acceptzble to tY,e Street I~fa.intenance and 5anitation Divi~i~ri and in acco~dance with ;ippz~oved plans on file witih said division. Such information shall be specifically shown on tho pl~ns submittecl for buildinc~ permits. 13. That plans £or tY:~ coll~ct•ion o£ so].id waste sh~ll be sub:nitted to and approved by the tdainten~nca Departrner~t. 14. 'rhaL- axl air conciiLioning Eacilities and o~her r<~of and ground mounteci equipmen~. shall i~e properly shielded from vi.ew. Such informakion shall be~ specifically shown ~~n the plana submitted for builciing permits. 15. ~ That a s5.7c (6) foot high masonry bleck wa11 shall be cor.strucLed and maintaine3 along ttie west aucl soutti properCy lines, except the front setbacks where tlie wall heightu shal.l nat excoed throe (3) feeL. 16. Th~t any propos~sci parking area ligh~ang tixr.ures located 3djacsnt ta rany ;esid~ntial property ~ha11 be down•-:lighted with a maximum heiyht of l•.welve {12) £QOt. Sai3 ligYiting fixtures sha.ll bo directed away from adjacent xosidential pr.operty lines to prutect the residantial intogrity of. the area and shall be .in~icatecl r~n the plans siibmitt~ed f~r building peimiCs. 17. * Thnt the proposa]. sha].1 comply with all signing rr.quiromenCa of the CL "CommQrciaJ., I~imited" Zc~ne, unless a vai•iance allowing sign w4ivers is approved by tha City Courlcil, Planning Conunisszon or 2oning Aclmini~trator. 14. That minimum fifteen (15) gallon tre~s, planted on rnaximum twenty (20) fo~r, canters with appr~priate irrigation Eacilities, shall be installed and maintained alony Che s~uth and wr,st prop~zty liiies. ,1ry`! I '4` PC90-1G9 . .. . , . ~. ~ , ~ .. , ~. . . ~ ~, r , i i ':y xi V~r~~i.,~q . ~ (;, ;i', ' i~ 19. * T2i~t thc~ on-sitQ landsca~ing ttnd irrigation syst9m sha1J. be mazntaimsd in comk~liance with City stand~rc]s. ~ 20. Tr~,t thc~ ownor of subject proper.ry sha11 sub:n3.h a letter requasting ~ termination of Conditional Uso PQrmit N~,. 849 (to permit a walk-u,p ras~aurant wi.tYi ~aaivers ), lOQ1 ( to permit ozx-sale ~ iquor in an existzny restaurant), 1433 (to permit on-sale liquor not tnteqrated with a reataurt~nt) and 3023 (to construct a commercial rctail center w~th aato ~ervice} to thQ ~Loni.ng Division. ~ 21. Tlzat subject property sh~].'1 be de~reloped suusranti~lly .i:i accordance wxth p:lana and spoc5.f.ic~tions submitted t~ the City oF Anaheim by the pPtitioner and r~hic.h plans are ~n file with tYiQ Planning Departreent marked Exhibit Nos. I t~,rough 4. 22. lhat prior to issuancQ of a building permit or within a period af one (1) year from 'che date of L•his reso].ution, whichever occurs f.irst, Condition Nos. 1, 3, 5, 6, 17., 13, 14, 16 and i0, above-mentioned, sha11 be complied witk~, Extcez~sions for £urther time to complete said conditions may be grantpd in accordanco with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim t~turxicipal Cude. 23. That pxior to firial builclina and aoziing ins~,ections, Condition Nos. 3, 4, 6 through :11, 14, 15, 18 ar.d 21, above-menti.onoci, sha11 be eo~npliec] with. 24. ~ ThaL• allp.rova7. oE this application coxistitutQS appraval of the proposed request onlx to the extent that i.t complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any ~tYiQr applY.cable CiCy, State and Federal requlations. Approval does not, include any action or findings as tc+ compliaricQ or approvai of L-he r.~quest regarding any othar applicable ordinaiic2, reyulation or r~quirem~;nt. Conditinz;s marka~'. with an ast~:risk (*) aro reguired by establishad laws, eodes,• rogul~tions and agreements and aro, therefore, noL- subject to negotiation. F!E TT FO'kZ'H~E2 RESOLVEp thar tne Anaheim City P1ann1n~1 Con~mission does hereby f.ind arira determine ~hat adoption of t2izs Resolution is exprassly preclicaL-e~ upon applicazi~'s r.o;,~pliance wi.th each and all of the c~~nii.itions hereinabove set for~h, Should any ~uch conditions, or any part ~hert~of., be ileclarad invalid or iinenforceable bl the tina? judgment of any court of compeY.ant j~.~risc~3.ction, therl this ResoluCion, and any appravnl, t-.e:•Qin contained, shall l~o deemed nu11 and vo.id. -5- PC50-169 ,M^~ NyM, THE FORT' ItESQLUTTON was adopted at the P'lanning o~ ~7uly z, 1Q ~; ~ ,, ~~~. ~! ,-,,, / ,n ..,~ .. -'~ l ~c.. :,C~:~f ~' ~°-' ~..~~,::~'~_.. CHATfiWOMAN, b.NAFiEIM i:TSY ,ATTGST: / r ~~~~~~ y SECFET ., ANAI~iLIM GITY PC~ANNTNG COMtdISSION ~ .. . . .. ~ ,.. , I rillt~f:~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . ~~.~:1:~, ~; :'( Commission meet3ng ~ ~ ~ ,~t;l~ c.'...,,r_i' r LANNING COMMISS7~N ST1~T~ OF 1:AGIFORNIp ) COUI~TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AtlAHEIM j I, Edith L. H~rris, Secret3ry af 1:bn An3heim CiYy Planning Commis~i.on, do hereby certif.y that the toregoing resoluti;~n was passRd arad aclopted at a meoting af the Anallaim City Planriinq C:ommis:~ion t~ald on July 2, 1990, by the ~,,` L•ollowinc~ vote of Lhe mombez~ thereaE: ''~; AXES: COt~4rfISSIONSR~: 30YnSTUN, IIOiJAS, FELDHAUS, HELLYE~t, MC Fil'1RNE5:, MES~B I~TOE:',a: COt+SMiSS70NER5: Nfl~iE ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS: H~RBST N WITNE;S WHrRLOF, 'C havp hererinto set mY hand this ~~ ~ day ' Uf ,r 1940. : ~ ~ - ~ ~ _~ ~.___.~_~~~,..~ S~CRET RY, ANAHEIM CTTY PLAivN?NG COh4rSISSI011 , ~~ ._6_ PC90-I69 ~~