716 ORDINANCE NO. 718 AN ORDINACE OF THE CITY OF: A.~AHEIM AlIENDING SECTION I 30 OF ORDINA.NCE NO. 487 1" THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE I CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN I' tions to any and all persons violR.t- AS FOLLOWS: Ing any of the provisions ot this Section 1. I section to appear in the City Court That Section 30 ot Ordinance No.: of the City ot Anaheim at a i.:ime 487 ot the City of Anaheim. entitled I fixed in said citation, not Jesl=! tha:" IIAn Ordinance of the City of 4~na- five days from the date of givln~ of heim Regulating the Travel a.nd Use I ~aid citation unless a shorter p~rlod of PQbUc Street; EstabUshlng a r of Ume is requested by the perRon Business District and Providing n 1 to whom ~he citation is J;'ivPll, and Penalty for the Breach of any of i such cita~lon shall.be dpem:3.c1 to be ,the Rules and Regulations of this \ 8. complaInt chargIng vioJlJ.tiomr of II Ordinan-ce". adopted Aurll 8, 1928, be this Ordinance. aDd the same is hereby am'ended to (i) AU. Police Officers of the f :itv read as follows: of Anahelm shall be and thf"V ..~ Section SO. hereby authorized and emp",",.p~'~d I (a) It shall be unlawful betwf.en to rem~ve or cause to be removed the hours of 3 o'clock A. M. and 6 all vehIcles parked, caused to b" o'clock A. M. of any day to park or parked, or left parked upon any lea.ve any parked vehicle upon any street or public parking Jot or art:!"'- I of the' following streetll or places: contrary to the provision~ of thh" I 1. That portion of Center Ordinance, or illeg-ally parked A.Ild Street between Helena Street to store said vehicle, and the owner and Olive Street. ~r operator of said vehkle sha.1l be 2.' That portion of Los Ange- lIable for the reasonable tOwing les Street between Broad way and. storage charr,-es. . and .cypress Street. (J) Any person violatin~ a.ny of 3.. Upon any public parlcfng the ,provisions of this Section Rhall Jot or area owned or maintained I be punished as provided in Section by the City of Anaheim. 'I 33 of Ordinance No. 487. (b) It shall be unlawful to IJark Section 2: . or leave narked any vehicl~ upon, ~he Citv Clerk or the City of Ana- any portion of the public pfll'king: hheflm sh8;ll cer:tify to the passag'3 or lot or area owned or mainta.ined b)' I t s OrdInance and the same to be the ~tty of Anaheim except between published once in the Anaheim Bul. the side-lines designating pH.rkin~ I ~etin, a new~paper of genera.l ch'cu- spac.es for vehides. I atloll;. published and circulateli in (c It shall be unlawtul to pa.rle I the CIty of Anaheim, California. and or leave parked any truck up.")n any ~hal~ take effect thirty da.ys after I public parking lot or area owned Its fmal passage. or maintained by the City ot Ana- i The foregoing Ordinance wn.s heirn. ' I! gned and a.p:proved by me this 22 (d) It shall be unlawful to park I day of July, 1947. or . leave parked any vehir'Je on l CHAS. A. PEARSON Chestnut Street between Ohio and i I CH Mayor of the City ot Anaheim Citron Street in the City of Ana- . ARLES E. GRIFFITH heim at any time. 1 CIty Clerk. City of Anaheim (e) It shall be unlawful to park (SEAL) or leav~ p'arked any truck or trailer ~TATE OF CALIFORNIA) or combination truck and trlliler on I' CIOTUNTY OF ORANGE )88. any street for more than two 8UC-,' Y OF ANAHEIM: ) cess.lve nights. This subsection shall .1, CHARLES E. GRIFlt'ITH. City apply to all streets and' areas other' r Clerk ot the City of Anaheim, do than 'thoBe designated in paragraph' hereby certify that the foregoing (a) hereof. Moreo.ver, this sUbsec-1 Ordinance was Introduced at a reg- ti~m shall.not be construed to mean ular meeting of the City Counell ot that. & vebicle may be parked or the City of Anaheim, held on the 8th left parked in violatioll of .8ubsec-I' day of July. 1947. and tb,t tho same tion 'fa) hereof. . . was pas~ed and adoPt~'ed , a regu- (t) It shall be unlawful for any tar meeting held on the . day ot person to. park or leave parked an}r I July, 1947, by the foIl ..,' 'vote ot vehicle in any loading zone except the members thereof: . . -' for !.he exclusive purpose of' loading . AYES: COUNCILMJN: 'K" Pearson, or unloading passengoJ1!l or material . Boney, Hey!ng a.ad 'Pace. - . to or from the place of buslnellJ~ fur I NOES: CO~C~H~'No'.1e. which said loading' zone has been I' WABSENT. COUNe~N: V & It esta.bUlIhed a.nd for the 'Period of a goner. ., ~'. .' time as provided in Section 38 of thAND I FURTH.. CERTIFY that Ordinance' 487.' I e Mayor of th"~lty of AnAheim (g) It shall be unlawful for any ~ approved and slgifeW'''sald OrdinanlC~ :person to park. or cause to be p:uk- il on tlie .22nd day of ..July, 1947. ed, or leave parked any vehicle upon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have any private property or private I hereunto Eet my hand and artixed :parkln'g lot or space without the I !he seal of said City of Anaheim this consent of the owner thereof. or it I ~2nd day of July, 1947. such private property or privatI! . ar- (SEAL CHARLES E. GRIFFITH ea or I!!P8:-.ce is leased or rente.I, ) b ...~ 1948 without the consent of the tenant I ~b' Clerk ot the City pi Anaheim IAIl ~'t"~. . ..;.1. . . thereo,f. . July 25, 1947. t"'J r:Orn,"'~'1VI" ~" I (h)' All Police Officers of the ,I . ., . City of. Anaheim Khall be and they! , are hereby authorized to give cita- ' II AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION HTATE OF CALIF'ORNIA ) )ss. ) Richard Flscl11e ... - .. - - - - - -. ....-. - -.... --.. .............. ............. ............... ....... .........-.. -.... ...................-....................-....... County of Ol':mge ot' ~ai~ .count).., lwing- first duly sworn, says-that he is a malp CitIzen of the United States, and of the State of Call. tOl'nia. over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- tl'1'\-'st in. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned' that. .he is the · ~.~.~.~.~.!JP.~~..h g.!.~.t.~m... _ ...........................................n ot the A n.at~ e.1. ffi.... ;3.u.l.l.e..t.ln... __... ......... n....... ..........._ ......n ................ a. da.11.y._....... newspaper pri nted. published and circulated in the saId County of Ol'ange that said A OJ.\ 11. e .lm. .. .13.u ll.e..t.in.... _.......... ....... ..u _..... ..................._...._..... i8 a newspaper of general cir culation with a list ot paid subflcribers. and is published for the dissemination of botb local and ~eneral news and intelligence of a general char- acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a part1 cular class, profession, trade, calling', race or df'inomlnation, or of any number thereof; that it ha~ been printed and published in the City of Ana. heim. County of Or.anJ?:e, State of California for more than onp ypal' next prp.ceding the first day of the publtcatlon hereto attached; that the Q_~ 4:t.n .~n.~~.... ~ ~_Q.-.... ..11.6............ m .... n_ ..... ......n........................ of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published In sa id newspaper at least.........m..~~_~.....~.~~.~.~........................... commencing on then..?5.~11..day of mJJA~~............_............. 4- 1!\ ~.._{ and ending on them...nu......day of ....._.........._._.._..._._ 19 .m., and that s,aid ...._.....~~_9._r,_~.g.~_..u.._.................................. was published on the following days: July 25, 1941 .... ...... -. ... -.. -.. ... .........-........................ .- --...... ...-.......... .... ..... .... .............................................. . -. ~;~~~-~.~.....~.:~.:...:'~ n...~J/'...Z7::.. ;...21.)...~.:.u..........-. _..--:.~?~....,~:~~............... ~/ ..s , ..dJ Subscribed and sworn to before me thi0.. ..~.day of .........__......_..._..:::::~~~~~: . LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 115 18 17 18 . 19 20 21 22 23 24 215 28 .. - ".. -. .... ," ...... . . 1 2 3 ORDUdOE HO .~. All ORD JANOI or ami 01 1fT or UAHJ:IM AKlIDIBG:$!CfIOI "30 or ORDIIABOI _0.'87 4 15 ! THE OITY ooutOIL OF THE OITY or AlABEIK DOES ORDAIHAS I FOLLOWS: j 1 1 i Seotion 1. : I Thatlaectionao of Ordinance Bo. 487 of the Oity of Anaheim, en U tled, · An Ordinance ot the OUy of Anaheim . Regulating the T~+"l and Use of Public Streets; Establishing a Business Di8tr1tt and Provid1ng a Penalty for the Breach of any of the Rules ,nd Regulations of this Ordinance., adopted 8 ; April 8, 1925, beland the .&me 1s hereby amended to 'read as follows: j Sect1oDIZO. ! I (a) It .hall be unlawful between the hoUl's of 3 0'C10Ck!A. K. and 6 o'clock A. K. of any day to park or leave par~ed any vehicle upon any of the following streets or places: J 1. Tha, portion of Center Street bet..en Hel~na Street and Olive Street. i 2. !ha' po~t1on of Los Angeles Street between BrO~Way and Oypres. Street. ! 3. UPo~ any public parking lot or area owned or i ma1~tained by the Oity of Anaheim. . (b) It shall be unlawful to park or leave 27 parked any v~h1cle upon any portion of the publio parking 28 lot or area'~wned or maintained by the Oity ot Anaheim 29 exoept betwe~11 the slde-llnes designating parking' spaoes ; 30 for vehlcles~ :51 I (0) It shall be unlawful to park or leave 32 parted any t+aCk upon any 'public parking lot or area owned ...-....-...... - ....., ",L., 1 or mainta1ne4 by the Oity ot Anaheim. a (4) It shall be unlawful to part or leaye 3 parked any v,hlCle on Ohestnut street between Ohio" and 4 Oitron Stree~ 1n the City of Anaheim at any time. e (e) It shall be unlawful to part or leaye 8 parked any t~uok or trailer or combination truok and t%al1er 7 on any .tree; for more than two suocessive .!light.s. !hie 8 subsection s~all apply to all .streets and area8 other than 9 those d.81g~ted in paragraph (a) hereof. Jlo:J8over, this 10 subsection s~ll not be oonstrued to mean that a vehiole 11 may be parke4 or left parked in violation ot 8ubsection (a) 12 hereof. 13 (l) It shall be unlawtul for. any person to 14 park or leav. parked'any vehicle in any loading zone exoept Ie for the exol~8ive purpose of loading or unloading passengers. Ie or material to or from the place of business for which said 17 loading zone ~has been established and tor the period.of time 18 as provide. ~J1 Section 28 of Ordinance 487'. 19 (g) It shall be unlawful for any person to 20 park. or cau_e to be parked, or leave parted anJ .eh1cle 21 upon any prl~.te property or private parking lot or space 22 without the ~on8ent of the owner thereof, or if such pr1vate 23 property or private area or space 1s leased or rented, 24 w1 thout the OODsent of the tenant thereof. 28 (h) All Police Officers of the Oity of Anaheim 26 shall be and:they are hereby authorized' to give oitations to 27 any and all ~er8on8 violating any of the, provisions' of this 28 seotion to a;pear in the 01 ty Oourt of the 01 ty ofAllaheill. at 29 a time f1xed:in said oitation, not le8s than five day. from 30 the date of ~he giving of said citation unless a shorter 31 period of' tl+a 18 requested by the person to whoa suoh 32 01 tatlon 1s "iven, and suoh 01 tat10D shall be deellle.d to be -2- "~.'y ........-.....................~.......................~ .-.. .l!I1.:.o:: ...~A;...." ~...,...,.-~-.:......,.....'tN'-.~-..-.~...............~~~........... .... 10 ,-)0 . 1 a oomplaint ~harging YiolatloDS of this Ordinance. 2 (1) All POllce Offloe~B of the.Oity of 3 Anahelm shal~ be and 'they are hereby authorized and elllpowered 4 to remove OrjC&U88 to be removed all vehicles parked, oaused 5 to be parked~ or left parked upon any street or public 8 parking lot c?r .area oontrary to the provisions of this 7 Ordinance, oi 1llega1ly parked,. aDd to store said vehicle, 8 and the owDe~ or operator of said vehicle shall be liable . 9 for the rea8~nable towing and storage oharges. (j) Any person violating any of tbe provisions 11 of this Sect~on shall be pun~8hed &s provided in Seotion 33 12 of Ordinance !Io. 487. 13 14 Ie 18 17 18. 19 20 21 22 23 24 215 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section 2. The q~t1 Olerk of the 01ty of Anaheim shall oert1fy to the passage of .~tb1s Ordinance and oause the same to be pub- liehed once in th. Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of g4Deral clrc~ latlon, published !and circulated in the City of Anaheim, .Oa11fornl and shall 'ate ef~eot thirty days after its final passage. The .foregoing Or.d1nanoe was 8igned and approved by me this . ~ . day of ,July, 1947. ~_:;.> ~~ City of ~1~ ~-~- . . 1 .... Rt, ty.. beta. 22nd -$- -...of....,........... .'''.---'''.''~t._..._''''~., "....-.. +,.......~ ........... . .................:. -...~_.-.,I.........I.~:........~~.........._.:l'>oo ..;.:._......... .....~.......~~....... _ r 1 2 HATE OF CALIFORNIA i ) aeUBTY OF ORANGE !) 88. 3 OITY OF ABABElK i ) i 4 I, OHARLES I. ~FFITH, City Clerk of the Cit7 of Anaheim, do ! 5 hereby certlty.thatlthe foregoing Ordinance was introduoed at a 6 regular meet~g of ~ City. Counoil of the City ot Anaheim, held '1 OD the gth d8.y of J~7, 1911-7, and that the same was passed and 8 adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 22nd 9 day of July, 1947, by the f'ollow1ng vote of' the members thereof: 10 AYES: COUNCILt4EN: Pearson, Boney. Heying and Paoe. 11 NOES: COUNCILlmN: None. 12 ABSENT: COUNCILflEN: Van Wagoner. 13 AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the May.or of the City o.t Anaheim 14 approved and signed,; said Ordinanoe on the 22nd day of J1I17, 1947. IN WITNESS WH_OF, I have hereunto set 1'Q" hand and affixed 18 the seal of said 01*1 of Anaheim this 22nd day ot Julr, 1947. -A~~ Anabs1m 15 1'1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 . ~..~:t:=.=.~.-...~-~.... ...~....~........................" I!lo.': . ..